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Английский Этимологический словарь - cement


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- 13c., from O.Fr. ciment, from L. caementa "stone chips used for making mortar," from caedere "to cut down," from PIE base *(s)k(h)a- "to strike." Meaning shifted from "small broken stones" to "powdered stones."
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n 1 a grey powder made from lime1 (3) and clay, that becomes hard when it is mixed with water and allowed to dry, and that is used in building  (I think he's outside mixing cement and laying bricks.) 2 a thick sticky substance that becomes very hard when it dries and is used for filling holes or sticking things together ~2 v 1 also cement over to cover something with cement 2 to make a relationship between people or countries firm and strong  (His marriage to Lucy Brett cemented important business ties with her family.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (cements, cementing, cemented) 1. Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water in order to make concrete. ...a mixture of wet sand and cement. N-UNCOUNT 2. Cement is the same as concrete. ...the hard cold cement floor. N-UNCOUNT 3. Glue that is made for sticking particular substances together is sometimes called cement. Stick the pieces on with tile cement. N-UNCOUNT: usu n N 4. Something that cements a relationship or agreement makes it stronger. Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade. VERB: V n 5. If things are cemented together, they are stuck or fastened together. Most artificial joints are cemented into place. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sement, from Anglo-French ciment, from Latin caementum stone chips used in making mortar, from caedere to cut  Date: 14th century  1.  a. concrete  b. a powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide, and magnesium oxide burned together in a kiln and finely pulverized and used as an ingredient of mortar and concrete; also any mixture used for a similar purpose  2. a binding element or agency: as  a. a substance to make objects adhere to each other  b. something serving to unite firmly justice is the ~ that holds a political community together — R. M. Hutchins  3. ~um  4. a plastic composition made especially of zinc or silica for filling dental cavities  5. the fine-grained groundmass or glass of a porphyry  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to unite or make firm by or as if by ~  2. to overlay with concrete  intransitive verb to become ~ed  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a powdery substance made by calcining lime and clay, mixed with water to form mortar or used in concrete (see also Portland cement). 2 any similar substance that hardens and fastens on setting. 3 a uniting factor or principle. 4 a substance for filling cavities in teeth. 5 (also cementum) Anat. a thin layer of bony material that fixes teeth to the jaw. --v.tr. 1 a unite with or as with cement. b establish or strengthen (a friendship etc.). 2 apply cement to. 3 line or cover with cement. Phrases and idioms cement-mixer a machine (usu. with a revolving drum) for mixing cement with water. Derivatives cementer n. Etymology: ME f. OF ciment f. L caementum quarry stone f. caedere hew ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) цементирующая среда; вяжущее (вещество) 2) цемент; цементный раствор цементировать; скреплять или обмазывать цементным раствором 3) схватываться (о цементном растворе) 4) клей, клеящее вещество склеивать, приклеивать 5) замазка to cast in cement — заливать цементным раствором; to displace cement — продавливать цемент; to cement in — цементировать; заливать цементным раствором; to secure with cement — 1. ставить на цементе 2. ставить на клею - acid-resistant cement - air-entraining hydraulic cement - alumina cement - asbestos cement - asphalt cement - bituminous cement - blast-furnace slag cement - blast-furnace cement - blended cement - calcareous cement - calcium aluminate cement - colored cement - diatomaceous earth cement - diesel-oil cement - expanded cement - extra-rapid-hardening cement - fast-setting cement - film cement - fire cement - flooring cement - gasket cement - general-purpose Portland cement - gypsum cement - high-alkali cement - high-alumina cement - high-early-strength cement - high-grade cement - hydraulic cement - hydrophobic cement - insufating cement - iron cement - Keene's cement - lime cement - low-alkali cement - low-early-strength cement - low-grade cement - low-heat-of-hydration cement - low-heat cement - low-limed cement - low-slag cement - low-strength cement - magnesia cement - mastic cement - metallurgical cement - modified cement - natural cement - neat cement - noncontracting cement - nonstaining cement - oil-field cement - oil-in-water