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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - survey


Связанные словари


 I. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French surveer, to look over, from sur- + veer to seemore at view  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to examine as to condition, situation, or value ; appraise  b. to query (someone) in order to collect data for the analysis of some aspect of a group or area  2. to determine and delineate the form, extent, and position of (as a tract of land) by taking linear and angular measurements and by applying the principles of geometry and trigonometry  3. to view or consider comprehensively  4. inspect, scrutinize he ~ed us in a lordly way — Alan Harrington  intransitive verb to make a ~  II. noun  (plural ~s)  Date: 1548  1. the act or an instance of ~ing: as  a. a broad treatment of a subject  b. poll 5a  2. something that is ~ed
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  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 take or present a general view of. 2 examine the condition of (a building etc.). 3 determine the boundaries, extent, ownership, etc., of (a district etc.). --n. 1 a general view or consideration of something. 2 a the act of surveying property. b the result or findings of this, esp. in a written report. 3 an inspection or investigation. 4 a map or plan made by surveying an area. 5 a department carrying out the surveying of land. Etymology: ME f. AF survei(e)r, OF so(u)rveeir (pres. stem survey-) f. med.L supervidere (as SUPER-, videre see) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) осмотр; обследование осматривать; обследовать 2) наблюдение наблюдать 3) съёмка производить съёмку 4) изыскания; разведка производить изыскания или разведку 5) обзор делать обзор 6) радиационный контроль (на АЭС) - aerial survey - aerial gamma survey - aerial snow survey - aeromagnetic survey - aeroradiometric survey - airborne survey - airborne resistivity survey - aircraft survey - air pollution survey - all-weather survey - azimuthal survey - bathymetric survey - biological survey - borehole survey - broadside survey - carbon-oxygen survey - conditioning survey - continuous directional survey - continuous velocity survey - dc conduction survey - dc resistivity survey - deep bottom surveys - deep bottom survey - detailed survey - dipmeter survey - dipole-dipole survey - directional survey - dual induction survey - echo-sounding survey - electrical survey - electromagnetic survey - electromagnetic induction survey - engineering survey - equipotential line survey - equipotential survey - eye survey - field survey - fixed-transmitter survey - flowmeter survey - free point survey - galvanic resistivity survey - gamma-radiation survey - geodetic survey - geological survey - geophysical survey - gravitational survey - gravitymeter survey - gravity survey - gravity prospecting survey - ground survey - groundwater survey - helicopter survey - horizontal-loop survey - hydrographical survey - induced polarization survey - induction survey - instrumental survey - integrated air-ground survey - landscape-tract snow survey - large-scale survey - laterolog survey - layout survey - line survey - magnetic prospecting survey - magnetic survey - magnetometer survey - magnetotelluric survey - marine survey - microlog survey - mine survey - multifrequency survey - ocean chlorophyl survey - parallel-line survey - photogeologic survey - pilot survey - plane-table survey - radar survey...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  съёмка (топографическая) acid dip survey aerial visual survey aeromagnetic survey azimuthal survey bathymetric survey boundary survey caliper survey compass survey condition survey construction survey control survey electrical survey electronic survey engineering survey geologic survey geophysical survey gravity survey horizontal survey hydrographic survey infrared survey initial survey location survey magnetic survey photogrammetric survey plane-table survey population survey preliminary survey quantity survey reconnaissance survey reflection survey refraction survey resistivity survey rock mechanics survey route survey seismic survey social survey soil survey structural survey theodolite survey topographic survey traverse survey tunnel survey underground survey ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) осмотр; обзор 2) съемка 3) исследование; изыскание – aerial survey – helicopter survey – fixed-transmitter survey – marine survey – multifrequency survey – river survey – satellite survey – underground survey – underwater survey ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) межевание 2) межевать 3) обзор 4) обзорный 5) обозревать 6) обозрение 7) осматривать 8) осмотр 9) матем. сбор информации 10) съемка 11) съемочный 12) топогеодезический area bitumen survey — энерг. съемка битумная площадная field survey meter — полевой радиометр route bitumen survey — энерг. съемка битумная маршрутная sample selective survey — выборочное обследование small scale survey — мелкомасштабная съемка - analytic survey - comparative survey - compass survey - compilation survey - control survey - core-gas survey - current survey - detail survey - detailed survey - engineering survey - experimental survey - exploratory survey - field survey - forest survey - geodetic survey - high-accuracy survey - large-scale survey - multipurpose survey - multivariate survey - opinion survey - photographic survey - pilot survey - plane-table survey - planimetric survey - preliminary survey - reconnaisance survey - reconnaissance survey - repeated survey - route survey - sample survey - soil survey - stadia survey - staggered survey - statistical survey - strip survey - survey design - survey error - survey gyrocompass - survey plan - survey radiometer - survey report - theodolite survey ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) а) общ. обозрение, осмотр б) общ. изыскание the geological survey of Asia - геологические изыскания в Азии 2) а) общ. обзор, исследование a brief survey of some important books on economics - краткий обзор некоторых важных книг по экономике б) демогр. обследование See: descriptive survey - описательный обзор в) письменный отчет о