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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - storm


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 I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German sturm ~, Old English styrian to stir  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, hail, sleet, or thunder and lightning  b. a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail  c.  (1) wind having a speed of 64 to 72 miles (103 to 117 kilometers) per hour  (2) whole galesee Beaufort scale table  d. a serious disturbance of any element of nature  2. a disturbed or agitated state ~s of emotion ; a sudden or violent commotion  3. a heavy discharge of objects (as missiles)  4. a tumultuous outburst a ~ of protests  5.  a. paroxysm 2  b. a sudden heavy influx or onset  6. a violent assault on a defended position  7. plural ~ window  II. verb  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to blow with violence  b. to rain, hail, snow, or sleet vigorously  2. to attack by ~ ~ed ashore at zero hour  3. to be in or to exhibit a violent passion ; rage ~ing at the unusual delay  4. to rush about or move impetuously, violently, or angrily the mob ~ed through the streets  transitive verb to attack, take, or win over by ~ ~ a fort  Synonyms: see attack
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usu. with thunder and rain or snow etc. 2 Meteorol. a wind intermediate between gale and hurricane, esp. (on the Beaufort scale) of 55-72 m.p.h. 3 a violent disturbance of the established order in human affairs. 4 (foll. by of) a a violent shower of missiles or blows. b an outbreak of applause, indignation, hisses, etc. (they were greeted by a storm of abuse). 5 a a direct assault by troops on a fortified place. b the capture of a place by such an assault. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by at, away) talk violently, rage, bluster. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by in, out of, etc.) move violently or angrily (stormed out of the meeting). 3 tr. attack or capture by storm. 4 intr. (of wind, rain, etc.) rage; be violent. Phrases and idioms storm-bird = storm petrel. storm centre 1 the point to which the wind blows spirally inward in a cyclonic storm. 2 a subject etc. upon which agitation or disturbance is concentrated. storm cloud 1 a heavy rain-cloud. 2 a threatening state of affairs. storm-cock a mistle-thrush. storm-collar a high coat-collar that can be turned up and fastened. storm cone Brit. a tarred-canvas cone hoisted as a warning of high wind, upright for the north and inverted for the south. storm-door an additional outer door for protection in bad weather or winter. storm-finch Brit. = storm petrel. storm-glass a sealed tube containing a solution of which the clarity is thought to change when storms approach. storming-party a detachment of troops ordered to begin an assault. storm in a teacup Brit. great excitement over a trivial matter. storm-lantern Brit. a hurricane lamp. storm petrel 1 a small petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus, of the North Atlantic, with black and white plumage. 2 a person causing unrest. storm-sail a sail of smaller size and stouter canvas than the corresponding one used in ordinary weather. storm-signal a device warning of an approaching storm. storm trooper 1 hist. a member of the Nazi political militia. 2 a member of the shock troops. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) буря; ураган; шторм; жестокий шторм (11 баллов по шкале Бофорта) 2) ливень - auroral storm - baroseismic storm - cyclonic storm - design storm - dust storm - electric storm - fast-moving storm - geomagnetic storm - glaze storm - ionospheric storm - lightning storm - magnetic storm - microseismic storm - sand storm - snow storm ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  ливень design storm unit storm ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  – electric storm – magnetic storm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) буревой 2) буря 3) бушевать 4) вьюжить 5) завируха 6) метелица - geomagnetic storm - noise storm - storm indicator - storm run-off - storm water - storm wind ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. буря, гроза, ураган to face (to brave) a storm —- смело (грудью) встретить бурю a storm was raging —- бушевала буря 2. метеор. ураган auroral (magnetic) storm —- магнитная буря cyclonic storm —- циклон sand storm —- самум, песчаная буря snow storm —- вьюга 3. мор. шторм to weather a storm —- мор. выдержать шторм; выдержать бурю, преодолеть трудности, (испытания) 4. (of) взрыв, град, буря (чего-л.) storm of cheers —- взрыв ликования storm of weeping —- поток слез (рыданий) storm of criticism —- град (волна) критических замечаний storm of bullets —- град пуль to pour a storm of shells on the enemy —- вести ураганный огонь по противнику to raise a storm of laughter —- вызвать взрыв смеха 5. сильное волнение, смятение a political storm —- политическая буря, политические волнения to stir up a storm —- поднять бурю, вызвать волнения wait until the storm blows over —- подождите, пока волнение уляжется (пока люди забудут о случившемся) 6. воен. штурм, приступ to take by storm —- взять штурмом; быстро завоевать, увлечь, захватить, покорить; пленить, очаровать to take a stronghold by storm —- взять оплот (крепость, цитадель) штурмом to take the audience by storm —- покорить публику (зрителей) 7. физ. ионосферное возмущение Id: storm in a teacup —- буря в стакане воды Id: S. and Stress —- нем. "Буря и натиск" (течение в немецкой литературе конца XVIII...