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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - strength


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 noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English ~u; akin to Old High German strengi strongmore at strong  Date: before 12th century  1. the quality or state of being strong ; capacity for exertion or endurance  2. power to resist force ; solidity, toughness  3. power of resisting attack ; impregnability  4.  a. legal, logical, or moral force  b. a strong attribute or inherent asset the ~s and the weaknesses of the book are evident  5.  a. degree of potency of effect or of concentration chili peppers in varying ~s  b. intensity of light, color, sound, or odor  c. vigor of expression  6. force as measured in numbers ; effective numbers of any body or organization an army at full ~  7. one regarded as embodying or affording force or firmness ; support you are my love and my ~  8. maintenance of or a rising tendency in a price level ; firmness of prices the ~ of the dollar  9. basisused in the phrase on the ~ of  Synonyms: see power
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См. в других словарях

  n. 1 the state of being strong; the degree or respect in which a person or thing is strong. 2 a a person or thing affording strength or support. b an attribute making for strength of character (patience is your great strength). 3 the number of persons present or available. 4 a full complement (below strength). Phrases and idioms from strength from a strong position. from strength to strength with ever-increasing success. in strength in large numbers. on the strength of relying on; on the basis of. the strength of the essence or main features of. Derivatives strengthless adj. Etymology: OE strengthu f. Gmc (as STRONG) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сила; интенсивность 2) прочность; предел прочности, временное сопротивление (материала) 3) напряжённость (поля) 4) крепость, концентрация (раствора) 5) численность, количество - strength of coupling - strength of insulation - strength of pole - strength of radiation - strength of shade - abrasion coke strength - absorption strength - acid strength - adhesion strength - adhesive fracture strength - aged strength - air-dry strength - alcohol strength - annealed strength - aroma strength - baked strength - baking strength - base strength - beam strength - bearing strength - bending strength - bonding strength - bond strength - breakdown strength - breaking strength - brine strength - brittle strength - buckling strength - bulk strength - bursting strength - burst strength - caking strength - carcass strength - cartridge strength - Charpy impact strength - cleavage strength - coating strength - cohesive strength - cohesive fracture strength - cold-work strength - collecting strength - color strength - combined strength - compression strength - compression yield strength - conventional yield strength - corrosion fatigue strength - crack strength - creep strength - creep rupture strength - cross direction strength - cross strength - crushing strength - cube crushing strength - cured tensile strength - current strength - dielectric strength - disruptive electric strength - dry strength - dry bond strength - dye strength - dynamic strength - electric strength - electric field strength - endurance strength - field strength - film strength - flavor strength - flexural strength - flow strength - fluorescence strength - folding strength - fore-and-aft strength - full strength - gel strength - green strength - green bond strength - high-temperature strength - image strength - impact strength - impact fatigue strength - impact puncture strength - impulse strength - ink strength - insulating strength - interference...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  прочность; предел прочности; предел выносливости крепость, концентрация (раствора) strength under sustained load strength of materials strength of sewage abrasive strength actual strength actual aggregate breaking strength actual breaking strength adequate strength adfreezing strength adhesion strength aggregate breaking strength alternate strength alternate bending strength axial tensile strength bearing strength bending strength bending compression strength bending oscillation strength bending tensile strength bond strength bond strength of cement to coarse aggregate bond strength of cement to sand Brazilian test strength breaking strength buckling strength bursting strength characteristic strength characteristic strength of concrete characteristic strength of prestressing tendon characteristic strength of reinforcement characteristic cube strength combined strength compressive strength compressive strength affected by water-cement ratio compressive strength increased by revibration concrete strength concrete strength at 7 days concrete strength at 28 days concrete compressive strength crack strength creep strength crushing strength cube strength cylinder strength deformation strength design strength design strength of materials design mean strength drained strength dried strength dynamic strength dynamic ultimate strength early strength early strength of concrete elastic strength endurance strength fatigue strength final strength of concrete fired strength flexural strength fracture strength guaranteed strength impact strength initial strength long-term strength mean strength no-load shearing strength offset yield strength peak strength postbuckling strength postcracking strength pull-out rebar strength reduced strength reinforcing bar pull-out strength rock joint strength rupture strength shear strength short-term strength soil strength specified works cube strength splitting tensile strength stripping strength taking-off strength tearing strength tensile strength...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сила 2) интенсивность 3) напряженность (ЭМП) – breakdown strength – color strength – current strength – disturbance-field strength – equivalent-field strength – field strength – radio-field strength – radio-noise field strength – magnetic-field strength – signal strength – wave strength ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вибропрочность 2) интенсивность 3) концентрация 4) крепость 5) могучесть 6) мощность 7) машиностр. ответственный 8) прочность 9) сила 10) сопротивление 11) численность disk of constant strength — диск равного сопротивления electric field strength — напряженность электрического поля field strength pattern — диаграмма напряженности поля impulse insulation strength — импульсная прочность изоляции magnetic field strength — напряженность магнитного поля of equal strength — равнопрочный on the strength of — в силу signal strength flotation — флуктуация интенсивности сигнала signal strength meter — радио измеритель силы сигнала spectral line strength — интенсивность линии спектра strength rivet joint — прочный заклепочный шов ultimate shear strength — временное сопротивление срезу - bending strength - bond strength - breaking strength - bulk strength - cleavage strength - creep strength - disruptive strength - dry strength - fatigue strength - field strength - flexural strength - grain strength - high-temperature strength - impact strength - insulation strength - line strength - local strength - logic strength - long-term strength - longitudinal strength - noise-field strength - proof strength - pump strength - rupture strength - shear strength - shock strength - signal strength - solution strength - source strength - strength analysis - strength factor - strength function - strength member - strength of association - strength of casualty - strength of disassociation - strength of graph - strength of materials - strength of preference - strength of test - strength of tree - strength test - strength weld - structural strength...