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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - rent


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, payment, income, from Vulgar Latin *rendita, from feminine of *renditus, past participle of *rendere to yieldmore at render  Date: 12th century  1. property (as a house) ~ed or for ~  2.  a. a usually fixed periodical return made by a tenant or occupant of property to the owner for the possession and use thereof; especially an agreed sum paid at fixed intervals by a tenant to the landlord  b. the amount paid by a hirer of personal property to the owner for the use thereof  3.  a. the portion of the income of an economy (as of a nation) attributable to land as a factor of production in addition to capital and labor  b. economic ~  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to grant the possession and enjoyment of in exchange for ~  2. to take and hold under an agreement to pay ~  intransitive verb  1. to be for ~  2.  a. to obtain the possession and use of a place or article in exchange for ~  b. to allow the possession and use of property in exchange for ~  Synonyms: see hire  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  III. past and past participle of rend  IV. noun  Etymology: English dialect ~ to rend, from Middle English, alteration of renden — more at rend  Date: 1535  1. an opening made by or as if by rending  2. a split in a party or organized group ; schism  3. an act or instance of rending
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  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a tenant's periodical payment to an owner or landlord for the use of land or premises. 2 payment for the use of a service, equipment, etc. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by from) take, occupy, or use at a rent (rented a cottage from the local farmer). 2 tr. (often foll. by out) let or hire (a thing) for rent. 3 intr. (foll. by at) be let or hired out at a specified rate (the land rents at {pound}100 per month). Phrases and idioms for rent US available to be rented. rent-a- (in comb.) often joc. denoting availability for hire (rent-a-van; rent-a-crowd). rent-boy a young male prostitute. rent-free with exemption from rent. rent-roll the register of a landlord's lands etc. with the rents due from them; the sum of one's income from rent. Etymology: ME f. OF rente f. Rmc (as RENDER) 2. n. 1 a large tear in a garment etc. 2 an opening in clouds etc. 3 a cleft, fissure, or gorge. Etymology: obs. rent var. of REND 3. past and past part. of REND. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) аренда 2) арендный 3) давать напрокат 4) плата за прокат 5) рента 6) сдавать в аренду ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) рента 2) арендная плата 3) квартирная плата 4) наем 5) прокат 6) плата за прокат 7) доход с недвижимости • - absolute rent - additional rent - annual rent - capitalized rent - car rent - differential rent - economic rent - gross rent multiplier - ground rent - implicit rent - labour-rent - money-rent - rack rent - rent in kind Syn: lease, leasehold, rental payment 2. гл. брать в аренду Syn: lease ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. квартирная плата heavy rent —- высокая квартирная плата for rent —- сдается внаем to owe three months' rent —- иметь трехмесячную задолженность по квартплате 2. арендная плата rent in kind —- натуральная арендная плата; выплата аренды продуктами labour rent —- отработка to pay a high rent for farming land —- много платить за аренду сельскохозяйственнх земель 3. полит. эк. рента absolute rent —- абсолютная рента 4. доход с недвижимости 5. pl. ам. разг. многоквартирные доходные дома 6. ам. недвижимое имущество, приносящее ренту 7. ам. прокат for rent —- выдается напрокат rent of a machine —- прокат машины 8. плата за прокат 9. сдавать в аренду, внаем he rents his house to us for $5000 a year —- он сдает нам дом за 5000 долларов в год 10. арендовать, снимать, брать внаем we rent our house from Mr. G. —- мы снимаем дом у г-на Г. 11. сдаваться внаем the building rents at $5000 a year —- это здание сдается за 5000 долларов в год 12. облагать арендной платой he is lightly rented —- он платит небольшую (невысокую) арендную плату 13. ам. давать напрокат; брать напрокат to rent a dress coat —- взять напрокат фрак 14. дыра; прореха; прорезь; щель 15. разрыв (в облаках) a pale blue rent shone in the dark cloud —- в темной туче виднелась светло-голубая полоска 16. расселина, трещина a rent in the wall —- трещина в стене...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in kind натуральная рента RENT I noun  1) дыра, прореха; прорезь; щель  2) разрыв (в облаках)  3) расселина, трещина  4) пройма  5) несогласие, разрыв II  1. noun  1) арендная плата; квартирная плата  2) рента; - ground rent - rent in kind  3) amer. наем, прокат; плата за прокат; for rent - внаем; напрокат  2. v.  1) брать в аренду, внаем  2) сдавать в аренду; Im thinking of renting out my house for the summer while Im away.  3) amer. давать напрокат; This car is rented at $18 a day. Syn: see lease ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (rents, renting, rented) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you rent something, you regularly pay its owner a sum of money in order to be able to have it and use it yourself. She rents a house with three other girls... He left his hotel in a rented car. VERB: V n, V-ed 2. If you rent something to someone, you let them have it and use it in exchange for a sum of money which they pay you regularly. She rented rooms to university students. VERB: V n to n • Rent out means the same as rent. He rented out his house while he worked abroad... He repaired the boat, and rented it out for $150. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 3. Rent is the amount of money that you pay regularly to use a house, flat, or piece of land. She worked to pay the rent while I went to college... N-VAR 4. Rent is the past tense and past participle of rend. 5. see also ground rent, peppercorn rent ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to regularly pay money to live in a house or room that belongs to someone else, or to use something that belongs to someone else  (rent sth from sb)  (We rent our apartment from an old retired couple. | Nick's been renting for five years now, and he can't afford to buy. | a rented video recorder)  (- see hire1) 2 also rent out to let someone live in a house, room etc that you own, in return for money  (If you can't sell your house, why don't you think about renting it? | rent sth out to sb)  (She rents out her flat to students.) 3 especially AmE to pay money for the use of something for a short period of time; hire1 (1) BrE  (Why don't we rent a boat for the afternoon?) 4 I + at/for if a house rents at or rents for a particular amount of money, that is how much someone pays in order to use it 5 rent-a-crowd/mob etc people who are willing to take part in a protest about something, even if they do not feel strongly about it ~2 n 1 the money that someone pays for the use of a room, a house etc that belongs to someone else  (high/low rent)  (Office rents are extremely high in this part of London. | pay the rent)  (I don't earn enough to pay the rent, let alone run a car. | raise the rent/raise rents (=make someone pay more rent))  (- see cost1) 2 especially AmE an amount of money paid for the use of a car, boat etc that belongs to someone else 3 a large tear in cloth, or a hole shaped like a tear in something  (There were huge rents all down the side of the sofa.) ~3 the past tense and past participle of rend ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Rentrak Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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