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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - well


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English; akin to Old English weallan to bubble, boil, Old High German ~a wave, Lithuanian vilnis  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an issue of water from the earth ; a pool fed by a spring  b. source, origin  2.  a. a pit or hole sunk into the earth to reach a supply of water  b. a shaft or hole sunk to obtain oil, brine, or gas  3.  a. an enclosure in the middle of a ship's hold to protect from damage and facilitate the inspection of the pumps  b. a compartment in the hold of a fishing boat in which fish are kept alive  4. an open space extending vertically through floors of a structure  5. a space having a construction or shape suggesting a ~ for water  6.  a. something resembling a ~ in being damp, cool, deep, or dark  b. a deep vertical hole  c. a source from which something may be drawn as needed  7. a pronounced minimum of a variable in physics a potential ~  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an to cause to ~; akin to Old English weallan to bubble, boil  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to rise to the surface and usually flow forth tears ~ed from her eyes  2. to rise like a flood of liquid longing ~ed up in his breast  transitive verb to emit in a copious free flow  III. adverb  (better; best)  Etymology: Middle English wel, from Old English; akin to Old High German wela ~, Old English wyllan to wishmore at will  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. in a good or proper manner ; justly, rightly  b. satisfactorily with respect to conduct or action did ~ in math works ~ under pressure  2. in a kindly or friendly manner spoke ~ of your idea wished them ~  3.  a. with skill or aptitude ; expertly, excellently paints ~  b. satisfactorily the plan worked ~  c. with good appearance or effect ; elegantly carried himself ~  4. with careful or close attention ; attentively watch ~ what I do  5. to a high degree ~ deserved the honor a ~-equipped kitchenoften used as an intensifier or qualifier there are…vacancies pretty ~ all the timeListener  6. fully, quite ~ worth the price  7.  a. in a way appropriate to the facts or circumstances ; fittingly, rightly ~ said  b. in a prudent manner ; sensibly — used with do you would do ~ to reread the material  8. in accordance with the occasion or circumstances ; with propriety or good reason cannot ~ refuse the decision may ~ be questioned  9.  a. as one could wish ; pleasingly the idea didn't sit ~ with her  b. with material success ; advantageously married ~  10.  a. easily, readily could ~ afford a new car  b. in all likelihood ; indeed it may ~ be true  11. in a prosperous or affluent manner he lives ~  12. to an extent approaching completeness ; thoroughly after being ~ dried with a towel  13. without doubt or question ; clearly ~ knew the penalty  14. in a familiar manner knew her ~  15. to a large extent or degree ; considerably, far ~ over a million  Usage: see good  IV. interjection  Date: before 12th century  1. — used to indicate resumption of discourse or to introduce a remark they are, ~, not quite what you'd expect  2. — used to express surprise or expostulation ~, what have we here?  V. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. prosperous, ~-off  b. being in satisfactory condition or circumstances  2. being in good standing or favor  3. satisfactory, pleasing all's ~ that ends ~  4. advisable, desirable it might be ~ for you to leave  5.  a. free or recovered from infirmity or disease ; healthy he's not a ~ man  b. completely cured or healed the wound is nearly ~  6. pleasing or satisfactory in appearance our garden looks ~ — Conrad Aiken  7. being a cause for thankfulness ; fortunate it is ~ that this has happened  Synonyms: see healthy  Usage: see good
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См. в других словарях

  1. adv., adj., & int. --adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way (you have worked well). 2 in the right way (well said; you did well to tell me). 3 with some talent or distinction (plays the piano well). 4 in a kind way (treated me well). 5 thoroughly, carefully (polish it well). 6 with heartiness or approval; favourably (speak well of; the book was well reviewed). 7 probably, reasonably, advisably (you may well be right; you may well ask; we might well take the risk). 8 to a considerable extent (is well over forty). 9 successfully, fortunately (it turned out well). 10 luckily, opportunely (well met!). 11 with a fortunate outcome; without disaster (were well rid of them). 12 profitably (did well for themselves). 13 comfortably, abundantly, liberally (we live well here; the job pays well). --adj. (better, best) 1 (usu. predic.) in good health (are you well?; was not a well person). 2 (predic.) a in a satisfactory state or position (all is well). b advisable (it would be well to enquire). --int. expressing surprise, resignation, insistence, etc., or resumption or continuation of talk, used esp. after a pause in speaking (well I never!; well, I suppose so; well, who was it?). Phrases and idioms as well 1 in addition; to an equal extent. 2 (also just as well) with equal reason; with no loss of advantage or need for regret (may as well give up; it would be just as well to stop now). as well as in addition to. leave (or let) well alone avoid needless change or disturbance. well-acquainted (usu. foll. by with) familiar. well-adjusted 1 in a good state of adjustment. 