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Английский Этимологический словарь - brown


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- O.E. brun "dark," only developing a definite color sense 13c., from P.Gmc. *brunaz, from PIE *bheros "dark animal." The O.E. word also had a sense of "brightness, shining," now preserved only in burnish. The folklore brownie "benevolent goblin supposed to haunt old farmhouses in Scotland" (1513) is dim. of brown "a wee brown man."
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  See: DO UP BROWN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  religion abbr. Believe Receive Obtain Withstand Never ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 having the colour of earth, wood, or coffee  (I'd like a pair of dark brown shoes please. | brown bread) 2 having skin that has been turned brown by the sun  (You're very brown - have you been on vacation? | brown as a berry (=very brown))  (She came back as brown as a berry.) ~2 n the colour of earth, wood, or coffee  (the different browns and greens of the landscape) ~3 v 1 to heat food so that it turns brown or to become brown in this way by being heated  (First brown the meat in a frying pan.) 2 to become brown because of the sun's heat or to make something brown in this way  (The children's faces were browned by the sun.) 3 browned off BrE informal annoyed and bored ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (browner, brownest, browns, browning, browned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is brown is the colour of earth or of wood. ...her deep brown eyes... The stairs are decorated in golds and earthy browns. COLOUR 2. You can describe a white-skinned person as brown when they have been sitting in the sun until their skin has become darker than usual. I don’t want to be really really brown, just have a nice light golden colour. = tanned ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 3. A brown person is someone who belongs to a race of people who have brown-coloured skins. ...a slim brown man with a speckled turban. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. Brown is used to describe grains that have not had their outer layers removed, and foods made from these grains. ...brown bread. ...spicy tomato sauce served over a bed of brown rice. ? white ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. When food browns or when you brown food, you cook it, usually for a short time on a high flame. Cook for ten minutes until the sugar browns... He browned the chicken in a frying pan. VERB: V, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English broun, from Old English brun; akin to Old High German brun ~, Greek phryne toad  Date: before 12th century of the color ~; especially of dark or tanned complexion  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium to low lightness, and of moderate to low saturation  2. a ~-skinned person  3. ~ trout  • ~ish adjective  • ~y adjective  III. verb  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb to become ~  transitive verb to make ~ BROWN  I. biographical name Charles Brockden 1771-1810 American novelist  II. biographical name Ford Madox 1821-1893 English painter  III. biographical name George 1818-1880 Canadian (Scottish-born) journalist & politician  IV. biographical name Herbert Charles 1912- American (English-born) chemist  V. biographical name John 1800-1859 Old ~ of Osawatomie American abolitionist  VI. biographical name Michael Stuart 1941- American biochemist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 having the colour produced by mixing red, yellow, and black, as of dark wood or rich soil. 2 dark-skinned or suntanned. 3 (of bread) made from a dark flour as wholemeal or wheatmeal. 4 (of species or varieties) distinguished by brown coloration. --n. 1 a brown colour or pigment. 2 brown clothes or material (dressed in brown). 3 (in a game or sport) a brown ball, piece, etc. 4 (prec. by the) Brit. a brown mass of flying game-birds. --v.tr. & intr. make or become brown by cooking, sunburn, etc. Phrases and idioms brown ale a dark, mild, bottled beer. brown bear a large N. American brown bear, Ursus arctos. brown coal = LIGNITE. browned off Brit. sl. fed up, disheartened. brown fat a dark-coloured adipose tissue with a rich supply of blood vessels. brown holland see HOLLAND. brown owl 1 any of various owls, esp. the tawny owl. 2 (Brown Owl) an adult leader of a Brownie Guides pack. brown rice unpolished rice with only the husk of the grain removed. Brown-shirt a Nazi; a member of a fascist organization. brown sugar unrefined or partially refined sugar. in a brown study see STUDY. Derivatives brownish adj. brownness n. browny adj. Etymology: OE brun f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) коричневый; бурый 2) текст. суровый, небелёный 3) воронить; чернить 4) коричневый пигмент; коричневая краска 5) мн. ч. обёрточная бумага - Cassel brown - umber brown - Vandyke brown ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  коричневый пигмент; коричневая краска Vandyke brown ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) коричневый; бурый 2) коричневый цвет; коричневая краска 3) делать коричневым, брюнировать 4) воронить (металл) - grayish brown ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) бабочка коричневой окраски; pl бархатницы, глазки, сатириды (Satyridae) 2) гист. краситель коричневого цвета 3) коричневый, бурый – Arran brown – Bismark brown – dusky marbled brown – dusky meadow brown – hedge brown – large wall brown – lunar marbled brown – marbled brown – meadow brown – northern brown – Sudan brown – wall brown – woodland brown ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. коричневый цвет 2. коричневая краска 3. коричневая одежда или ткань 4. сл. медная монета, медяк 5. (также B.) мулат 6. коричневый; бурый brown tints of an autumn —- бурые краски осени she has brown hair —- она шатенка 7. смуглый, загорелый thin brown hands —- худые смуглые руки as brown as a berry —- очень загорелый 8. карий (о глазах) 9. сумеречный, темный the ivy's brownest shade —- густая тень плюща I watched the twilight falling brown —- я следил, как сгущались сумерки 10. текст. суровый, небеленый brown holland —- суровое полотно 11. малайский Id: to do brown —- поджарить; разг. хорошо сделать; сл. обмануть, надуть, обжулить; сл. избить до синяков, наставить синяков Id: the fish was done brown —- рыба была хорошо поджарена Id: brown done! —- здорово сделано! Id: we are all of us done so uncommonly brown —- нас всех здорово провели (ловко одурачили) 12. делать коричневым 13. делаться коричневым 14. зажаривать, подрумянивать 15. вызывать загар the hot sun had parched and browned him —- на солнце кожа его высохла и потемнела 16. загорать 17. воронить (металл) 18. разг. бойкий, ловкий ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ware глиняная посуда BROWN nosing noun coll. соглашательство BROWN sugar бастр, желтый сахарный песок BROWN  1. adj.  1) коричневый; бурый - brown bread - brown paper - brown powder  2) смуглый; загорелый  3) карий (о глазах)  4) text. суровый, небеленый - brown study - brown sugar - brown ware - do brown  2. noun  1) коричневый цвет; коричневая краска  2) sl. медяк  3. v.  1) делать(ся) темным, коричневым; загорать  2) поджаривать, подрумянивать  3) воронить (металл) - brown off BROWN bread хлеб из непросеянной муки BROWN coal noun лигнит, бурый уголь BROWN Holland небеленое суровое полотно BROWN study глубокое раздумье; мрачное настроение BROWN off надоедать, наскучить Why should you feel browned off? Youre supposed to be on holiday. All this endless bad news browns me off. BROWN paper грубая оберточная бумага BROWN powder бурый дымный порох BROWN rice noun шелушеный рис ...
Англо-русский словарь


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