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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - stock


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English stok, from Old English stocc; akin to Old High German stoc stick  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. archaic stump  b. archaic a log or block of wood  c.  (1) archaic something without life or consciousness  (2) a dull, stupid, or lifeless person  2. a supporting framework or structure: as  a. plural the frame or timbers holding a ship during construction  b. plural a device for publicly punishing offenders consisting of a wooden frame with holes in which the feet or feet and hands can be locked  c.  (1) the wooden part by which a shoulder arm is held during firing  (2) the butt of an implement (as a whip or fishing rod)  (3) bit~, brace  d. a long beam on a field gun forming the third support point in firing  3.  a. the main stem of a plant ; trunk  b.  (1) a plant or plant part united with a scion in grafting and supplying mostly underground parts to a graft  (2) a plant from which slips or cuttings are taken  4. the crosspiece of an anchorsee anchor illustration  5.  a. the original (as a person, race, or language) from which others derive ; source  b.  (1) the descendants of one individual ; family, lineage of European ~  (2) a compound organism  c. an infraspecific group usually having unity of descent  d.  (1) a related group of languages  (2) a language family  6.  a.  (1) the equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment  (2) live~  b. a store or supply accumulated or available; especially the inventory of goods of a merchant or manufacturer  7.  a. archaic a supply of capital ; funds; especially money or capital invested or available for investment or trading  b.  (1) the part of a tally formerly given to the creditor in a transaction  (2) a debt or fund due (as from a government) for money loaned at interest; also British capital or a debt or fund bearing interest in perpetuity and not ordinarily redeemable as to principal  c.  (1) the proprietorship element in a corporation usually divided into shares and represented by transferable certificates  (2) a portion of such ~ of one or more companies  (3) ~ certificate  8. any of a genus (Matthiola) of Old World herbs or subshrubs of the mustard family with racemes of usually sweet-scented flowers  9. a wide band or scarf worn about the neck especially by some clergymen  10.  a. liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been simmered that is used as a basis for soup, gravy, or sauce  b.  (1) raw material from which something is manufactured  (2) paper used for printing  c. the portion of a pack of cards not distributed to the players at the beginning of a game  11.  a.  (1) an estimate or evaluation of something take ~ of the situation  (2) the estimation in which someone or something is held his ~ with the electorate remains high — Newsweek  b. confidence or faith placed in someone or something put little ~ in his testimony  12. the production and presentation of plays by a ~ company  13. ~ car 1  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to make (a domestic animal) pregnant  2. to fit to or with a ~  3. to provide with ~ or a ~ ; supply ~ a stream with trout  4. to procure or keep a ~ of our store ~s that brand  5. to graze (live~) on land  intransitive verb  1. to send out new shoots  2. to put in ~ or supplies ~ up on canned goods  III. adjective  Date: 1625  1.  a. kept regularly in ~ comes in ~ sizes a ~ model  b. commonly used or brought forward ; standard the ~ answer  2.  a. kept for breeding purposes ; brood a ~ mare  b. devoted to the breeding and rearing of live~ a ~ farm  c. used or intended for live~ a ~ train  d. used in herding live~ a ~ horse a ~ dog  3. of or relating to a ~ company  4. employed in handling, checking, or taking care of the ~ of merchandise on hand a ~ clerk
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См. в других словарях

