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Английский Этимологический словарь - able


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- c.1375, from O.Fr. hable, from L. habilis "easily handled, apt," from habere "to hold." The silent h- was dropped in Eng. The suffix -able is from L. -ibilis, -abilis, forming adjectives from verbs. In L., infinitives in -are took -abilis, others -ibilis; in Eng., -able is used for native words, -ible for words of obvious L. origin.
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  veterin. abbr. Association for Biology Laboratory Education lab. abbr. Adult Basic And Literacy Education mil. abbr. Army Buffer Link-1 Europe ocean sc. abbr. Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition ocean sc. abbr. Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment meteo abbr. Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment educ. abbr. Access Belonging Learning Equality educ. abbr. A Balanced Literacy Environment educ. abbr. Acquiring The Basics Of Living And Employment educ. abbr. Annandale Beginning Learners Education educ. abbr. Adult Basic Literacy Education NASDAQ abbr. Able Energy, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ S1 W1 adj 1 be ~ to do sth a) to have the skill, strength, knowledge etc to do something  (I've always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.) b) to be ~ to do something because the situation makes it possible for you to do it  (Despite his enormous workload the President still seems able to find time to go fishing. | I haven't been able to read that report yet.)  (- see can1) 2 clever or good at doing something, especially at doing an important job; competent (1)  (one of my more able students) able ~ also -ible suffix 1 that you can do something to  (washable (=it can be washed) | unbreakable (=it cannot be broken) | loveable (=easy to love)) 2 having a particular quality or condition  (knowledgeable (=knowing a lot))  (comfortable) - -ably, -ibly suffix  (unbelievably) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (abler, ablest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you are able to do something, you have skills or qualities which make it possible for you to do it. The older child should be able to prepare a simple meal... The company say they’re able to keep pricing competitive... They seemed able to work together very efficiently. = can PHRASE 2. If you are able to do something, you have enough freedom, power, time, or money to do it. You’ll be able to read in peace... It would be nice to be able to afford to retire earlier. = can PHRASE 3. Someone who is able is very clever or very good at doing something. ...one of the brightest and ablest members of the government... = capable ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  adjective (~r; ~st) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin habilis apt, from habere to have — more at habit Date: 14th century 1. a. having sufficient power, skill, or resources to accomplish an object b. susceptible to action or treatment 2. marked by intelligence, knowledge, skill, or competence • ably adverb ABLE also -ible adjective suffix Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin -abilis, -ibilis, from -a-, -i-, verb stem vowels + -bilis capable or worthy of 1. capable of, fit for, or worthy of (being so acted upon or toward) — chiefly in adjectives derived from verbs breakable collectible 2. tending, given, or liable to agreeable perishable • -ably also -ibly adverb suffix ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  suffix forming adjectives meaning: 1 that may or must be (eatable; forgiveable; payable). 2 that can be made the subject of (dutiable; objectionable). 3 that is relevant to or in accordance with (fashionable; seasonable). 4 (with active sense, in earlier word-formations) that may ( comfortable; suitable). Etymology: F -able or L -abilis forming verbal adjectives f. verbs of first conjugation ABLE adj. (abler, ablest) 1 (often foll. by to + infin.; used esp. in is able, will be able, was able, etc., replacing tenses of can) having the capacity or power (was not able to come). 2 having great ability; clever, skilful. Phrases and idioms able-bodied fit, healthy. able-bodied rating (or seaman) Naut. one able to perform all duties. Etymology: ME f. OF hable, able f. L habilis handy f. habere to hold ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  прил. способный - able to meet competition - able to pay - able to perform a contract - able to supply Syn: capable, gifted ABLE прил. 1) а) общ. способный, обладающий способностью (имеющий навыки, средства, возможность, власть и т. д., чтобы сделать что-либо) компетентный, правоспособный to be able to do smth. — мочь, быть в состоянии в силах (сделать что-либо) able to pay — платежеспособный able to work — трудоспособный, способный работать The baby is able to walk already. — Ребенок уже научился ходить. See: disabled б) общ. крепкий; здоровый; годный able to perform military service — годный к военной службе I was still quite able to defend myself. — Я все еще был достаточно крепок, чтобы защищаться. See: able-bodied 2) общ. способный, талантливый, одаренный; умелый; компетентный; квалифицированный (имеющий значительную квалификацию, высокий интеллект, таланты и т. п.) able speech — талантливая речь able manager — способный умелый, компетентный менеджер She's a very able musician. — Она очень талантливый музыкант. She's a very able and intelligent woman. — Она очень талантливая и умная женщина. Syn: gifted, capable ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. способный, обладающий способностью to be able to... —- мочь..., быть в состоянии... the baby is able to walk already —- ребенок уже научился ходить as I had money I was able to help her —- у меня были деньги, и я имел возможность ей помочь shall you be able to come? —- вы сможете прийти? you are better able to do it than I am —- у вас это лучше получится, чем у меня able to pay —- платежеспособный as one is able —- по мере сил 2. крепкий, здоровый; годный he is old but still quite able —- он стар, но еще крепок able to perform military service —- годный к военной службе 3. способный, талантливый able actor —- способный актер able speech —- талантливая речь he is the most able man I know —- он самый способный человек из всех, кого я знаю 4. компетентный, квалифицированный, умелый able lawyer —- знающий адвокат able direction —- компетентное руководство 5. юр. компетентный, правоспособный able in mind —- в здравом рассудке 6. мор. обладающий хорошими мореходными качествами Id: able rating —- мор. матрос в ВМС ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) способный, обладающий способностью to be able (to) - мочь, быть в состоянии, в силах able to pay - платёжеспособный the baby is able to walk already - ребёнок уже научился ходить shall/will you be able to come? - вы сможете прийти? insofar as I am able - насколько могу to be able and willing - иметь возможность и желание as one is able - по мере сил  2) способный, талантливый able actor - способный актёр able speech - талантливая речь he is the most able man I know - он самый способный человек из всех, кого я знаю to do her justice she is very able - надо отдать ей справедливость она очень способна  3) крепкий, здоровый; годный able to perform military service - годный к военной службе  4) компетентный, квалифицированный, умелый, умеющий; знающий able direction - компетентное руководство  5) leg. компетентный, правоспособный able in mind - (находящийся) в здравом рассудке  6) naut. обладающий хорошими мореходными качествами Syn: see competent ...
Англо-русский словарь


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