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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - tie


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English teg, tye, from Old English teag; akin to Old Norse taug rope, Old English teon to pullmore at tow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a line, ribbon, or cord used for fastening, uniting, or drawing something closed; especially shoelace  b.  (1) a structural element (as a rod or angle iron) holding two pieces together ; a tension member in a construction  (2) any of the transverse supports to which railroad rails are fastened to keep them in line  2. something that serves as a connecting link: as  a. a moral or legal obligation to someone or something typically constituting a restraining power, influence, or duty  b. a bond of kinship or affection  3. a curved line that joins two musical notes of the same pitch to denote a single tone sustained through the time value of the two  4.  a. an equality in number (as of votes or scores)  b. equality in a contest; also a contest that ends in a draw  5. a method or style of tying or knotting  6. something that is knotted or is to be knotted when worn: as  a. neck~  b. a low laced shoe ; oxford  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; tying or ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to fasten, attach, or close by means of a ~  b. to form a knot or bow in ~ your scarf  c. to make by tying constituent elements ~d a wreath ~ a fishing fly  2.  a. to place or establish in relationship ; connect  b. to unite in marriage  c. to unite (musical notes) by a ~  d. to join (power systems) electrically  3. to restrain from independence or freedom of action or choice ; constrain by or as if by authority, influence, agreement, or obligation  4.  a.  (1) to make or have an equal score with in a contest  (2) to equalize (the score) in a game or contest  (3) to equalize the score of (a game)  b. to provide or offer something equal to ; equal  intransitive verb to make a ~: as  a. to make a bond or connection  b. to make an equal score  c. to become attached  d. to close by means of a ~
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См. в других словарях

  v. & n. --v. (tying) 1 tr. attach or fasten with string or cord etc. (tie the dog to the gate; tie his hands together; tied on a label). 2 tr. a form (a string, ribbon, shoelace, necktie, etc.) into a knot or bow. b form (a knot or bow) in this way. 3 tr. restrict or limit (a person) as to conditions, occupation, place, etc. (is tied to his family). 4 intr. (often foll. by with) achieve the same score or place as another competitor (they tied at ten games each; tied with her for first place). 5 tr. hold (rafters etc.) together by a crosspiece etc. 6 tr. Mus. a unite (written notes) by a tie. b perform (two notes) as one unbroken note. --n. 1 a cord or chain etc. used for fastening. 2 a strip of material worn round the collar and tied in a knot at the front with the ends hanging down. 3 a thing that unites or restricts persons; a bond or obligation (family ties; ties of friendship; children are a real tie). 4 a draw, dead heat, or equality of score among competitors. 5 Brit. a match between any pair from a group of competing players or teams. 6 (also tie-beam etc.) a rod or beam holding parts of a structure together. 7 Mus. a curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch indicating that they are to be played for the combined duration of their time values. 8 US a railway sleeper. 9 US a shoe tied with a lace. Phrases and idioms fit to be tied colloq. very angry. tie-break (or -breaker) a means of deciding a winner from competitors who have tied. tie-dye (or tie and dye) a method of producing dyed patterns by tying string etc. to protect parts of the fabric from the dye. tie in (foll. by with) bring into or have a close association or agreement. tie-in n. 1 a connection or association. 2 (often attrib.) esp. US a form of sale or advertising that offers or requires more than a single purchase. 3 the joint promotion of related commodities etc. (e.g. a book and a film). tie-line a transmission line connecting parts of a system, esp. a telephone line connecting two private branch exchanges. tie-pin (or -clip) an ornamental...