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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - shove


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 I. verb  (~d; shoving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scufan to thrust away; akin to Old High German scioban to push and probably to Lithuanian skubti to hurry  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to push along  2. to push or put in a rough, careless, or hasty manner ; thrust  3. to force by other than physical means ; compel ~ a bill through the legislature  intransitive verb  1. to move by forcing a way bargain hunters shoving up to the counter  2.  a. to move something by exerting force  b. leaveusually used with off ~d off for home  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century an act or instance of shoving ; a forcible push
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  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) push vigorously; move by hard or rough pushing (shoved him out of the way). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by along, past, through, etc.) make one's way by pushing (shoved through the crowd). 3 tr. colloq. put somewhere (shoved it in the drawer). --n. an act of shoving or of prompting a person into action. Phrases and idioms shove-halfpenny a form of shovelboard played with coins etc. on a table esp. in licensed premises. shove off 1 start from the shore in a boat. 2 sl. depart; go away (told him to shove off). Etymology: OE scufan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) рассовать 2) рассовывать 3) рассунуть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. толкание 2. сильный толчок 3. сл. увольнение to give the shove —- уволить to get the shove —- быть уволенным 4. отжимание (борьба) Id: to give smb. a shove off —- помочь кому-либо в начале пути Id: to be on the shove —- двигаться, быть в движении 5. толкать, пихать; отталкивать to shove smb. off the pavement —- столкнуть кого-либо с тротуара the children were laughing and shoving each other about —- дети хохотали и толкались he shoved the whole affair on to me —- он спихнул мне все это дело 6. толкаться, пихаться don't shove! —- не толкайтесь! 7. проталкивать, продвигать to shove a bill through the legislature —- протолкнуть законопроект через палату to shove oneself forward —- пробивать себе дорогу в жизни; лезть вперед to shove dowm smb.'s throat —- пихать кому-либо в горло to shove along —- разг. проталкиваться, протискиваться (вперед) 8. разг. швырять; пихать, совать to shove a plate on the table —- швырнуть тарелку на стол to shove a book back in the shelves —- засунуть книгу обратно в шкаф to shove smth. away —- отшвыривать, отбрасывать что-либо; засовывать, запрятывать что-либо to shove down —- швырять, брякать to shove smth. down on paper —- набросать, накатать что-либо 9. отжимать (борьба) Id: to shove in one's face —- простореч. уплетать за обе щеки, уминать 10. костра (льна) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over coll. опрокидывать, валить; The boy, running round the corner, nearly shoved the old lady over. SHOVE away отталкивать; She ran to him, but he shoved her away. SHOVE  1. noun  1) толчок; толкание  2) agric. костра (льна)  2. v.  1) пихать; толкать(ся)  2) coll. совать; засовывать  3) coll. спихнуть; всучить (кому-л.) (onto) - shove about - shove around - shove along - shove aside - shove away - shove back - shove down - shove in - shove off - shove on - shove out - shove over - shove through Syn: see propel SHOVE about coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers. I am sick of being shoved about. SHOVE along coll. уходить; I must be shoving along now, its getting late. SHOVE around coll. помыкать (кем-л.), третировать (кого-л.); запугивать; The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers. I am sick of being shoved about. SHOVE aside  а) отталкивать, отпихивать; That rude man shoved me aside and got on the bus ahead of me!  б) устранять, отстранять; уступать (место); to shove aside all obstacles устранять, сметать все препятствия. When jobs are scarce, young people force lend to get shoved aside in favour of experienced workers. SHOVE through coll.  а) проталкивать(ся); пробиваться; to shove the matter through довести дело до конца; The crowd was so thick that I had to shove through (a mass of people) to reach my friend.  б) coll. помочь (кому-л., чему-л.) пройти какое-л. испытание (тест, утверждение и т.п.); We shall need all the votes to shove the new law through. His sister was a great help in shoving the student through. SHOVE back...
Англо-русский словарь
  (shoves, shoving, shoved) 1. If you shove someone or something, you push them with a quick, violent movement. He shoved her out of the way... He’s the one who shoved me... She shoved as hard as she could. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n, V • Shove is also a noun. She gave Gracie a shove towards the house. N-COUNT 2. If you shove something somewhere, you push it there quickly and carelessly. We shoved a copy of the newsletter beneath their door... VERB: V n prep/adv 3. If you talk about what you think will happen if push comes to shove, you are talking about what you think will happen if a situation becomes very bad or difficult. (INFORMAL) If push comes to shove, if you should lose your case in the court, what will you do?... PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to push someone or something, in a rough or careless way, using your hands or shoulders  (shove sb aside/into etc)  (Secret Service men shoved people aside to make way for the President. | shove sb/sth)  (Stop shoving me or I'll tell the teacher! | pushing and shoving (=pushing with your body, especially in a crowd))  (There was no trouble at the rally apart from a little pushing and shoving.) 2 T always + adv/prep to put something somewhere carelessly or without thinking much  (shove sth into/under etc)  (Let's shove everything into the closet just for now.) 3 shove up/over spoken, especially BrE to move along on a seat to make space for someone else  (Shove up mate, there's no room to sit down here.)  (- see also when push comes to shove push2 (7)) shove off phr v 1 spoken used to tell someone rudely or angrily to go away  (Shove off! I'm busy.) 2 to push a boat away from the land, usually with a pole ~2 n a strong push  (give sth a shove)  (We gave the door one good shove and it came open.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. scufan "push away" (class II strong verb; past tense sceaf, pp. scoven), from P.Gmc. *skeub-, *skub-. Replaced by push in all but colloquial and nautical usage. Shove off "leave" (1844) is from boating. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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