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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - treat


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 I. verb  Etymology: Middle English treten, from Anglo-French treter, traiter, traitier, from Latin tractare to drag about, handle, deal with, frequentative of trahere to drag, pull  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to discuss terms of accommodation or settlement ; negotiate  2. to deal with a matter especially in writing ; discourseusually used with of a book ~ing of conservation  3. to pay another's expenses (as for a meal or drink) especially as a compliment or as an expression of regard or friendship  transitive verb  1.  a. to deal with in speech or writing ; expound  b. to present or represent artistically  c. to deal with ; handle food is plentiful and ~ed with imaginationCecil Beaton  2.  a. to bear oneself toward ; use ~ a horse cruelly  b. to regard and deal with in a specified manner — usually used with as ~ the matter as confidential  3.  a. to provide with free food, drink, or entertainment they ~ed us to lunch  b. to provide with enjoyment or gratification  4. to care for or deal with medically or surgically ~ a disease  5. to act upon with some agent especially to improve or alter ~ a metal with acid  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1651  1.  a. an entertainment given without expense to those invited  b. the act of providing another with free food, drink, or entertainment dinner will be my ~  2. an especially unexpected source of joy, delight, or amusement seeing her again was a ~
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  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. act or behave towards or deal with (a person or thing) in a certain way (treated me kindly; treat it as a joke). 2 tr. deal with or apply a process to; act upon to obtain a particular result (treat it with acid). 3 tr. apply medical care or attention to. 4 tr. present or deal with (a subject) in literature or art. 5 tr. (often foll. by to) provide with food or drink or entertainment at one's own expense (treated us to dinner). 6 intr. (often foll. by with) negotiate terms (with a person). 7 intr. (often foll. by of) give a spoken or written exposition. --n. 1 an event or circumstance (esp. when unexpected or unusual) that gives great pleasure. 2 a meal, entertainment, etc., provided by one person for the enjoyment of another or others. 3 (prec. by a) extremely good or well (they looked a treat; has come on a treat). Derivatives treatable adj. treater n. treating n. Etymology: ME f. AF treter, OF traitier f. L tractare handle, frequent. of trahere tract- draw, pull ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) подвергать (технологической) обработке обрабатывать 2) очищать 3) горн. обогащать 4) пропитывать (древесину) 5) протравливать (семена) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) обрабатывать 2) очищать 3) пропитывать 4) трактовать treat with preservative — обрабатывать антисептиком - treat catch - treat data ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) обращаться, обходиться 2) пользоваться 3) вести переговоры с кем-л. (with) о чем-л. (for); договариваться 4) обрабатывать 5) с.-х. протравливать (семена) 6) трактовать, рассматривать (вопрос и т.п.) Syn: to bargain, to negotiate TREAT 1) рассматривать 2) вести переговоры ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) обрабатывать 2) лечить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. удовольствие, наслаждение a treat in store —- предстоящее удовольствие to give oneself a treat —- доставить себе (маленькое) удовольствие give yourself a treat!, have a treat! —- не отказывай себе в удовольствии the music was a real treat —- музыка доставила истинное наслаждение it's a great treat to me to be in the country —- быть за городом для меня большое удовольствие they took the boy along for a treat —- они взяли мальчика с собой, чтобы доставить ему удовольствие these visits were real though rare treats —- эти визиты были настоящими, хотя и редкими праздниками 2. школ. пикник, экскурсия a children's treat —- детский пикник 3. угощение a cold treat of roasted mutton and beef —- холодная закуска из жареной баранины и говядины the monkey got an extra treat —- обезьянка получила дополнительное угощение 4. разг. очередь платить за угощение to stand treat —- платить за угощение this is my treat —- сегодня я угощаю the treat 'son you this time —- ваша очередь угощать Id: Dutch treat —- угощение, при котором каждый платит за себя; складчина, угощение в складчину Id: to get on a (fair) treat —- делать (потрясающие) успехи; преуспевать, процветать Id: he's getting on a (fair) treat —- его дела идут как нельзя лучше 5. обращаться, обходиться to treat smb. badly —- обращаться с кем-л. плохо don't treat me as a child —- не обращайтесь со мной как с...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  for лечить; which doctor is treating you for your illness? какой врач лечит вас (от этой болезни)? TREAT with disrespect относиться без уважения TREAT as относиться, рассматривать; treat as a joke относиться как к шутке TREAT  1. noun  1) удовольствие, наслаждение  2) угощение; this is to be my treat - сегодня я угощаю, плачу за угощение; to stand treat - угощать, платить за угощение  3) school пикник, экскурсия  2. v.  1) обращаться, обходиться; относиться; he treated my words as a joke - он обратил мои слова в шутку  2) обрабатывать, подвергать действию (with)  3) лечить (for - от чего-л.; with - чем-л.)  4) трактовать; the book treats of poetry - в этой книге говорится о поэзии  5) угощать (to); пригласить в театр, cin. и т.