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) связь; стяжка; затяжка соединять; связывать; затягивать 2) поперечина; траверса 3) поперечное ребро (жёсткости) 4) натяжной элемент 5) подвеска (решётки фермы) 6) поперечная арматура, хомут (напр. колонны) 7) шпала 8) эл. соединение 9) эл. межсистемная связь 10) тара обвязка - anchor tie - artificial tie - body cross tie - bridge tie - collar tie - commutator riser tie - composite tie - criss-cross tie - cross tie - davit tie - diagonal tie - double-bar tie - double-cable tie - double-wrap tie - duo-block tie - ferroconcrete tie - interconnection tie - intermediate tie - intersystem tie - joint tie - land tie - main tie - masonry tie - monoblock tie - railroad tie - reinforced-concrete tie - roof tie - sag tie - spring concrete tie - switch tie - timber tie - treated tie - twist tie - wall tie - wind tie - wire tie ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  растянутый элемент; затяжка, стяжка; гибкая связь арматурный хомут колонны шпала ребро (жёсткости) анкер anchor tie angle tie break back tie cedrite tie collar tie concrete tie counter-jib tie cross tie derricking ties form tie horizontal tie internal tie jib tie land tie main tie metal ties for cavity wall construction peripheral tie rail tie railroad concrete tie rebar tie encased in concrete snap tie suspension ties switch tie taper rod type tie tower crane ties veneer tie vertical ties ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) связь; связывать 2) привязка; обвязка 3) соединение – interconnection tie – synchronous tie ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) анкерный 2) ничья 3) машиностр. перевязь 4) распорка 5) растяжка 6) связывать 7) связь 8) соединение 9) соединительный 10) стабилизационный 11) стяжка 12) сыграть вничью 13) швартовать 14) шинка 15) шпала 16) шпальный - anchor tie - concrete tie - cross tie - joint tie - longitudinal tie - rectangular tie - spring tie bolt - switch tie - tie anchor - tie arch - tie down airplane - tie molecule - tie plate - tie plug - tie set - tie space - tie spacing - tie spot machine - tie trunk - tie up - wind tie ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  фин., банк. сокр. от times interest earned TIE 1. сущ. 1) связь, узы 2) долг, обязательство 3) обуза, тягота • - economic ties - tie up 2. гл. 1) связывать, привязывать, скреплять; связывать узами 2) обязывать 3) препятствовать 4) консервировать, затормаживать 5) соединяться, объединять усилия, интересы - be tied down to the price - be tied for time - be tied to time Syn: bind ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. бечевка, лента, шнур; узел, петля; скрепа; скоба the dog broke its tie —- собака сорвалась с привязи 2. обыкн. pl. узы; связь the ties of friendship —- узы дружбы the ties of blood, blood ties —- кровные узы, узы кровного родства family ties —- семейные узы the silken tie —- узы любви и дружбы to break a tie of smth. —- разорвать узы чего-л. 3. долг, обязательство the ties of patriotism —- патриотический долг the ties of moral duty —- моральные обязательства a man free from bonds and ties —- человек, не связанный никакими обязательствами I was under the tie of secrecy —- я должен был хранить тайну 4. обуза the dog was rather a tie —- пес его связывал, уход за псом был обременителен the children are a great tie on her —- дети ей в тягость 5. равное число голосов (избирателей) 6. галстук four-in-hand tie —- галстук-самовяз to loosen one's tie —- ослабить галстук 7. ам. шпала to count (to hit) the ties —- разг. идти по шпалам 8. pl. разг. низкие ботинки со шнурками 9. спорт. игра вничью; состязание, в котором соперники приходят к финишу одновременно to end in a tie —- закончиться вничью 10. спорт. матч между победителями предыдущих соревнований; решающая встреча (после ничьей) tie breaker —- дополнительный матч to play (to shoot) off a tie —- сыграть решающую партию 11. муз. лига, знак легато 12. мор. (причальный) бридель 13. спец....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) привязать; перевязать; связать; I dont tie it up это не вызывает у меня никаких ассоциаций, воспоминаний;  б) ограничить свободу действий; мешать, препятствовать;  в) объединяться, соединять усилия (with); тесно примыкать (with);  г) прекратить работу, забастовать;  д) швартоваться TIE on привязывать (этикетку и т.п.); TIE into  а) amer.; coll. заниматься (чем-л.); приниматься (за что-л.);  б) sl. . набрасываться (на кого-л.), резко критиковать (кого-л.) TIE  1. noun  1) связь, соединение; узел  2) pl. узы; the ties of friendship - узы дружбы  3) галстук  4) завязка, шнурок  5) pl. полуботинки  6) тягота, обуза  7) равный счет (голосов избирателей или очков в игре); игра вничью; to end in a tie - закончиться вничью  8) amer. шпала; to count the ties coll. - идти по шпалам  9) mus. лига  10) constr. растянутый элемент, затяжка  11) tech. связь  2. v.  1) завязывать(ся); привязывать (тж. tie down; to - к чему-л.); шнуровать (ботинки); перевязывать (голову и т.п.; часто tie up); tie it in a knot - завяжите узлом  2) скреплять  3) связывать, стеснять свободу; обязывать (тж. tie down, tie up); tied to/for time - связанный временем  4) ограничивать условиями  5) сравнять счет, сыграть вничью; прийти голова в голову (о лошадях на бегах или скачках); the teams tied -...
