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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - television


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 noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: French television, from tele- tele- + vision vision  Date: 1907  1. an electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound over a wire or through space by apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound  2. a ~ receiving set  3.  a. the ~ broadcasting industry  b. ~ as a medium of communication
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См. в других словарях

  n. 1 a system for reproducing on a screen visual images transmitted (usu. with sound) by radio signals. 2 (in full television set) a device with a screen for receiving these signals. 3 television broadcasting generally. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) телевидение 2) телевизионный приёмник, телевизор - achromatic television - analog television - black-and-white television - breakfast television - broadcasting television - broadcast television - cable television - closed-circuit television - color television - cosmic television - 3-D television - digital television - educational television - enhanced television - enhance-definition television - fee television - high-definition television - industrial television - LCD television - network television - pay-as-you-see television - projection television - space-borne television - space television - sponsored television - stereophonic sound television - stereophonic television - stereoscopic television - subscription television - undersea television - wide-screen television - wired television ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) телевидение 2) телевизионная система 3) дистанционная обработка данных – achromatic television – analog television – black-and-white television – broadband television – broadcasting television – cable television – closed-caption television – closed-circuit television – color television – community-access television – conventional-definition television – digital-terrestrial television – distribution-quality television – dot-sequential color television – eductional television – extended-definition television – field-sequential color television – freeze-frame television – high-definition television – hologram television – industrial television – integrated-digital television – interactive television – LCD television – low-definition television – low-light television – low-power television – monochromatic television – open television – pay television – piped television – premium television – pulse-code modulation television – sequential-color television – slow-scan television – space television – sponsored television – stereoscopic television – subsription television – simultaneous-color television – standard-definition television – ticket television – toll television – training television – two-way television – wireless-cable television – zone television ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дальневидение 2) звукозрительный 3) телевидение 4) телевизионный airborne television receiver — бортовой телевизионный приемник closed-circuit television system — связь система телевидения невещательная single-line-scan television meth — метод сканирования полосой television broadcasting station — телевизионная радиостанция television relay system — телевизионная РРЛ система television video channel — тракт передачи изображения - broadcast television - cable television - closed-circuit television - color television - industrial television - monochrome television - projection television - television acoustics - television antenna - television broadcast - television broadcasting - television camera - television center - television channel - television film - television image - television link - television microscope - television microscopy - television network - television raster - television receiver - television screen - television signal - television studio - television system - television transmitter - television tube - three-dimensional television - underwater television ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. телевидение colour television —- цветное телевидение debut on television —- дебют на телевидении 2. телевизор colour television —- цветной телевизор to watch television —- смотреть телевизор I saw it on television —- я видел это по телевизору 3. телевизионная передача, телепередача schools television, television for schools —- телевизионная передача для школьников 4. в грам. знач. прил.: телевизионный; теле- television aerial —- телевизионная антенна television announcer —- диктор телевидения television broadcasting —- телевизионная передача television camera —- телевизионная камера, телекамера television centre —- телецентр, телевизионный центр television channel —- телевизионный канал television commentator —- телекомментатор television diary —- программа телепередач television film —- телефильм, телевизионный фильм television producer —- режиссер телевидения television programme —- телевизионная программа, программа телепередач television series —- многосерийный телефильм, телесериал television star —- звезда телевидения television station —- телевизионная станция ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  camera телевизионная камера, телекамера TELEVISION noun  1) телевидение colour television - цветное телевидение - cable television - cable TV - cassette television - cassette TV - wired television  2) телевизор (тж. television receiver, television set) - colour television - watch television  3) телевизионная передача, телепередача - educational television - public television  4) attr. телевизионный; теле- television aerial - television antenna - television announcer - television broadcasting - television camera - television centre - television channel - television commentator - television diary - television film - television producer - television programme - television series - television serial - television star - television station TELEVISION aerial телевизионная антенна TELEVISION announcer диктор телевидения TELEVISION antenna телевизионная антенна TELEVISION broadcasting телевизионная передача TELEVISION station телевизионная станция TELEVISION centre телецентр, телевизионный центр TELEVISION channel телевизионный канал TELEVISION commentator телекомментатор TELEVISION diary программа телепередач TELEVISION film телефильм, телевизионный фильм TELEVISION producer режиссёр телевидения TELEVISION programme телевизионная программа, программа телепередач TELEVISION serial многосерийный телефильм, телесериал TELEVISION series многосерийный телефильм, телесериал TELEVISION star звезда телевидения TELEVISIONAL adj. телевизионный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (televisions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A television or television set is a piece of electrical equipment consisting of a box with a glass screen on it on which you can watch programmes with pictures and sounds. She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes. = TV, telly N-COUNT 2. Television is the system of sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so that people can receive them on a television in their home. Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television... = TV N-UNCOUNT 3. Television refers to all the programmes that you can watch. I don’t have much time to watch very much television. = TV N-UNCOUNT 4. Television is the business or industry concerned with making programmes and broadcasting them on television. British commercial television has been steadily losing its lead as the most advanced sector of the industry in Europe. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 also television set formal a thing shaped like a box with a screen, on which you can watch programmes; TV  (a 16 inch colour television) 2 a way of broadcasting pictures and sounds in the form of programmes that people can watch  (Who invented television? | television and radio journalism) 3 the programmes broadcast in this way; TV  (watch television)  (In the evenings I like to relax and watch television. | television programme/show/commercial etc)  (the television news) 4 on (the) television broadcast or being broadcast on television  (What's on television tonight?) 5 the business of making and broadcasting programmes on television  (Jean works in television. | television producer/reporter/newsreader etc)  (a television film-crew) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1907, "the action of seeing by means of Hertzian waves or otherwise, what is existing or happening at a place concealed or distant from the observer's eyes." [O.E.D.] In theoretical discussions about sending images by radio transmission, formed in Eng. or borrowed from Fr. tйlйvision. Other proposals for the name of this then-hypothetical technology were telephote (1880) and televista (1904). The technology was developed in the 1920s and '30s. Nativized in Ger. as Fernsehen. Shortened form TV is from 1948; British shortening telly is attested from c.1940; televise is a 1927 back-formation; telegenic is 1939. Teleprompter first recorded 1951, originally a proprietary name. Televangelist dates from 1973. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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