  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a store of goods etc. ready for sale or distribution etc. 2 a supply or quantity of anything for use (lay in winter stocks of fuel; a great stock of information). 3 equipment or raw material for manufacture or trade etc. (rolling-stock; paper stock). 4 a farm animals or equipment. b = FATSTOCK. 5 a the capital of a business company. b shares in this. 6 one's reputation or popularity (his stock is rising). 7 a money lent to a government at fixed interest. b the right to receive such interest. 8 a line of ancestry; family origins (comes of Cornish stock). 9 liquid made by stewing bones, vegetables, fish, etc., as a basis for soup, gravy, sauce, etc. 10 any of various fragrant-flowered cruciferous plants of the genus Matthiola or Malcolmia (orig. stock-gillyflower, so-called because it had a stronger stem than the clove gillyflower). 11 a plant into which a graft is inserted. 12 the main trunk of a tree etc. 13 (in pl.) hist. a timber frame with holes for the feet and occas. the hands and head, in which offenders were locked as a public punishment. 14 US a = stock company. b the repertory of this. 15 a a base or support or handle for an implement or machine. b the crossbar of an anchor. 16 the butt of a rifle etc. 17 a = HEADSTOCK. b = TAILSTOCK. 18 (in pl.) the supports for a ship during building. 19 a band of material worn round the neck esp. in horse-riding or below a clerical collar. 20 hard solid brick pressed in a mould. --adj. 1 kept in stock and so regularly available (stock sizes). 2 perpetually repeated; hackneyed, conventional (a stock answer). --v.tr. 1 have or keep (goods) in stock. 2 a provide (a shop or a farm etc.) with goods, equipment, or livestock. b fill with items needed (shelves well-stocked with books). 3 fit (a gun etc.) with a stock. Phrases and idioms in stock available immediately for sale etc. on the stocks in construction or preparation. out of stock not immediately available for sale. stock-book a book showing amounts of goods acquired and disposed of. stock-car 1 a specially...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) (исходное [перерабатываемое]) сырьё, исходный продукт 2) сырьевой нефтепродукт 3) запас(ы) создавать запасы, запасать 4) склад; машиностр. тж накопитель сдавать на склад; хранить на складе 5) ассортимент продуктов 6) метал. шихта; столб шихтовых материалов, садка 7) заготовка; метал. тж задаваемая штука 8) припуск (на механическую обработку) 9) клупп 10) бабка 11) (строительный) лесоматериал 12) стопа; пачка 13) резин. смесь 14) подкос штукатурного шаблона с профильной доской 15) мн. ч. стапель 16) мор. шток (якоря); баллер (руля) 17) подвижной состав; парк (вагонов) 18) рукоятка; тело (гаечного ключа) 19) колодка (рубанка) 20) ступица (колеса) 21) неэкспонированная плёнка 22) макулатура 23) ствол (дерева) - accelerated stock - acetate film stock - activated stock - air-conditioned stock - anchor stock - asphalt stock - asphalt-bearing stock - bar stock - base stock - bit stock - black stock - black-and-white film stock - blending stock - body stock - bright stock - buffer stock - burnt stock - carbon black stock - catalytic cycle stock - chucking stock - circulating stock - clean cracking stock - clean recycle stock - coiled stock - color stock - cracking stock - crude lube stock - cured stock - cutter stock - cycle stock - cylinder stock - dark-colored stocks - die stock - diesel stock - dirty charge stock - double-deck stock - electric stock - empty stock - extruded stock - feed stock - film stock - filtered stock - filter stock - filtered cylinder stock - finished stock - finished parts stock - freak stock - freight stock -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  запас; фонд; инвентарь сырьё; исходный продукт; ассортимент изделий склад строительный лесо- или пиломатериал подвижной состав ствол (дерева) колодка (рубанка) заготовка dimension stock high-grade stock low-grade stock oil stock pipe stock roll stock rolling stock standard stock tank farm stock veneered stock work stock ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  набор, комплект – head stock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) акционерный капитал 2) акция 3) ассортимент 4) бабка 5) базовый 6) баллер 7) бумажная масса 8) дистиллят 9) задел 10) запас 11) иметь в наличии 12) инвентарь 13) левкой 14) материал 15) парк 16) полупродукт 17) снабжать 18) треста 19) фонд 20) шихта 21) щечка bridging over of stock — зависание шихты commercial stock length — нормальная длина торгового проката rolled and drawn stock — метизы rolling stock turn-over — оборот подвижного состава stock will last — запасов сватит - anchor stock - band stock - basic stock - capital stock - dead stock - fat stock - filter stock - finished stock - has fat stock - joint stock - lay in stock - lying stock - minimum stock - ore stock yard - plane stock - planting stock - retail stock - rolled stock - rolled-up stock - roller stock - rolling stock - seed stock - stock bin - stock capital - stock column - stock corporation - stock distributor - stock exchange - stock point - stock pond - stock up - take stock - tool stock - unbeaten stock - veneered stock - wagon stock - well-beaten