emulsion cement - oil-well cement - ordinary Portland cement - oxychloride cement - Parian cement - pavement cement - plasticized cement - porcelain cement - Portland cement - Portland blast-furnace slag cement - Portland blast-furnace cement - portland-pozzolana cement -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  цемент; гидравлическое или минеральное вяжущее клей cement in bulk adhesive cement air-entraining cement aluminous cement anchor cement antibacteria cement asbestos cement asphalt cement bagged cement baritic cement bauxite cement bituminous cement bituminous plastic cement blastfurnace cement bleeding cement blended cement blended Portland-PFA cement bonding cement bottle cement calcium aluminate cement clay cement coarse cement colored cement dry-packed concrete cement expanded cement extra-rapid hardening cement fast drying solvent cement fast-setting cement Ferrari cement fire cement flooring cement general purpose Portland cement gypsum cement high-alumina cement high-early-strength cement high-expansion cement high-grade cement high iron oxide cement high-strength cement hot cement hydrated cement hydraulic cement hydrophobic cement ice cement iron cement iron-ore cement iron-rust cement Keene's cement Lafarge cement lime-pozzolanic cement low-alkali cement low-grade cement low-heat cement magnesia cement magnesium oxychloride cement magnesium phosphate cement masonry cement natural cement nepheline cement nonshrinking cement normal Portland cement oil well cement ordinary Portland cement oxychloride cement Parker's cement phenolic-resin cement pigmented cement plain cement plastic roof cement polymer-modified cement Portland cement Portland-blastfurnace cement pozzolanic cement pozzolanic cement with pulverized-fuel ash quick-setting cement rapid-hardening cement rapid-setting cement refractory cement Roman cement roof cement rubber cement sacked cement slag cements slow setting cement soil cement special cements sticky cement stove-lining asbestos cement sulfate resisting cement sulfoaluminate cement sulfur cement sulfur-asphalt cement trass cement type I cement type IA cement type II cement type IIA cement type III cement type IIIA cement type IV cement type V cement type Ip cement type Is cement underwater cement waterproof cement white cement ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) цемент; цементный раствор цементировать 2) вяжущее (вещество) связывать 3) клей склеивать 4) метал. спекать cement hardens — цемент твердеет cement in bulk — цемент насыпью to cement lense — склеивать линзу to float with cement — затирать цементом - Keene's cement - alumina cement - anhydrite-alumina cement - asphalt cement - bakelite cement - base cement - bituminous-rubber cement - blended cement - cap cement - carbinol cement - colored cement - dental cement - expanding cement - finished cement - high-alkali cement - high-strength cement - hydrophobic cement - insulating cement - lens cement - low-alkali cement - low-heat cement - low-limed cement - low-slag cement - marble cement - masonry cement - mastic cement - neat cement - noncontracting cement - oil-well cement - plain cement - plasticized cement - plastificised portland cement - porcelain cement - portland cement - rapid-setting cement - red-lead cement - refractory cement - retarded cement - road cement - sand cement - season cement - self-stressing cement - slag-lime cement - slow-setting cement - sodium-silicate cement - sulphate-resistant cement - sulphate-slag cement - temper cement - tufa cement - water-proof cement - water-retentive portland cement - waterproof cement - weighted cement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  цемент, цементирующее вещество – bone cement – interfibrillar cement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. цемент 2. вяжущее, цементирующее вещество 3. узы (дружбы); основа (союза) custom was in the early days the cement of society —- обычай - вот что в старину объединяло общество 4. физиол. цементное вещество зубов, корешковая кора 5. замазка 6. цементный cement deposits —- геол. сцементированные породы, связанные породы cement gun —- стр. цемент-пушка cement mortar —- цементный раствор cement kiln —- печ для обжига цемента, цементная печь 7. скреплять цементом, цементировать 8. скреплять неразрывными узами; устанавливать прочную связь to cement a friendship —- скреплять дружбу 9. цементировать, науглероживать 10. цементироваться 11. спец. спекать, связывать 12. спец. склеивать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) цемент  2) всякое вещество, скрепляющее подобно цементу; вяжущее вещество  3) связь, союз  2. v.  1) скреплять цементом; цементировать  2) цементироваться  3) соединять крепко - cement a friendship CEMENT a friendship скреплять дружбу ...
Англо-русский словарь


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