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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - should


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 verbal auxiliary, past of shall  Etymology: Middle English sholde, from Old English sceolde owed, was obliged to, ought to  Date: before 12th century  1. — used in auxiliary function to express condition if he ~ leave his father, his father would dieGenesis 44:22 (Revised Standard Version)  2. — used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency 'tis commanded I ~ do so — Shakespeare this is as it ~ be — H. L. Savage you ~ brush your teeth after each meal  3. — used in auxiliary function to express futurity from a point of view in the past realized that she ~ have to do most of her farm work before sunrise — Ellen Glasgow  4. — used in auxiliary function to express what is probable or expected with an early start, they ~ be here by noon  5. — used in auxiliary function to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct statement I ~ suggest that a guide…is the first essential — L. D. Reddick
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  v.aux. (3rd sing. should) past of SHALL, used esp.: 1 in reported speech, esp. with the reported element in the 1st person (I said I should be home by evening). Usage Cf. WILL(1), WOULD, now more common in this sense, esp. to avoid implications of sense 2. 2 a to express a duty, obligation, or likelihood; = OUGHT(1) (I should tell you; you should have been more careful; they should have arrived by now). b (in the 1st person) to express a tentative suggestion (I should like to say something). 3 a expressing the conditional mood in the 1st person (cf. WOULD) (I should have been killed if I had gone). b forming a conditional protasis or indefinite clause (if you should see him; should they arrive, tell them where to go). 4 expressing purpose = MAY, MIGHT(1) (in order that we should not worry). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. p. от shall 2. выражает долженствование в форме рекомендации, пожелания you should consult a doctor —- вам следует обратиться к врачу I know I should go to the station —- я знаю, что (мне) нужно идти на станцию we should go now —- нам пора уходить which is as it should be —- что и должно было быть; как и следовало ожидать 3. выражает с перфектным инфинитивом невыполненную рекомендацию, пожелание you should really have been more careful —- вам следовало бы быть осторжнее he hasn't brought the book, though he should have done it last week —- он не принес книгу, хотя ему бы следовало сделать это еще на прошлой неделе 4. выражает предположение they should be there by now —- сейчас они, наверное, уже там that should suit you —- это вам, должно быть, подойдет 5. выражает нерешительное утверждение I should think that... —- мне кажется, что... I should say that he was right —- я бы сказал, что он неправ I should think he is wrong —- я думаю, что он неправ so it should seem —- кеазалось бы, что это так; видимо, так 6. выражает желание I should like... —- мне бы хотелось 7. эмоц-усил. выражает удивление, возмущение why should you suspect me? —- с какой же это стати вы меня подозреваете? why should he behave like that? —- и зачем только он так себя ведет? how should I know? —- ну откуда мне знать? it is strange that he should have said it —- весьма странно, что он сказал...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) вспомогательный глагол; служит для образования будущего в прошедшем в 1 л. ед. и мн. ч.: I said I should be at home next week - я сказал, что буду дома на следующей неделе  2) вспомогательный глагол; служит для образования:  а) условного наклонения в 1 л. ед. и мн. ч.: I should be glad to play if I could - я бы сыграл, если бы умел;  б) сослагательного наклонения: it is necessary that he should go home at once - необходимо, чтобы он сейчас же шел домой  3) модальный глагол, выражающий:  а) долженствование, уместность, целесообразность; you should not do that - этого делать не следует; we should be punctual - мы должны быть аккуратны;  б) предположение (вытекающее из обстоятельств); they should be there by now - сейчас они, наверное, уже там ...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Should' is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. 1. You use should when you are saying what would be the right thing to do or the right state for something to be in. I should exercise more... The diet should be maintained unchanged for about a year... He’s never going to be able to forget it. And I don’t think he should... Sometimes I am not as brave as I should be... Should our children be taught to swim at school? MODAL 2. You use should to give someone an order to do something, or to report an official order. All visitors should register with the British Embassy... The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds. MODAL 3. If you say that something should have happened, you mean that it did not happen, but that you wish it had. If you say that something should not have happened, you mean that it did happen, but that you wish it had not. I should have gone this morning but I was feeling a bit ill... You should have written to the area manager again... I shouldn’t have said what I did. MODAL 4. You use should when you are saying that something is probably the case or will probably happen in the way you are describing. If you say that something should have happened by a particular time, you mean that it will probably have happened by that time. You should have no problem with reading this language... The doctor said it will take six weeks and I should be fine by then... MODAL 5. You use should in questions when you are asking someone for advice, permission, or information. Should I or shouldn’t I go to university?... Please could you advise me what I should do?... Should I go back to the motel and wait for you to telephone?... MODAL 6. You say ‘I should’, usually with the expression ‘if I were you’, when you are giving someone advice by telling them what you would do if you were in their position. (FORMAL) I should look...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ modal verb negative short form shouldn't 1 used to show that something is the best thing to do because it is morally right, fair, honest etc  (He should learn to be more polite. | What you should have done is call the police. | I have no sympathy for him. He shouldn't accept bribes. | "I don't care what people think." "Well, you should.") 2 used to show that something is the best thing to do because it helps you, is good for you etc.  (The leaflet tells you what you should do if the power fails. | Why shouldn't I smoke if I want to? | I think he should have tried to get some more qualifications before applying for the job.) 3 used to show what the correct or expected amount, situation etc is, especially when it is not correct or not what is expected  (Eat noodles the way they should be eaten, with chopsticks. | What do you mean there are only ten tickets? There should be twelve.) 4 used to say that something will probably be good, bad, interesting etc  (It should be a good movie - its reviews were very good. | With her talent and experience, she should do well for herself.) 5 used after `that' in some expressions showing an opinion or feeling  (It's odd that he should react in this way. | The residents demanded that there should be an official inquiry.) 6 should it rain/should there be a problem etc if it rains, if there is a problem etc  (Should anyone phone, tell them I'm in conference.) 7 formal, especially BrE used after `I' or `we' in conditional sentences  (I should stay in bed if I were you. | I should be surprised if he came.) 8 formal especially BrE used after `if' to emphasize that something might or might not happen if  (If the wound should become inflamed do not hesitate to call me.) 9 used in reported speech to mean shall  (I promised I should be back by midnight.) 10 what should happen but/who should appear but etc especially humorous used to show that you were surprised when something happened, a particular person appeared etc  (Just at that moment who should walk in but old Jim himself.) 11 I should worry/he...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1200, from O.E. sceolde, past tense of sceal (see shall). Preserves the original notion of "obligation" that has all but dropped from shall. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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