Англо-русский словарь
  (ties, tying, tied) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you tie two things together or tie them, you fasten them together with a knot. He tied the ends of the plastic bag together... Mr Saunders tied her hands and feet. VERB: V n adv/prep, V n 2. If you tie something or someone in a particular place or position, you put them there and fasten them using rope or string. He had tied the dog to one of the trees near the canal... He tied her hands behind her back. VERB: V n to n, V n prep/adv 3. If you tie a piece of string or cloth around something or tie something with a piece of string or cloth, you put the piece of string or cloth around it and fasten the ends together. She tied her scarf over her head... Roll the meat and tie it with string... Dad handed me a big box wrapped in gold foil and tied with a red ribbon. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n with n, V-ed 4. If you tie a knot or bow in something or tie something in a knot or bow, you fasten the ends together. He took a short length of rope and swiftly tied a slip knot... She tied a knot in her scarf... She wore a checked shirt tied in a knot above the navel. VERB: V n, V n in n, V-ed 5. When you tie something or when something ties, you close or fasten it using a bow or knot. He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces. ...a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow. VERB: V n, V 6. A tie is a long narrow piece of cloth that is worn round the neck under a shirt collar and tied in a knot at the front. Ties are worn mainly by men. Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie. N-COUNT 7. If one thing is tied to another or two things are tied, the two things have a close connection or link. Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure... My social life and business life are closely tied. = link, connect VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n, pl-n be V-ed 8. If you are tied to a particular place or situation, you are forced to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »STRING/ROPE« a) to fasten one thing to another with a piece of string, rope etc  (tie sth to/behind/onto etc)  (Tie this label onto your suitcase. | tie sb to sth)  (They tied him to a lamp-post and beat him up. | tie sb's hands/feet (=tie them together)) b) also tie up to fasten a piece of string, rope etc around something to keep it closed or keep all its parts together  (tie sth with sth)  (The package had been tied with strong green string.) + around/over/under etc  (I'll just tie my hair back out of my eyes.) tie sth in bunches/bundles etc  (tie the sticks up in bundles | tie your hair back (=fasten your hair to the back of your head so that it does not reach your face)) c) to make a knot in a piece of string, rope etc, for example to fasten shoes or other clothes  (tie sb's shoelaces)  (Can you tie your shoelaces by yourself? | tie a knot/bow)  (She pulled the ribbon tightly and tied a bow.) d) to be fastened using pieces of string, ribbon (1) etc  (The dress ties at the back.) 2 »GAME/COMPETITION« also be tied if two players, teams etc tie or are tied in a game or competition, they finish it with an equal number of points  (At the end of the season, we were tied with the Tigers.) tie for first/second place  (Woosnam and Lyle tied for fourth place on 264.) 3 be tied to a) to be connected with something or dependent on it  (The flat is tied to the job.) b) to be unable to leave the situation, place, job etc that you are in  (a housewife tied to the kitchen all day) 4 tie the knot informal to get married 5 tie yourself (up) in knots BrE informal to become very confused when you are trying to explain something 6 sb's hands are tied if someone's hands are tied, they cannot do what they want because of particular conditions, rules etc  (Team manager, Ron Jones, would like to buy some new players, but his hands are tied at the moment.) 7 tie one on AmE slang to get drunk tie sb down phr v 1 to stop someone from being free to do the things they want to do  (He wouldn't marry her because he didn't want to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Toxicity Identification Evaluation NASA abbr. Twin Ion Engine mil. abbr. Technical Independent Evaluator airport code Tippi, Ethiopia funny abbr. To Impress Everyone network. abbr. Terminal Interface Equipment telec. abbr. Telephone Interconnect Equipment media abbr. Theatre In Education educ. abbr. Teacher Information Exchange educ. abbr. Technology In Education educ. abbr. Telescopes In Education gen. bus. abbr. Talent Ideas And Enterprise NYSE symbols Titanium Metals Corporation pos. abbr. Technologists Investors And Entrepreneurs firm name abbr. The Indus Entrepreneurs firm name abbr. Trucking Information Exchange ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: FIT TO BE TIED. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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