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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - strong


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 adjective  (~er; ~est)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strang; akin to Old High German strengi ~, Latin stringere to bind tightmore at strain  Date: before 12th century  1. having or marked by great physical power  2. having moral or intellectual power  3. having great resources (as of wealth or talent)  4. of a specified number an army ten thousand ~  5.  a. striking or superior of its kind a ~ resemblance  b. effective or efficient especially in a specified direction ~ on watching other people work — A. Alvarez  6. forceful, cogent ~ evidence ~ talk  7. not mild or weak ; extreme, intense: as  a. rich in some active agent ~ beer  b. of a color high in chroma  c. ionizing freely in solution ~ acids and bases  d. magnifying by refracting greatly a ~ lens  8. obsolete flagrant  9. moving with rapidity or force a ~ wind  10. ardent, zealous a ~ supporter  11.  a. not easily injured or disturbed ; solid  b. not easily subdued or taken a ~ fort  12. well established ; firm ~ beliefs  13. not easily upset or nauseated a ~ stomach  14. having an offensive or intense odor or flavor ; rank ~ breath  15. tending to steady or higher prices a ~ market  16. of, relating to, or being a verb that is inflected by a change in the root vowel (as strive, strove, striven) rather than by regular affixation  • ~ adverb  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly adverb Synonyms:  ~, stout, sturdy, stalwart, tough, tenacious mean showing power to resist or to endure. ~ may imply power derived from muscular vigor, large size, structural soundness, intellectual or spiritual resources ~ arms the defense has a ~ case. stout suggests an ability to endure stress, pain, or hard use without giving way stout hiking boots. sturdy implies strength derived from vigorous growth, determination of spirit, solidity of construction a sturdy table people of sturdy independence. stalwart suggests an unshakable dependability stalwart environmentalists. tough implies great firmness and resiliency a tough political opponent. tenacious suggests strength in seizing, retaining, clinging to, or holding together tenacious farmers clinging to an age-old way of life.
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  adj. & adv. --adj. (stronger; strongest) 1 having the power of resistance; able to withstand great force or opposition; not easily damaged or overcome (strong material; strong faith; a strong character). 2 (of a person's constitution) able to overcome, or not liable to, disease. 3 (of a person's nerves) proof against fright, irritation, etc. 4 (of a patient) restored to health. 5 (of a market) having steadily high or rising prices. 6 capable of exerting great force or of doing much; muscular, powerful. 7 forceful or powerful in effect (a strong wind; a strong protest). 8 decided or firmly held (a strong suspicion; strong views). 9 (of an argument etc.) convincing or striking. 10 powerfully affecting the senses or emotions (a strong light; strong acting). 11 powerful in terms of size or numbers or quality (a strong army). 12 capable of doing much when united (a strong combination). 13 formidable; likely to succeed (a strong candidate). 14 (of a solution or drink etc.) containing a large proportion of a substance in water or another solvent (strong tea). 15 Chem. (of an acid or base) fully ionized into cations and anions in aqueous solution. 16 (of a group) having a specified number (200 strong). 17 (of a voice) loud or penetrating. 18 (of food or its flavour) pungent. 19 (of a person's breath) ill-smelling. 20 (of a literary style) vivid and terse. 21 (of a measure) drastic. 22 Gram. in Germanic languages: a (of a verb) forming inflections by change of vowel within the stem rather than by the addition of a suffix (e.g. swim, swam). b (of a noun or adjective) belonging to a declension in which the stem originally ended otherwise than in -n (opp. WEAK 9). --adv. strongly (the tide is running strong). Phrases and idioms come it strong colloq. go to great lengths; use exaggeration. going strong colloq. continuing action vigorously; in good health or trim. strong-arm using force (strong-arm tactics). strong drink see DRINK. strong grade the stressed ablaut-form. strong interaction Physics interaction between certain elementary particles...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) жирный формовочный 2) здоровый 3) концентрированный 4) крепкий 5) определенный 6) прочный 7) свежак 8) сильно 9) сильный 10) строгий 11) труднодробимый 12) усиленный maximally strong topology — максимально сильная топология point of strong density — точка сильной плотности relatively strong space — относительно сильное пространство strong elliptic differential equation — сильноэллиптическое дифференциальное уравнение strong law of large numbers — матем. закон больших чисел усиленный, усиленный закон больших чисел strong molding sand — жирный формовочный песок strong random variable — сильная случайная величина strong spectral ine — интенсивная спектральная линия strong spectral manifold — сильное спектральное многообразие sufficiently strong theory — достаточно сильная теория very strong summability — очень сильная суммируемость - almost strong - maximally strong - strong accessibility - strong acid - strong amenability - strong approximation - strong assertion - strong assumption - strong axiom - strong base - strong case - strong category - strong chain - strong closure - strong compactness - strong complement - strong completeness - strong computability - strong conclusion - strong condition - strong conjecture - strong conjugacy - strong conjunction - strong connectedness - strong continuity - strong contouroid - strong contraposition - strong convergence - strong converse - strong correspondence - strong current - strong definability - strong dependence - strong derivative - strong differentiability - strong differential - strong differentiation - strong dilatation -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) крепкий, прочный 2) твердый, устойчивый 3) растущий (о ценах) - prices are strong - strong currency - strong market - strong prices Ant: weak ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. сильный, обладающий большой физической силой strong man —- силач strong horse —- сильная (крепкая) лошадь as strong as a horse —- здоров как бык 2. здоровый, крепкий strong constitution —- крепкое здоровье strong stomach —- здоровый желудок strong nerves —- крепкие нервы strong eyes —- хорошее зрение to be quite strong —- быть вполне здоровым she is quite strong again —- она вполне окрепла (после болезни) I feel stronger today —- я себя чувствую лучше сегодня 3. прочный strong stick —- крепкая палка strong outer walls —- прочные (крепкие) наружные стены strong design —- прочная конструкция strong fortress —- хорошо укрепленная (защищенная) крепость strong defences —- воен. сильно укрепленная оборона strong prison —- усиленно охраняемая тюрьма strong soil —- твердая почва 4. выносливый 5. твердый, сильный strong will —- сильная воля 6. сильный, могущественный; имеющий силу, власть, преимущество strong king —- могущественный король strong candidate —- кандидат, имеющий большие шансы на успех to be strong at sea —- быть сильным на море; обладать мощным морским флотом to have a strong hold upon (over) smb. —- иметь большое влияние на кого-л. strong attraction —- большая привлекательность, притягательная сила 7. мощный, сильнодействующий strong lens —- сильная линза strong poison —- сильный яд 8. многочисленный strong...