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Английский Этимологический словарь - breach


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- O.E. brжc "a breaking," from brecan (see break), infl. by O.Fr. breche, from Frankish; both from P.Gmc. *brecho, *brжko "broken," from PIE base *bhreg-.
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  ~1 n 1 breach of the law/rules/agreement etc an action that breaks a law, rule, or agreement between people, groups, or countries  (a clear breach of the 1994 Trade Agreement | be in breach of sth)  (We will expel any member found to be in breach of the rules. | breach of contract)  (If they fail to deliver the goods, we will sue them for breach of contract.) 2 breach of confidence/trust/etiquette etc an action that breaks the rules of what people consider good or moral behaviour  (Bond shook the Queen's hand in a deliberate breach of etiquette. | The company regards revealing confidential information as a serious breach of trust.) 3 a serious disagreement between people, groups, or countries with the result that they do not have a good relationship any more  (Britain could not risk a breach with the US over sanctions. | heal the breach (=make people etc stop disagreeing and be friends again)) 4 breach of the peace BrE law an action such as fighting that annoys people in a public place 5 step into the breach to help by doing someone else's job or work when they are suddenly unable to do it 6 a hole or broken place in a wall or similar structure, especially one made during a military attack  (a breach in the castle wall) 7 a breach of security/duty etc the result of someone breaking a system, not doing their duty etc  (There had been a major breach of security at the air base.) ~2 v 1 to break a hole in a wall or similar structure so that something can pass through  (The storm had breached the sea wall in two places.) 2 to break a law, rule, agreement etc  (The committee ruled that Payne was guilty of breaching the rules on sponsorship.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (breaches, breaching, breached) 1. If you breach an agreement, a law, or a promise, you break it. The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy... = violate VERB: V n 2. A breach of an agreement, a law, or a promise is an act of breaking it. The congressman was accused of a breach of secrecy rules. ...a $1 billion breach of contract suit. = violation N-VAR 3. A breach in a relationship is a serious disagreement which often results in the relationship ending. (FORMAL) Their actions threatened a serious breach in relations between the two countries. ...the breach between Tito and Stalin. = rift, rupture N-COUNT: usu N in/between n 4. If someone or something breaches a barrier, they make an opening in it, usually leaving it weakened or destroyed. (FORMAL) Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze. = rupture VERB: V n 5. If you breach someone’s security or their defences, you manage to get through and attack an area that is heavily guarded and protected. The bomber had breached security by hurling his dynamite from a roof overlooking the building. VERB: V n • Breach is also a noun. ...widespread breaches of security at Ministry of Defence bases. N-COUNT 6. If you step into the breach, you do a job or task which someone else was supposed to do or has done in the past, because they are suddenly unable to do it. I was persuaded to step into the breach temporarily when they became too ill to continue. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English breche, from Old English br?c act of breaking; akin to Old English brecan to break  Date: before 12th century  1. infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard  2.  a. a broken, ruptured, or torn condition or area  b. a gap (as in a wall) made by battering  3.  a. a break in accustomed friendly relations  b. a temporary gap in continuity ; hiatus  4. a leap especially of a whale out of water  II. verb  Date: 1547  transitive verb  1. to make a ~ in ~ a wall  2. break, violate ~ an agreement  intransitive verb to leap out of water a whale ~ing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) the breaking of or failure to observe a law, contract, etc. 2 a a breaking of relations; an estrangement. b a quarrel. 