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Английский Этимологический словарь - drag


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- 1440, from O.N. draga, or a dial. variant of O.E. dragan "to draw." Meaning "to take a puff" (of a cigarette, etc.) is from 1914. Sense of "annoying, boring person or thing" is 1813; sense of "women's clothing worn by a man" is 19c. theater slang, from the sensation of long skirts trailing on the floor; drag queen is from 1941. Drag racing is from late 18c. slang sense of "wagon, buggy," because a horse would drag it. By the 1850s this was transferred to "street," as in the phrase main drag, which was adopted 1954 by hot rodders for "race on city streets." Dragster is also from 1954. Dragnet is recorded from 1541, originally in fishing. To drag (one's) feet is from logging, from the way to goof off while working a two-man saw.
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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v dragged, dragging 1 »PULL ALONG THE GROUND« to pull someone or something along the ground, often because they are too heavy to carry  (drag sth away/along/through etc)  (Inge managed to drag the table into the kitchen. | Angry protesters were dragged away by police. | drag a leg/foot etc (=let it touch the ground as you move))  (a bird dragging its broken wing) 2 »NOT GENTLY« T always + adv/prep to pull someone or something somewhere in a way that hurts or damages them  (drag sth up/over etc)  (The plants had been dragged out by the roots. | Harvey dragged her over to the window. | drag sb to the ground (=pull someone down to the ground)) 3 drag yourself up/down/into etc informal to move somewhere with difficulty  (Jacob could hardly drag himself up the stairs.) 4 »PERSUADE SB TO COME« T always + adv/prep informal if you drag someone somewhere, you persuade or force them to come when they do not want to  (drag sb along/away etc)  (Try and drag her along to the meeting tonight. | Carla can't drag him away from the football on TV.) 5 drag yourself away (from) to leave someone or something, or stop doing something, although you do not want to  (It's well worth a visit if you can drag yourself away from the pool.) 6 »TIME« if time or an event drags, it seems to go very slowly because nothing interesting is happening  (Friday afternoons always drag.) 7 »TOUCH THE GROUND« if something is dragging along the ground, in the mud etc, part of it is touching the ground, the mud etc as you move + along/in  (Your coat's dragging in the mud.) 8 drag your feet/heels informal to take too much time to do something because you do not want to do it  (The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.) 9 drag sb's name through the mud/mire to tell people about the bad things that someone has done, so that they will have a bad opinion of them 10 drag (along) behind sb to go more slowly than someone so that you are always behind them 11 »COMPUTER« T always + adv/prep to move something on a computer...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (drags, dragging, dragged) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you drag something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty. He got up and dragged his chair towards the table. VERB: V n prep/adv 2. To drag a computer image means to use the mouse to move the position of the image on the screen, or to change its size or shape. (COMPUTING) Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size. VERB: V n 3. If someone drags you somewhere, they pull you there, or force you to go there by physically threatening you. The vigilantes dragged the men out of the vehicles... VERB: V n prep/adv 4. If someone drags you somewhere you do not want to go, they make you go there. When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a devoted father... VERB: V n adv/prep 5. If you say that you drag yourself somewhere, you are emphasizing that you have to make a very great effort to go there. I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly. VERB: V pron-refl adv/prep c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you drag your foot or your leg behind you, you walk with great difficulty because you foot or leg is injured in some way. He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him... VERB: V n prep 7. If the police drag a river or lake, they pull nets or hooks across the bottom of it in order to look for something. Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common. VERB: V n 8. If a period of time or an event drags, it is very boring and seems to last a long time. The minutes dragged past... The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged. VERB: V adv, V 9. If something is a drag on the development or progress of something, it slows it down or makes it more difficult. Spending cuts will put a drag on growth. N-SING: a N on n 10. If you say that something is a drag, you mean that it is unpleasant or very dull. (INFORMAL) N-SING: a N, oft N to-inf c darkgreen]disapproval 11. If you take a drag on a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ge, probably from Middle Low German ~gen grapnel; akin to Old English ~an to draw — more at draw  Date: 14th century  1. something used to ~ with; especially a device for ~ging under water to detect or obtain objects  2. something that is ~ged, pulled, or drawn along or over a surface: as  a. harrow  b. a sledge for conveying heavy bodies  c. conveyance  3.  a. the act or an instance of ~ging or drawing: as  (1) a drawing along or over a surface with effort or pressure  (2) motion effected with slowness or difficulty; also the condition of having or seeming to have such motion  (3) a draw on a pipe, cigarette, or cigar; also a draft of liquid  b. a movement, inclination, or retardation caused by or as if by ~ging  c. slang influence securing special favor ; pull  4.  a. something that retards motion, action, or advancement  b.  (1) the retarding force acting on a body (as an airplane) moving through a fluid (as air) parallel and opposite to the direction of motion  (2) friction between engine parts; also retardation due to friction  c. burden, encumbrance the ~ of population growth on living standards  d. one that is boring or gets in the way of enjoyment thinks studying is a ~ this sickly kid is going to be a social ~ — Edmund Morris  5.  a. an object drawn over the ground to leave a scented trail  b. a clog fastened to a trap to prevent the escape of a trapped animal  6. street, road the main ~  7.  a. costume, outfit in Victorian ~  b. clothing typical of one sex worn by a person of the opposite sex — often used in the phrase in ~  8. ~ race  II. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to draw slowly or heavily ; haul  (2) to cause (as oneself) to move with slowness or difficulty ~ged myself up the stairs  (3) to cause to trail along a surface wandered off ~ging the leash  b.  (1) to bring by or as if by force or compulsion had to ~ her husband to the opera  (2) to extract by or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (dragged, dragging) 1 tr. pull along with effort or difficulty. 2 a tr. allow (one's feet, tail, etc.) to trail along the ground. b intr. trail along the ground. c intr. (of time etc.) go or pass heavily or slowly or tediously. 3 a intr. (usu. foll. by for) use a grapnel or drag (to find a drowned person or lost object). b tr. search the bottom of (a river etc.) with grapnels, nets, or drags. 4 tr. (often foll. by to) colloq. take (a person to a place etc., esp. against his or her will). 5 intr. (foll. by on, at) draw on (a cigarette etc.). 6 intr. (often foll. by on) continue at tedious length. --n. 1 a an obstruction to progress. b Aeron. the longitudinal retarding force exerted by air. c slow motion; impeded progress. d an iron shoe for retarding a horse-drawn vehicle downhill. 2 colloq. a boring or dreary person, duty, performance, etc. 3 a a strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox. b a hunt using this. 4 an apparatus for dredging or recovering drowned persons etc. from under water. 5 = drag-net. 6 sl. a draw on a cigarette etc. 7 sl. a women's clothes worn by men. b a party at which these are worn. c clothes in general. 8 an act of dragging. 9 a sl. a motor car. b (in full drag race) an acceleration race between cars usu. for a quarter of a mile. 10 US sl. influence, pull. 11 US sl. a street or road (the main drag). 12 hist. a private vehicle like a stagecoach, drawn by four horses. Phrases and idioms drag anchor (of a ship) move from a moored position when the anchor fails to hold. drag-anchor n. = sea anchor. drag one's feet (or heels) be deliberately slow or reluctant to act. drag-hound a hound used to hunt with a drag. drag in introduce (a subject) irrelevantly. drag-line an excavator with a bucket pulled in by a wire rope. drag-net 1 a net drawn through a river or across ground to trap fish or game. 2 a systematic hunt for criminals etc. drag out protract. drag queen sl. a male homosexual transvestite. drag up colloq. 1 deliberately mention (an unwelcome subject). 2 rear...