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) сильный, обладающий большой физической силой  2) здоровый; are you quite strong again? - вы вполне окрепли?  3) сильный; имеющий силу, преимущество, шансы и т.п.; strong candidate - кандидат, имеющий большие шансы; strong literary style - энергичный, выразительный стиль  4) сильный (в чем-л.); he is strong in chemistry - он хорошо знает химию  5) решительный, энергичный, крутой, строгий; strong measures - крутые меры; strong man -  а) властный человек;  б) решительный администратор  6) прочный; выносливый; strong castle - хорошо укрепленный замок; strong design - прочная конструкция  7) крепкий; неразведенный; strong coffee - крепкий кофе; strong remedy - сильнодействующее средство; strong drinks - спиртные напитки  8) острый, едкий; strong cheese - острый сыр  9) крепкий, грубый; strong language - сильные выражения, ругательства  10) твердый, убежденный, ревностный, усердный (приверженец, сторонник и т.п.)  11) сильный, веский; серьезный; strong sense of disappointment - сильное разочарование; strong reason - веская причина  12) ясный, сильный, определенный; а strong resemblance - большое сходство  13) громкий (о голосе)  14) устойчивый, твердый (о рынке, ценах); растущий (о ценах)  15) обладающий определенной численностью; battalions a thousand strong - батальоны численностью в...
Англо-русский словарь
  (stronger, strongest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is strong is healthy with good muscles and can move or carry heavy things, or do hard physical work. I’m not strong enough to carry him... I feared I wouldn’t be able to control such a strong horse. ? weak ADJ 2. Someone who is strong is confident and determined, and is not easily influenced or worried by other people. He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality... It’s up to managers to be strong and do what they believe is right... ? weak ADJ 3. Strong objects or materials are not easily broken and can support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain. The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won’t crack or chip... Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive... ? weak ADJ • strongly The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts. ADV: ADV -ed 4. A strong wind, current, or other force has a lot of power or speed, and can cause heavy things to move. Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open... A fairly strong current seemed to be moving the whole boat... = powerful ADJ • strongly The metal is strongly attracted to the surface. ADV: ADV with v 5. A strong impression or influence has a great effect on someone. We’re glad if our music makes a strong impression, even if it’s a negative one... Teenage idols have a strong influence on our children... ADJ • strongly He is strongly influenced by Spanish painters such as Goya and El Greco... ADV: ADV with v 6. If you have strong opinions on something or express them using strong words, you have extreme or very definite opinions which you are willing to express or defend. She is known to hold strong views on Cuba... There has been strong criticism of the military regime... It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain’s iniquitous campaign... ADJ: usu ADJ n • strongly Obviously you...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »PHYSICAL STRENGTH« having a lot of physical power so that, for example, you can lift heavy things  (He was a very strong man. | her strong hands) 2 »THINGS« not easily broken or destroyed  (a tall, strong tree | a pair of strong scissors) 3 »ABLE TO DEAL WITH DIFFICULTY« determined and able to deal with a difficult or upsetting situation  (I wasn't sure whether I was strong enough to go to the funeral. | My grandmother was a strong woman.) 4 »POWER« having a lot of power or influence  (Margaret Thatcher was certainly a strong leader. | a strong navy) 5 »HEALTHY« healthy, especially after you have been ill  (I don't think her heart is very strong. | have a strong constitution (=be healthy and not easily become ill)) 6 »FEELINGS/OPINIONS« strong emotions, opinions, beliefs etc are ones that you feel or believe a lot and are very serious about  (The subject of abortion always arouses strong emotions. | Harris has received strong support from her colleagues. | strong sense of sth)  (He has always had a strong sense of duty.) 7 »AFFECT/INFLUENCE« a strong desire, influence etc affects you very much  (I was overcome by a strong desire to speak to her. | The temptation is very strong.) 8 »RELATIONSHIP« a strong relationship, friendship etc is very loyal and likely to last a long time  (There is a very strong bond between the two of us. | He has strong links with the drugs trade.) 9 »ARGUMENT/REASON ETC« a set of reasons that are likely to persuade other people that something is true or the correct thing to do  (There is strong evidence to support Evan's discrimination claim.) 10 »LIKELY« likely to succeed or happen  (She's a strong candidate for the party leadership. | strong possibility/probability/chance)  (I think there's a strong possibility that the Cowboys will win.) 11 »GROUP OF PEOPLE« a strong team or other group of people is very good at doing something  (A strong cast was led by Leo McKern. | Germany has one of the strongest teams in the tournament.) 12 »GOOD AT« something that someone is...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. strang, from P.Gmc. *strangaz. Originally compared strenger, strengest (cf. old/elder/eldest). Going strong is from racing; stronghold (early 14c.) is from hold "fortified place, refuge." Strong-arm "using physical force" is from 1897. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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