3 a a broken state. b a gap, esp. one made by artillery in fortifications. --v.tr. 1 break through; make a gap in. 2 break (a law, contract, etc.). Phrases and idioms breach of the peace an infringement or violation of the public peace by any disturbance or riot etc. breach of promise the breaking of a promise, esp. a promise to marry. stand in the breach bear the brunt of an attack. step into the breach give help in a crisis, esp. by replacing someone who has dropped out. Etymology: ME f. OF breche, ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  прорыв (плотины, дамбы); пролом прорывать (плотину, дамбу); проламывать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  поломка; нарушение сплошности; прорыв; пролом breach of contract dike breach ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  пролом, пробоина проламывать, пробивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) нарушение material breach of contract — существенное нарушение контракта 2) разрыв - anticipatory breach - breach of agreement - breach of confidence - breach of contract - breach of duty - breach of faith - breach of peace - breach of promise - breach of the contract - breach of the law - breach of trust - by reasons of breach - damages for breach of contract - material breach Syn: gap, discontinuity, interruption BREACH нарушение – breach of confidence – breach of contract – breach of duty – breach of faith – breach of law – breach of obligation – breach of professional secrecy – breach of trust BREACH 1. сущ. 1) общ. нарушение (закона, моральных или материальных обязательств и т. п.) breach of the peace — нарушение общественного порядка breach of promise — нарушение обещания breach of justice — несправедливость breach of confidence — злоупотребление доверием He was sued for breach of contract. — Он был ответчиком по делу о нарушении контракта. 2) общ. ссора, разрыв (отношений) to heal the breach between smb. — положить конец долгой ссоре Syn: separation, disagreement 3) общ. дыра, пробоина, брешь, пролом, повреждение A cannon ball had made a breach in their castle walls. — Пушечное ядро проломило стену их крепости Syn: hole, rupture, "gap, discontinuity, interruption, violation 2. гл. 1) общ. нарушать (закон, соглашение, какие-л. обязательства) They breached the agreement they had made with their employer. — Они нарушили соглашение с работодателем. 2) общ. пробивать брешь, проламывать (напр. стену, оборону и т. п.)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. пролом, пробоина, отверстие, брешь to get out through a breach —- пролезть (выбраться) через отверстие 2. воен. брешь the guns made a breach in the wall —- орудия пробили брешь в стене 3. разрыв (отношений) breach between friends —- размолвка между друзьями to heal the breach —- положить конец долгой ссоре, помириться 4. юр. нарушение (закона обязательства и т. п.) breach of the law —- нарушение закона breach of justice —- несправедливость breach of (the) peace —- нарушение общественного порядка breach of contract (of convenant) —- нарушение договора breach of confidence —- злоупотребление доверием breach of trust —- обманные действия или нарушение доверительным собственником своих обязанностей breach of promise —- нарушение обязательства (обещания) breach of faith —- супружеская измена breach of prison —- побег заключенного (из места заключения) breach of privilege —- нарушение привилегий (прав) законодательного органа (парламента, сената и Т. п.) breach of order —- нарушение регламента breach of discipline —- воен. дисциплинарный проступок 5. мор. буруны; волны, разбивающиеся о берег или о корабль clear breach —- волны, перекатывающиеся через судно, не разбиваясь clean breach —- волны, сносящие с корабля мачты и т. п. Id: without a breach of continuity —- непрерывно Id: a custom more honoured in the breach —- обычай,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of privilege нарушение прав парламента BREACH of promise нарушение обещания (особ. жениться) BREACH of the peace нарушение общественного порядка BREACH of trust нарушение доверенным лицом своих обязательств BREACH of prison бегство из тюрьмы BREACH  1. noun  1) пролом, отверстие; брешь  2) разрыв (отношений)  3) нарушение (закона, обязательства) - breach of faith - breach of justice - breach of order - breach of prison - breach of privilege - breach of the peace - breach of promise  4) интервал  5) naut. волны, разбивающиеся о корабль - clean breach - clear breach to heal the breach - положить конец долгой ссоре to stand in the breach - принять на себя главный удар without a breach of continuity - непрерывно Syn: see crack  2. v.  1) пробивать брешь, проламывать  2) выскочить из воды (о ките) BREACH of decency нарушение приличий, декорума BREACH of faith злоупотребление доверием, вероломство; супружеская измена BREACH of justice несправедливость BREACH of order нарушение регламента ...
Англо-русский словарь


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