результатах ( какого-либо исследования) According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened. - Согласно отчету, в мировой торговле также наблюдается снижение активности. The first part of the paper is a descriptive survey of mortality data from United Nations sources over the period 1970-1990. - Первая часть работы посвящена анализу данных ООН о смертности за период 1970-90 гг. 3) общ. вид, обзор, пейзаж, картина a magnificent survey of the vale - прекрасный вид, открывающийся на долину 4) соц. опрос, анкетирование, обследование (метод сбора первичной социологической информации посредством обращения с вопросами к определенной группе людей (респондентам)) readership survey - опрос читателей, mass survey - массовый опрос, массовое обследование, survey plan - план обследования, magazine audience survey - опрос читательской аудитории журанала, user survey - обследование потребителей (пользователей), user satisfaction survey - обследование степени удовлетворенности потребителей...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  обследование; съёмка – aerial survey – reconnaissance survey – sketch survey ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. обозрение, осмотр a moment's survey of her face —- быстрый взгляд, брошенный на ее лицо 2. обзор historical survey —- исторический обзор a survey of modern literature —- обзор современной литературы to make a general survey of the situation —- сделать общий обзор положения, в общих чертах описать (обрисовать) положение a survey course in literature —- обзорный курс литературы 3. инспектирование, обследование annual survey —- ежегодное освидетельствование quality survey —- контроль качества 4. отчет об обследовании 5. ам. (таможенный) досмотр 6. (геологическое) изыскание 7. топ. съемка; межевание; привязка к местности aerial survey —- аэросъемка survey sheet —- карта съемки; карта изысканий survey stake —- веха (мерная) survey group —- топографическая группа 8. воен. инструментальная разведка 9. топографическая служба 10. обозревать, осматривать; просматривать he carefully surveyed the valley stretching before him —- он внимательно осмотрел простирающуюся перед ним долину I surveyed him from head to foot —- я окинул его взглядом с головы до ног 11. рассматривать; исследовать, изучать to survey the situation —- изучить создавшееся (сложившееся) положение; ознакомиться с положением to survey bygone ages —- изучать прошлое 12. инспектировать, обследовать, проверять to survey a railway —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  vessel гидрографическое судно SURVEY  1. noun  1) обозрение, осмотр  2) обзор  3) обследование; инспектирование  4) отчет об обследовании  5) межевание, съемка; промер; aerial survey - аэросъемка  6) (Survey) орган, руководящий изысканиями в области геологии, геодезии и гидрографии (в США)  7) attr. обзорный; a survey course in history - обзорные лекции по истории  2. v.  1) обозревать, осматривать; изучать с какой-л. целью; to survey the situation - ознакомиться с положением  2) делать обзор  3) инспектировать  4) производить землемерную съемку; межевать  5) производить изыскания или исследования ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (surveyed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you carry out a survey, you try to find out detailed information about a lot of different people or things, usually by asking people a series of questions. According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened. N-COUNT 2. If you survey a number of people, companies, or organizations, you try to find out information about their opinions or behaviour, usually by asking them a series of questions. Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report... Only 18 percent of those surveyed opposed the idea. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. If you survey something, you look at or consider the whole of it carefully. He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room... VERB: V n 4. If someone carries out a survey of an area of land, they examine it and measure it, usually in order to make a map of it. ...the organizer of the geological survey of India... N-COUNT 5. If someone surveys an area of land, they examine it and measure it, usually in order to make a map of it. Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs. VERB: V n 6. A survey is a careful examination of the condition and structure of a house, usually carried out in order to give information to a person who wants to buy it. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use inspection) ...a structural survey undertaken by a qualified surveyor. N-COUNT 7. If someone surveys a house, they examine it carefully and report on its structure, usually in order to give advice to a person who is thinking of buying it. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use inspect) ...the people who surveyed the house for the mortgage. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a set of questions that you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour  (to carry out/conduct a survey (=do a survey))  (a recent survey conducted by Manchester university into children's attitudes to violence on television) 2 an examination of a house or other building done especially for someone who wants to buy it 3 an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it 4 a general description or report about a particular subject or situation  (a survey of modern English literature) ~2 v 1 often passive to ask a large number of people questions in order to find out their attitudes or opinions  (Almost 60% of those surveyed said they supported the President's action.) 2 to look at or consider someone or something carefully, especially in order to form an opinion about them  (He leaned back in his chair and surveyed her critically for a moment.) 3 to examine the condition of a house or other building and make a report on it, especially for people who want to buy it 4 to examine and measure an area of land and record the details on a map  (a surveying expedition) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1400, from O.Fr. surveeir, from M.L. supervidere "oversee" (see supervise). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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