2 Psychol. mentally and emotionally stable. well-advised (usu. foll. by to + infin.) (of a person) prudent (would be well-advised to wait). well-affected (often foll. by to, towards) favourably disposed. well and good expressing dispassionate acceptance of a decision etc. well and truly decisively, completely. well-appointed having all the necessary equipment. well aware certainly aware (well aware of the danger). well away 1 having made considerable progress. 2 colloq....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) колодец 2) источник 3) водоём 4) скважина 5) зумпф; отстойник 6) металлоприёмник (шахтной печи) 7) метал. горн 8) строит. шахта (напр. лифта) 9) углубление 10) возд. ниша; отсек 11) электрон. карман (в структуре ИС) 12) потенциальная яма 13) садок (для рыбы) 14) бтх ячейка; лунка; гнездо well on the beam — скважина с насосным подъёмником; well on the pump — насосная скважина; to abandon a well — ликвидировать скважину; to bean a well back — снижать дебит фонтанирующей скважины; to bean a well up — повышать дебит фонтанирующей скважины; to blow a well — открывать фонтанирующую скважину на короткое время (для удаления воды, песка и т. п.); to bring a well in — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину; to bump off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода; to case a well — обсаживать ствол скважины; to complete a well — заканчивать скважину; to dry up a well — откачивать жидкость из скважины; to flow a well hard — эксплуатировать (фонтанирующую) скважину с максимальным возможным дебитом; to flush a well out — промывать скважину; to hand a well off — прекращать (насосную) эксплуатацию скважины; to hand off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода; to junk a well — ликвидировать скважину; to kill a well — глушить скважину...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  колодец; скважина; источник absorbing well abyssinian well air well artesian well bleeder well bored well bow well cased well clarification well collecting well combination well completely penetrating well compound well confined well control well deep well discharging well disposal well drain well dredging well driven well dry well dug well dump well ebbing well elevator well escalator well filter well float well flowing well fully penetrating well gauge well gravity well groundwater well horizontal filter well hot well imperfect well incomplete well index well injection well inlet well input well inverted well leaching well lift well negative well nonartesian well nonpenetrating well observation well open well open-end well partially penetrating well percolation well perfect well perforated-casing well pump well radial well recharge well relief well sand drainage well screened well settling well shallow well stair well stern well stilling well test well thermometer well tube well waste well water well wet well ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вполне 2) зумпф 3) карман 4) колодезь 5) колодец 6) криница 7) ладно 8) металлоприемник 9) отстойник 10) резервуар 11) скважина 12) удачно 13) хороший 14) хорошо 15) яма airplane handles well — самолет легок в управлении almost well distributed — почти удовлетворительно распределенный bucket of well pump — стакан скважинного насоса duplex well drilling — энерг. бурение двуствольное forecast works well — прогноз выполняется locally well adequate language — локально достаточно адекватный язык water intake well — водозаборный колодец water supply well — энерг. скважина водозаборная well balanced solution — вполне сбалансированное решение well chained set — вполне цепное множество well chained space — вполне цепное пространство well defined sum — вполне определенная сумма well formed word — правильно сформированное слово well founded set — вполне фундированное множество well measurable set — вполне измеримое множество well ordered family — вполне упорядоченное семейство well ordered set — вполне упорядоченное множество well ordered subset — вполне упорядоченное подмножество well ordering set — вполне упорядочивающее множество well ordering theorem — теорема Цермело well quasiordered set — вполне квазиупорядоченное множество well separated subset — вполне разделенное подмножество well symmetric filter — вполне...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – antibody well – antigen well – antiserum well – center well – control well – microtiter well – outer well ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. колодец 2. родник, ключ; источник (особ. минеральный) 3. водоем 4. pl. минеральный воды (курорт) 5. источник, кладезь a well of life —- источник жизни he is a well of information —- он кладезь знаний 6. лестничная клетка; пролет лестницы 7. шахта лифта 8. места адвокатов (в английском суде) 9. горн. скважина 10. мор. кокпит 11. тех. отстойник, зумпф 12. книж. подниматься (о воде; часто well up) tears welled up in her eyes —- ее глаза наполнились слезами 13. вскипать (также well up) 14. бить ключом; хлынуть, брызнуть (также well out, well forth) the blood was welling out from the wound —- из раны хлестала кровь 15. (over) переполняться; литься через край his heart welled over with joy —- его сердце преисполнилось радостью 16. добро; благо I wish him well —- я желаю ему добра 17. (the well) собир. здоровые the sick are often impatient with the well —- больных часто раздражают здоровые 18. здоровый; выздоровевший is she well or ill? —- она здорова или больна? I am not very well today —- мне сегодня нездоровится to feel well —- чувствовать себя хорошо (здоровым) to look well —- хорошо выглядеть; иметь цветущий вид I hope you'll soon get well again —- надеюсь, вы скоро поправитесь I am practically a well man —- я практически здоров well baby ward —- палата здоровых новорожденных (в родильном доме) the wound is nearly well —- рана почти зажила 19....