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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - stroke


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 I. transitive verb  (~d; stroking)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stracian; akin to Old High German strihhan to ~ — more at strike  Date: before 12th century  1. to rub gently in one direction; also caress  2. to flatter or pay attention to in a manner designed to reassure or persuade  • ~r noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English strican to ~ — more at strike  Date: 13th century  1. the act of striking; especially a blow with a weapon or implement  2. a single unbroken movement; especially one of a series of repeated or to-and-fro movements  3.  a. a controlled swing intended to hit a ball or shuttlecock; also a striking of the ball  b. such a ~ charged to a player as a unit of scoring in golf  4.  a. a sudden action or process producing an impact a ~ of lightning  b. an unexpected result a ~ of luck  5. sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion caused by rupture or obstruction (as by a clot) of a blood vessel of the brain — called also apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident  6.  a. one of a series of propelling beats or movements against a resisting medium a ~ of the oar  b. a rower who sets the pace for a crew  7.  a. a vigorous or energetic effort by which something is done, produced, or accomplished a ~ of genius a brilliant diplomatic ~  b. a delicate or clever touch in a narrative, description, or construction  8. heartbeat  9. the movement in either direction of a mechanical part (as a piston) having a reciprocating motion; also the distance of such movement  10. the sound of a bell being struck at the ~ of twelve; also the specific time indicated by or as if by such a sound  11. ~ (I) an act of stroking or caressing  12.  a. a mark or dash made by a single movement of an implement  b. one of the lines of a letter of the alphabet  III. verb  (~d; stroking)  Date: 1597  transitive verb  1.  a. to mark with a short line ~ the t's  b. to cancel by drawing a line through ~d out his name  2. to set the ~ for (a rowing crew); also to set the ~ for the crew of (a rowing boat)  3. hit; especially to propel (a ball) with a controlled swinging blow  intransitive verb  1. to execute a ~  2. to row at a certain number of ~s a minute
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  n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of striking; a blow or hit (with a single stroke; a stroke of lightning). 2 a sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain, esp. through thrombosis; apoplexy. 3 a an action or movement esp. as one of a series. b the time or way in which such movements are done. c the slightest such action (has not done a stroke of work). 4 the whole of the motion (of a wing, oar, etc.) until the starting-position is regained. 5 (in rowing) the mode or action of moving the oar (row a fast stroke). 6 the whole motion (of a piston) in either direction. 7 Golf the action of hitting (or hitting at) a ball with a club, as a unit of scoring. 8 a mode of moving the arms and legs in swimming. 9 a method of striking with the bat etc. in games etc. (played some unorthodox strokes). 10 a specially successful or skilful effort (a stroke of diplomacy). 11 a a mark made by the movement in one direction of a pen or pencil or paintbrush. b a similar mark printed. 12 a detail contributing to the general effect in a description. 13 the sound made by a striking clock. 14 (in full stroke oar) the oar or oarsman nearest the stern, setting the time of the stroke. 15 the act or a spell of stroking. --v.tr. 1 pass one's hand gently along the surface of (hair or fur etc.); caress lightly. 2 act as the stroke of (a boat or crew). Phrases and idioms at a stroke by a single action. finishing stroke a coup de gr{acirc}ce; a final and fatal stroke. off one's stroke not performing as well as usual. on the stroke punctually. on the stroke of nine etc. with the clock about to strike nine etc. stroke a person down appease a person's anger. stroke of business a profitable transaction. stroke of genius an original or strikingly successful idea. stroke of luck (or good luck) an unforeseen opportune occurrence. stroke play Golf play in which the score is reckoned by counting the number of strokes taken for the round (cf. match play (see MATCH(1))). stroke a person (or a person's hair)...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ход; перемещение; величина хода (напр. рабочего органа) осуществлять ход; перемещать 2) ход, такт (поршня две) 3) удар ударять 4) штрих; черта 5) вчт. шаг; такт 6) гребок (веслом) грести - active scanning stroke - alternate key stroke - armature stroke - back stroke - carriage stroke - character stroke - compression stroke - descent stroke - direct stroke - double stroke - down stroke - downward stroke - downward leader stroke - dual stroke - ejection stroke - expansion stroke - explosion stroke - firing stroke - idle stroke - in stroke - induced stroke - induction stroke - inlet stroke - intake stroke - joining stroke - key stroke - leader stroke - lightning stroke - mold stroke - operating stroke - out stroke - power stroke - rebound stroke - retrace stroke - return stroke - scan stroke - scavenging stroke - Sheffer stroke - slow traverse stroke - stepped leader stroke - stitch stroke - suction stroke - sweep stroke - thin stroke - upward stroke - working stroke ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  удар; мазок (кистью) ход (напр. поршня); перемещение; такт hand lever stroke ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  ход; перемещение – scan stroke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) длина хода поршня 2) дробь 3) загребный 4) мах 5) прием 6) решающий довод 7) толчок 8) удар 9) черта 10) штрих nine stroke two — девять дробь два stroke of sawtooth voltage — ход пилообразного напряжения - Pierce stroke - admission stroke - bump stroke - character stroke - combustion stroke - length of stroke - lightning stroke - pedal stroke - pressure stroke - reversal of stroke - short stroke - single stroke - stroke function - stroke oar - stroke of crane - stroke operation - thick stroke - thin stroke - working stroke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  штрих, черта – ascending stroke – descending stroke – cross stroke – down stroke – square stroke – thick stroke – thin stroke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  физиол. удар; ударный, систолический – effective stroke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. удар mortal stroke —- смертельный