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сопротивление (среды); гидравлическое (гидродинамическое) сопротивление; лобовое сопротивление 2) увлечение увлекать 3) торможение (среды); сила торможения (среды) тормозить 4) метал. шлеппер 5) метал. нижняя часть (напр. опоки) 6) лесн. волокуша; тачка подтаскивать, тащить 7) воз (пачка) лесоматериалов, трелюемых за один рейс 8) дорожный утюг; скрепер-волокуша утюжить (дорожное покрытие) 9) скребок, цикля (для обработки камня или насечки штукатурки) скрести, циклевать; насекать 10) проектный (конструктивный) дифферент на корму 11) плавучий якорь 12) драга 13) землечерпальный снаряд 14) запаздывание; задержка 15) скольжение при высоком коэффициенте трения drag due to lift — сопротивление, обусловленное созданием подъёмной силы (на СВП) - aerodynamic drag - anchor drag - blade drag - brake drag - bromide drag - broom drag - brush drag - clutch drag - copper drag - curving drag - cutting drag - designed drag - design drag - displacement drag - drill string drag - flask drag - form drag - friction drag - gridiron drag - hump drag - launching drag - life boat drag - mold drag - momentum drag - oil drag - phonon drag - plank drag - ram drag - road drag - sea drag - seal drag - shear drag - shock-wave drag - sidewall drag - skin frictional drag - skirt drag - spillage drag - surface contact drag - takeoff drag - takeoff spray drag - timber drag - viscous drag - vortex drag - water-washing drag - wheel drag ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  волокуша, гладилка, дорожный утюг земснаряд; драга зубчатый скребок (штукатура, маляра) (аэродинамическое) лобовое сопротивление отрицательная тяга торможение отрицательное поверхностное трение (сваи) влекущая сила потока to drag up ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) аэродинамическое сопротивление 2) торможение тормозить 3) волочить волочение 4) горн. рудная брекчия 5) драга; землечерпалка драгировать, чистить дно 6) горн. обломки жилы 7) метал. нижняя опока 8) метал. шлеппер 9) отставание, запаздывание 10) тащить, тянуть to drag logs — трелевать брёвна to drag pavement — утюжить дорожное покрытие - aerodynamic drag - air drag - base drag - body drag - chain drag - eddy drag - induction drag - launching drag - low drag - profile drag - trim drag - vortex drag ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. ограничение - drag on the expansion of the economy ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. медленное движение a heavy drag uphill —- трудный подъем в гору 2. волочение to walk with a drag, to have a drag in one's walk —- волочить ногу 3. разг. бремя, обуза; помеха to be a drag on smb. —- быть для кого-л. обузой, быть в тягость кому-л. to be a drag on smb.'s career —- мешать чьей-л. карьере the boy is a drag on the class —- этот мальчик тянет назад весь класс 4. землечерпалка; драга 5. кошка, трал для обследования дна 6. с-х. волокуша; шлейф; тяжелая борона 7. тяжелые сани 8. дор. утюг 9. мор. плавучий якорь 10. экипаж, запряженный четверкой, с сиденьями внутри и наверху 11. разг. затяжка (папиросой) to have a drag on a cigarette —- затянуться сигаретой 12. сл. давление, нажим; влияние 13. ам. блат, рука, заручка; связи to have a drag (with smb.) —- иметь блат (где-л.) 14. танец 15. тех. торможение, задержка движения; прихватывание тормоза, сцепления drag torque —- момент сопротивления, тормозящий момент to put on the drag —- тормозить there is a slight drag —- немного заедает the main drag of the economy —- главный тормоз хозяйственного развития 16. тормоз, тормозной башмак 17. бредень, невод, мережа 18. тяга, тяговое усилие (метание) 19. ам. разг. улица the main drag —- главная улица 20. нижняя полуформа 21. ав. авт. лобовое сопротивление wing drag —- (лобовое) сопротивление на крыле 22. ав....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in coll.  а) втащить; вовлечь  б) притянуть to drag in by the head and shoulders притянуть за уши (довод и т.п.) DRAG  1. noun  1) драга; кошка; землечерпалка  2) тяжелая борона  3) тормоз, тормозной башмак  4) торможение, задержка движения; медленное движение  5) обуза; бремя to be a drag on a person - быть для кого-л. обузой  6) экипаж, запряженный четверкой, с сиденьями внутри и наверху  7) бредень, невод  8) hunt. след (зверя); запах (оставленный пахучей приманкой)  9) aeron.; mot. лобовое сопротивление  10) amer. протекция, блат  11) coll. затяжка she took a long drag on/to her cigarette - она затянулась папиросой  2. v.  1) (с усилием) тащить(ся), волочить(ся); тянуть to drag ones feet -  а) волочить ноги;  б) неохотно, лениво делать что-л.  2) тянуться  3) отставать  4) боронить (поле)  5) чистить дно (реки, озера, пруда) драгой  6) буксировать - drag away - drag down - drag in - drag into - drag on - drag out - drag up Syn: see pull DRAG down  а) ослаблять Its the fever thats been dragging him down.  б) разрушать (морально) If you marry that man, hell drag you down. DRAG into втягивать кого-л. во что-л. Dont try to drag me into your plans. I was dragged into helping with the concert. DRAG on продолжать все то же; скучно тянуться (о времени, жизни) The writer dragged on an unhappy existence for many years until in the end she killed herself. DRAG out  а) вытаскивать Its so annoying having to drag out the...
Англо-русский словарь


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