stock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  See: сущ. 1) а) торг. запас, резерв (совокупность сырья, товаров и др., хранимая для покрытия будущих потребностей; термин может применяться не только к материальным ценностям, но и к анекдотам, стандартным фразам, методологическим приемам и т. п.); фонд; инвентарь, имущество to keep in stock - держать на складе, хранить на складе; иметь в запасе, to have (to hold) smth. in stock- иметь что-либо в запасе; хранить что-либо на складе, to lay in stock - создать запас, создавать запас, запасать, to carry stock - хранить запасы, to be short of stock, to be out of stock - не иметь запаса; не иметь на складе, не иметь в наличии (о сырье, товарах, ценных бумагах и т. д.), to replenish stock - пополнять запасы, make-to-stock - производство (изготовление) на склад buffer stock - буферный (страховой) запас library stock - библиотечный фонд, stock of patience - запас терпения, Charlie soon proved a gifted and imaginative teacher, with a stock of jokes, anecdotes, mnemonics, props and tricks that make every lesson an entertainment as well as a workout. - Чарли вскоре продемонстрировал, что является одаренным и творческим учителем, обладающим запасом шуток, анекдотов, мнемонических приемов, реквизита и уловок, которые делали каждый урок не просто тренировкой, но и развлечением. See: ex-stock in-stock out of stock б) торг. ассортимент...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) линия, потомство одной особи 2) штамм 3) порода 4) скот; поголовье скота; стадо 5) косяк, стая (рыб) 6) ствол (дерева) 7) подвой 8) запас (популяции) 9) биомасса 10) исходный раствор (для разведений) 11) маттиола, левкой (Matthiola) 12) давать новые побеги stock with fish — зарыблять – brood stock – common stock – foundation stock – Grecian stock – multiple age spawning stock – pedigree stock – planting stock – sea stock – surplus stock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. главный ствол (дерева) 2. неодушевленный предмет 3. пренебр. глупый, бесчувственный человек; деревяшка, чурбан to stand like a stock —- стоять как чурбан (как болван) 4. опора, подпорка 5. ложа (винтовки) 6. воен. ствол 7. мор. стапель to be on the stocks —- стоять на стапеле, строиться (о судне) 8. станок для ковки лошадей 9. ист. колодки to put in the stocks —- сажать в колодки the shoemaker's stock —- тесные ботинки 10. тех. бабка (токарного станка) 11. тех. клупп 12. тех. коловорот 13. ступица (колеса) 14. тело (гаечного ключа и т. п.) 15. колодка (рубанка) 16. черенок, рукоятка 17. мор. шток (якоря) 18. мор. баллер (руля) 19. корень, источник происхождения 20. прародитель the stock of all mankind —- праотец рода человеческого 21. родословная, генеалогия 22. род, семья to come (to be) of good stock —- происходить из хорошей семьи 23. раса 24. биол. порода, племя 25. группа родственных языков 26. пчелиный рой 27. запас, фонд new (fresh) stock —- свежий запас in stock —- в запасе, в наличии a stock of wood —- запас дров a stock of information —- наличие сведений a stock of plays —- репертуар a stock of fish —- спец. рыбность, заселенность рыбой (водоема) stocks on hand —- наличный запас, наличность склада to lay in a stock —- делать (создавать) запас to acquire a good stock of common words —- приобрести...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  exchange фондовая биржа STOCK company постоянная труппа STOCK  1. noun  1) главный ствол (дерева)  2) опора, подпора  3) рукоятка, ручка; ружейная ложа  4) obs. пень; бревно  5) род, семья; of good stock - из хорошей семьи  6) biol. порода, племя  7) раса  8) группа родственных языков  9) запас; инвентарь; word stock - запас слов; basic word stock - основной словарный фонд; dead stock - (мертвый) инвентарь; in stock - в наличии (о товарах и т.п.); под рукой; out of stock - распродано; to lay in stock - делать запасы; to take stock -  а) инвентаризировать; делать переучет товара;  б) критически оценивать, рассматривать (of - что-л.); приглядываться (of - к чему-л.)  10) ассортимент (товаров)  11) скот, поголовье скота (тж. live stock)  12) парк (вагонов и т.п.); подвижной состав  13) сырье; paper stock - бумажное сырье (тряпье и т.п.)  14) econ. акционерный капитал (тж. joint stock); основной капитал; фонды; the stocks - государственный долг  15) amer. акции; to take stock in - покупать акции; вступать в пай  16) левкой  17) широкий галстук или шарф  18) крепкий бульон из костей  19) часть колоды карт, не розданная игрокам  20) = stock company  2)  21) pl.; hist. колодки  22) pl.; naut. стапель; to be on the stocks - стоять на стапеле; fig. готовиться, быть в работе (о литературном произведении)  23)...
