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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - remain


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 I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~dre, from Latin remanere, from re- + manere to ~ — more at mansion  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to be a part not destroyed, taken, or used up only a few ruins ~  b. to be something yet to be shown, done, or treated it ~s to be seen  2. to stay in the same place or with the same person or group; especially to stay behind  3. to continue unchanged the fact ~s that we can't go  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. obsolete stay  2. a ~ing part or traceusually used in plural  3. plural a dead body
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  v.intr. 1 be left over after others or other parts have been removed or used or dealt with. 2 be in the same place or condition during further time; continue to exist or stay; be left behind (remained at home; it will remain cold). 3 (foll. by compl.) continue to be (remained calm; remains President). Etymology: ME f. OF remain- stressed stem of remanoir or f. OF remaindre ult. f. L remanere (as RE-, manere stay) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) оставаться 2) сохраняться 3) стоять - remain at sea - remain upright - remain valid ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) реликвии, следы прошлого 2) пережитки • - remain open - remain unpaid 2. гл. оставаться - remain on hand - right to remain silent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. оставаться if you take 3 from 8, 5 remains —- (если) от 8 отнять 3, получится 5 very little remained of the house —- от дома почти ничего не осталось let it remain as it is —- пусть все останется как есть nothing remains for me but... —- мне ничего не остается, как...; мне только и остается, что... it remains to be seen —- еще неизвестно; поживем - увидим it remains for me to add —- мне остается (надо) лишь добавить 2. пребывать, оставаться to remain at home —- остаться дома to remain behind —- остаться, не поехать to remain on cruise —- мор. оставаться в плавании to remain at duty —- воен. оставаться в строю he remained in town for two days —- он остался в городе на два дня 3. сохраняться; оставаться в каком-л. состоянии to remain silent —- хранить молчание to remain liquid —- не застывать, оставаться в жидком состоянии to remain faithful to smb. —- быть (оставаться) верным кому-л. to remain uncovered —- стоять без шляпы (с непокрытой головой) to remain in force for fifty years —- оставаться в силе (сохранять силу) в течение пятидесяти лет the weather remains fine —- стоит хорошая погода one thing remains certain —- одно остается безусловным the fact remains that nothing can be done —- факт остается фактом - сделать ничего нельзя man remained a hunter for thousands of years —- в течение тысячелетий человек оставался охотником Id: I remain, yours truly —- остаюсь преданный вам (в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) оставаться; after the fire very little remained of the house - после пожара от дома почти ничего не осталось; What will remain of the old city if the new road is built through the centre?  2) оставаться, пребывать на прежнем месте; My parents remained in England. Mother was advised to remain indoors for a week.  3) оставаться в каком-л. состоянии; I remain yours truly - остаюсь преданный вам (в конце письма); let it remain as it is - пусть все остается как есть; How has the car remained in such good condition after all those miles of traveling? - remain abreast - remain behind - remain clear of Syn: abide, linger, stay, tarry Ant: go, leave, depart REMAIN behind  а) держаться сзади, позади (кого-л., чего-л.); Its safest to remain a good distance behind, in case the car in front suddenly stops.  б) оставаться, задерживаться (после окончания чего-л.); If you remain behind after class, I will repeat the instructions to you. REMAIN clear of coll. избегать, сторониться (чего-л.); At busy times, its best to avoid the main roads, and remain clear of them. REMAIN in force оставаться в силе, действовать REMAIN neutral соблюдать нейтралитет REMAIN abreast  а) держаться на одной линии, в ряд; You will have to run fast to remain abreast of our best runner.  б) не отставать (от достижений науки и т.п.), держаться на (должном) уровне; Scientists have to work hard to remain abreast of new discoveries and developments. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (remains, remaining, remained) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If someone or something remains in a particular state or condition, they stay in that state or condition and do not change. The three men remained silent... The government remained in control... He remained a formidable opponent... It remains possible that bad weather could tear more holes in the tanker’s hull. V-LINK: V adj, V prep, V n, it V adj that/to-inf/wh 2. If you remain in a place, you stay there and do not move away. He will have to remain in hospital for at least 10 days... VERB: V prep, also V 3. You can say that something remains when it still exists. The wider problem remains... VERB: V 4. If something remains to be done, it has not yet been done and still needs to be done. Major questions remain to be answered about his work... V-LINK: V to-inf-passive 5. The remains of something are the parts of it that are left after most of it has been taken away or destroyed. They were tidying up the remains of their picnic. N-PLURAL: usu the N of n 6. The remains of a person or animal are the parts of their body that are left after they have died, sometimes after they have been dead for a long time. The unrecognizable remains of a man had been found... N-PLURAL: usu with supp 7. Historical remains are things that have been found from an earlier period of history, usually buried in the ground, for example parts of buildings and pieces of pottery. There are Roman remains all around us. N-PLURAL: usu supp N 8. You can use remain in expressions such as the fact remains that or the question remains whether to introduce and emphasize something that you want to talk about. The fact remains that inflation is unacceptably high... The question remains whether he was fully aware of the claims. V-LINK: V that, V wh 9. see also remaining 10. If you say that it remains to be seen whether something will happen, you mean that nobody knows whether it will happen. It...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 I always + adv/prep, linking verb) to continue to be in the same state or condition  (Would the audience please remain seated? | `La Strada' remains one of Fellini's best films. | The Government remained in power for twelve years.) 2 formal to stay in the same place without moving away + at/in/with etc  (She remained at home to look after the children.) 3 to continue to exist, after others have gone or been destroyed  (Little of the original architecture remains. | What remains of the original art collection is now in the city museum.) 4 to be left after other things have been dealt with  (remain to be done)  (Several points remain to be settled. | it only remains for me to say/thank etc (=used to introduce the last remark in a speech or meeting))  (It only remains for me to thank our hosts. | the fact remains (=used to say that a particular fact can- not be ignored))  (I know Benson has a PhD but the fact remains he has no practical experience.) 5 it remains to be seen spoken used to say that it is still uncertain whether something will happen or is true  (It remains to be seen whether or not the operation was successful.)  (- see also remaining) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1400, from O.Fr. remain-, stressed stem of remanoir, from L. remanere "remain," from re- "back" + manere "to stay, remain." Remains, euphemism for "corpse," is c.1700, from mortal remains. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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