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сила 2) прочность 3) эффективность; интенсивность; концентрация 4) стабильность – brand strength – technological strength STRENGTH сущ. 1) сила, мощь 2) прочность, устойчивость (о рынке, о ценах) • - competitive strength - financial strength - on the strength ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) сила 2) прочность 3) крепость, концентрация (раствора) – antigenic strength – brood strength – ionic strength – muscle strength – shear strength – target strength – transpiration strength – year-class strength ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сила strength of body —- физическая сила strength of mind —- сила духа strength of words —- сила слов (убеждения) to measure one's strength with smb. —- помериться силами с кем-л. to have no strength left —- остаться без сил my strength was gone —- мои силы иссякли to recover (to regain) strength —- восстановить силы he has the strength of a horse —- он силен как лошадь that is beyond my strength —- это мне не по силам 2. сильная сторона, достоинство strengths and weaknesses —- достоинства и недостатки the strengths and weaknesses of the book are evident —- сильные и слабые стороны этой книги очевидны 3. источник силы; поддержка he is my strength —- он источник моей силы, в нем моя сила where does his strength lie? —- в чем его сила?, где черпает он силу? his strength is patience —- его сила в терпении 4. тех. прочность; предел прочности the strength of a rope —- прочность веревки tensile strength —- сопротивление разрыву, прочность на разрыв strength of materials —- сопротивление материалов 5. эффективность (движения, действия) the strength of current —- эл. сила тока the strength of the pulse —- мед. наполнение пульса 6. интенсивность (цвета, запаха, звука и т. п.) 7. крепость, концентрация (раствора) the strength of an acid —- концентрация кислоты the strength of coffee —- крепость кофе 8. твердость (земли) 9. физ. напряженность (поля) 10. воен. численность, численный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) сила; strength of mind - сила духа  2) прочность; крепость  3) tech. сопротивление; strength of materials - сопротивление материалов  4) неприступность  5) численность, численный состав; in full strength - в полном составе; on the strength mil. - в штате, в списках; what is your strength? - сколько вас? on the strength of smth. - в силу чего-л., на основании чего-л., исходя из чего-л. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (strengths) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles... He threw it forward with all his strength... He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue. N-UNCOUNT 2. Someone’s strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage. Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty... His strength is an inspiration to me in my life... You need strength of mind to stand up for yourself. ? weakness N-UNCOUNT: also a N 3. The strength of an object or material is its ability to be treated roughly, or to carry heavy weights, without being damaged or destroyed. He checked the strength of the cables. ...the properties of a material, such as strength or electrical conductivity. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 4. The strength of a person, organization, or country is the power or influence that they have. America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it... The Alliance in its first show of strength drew a hundred thousand-strong crowd to a rally... They have their own independence movement which is gathering strength. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 5. If you refer to the strength of a feeling, opinion, or belief, you are talking about how deeply it is felt or believed by people, or how much they are influenced by it. He was surprised at the strength of his own feeling... What makes a mayor successful in Los Angeles is the strength of his public support. = intensity, depth N-UNCOUNT 6. Someone’s strengths are the qualities and abilities that they have which are an advantage to them, or which make them successful. Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses... Tact was never Mr Moore’s strength... Organisation is the strength of any good army... ? weakness ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PHYSICAL STRENGTH« the physical power and energy that makes someone strong  (It took Susan weeks to regain her strength after the illness. | the strength to do sth)  (I don't have the strength to climb any further. | with all your strength)  (Diana pulled on the rope with all her strength. | not know your own strength (=not realize how strong you are))  (- see also outgrow your strength outgrow (4)) 2 »OF AN OBJECT« how strong an object or structure is, especially its ability to last for a long time without breaking + of  (I have doubts about the strength of that beam in the ceiling.) 3 »OF CHARACTER« the ability to deal with difficult or unpleasant situations in a brave or determined way  (moral strength | strength to do sth)  (Where did you find the strength to keep trying? | strength of character (=strong ability to deal with difficult situations))  (the underlying strength of character behind Roosevelt's easy charm | inner strength (=strength of spirit))  (His troubles have bred in him an inner strength he'll never lose.)  (- see also tower of strength tower1 (3)) 4 »OF FEELING/BELIEF/RELATIONSHIP« how strong a feeling, belief, or relationship is + of  (We can't ignore the strength of public opinion. | the strength of family bonds) strength of feeling  (Don't underestimate the strength of feeling that the abortion issue will generate. | strength of purpose (=determination))  (I began to feel my strength of purpose failing me.) 5 »POLITICAL/MILITARY/ECONOMIC« political, military or economic power + of  (the strength of the US economy | a show of strength (=an occasion when a country shows how powerful its army etc is)) 6 »OF A SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE« how strong a substance or mixture is  (The drug is available in two strengths. | full-strength/half-strength/double-strength etc)  (acid diluted to half-strength) 7 »USEFUL QUALITY OR ABILITY« a particular quality or ability that gives someone or something an advantage  (The great strength of our plan lies in its simplicity.) 8 position of...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. strengрu "power, force, vigor, moral resistance," from P.Gmc. *strangitho. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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