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) буря, гроза, ураган; naut. шторм  2) взрыв, град (чего-л.); storm of applause - взрыв аплодисментов; storm of arrows - град стрел; storm of shells - ураган снарядов  3) сильное волнение, смятение  4) mil. штурм; to take by storm - взять штурмом; fig. увлечь, захватить  5) radio возмущение a storm in a teacup - буря в стакане воды Syn: see wind  2. v.  1) бушевать, свирепствовать  2) кричать, горячиться (at); I could hear Mother storming at the children for bringing mud into the house.  3) стремительно нестись, проноситься (in); The door flew open, and father stormed in, in a very bad temper.  4) mil. брать приступом, штурмовать Syn: see attack ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (storms, storming, stormed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A storm is very bad weather, with heavy rain, strong winds, and often thunder and lightning. ...the violent storms which whipped America’s East Coast. N-COUNT 2. If something causes a storm, it causes an angry or excited reaction from a large number of people. The photos caused a storm when they were first published... ...the storm of publicity that Richard’s book had generated. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. A storm of applause or other noise is a sudden loud amount of it made by an audience or other group of people in reaction to something. His speech was greeted with a storm of applause... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 4. If you storm into or out of a place, you enter or leave it quickly and noisily, because you are angry. He stormed into an office, demanding to know where the head of department was. VERB: V adv/prep 5. If a place that is being defended is stormed, a group of people attack it, usually in order to get inside it. Government buildings have been stormed and looted... The refugees decided to storm the embassy. VERB: be V-ed, V n • storming ...the storming of the Bastille. N-UNCOUNT: N of n 6. see also firestorm 7. If someone or something takes a place by storm, they are extremely successful. Kenya’s long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm. PHRASE: V inflects 8. If someone weathers the storm, they succeed in reaching the end of a very difficult period without much harm or damage. He insists he will not resign and will weather the storm. PHRASE: V and N inflect 9. a storm in a teacup: see teacup ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a period of very bad weather when there is a lot of rain, strong winds, and often lightning  (crops damaged by recent heavy storms | the storm broke (=suddenly started)) 2 C usually singular a situation in which people suddenly express very strong feelings about something that someone has said or done  (The governor found himself at the centre of a political storm. | a storm of protest/abuse/laughter etc)  (Government plans for hospital closures provoked a storm of protest.) 3 take somewhere by storm a) to be very successful in a particular place  (The new show took London by storm.) b) to attack a place using large numbers of soldiers and succeed in getting possession of it 4 a storm in a teacup an unnecessary expression of strong feelings about something that is very unimportant 5 dance/sing/party up a storm AmE to do something with all your energy  (They're dancing up a storm in there.) ~2 v 1 to suddenly attack and enter a place using a lot of force  (An angry crowd stormed the embassy.) 2 to go somewhere in a noisy fast way that shows you are extremely angry + out of/into/off etc  (Alan stormed out of the room.) 3 literary to shout something because you feel extremely angry  ("What difference does it make?" she stormed.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Service To Others Really Matters ocean sc. abbr. Stormscale Operational and Research Meteorology univ. abbr. Software Testing Online Resources Mtsu univ. abbr. Students Teachers Outward Reach Movement univ. abbr. Student Team Of Role Models educ. abbr. Student Team Of Role Models educ. abbr. Students To Organize Reading Motivation religion abbr. Serving The Only Risen Messiah religion abbr. Sending Teams Out Reaching Masses ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: TAKE BY STORM. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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