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  worth the day! obs. будь благословен день! WELL abbr.; coll. = we shall; we will WELL fixed amer. состоятельный, обеспеченный WELL versed adj. образованный WELL I  1. noun  1) родник  2) колодец, водоем  3) fig. источник  4) лестничная клетка  5) шахта лифта  6) места адвокатов (в английском суде)  7) mining скважина; отстойник, зумпф  2. v. хлынуть, бить ключом (часто well up, well out, well forth) II  1. adv.; comp. better; superl. best  1) хорошо! well done! - отлично; здорово!; she is well spoken of - у нее отличная репутация  2) как следует; хорошенько; основательно; we ought to examine the results well - следует тщательно изучить результаты - talk well  3) хорошо, разумно, правильно; to behave well - хорошо вести себя; you cant well refuse to help him - у вас нет достаточных оснований отказать ему в помощи  4) совершенно, полностью; he was well out of sight - он совсем исчез из виду  5) очень, значительно, далеко, вполне; the work is well on - работа значительно продвинулась; he is well past forty - ему далеко за сорок; it may well be true - весьма возможно, что так оно и есть на самом деле; this may well be so - это весьма вероятно - as well as - its just as well - well enough  2. adj.; comp. better; superl. best  1) predic. хороший; all is well - все в порядке, все прекрасно; all turned out well - все прекрасно; all turned out well out of smth. - счастливо отделаться от чего-л.  2) predic....
Англо-русский словарь
  I. [c red]DISCOURSE USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Well' is used mainly in spoken English. Please look at category 13 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. You say well to indicate that you are about to say something. Well, I don’t like the look of that. ADV: ADV cl 2. You say well to indicate that you intend or want to carry on speaking. The trouble with City is that they do not have enough quality players. Well, that can easily be rectified. ADV: ADV cl 3. You say well to indicate that you are changing the topic, and are either going back to something that was being discussed earlier or are going on to something new. Well, let’s press on. = anyway, so ADV: ADV cl 4. You say well to indicate that you have reached the end of a conversation. ‘I’m sure you will be an asset,’ she finally added. ‘Well, I see it’s just about time for lunch.’... ADV: ADV cl 5. You say well to make a suggestion, criticism, or correction seem less definite or rude. Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem... Well, let’s wait and see... ADV: ADV cl 6. You say well just before or after you pause, especially to give yourself time to think about what you are going to say. Look, I’m really sorry I woke you, and, well, I just wanted to tell you I was all right. ADV: ADV cl 7. You say well when you are correcting something that you have just said. The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it. Well, our offspring are, anyway... ADV: ADV cl/group 8. You say well to express your doubt about something that someone has said. ‘But finance is far more serious.’—‘Well I don’t know really.’ ADV: ADV cl c darkgreen]feelings 9. You say well to express your surprise or anger at something that someone has just said or done. Well, honestly! They’re like an old married couple at times. EXCLAM c darkgreen]feelings 10. You...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv comparative better superlative best 1 »SATISFACTORILY« in a successful or satisfactory way  (Did you sleep well? | James reads well for his age. | fairly/moderately/pretty well (=quite well) | go well (=happen in the way you planned or hoped))  (I was really pleased that the concert had gone so well.) 2 well-organized/well-educated etc organized, educated etc to a high standard 3 do well a) to be successful, especially in work or business  (Elizabeth's done well for herself - a well-paid job, a nice house and a sports car.) b) if someone who has been ill is doing well, they are becoming healthy again  (The operation was successful and the patient is doing well.) 4 »THOROUGHLY« in a thorough way  (Mix the flour and butter well.) 5 as well as in addition to something else  (They own a house in Provence as well as a villa in Spain. | as well as doing sth)  (The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis, as well as providing them with financial support.) 6 as well in addition to something or someone else  (We're going to the cinema tonight, why don't you come along as well?) 7 may/might/could well do/be sth used to say that something is likely to happen or is likely to be true  (What you say may well be true. | You could try the drugstore, but it may well be closed by now.) 8 may/might/could (just) as well do sth a) informal used when you do not particularly want to do something but you decide to do it  (I suppose we may as well get started.) b) used to mean that another course of action would have an equally good result  (The taxi was so slow, we might just as well have gone on the bus.) 9 »EMPHASIZING STH« a) well before/behind/down etc a long way or a long time before, behind etc  (It was well after 12 o'clock when they arrived. | Stand well back from the bonfire.) b) well pleased/well aware etc very pleased etc  (I'm well aware of the problems involved. | Pardoe was well pleased with his day's work. | well worth (doing) sth)  (The amphitheatre is well worth a visit.) c) + adj) BrE spoken used...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Workplace English Language And Literacy radio st. abbr. FM-88.7, Dadeville, Alabama NASDAQ abbr. Wellcare Management Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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