удар the stroke of a hammer —- удар молота a stroke of lightning —- удар молнии; удар грома with one stroke of the sword —- одним ударом шпаги at the first stroke —- с первого удара; разом at one stroke, at a stroke —- одним ударом, одним махом; в один миг; в два счета to aim a stroke at smb. —- направить удар на кого-л. 2. мед. припадок, приступ; удар; паралич (также paralytic stroke) he has had a stroke —- у него был удар; его разбил паралич heat stroke —- тепловой удар 3. взмах; отдельное движение или усилие a stroke of the oar —- гребок; взмах весла a stroke of the skate —- ход конька to row a fast stroke —- быстро грести 4. прием, ход clever stroke —- ловкий ход a stroke of policy —- (удачный) политический прием (ход) it was a stroke of genius —- это было гениально 5. неожиданный случай a stroke of luck —- удача, везение a stroke of misfortune —- нежданная беда 6. штрих, мазок thin strokes —- тонкие мазки (штрихи) to portray with a few strokes —- обрисовать несколькими штрихами with one (a) stroke of the pen —- одним росчерком пера 7. черта a stroke of vanity —- элемент тщеславия 8. разг. дробь, косая черта seventy-seven stroke seventy-eight (77(78) —- семьдесят семь дробь семьдесят восемь 9. бой часов (up)on the stroke of twelve —- когда начнет бить двенадцать it is on the stroke of twelve now —- сейчас пробьет двенадцать to be on the stroke (of time) —- быть...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) удар; a finishing stroke -  а) удар, сражающий противника;  б) решающий довод; [ср. тж. stroke  6) ]  2) med. удар, паралич; heat stroke - тепловой удар; he had a stroke - у него был удар  3) взмах; отдельное движение или усилие; the stroke of an oar - взмах весла; they have not done a stroke of work - они палец о палец не ударили; with one stroke of the pen - одним росчерком пера  4) прием, ход; a clever stroke - ловкий ход; it was a stroke of genius - это было гениально; a stroke of luck - удача  5) tech. ход поршня; up (down) stroke - ход поршня вверх (вниз)  6) штрих, мазок, черта; finishing strokes - последние штрихи, отделка [ср. тж. stroke  1) ]; to portray with a few strokes - обрисовать несколькими штрихами  7) бой часов; it is on the stroke of nine - сейчас пробьет девять  8) поглаживание (рукой)  9) загребной; to row/pull the stroke - задавать такт гребцам  2. v.  1) гладить (рукой), поглаживать, ласкать; to stroke smb. down - успокоить, утихомирить кого-л.  2) задавать такт (гребцам) to stroke smb. the wrong way, to stroke smb. s hair/fur the wrong way - гладить кого-л. против шерсти; раздражать кого-л. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (strokes, stroking, stroked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you stroke someone or something, you move your hand slowly and gently over them. Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat... She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair. VERB: V n, V n 2. If someone has a stroke, a blood vessel in their brain bursts or becomes blocked, which may kill them or make them unable to move one side of their body. He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. The strokes of a pen or brush are the movements or marks that you make with it when you are writing or painting. Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. When you are swimming or rowing, your strokes are the repeated movements that you make with your arms or the oars. I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea... N-COUNT: usu pl 5. A swimming stroke is a particular style or method of swimming. She spent hours practising the breast stroke. N-COUNT: usu sing, supp N 6. The strokes of a clock are the sounds that indicate each hour. On the stroke of 12, fireworks suddenly exploded into the night. N-COUNT 7. In sports such as tennis, baseball, cricket, and golf, a stroke is the action of hitting the ball. Compton was sending the ball here, there, and everywhere with each stroke. N-COUNT 8. A stroke of luck or good fortune is something lucky that happens. It didn’t rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck. N-SING: a N of n 9. A stroke of genius or inspiration is a very good idea that someone suddenly has. At the time, his appointment seemed a stroke of genius. N-SING: a N of n 10. If something happens at a stroke or in one stroke, it happens suddenly and completely because of one single action. The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke... How can Britain reduce its prison population in one stroke? PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ILLNESS« an occasion when a blood tube in your brain suddenly bursts or is blocked  (He was paralyzed by a severe stroke | have/suffer a stroke)  (I'm afraid your aunt has had a slight stroke.) 2 »SWIMMING/ROWING« a) one of a set of movements in swimming or rowing in which you move your arms or the oar forward and then back repeatedly  (She swam with strong steady strokes.) b) a style of swimming or rowing  (the back stroke) c) the person who sets the speed at which everyone in the boat rows 3 a) at a/one stroke with a single sudden action  (Brian saw a chance of solving all his problems at one stroke.) b) a bold stroke something that someone does to achieve something that seems very brave 4 »A HIT« an action in which you hit someone with something such as a whip or thin stick  (He cried out at each stroke of the whip.) 5 on the stroke of seven/nine etc at exactly seven o'clock etc  (She arrived punctually on the stroke of five.) 6 »CLOCK/BELL« a single sound made by a clock giving the hours, or by a bell, gong etc  (Maria appeared on the final stroke of the dinner gong.) 7 a stroke of luck/fortune something lucky that happens to you unexpectedly  (By an amazing stroke of luck, I ran into her that very evening.) 8 a stroke of lightning a bright flash of lightning, especially one that hits something 9 a stroke of genius/inspiration etc a very good idea about what to do to solve a problem  (It was a stroke of genius to make her the party chairman.) 10 »SPORT« a hitting of the ball in games such as tennis, golf and cricket  (learn to play the basic backhand strokes) 11 »A MOVEMENT OF YOUR HAND« a gentle movement of your hand over something  (give sth a stroke)  (She gave the dog a stroke.) 12 »PEN/BRUSH« a) a single movement of a pen or brush when you are writing or painting  (Max made a few quick decisive strokes with his brush.) b) a line made by doing this  (the thick downward strokes of the characters) 13 with/at a stroke of the pen if you do something with a stroke of the pen, you do it by signing a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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