Англо-русский словарь
  (stocks, stocking, stocked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid. (BUSINESS) ...the buying and selling of stocks and shares... N-COUNT: usu pl 2. A company’s stock is the amount of money which the company has through selling shares. (BUSINESS) Two years later, when Compaq went public, their stock was valued at $38 million... N-UNCOUNT: usu poss N 3. If a shop stocks particular goods, it keeps a supply of them to sell. The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper. VERB: no cont, V n 4. A shop’s stock is the total amount of goods which it has available to sell. We took the decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale. N-UNCOUNT 5. If you stock something such as a cupboard, shelf, or room, you fill it with food or other things. I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store... Some families stocked their cellars with food and water... The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup. VERB: V n, V n with n, V-ed • Stock up means the same as stock. I had to stock the boat up with food... Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes. PHRASAL VERB: V n P with n, V P n (not pron) with n 6. If you have a stock of things, you have a supply of them stored in a place ready to be used. Stocks of ammunition were running low. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 7. The stock of something is the total amount of it that is available in a particular area. (mainly BRIT) ...the stock of accommodation available to be rented. N-SING: with supp 8. If you are from a particular stock, you are descended from a particular group of people. (FORMAL) We are both from working class stock. N-UNCOUNT: usu supp N 9. Stock are cattle, sheep, pigs, or other animals which are kept by a farmer, usually ones which have been specially bred. I am carefully selecting the breeding stock......
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SUPPLIES« also stocks plural a supply of something that you keep and can use when you need to  (stocks of flour and sugar | build up a stock)  (The country has been building up its stock of weapons.) 2 »IN A SHOP« a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has to sell  (Buy now while stocks last! | out of/in stock (=unavailable or available in a particular shop))  (I'm sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size. | take stock (=check and count the goods in a shop)) 3 »FINANCE« a) technical a share2 (5) in a company b) the total value of a company's shares (share2 (5)) 4 »COOKING« a liquid made by boiling meat or bones and vegetables, which is used to make soups etc  (chicken stock) 5 »AMOUNT AVAILABLE« also stocks plural the total amount of something that is available to be used in a particular area  (Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.) 6 »ANIMALS« farm animals, especially cattle; livestock 7 take stock (of sth) to think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next  (Turning 40 is a time to take stock of your life.) 8 be of peasant/Protestant/Scottish stock etc to be related to a particular type of family in the past 9 sb's stock is high/low if someone's stock is high or low, they are very popular or very unpopular  (The government's stock was high just before the election.) 10 »FLOWER« a plant with pink, white, or light purple flowers and a sweet smell 11 »PLANT« a) a plant that you can cut stems off to make new plants grow b) a thick part of a stem onto which another plant can be added so that the two plants grow together 12 »DOCUMENT« an official document promising that a government will pay back the money it has borrowed with a fixed amount of interest1 (4) 13 a stock of jokes/knowledge/courage etc the jokes, knowledge etc that someone knows or has  (John seems to have an inexhaustible stock of funny stories.) 14 the stocks a) a wooden structure in a public place to which criminals were...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. stocc "stump, post, stake, tree trunk, log," also "pillory" (usually plural, stocks), from P.Gmc. *stukkaz "tree trunk." Meaning "instrument of punishment" is from M.E. Meaning "ancestry, family" (12c.) is a figurative use of the "tree trunk" sense (cf. family tree). This is also the root of the meaning "heavy part of a tool," and "part of a rifle held against the shoulder" (1541). Stock-still (c.1470) is lit. "as still as a tree trunk." Stocky "thick-set" is first recorded 1676, also suggestive of tree trunks. Laughing-stock is formed by analogy with whipping-stock "whipping post." Stock "supply for future use" (1428), "sum of money" (early 15c.) are unique to English and their ultimate origin is uncertain. Meaning "subscribed capital of a corporation" is from 1612. Stock-broker is from 1706; stock exchange is from 1773. The verb meaning "to supply (a store) with stock" is from 1622. Meaning "broth made by boiling meat or vegetables" is from 1764. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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