п. (to)  6) иметь дело, вести переговоры (with - с кем-л.; for - о чем-л.)  7) mining обогащать - treat as - treat for Syn: cure, heal, mend, remedy Ant: neglect ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (treats, treating, treated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you treat someone or something in a particular way, you behave towards them or deal with them in that way. Artie treated most women with indifference... Police say they’re treating it as a case of attempted murder... She adored Paddy but he didn’t treat her well... VERB: V n with n, V n as/like n, V n adv 2. When a doctor or nurse treats a patient or an illness, he or she tries to make the patient well again. Doctors treated her with aspirin... The boy was treated for a minor head wound... An experienced nurse treats all minor injuries. VERB: V n with n, V n for n, V n 3. If something is treated with a particular substance, the substance is put onto or into it in order to clean it, to protect it, or to give it special properties. About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide... It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage. VERB: be V-ed with n, V n 4. If you treat someone to something special which they will enjoy, you buy it or arrange it for them. She was always treating him to ice cream... Tomorrow I’ll treat myself to a day’s gardening... If you want to treat yourself, the Malta Hilton offers high international standards. VERB: V n to n, V pron-refl to n, V pron-refl, also V n 5. If you give someone a treat, you buy or arrange something special for them which they will enjoy. Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special treat for him. N-COUNT 6. If you say that something is your treat, you mean that you are paying for it as a treat for someone else. (SPOKEN) N-SING: poss N 7. If you say, for example, that something looks or works a treat, you mean that it looks very good or works very well. (BRIT INFORMAL) The first part of the plan works a treat... PHRASE: PHR after v 8. to treat someone like dirt: see dirt ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »BEHAVE TOWARDS SB« always + adv/prep to behave towards someone in a particular way  (treat sb like/as)  (She treats me like one of the family. | Even though they were much younger, we treated them as equals. | badly treated/well treated)  (The prisoners were well treated by their guards. | treat sb with respect/contempt/kindness etc)  (Despite her seniority, Margot was never treated with much respect. | treat sb like dirt/a dog (=treat someone unkindly and without respect)) 2 »DEAL WITH STH« always + adv/prep to deal with or discuss something in a particular way  (treat sth as)  (Please treat this information as completely confidential. | treat sth favourably/seriously/carefully etc)  (Any complaint about safety standards must be treated very seriously.) 3 »MEDICAL« to try to cure an illness or injury by using drugs, hospital care, operations etc  (Nowadays malaria can be treated with drugs.) 4 »REGARD« always + adv/prep to regard an idea, subject, statement etc in a particular way  (treat sth as)  (She treats everything I say as some kind of joke.) 5 »BUY STH FOR SB« to buy something special for someone that you know they will enjoy  (treat sb to sth)  (We treated Mom to lunch at the Savoy. | treat yourself to sth (=buy yourself something special))  (I treated myself to a new dress.) 6 »PROTECT/CLEAN« to put a special substance on something or use a chemical process in order to protect, clean, or preserve it  (It is possible to treat sewage so that it can be used as fertilizer.)  (- see also trick or treat) treat with sth phr v formal to try to reach an official agreement with someone treat of sth phr v formal if a book, article etc treats of something, it is about that subject ~2 n 1 something special that you give someone or do for them because you know they will enjoy it  (Steven took his son to the zoo as a birthday treat.) 2 an unexpected event that gives you a lot of pleasure  (I really miss everyone, and getting a letter from home is a big treat.) 3 my treat spoken used to tell someone that...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Treatment And Research Of Experienced Anomalous Trauma mil. abbr. Tactical Reconnaissance Engineering Assessment Team ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: TRICK OR TREAT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1300, "negotiate, bargain, deal with," from O.Fr. traitier, from L. tractare "manage, handle, deal with," originally "drag about," frequentive of trahere "to pull, draw." Sense of "deal with in speech or writing" (c.1325) led to the use in medicine (1781). Treatment, in the medical sense, is first recorded 1744. The noun sense of "a treating with food and drink" (1651) was extended by 1770 to "anything that gives pleasure." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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