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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - relation


Связанные словари


 noun  Etymology: Middle English relacion, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~-, relatio, from referre (past participle relatus) to carry back  Date: 14th century  1. the act of telling or recounting ; account  2. an aspect or quality (as resemblance) that connects two or more things or parts as being or belonging or working together or as being of the same kind the ~ of time and space; specifically a property (as one expressed by is equal to, is less than, or is the brother of) that holds between an ordered pair of objects  3. the referring by a legal fiction of an act to a prior date as the time of its taking effectusually used with back  4.  a.  (1) a person connected by consanguinity or affinity ; relative  (2) a person legally entitled to a share of the property of an intestate  b. ~ship by consanguinity or affinity ; kinship  5. reference, respect in ~ to  6. the attitude or stance which two or more persons or groups assume toward one another race ~s  7.  a. the state of being mutually or reciprocally interested (as in social or commercial matters)  b. plural  (1) dealings, intercourse foreign ~s  (2) sexual intercourse
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  n. 1 a what one person or thing has to do with another. b the way in which one person stands or is related to another. c the existence or effect of a connection, correspondence, contrast, or feeling prevailing between persons or things, esp. when qualified in some way (bears no relation to the facts; enjoyed good relations for many years). 2 a relative; a kinsman or kinswoman. 3 (in pl.) a (foll. by with) dealings (with others). b sexual intercourse. 4 = RELATIONSHIP. 5 a narration (his relation of the events). b a narrative. 6 Law the laying of information. Phrases and idioms in relation to as regards. Etymology: ME f. OF relation or L relatio (as RELATE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отношение; соотношение 2) (взаимо)связь; зависимость - adjunct relation - arbitrary relation - associative relation - binary relation - direct relation - dispersion relation - elastic stress-strain relation - force-separation relation - functional relation - hardening temperature-hardness relation - inverse relation - logical relation - numerical relation - one-to-one relation - ordering relation - order relation - ordinal relation - precedence relation - precipitation-rnnoff relation - preference relation - preference-indifference relation - reciprocity relation - similarity relation - stage-discharge relation - thermodynamic relation - viscosity-temperature relation ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  отношение, соотношение; связь; зависимость age-strength relation Brinell-Rockwell relation lever relation linear relation moment-curvature relation moment-deflection relation nonlinear relation stage-discharge relation strain-displacement relation strength-maturity relation stress-strain relation ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  отношение; зависимость – signaling relation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) зависимость 2) касательность 3) отношение 4) реляционный 5) родственность 6) связь 7) соотношение almost regular relation — почти регулярное отношение almost universal relation — почти универсальное отношение causal cause-effect relation — каузальное причинно-следственное отношение effectively decidable relation — эффективно разрешимое отношение equal-time commutation relation — физ. соотношение коммутационное одновременное explicitly definable relation — явно определимое отношение functionally arithmetical relation — функционально арифметическое отношение general recursive relation — общерекурсивное отношение generalized semigroup relation — обобщенное полугрупповое соотношение linear order relation — отношение линейного порядка logically constructed relation — логически построенное соотношение logically irreducible relation — логически неприводимое соотношение pairwise connected relation — попарно связное отношение parametrically definable relation — параметрически определимое отношение partial ordering relation — отношение частичной упорядоченности positively calculable relation — позитивно вычислимое отношение primitively recursive relation — примитивно рекурсивное отношение range energy relation — соотношение пробег-энергия recurrence recursive relation — рекуррентное соотношение recursively enumerable relation — рекурсивно перечислимое...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) отношение, связь 2) зависимость • - be out of all relation - break off relations - business relations - causal relation - commodity relations - commodity-money relations - deterioration of relations - diplomatic relations - economic relations - enter into relations - establish relations - extend relations - foreign relations - good neighbourly relations - in relation to - inter-branch relations - international relations - labour-management relations - maintain relations - mutual relations - price relations - production relations - relation of forces - relations of long-standing - relations of production - relations of society - renew relations - resume relations - rupture of diplomatic relations - sever relations - severance of diplomatic relations - social relations - socio-productive relations - suspend relations - trade relations - withhold relations - relation back RELATION 1) изложение 2) связь 3) pl отношения – employer-employee relations – public relations ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) отношение, связь, зависимость 2) родство – relation of stock and scion – consanguineous relation – consort relation – direct relation – dominance-submission relation – food relations – functional relation – interspecies relations – intraspecies relations – lock-key relation – organism and environment relations – social relation – stimulus-response relation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. отношение, связь, зависимость relation of forces —- соотношение сил the relation between weather and crops —- зависимость урожая от погоды the relation of time and space —- соотношение времени и пространства to bear no relation to smth. —- не иметь никакого отношения к чему-л. to bear not much relation to smth. —- иметь весьма отдаленное отношение к чему-л. to be out of (all) relation to —- не иметь никакого отношения к to plan with relation to the future —- планировать с расчетом на будущее to have relation to smth. —- иметь связь с чем-л., относиться к чему-л. to make relation to smth. —- ссылаться на что-л. in (with) relation to —- что касается; относительно 2. спец. соотношение, формула, уравнение 3. обыкн. pl. отношения strained relations —- натянутые отношения international relations —- международные отношения commercial relations —- торговые связи foreign relations —- внешние сношения diplomatic relations —- дипломатические отношения to enter into diplomatic relations —- вступить в дипломатические отношения to break off diplomatic relations —- порвать дипломатические отношения relations of production —- полит. эк. производственные отношения 4. связь, контакт the relation between mother and child —- связь между матерью и ребенком 5. эвф. половое сношение 6. повествование, изложение; рассказ, описание, история the relation of one's adventures —- рассказ о своих...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) отношение; связь, зависимость; relation of forces - соотношение сил; relations of production polit. -econ. - производственные отношения; industrial relations - трудовые отношения в промышленности; Industrial Relations Act - антипрофсоюзный закон Об отношениях в промышленности; it is out of all relation to, it bears no relation to - это не имеет никакого отношения к  2) повествование, изложение; рассказ  3) родственник; родственница  4) rare родство - in relation to ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (relations) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Relations between people, groups, or countries are contacts between them and the way in which they behave towards each other. Greece has established full diplomatic relations with Israel... N-COUNT: usu pl see also industrial relations, public relations, race relations 2. If you talk about the relation of one thing to another, you are talking about the ways in which they are connected. It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of/to/between n 3. Your relations are the members of your family. ...visits to friends and relations... = relative N-COUNT see also poor relation 4. You can talk about something in relation to something else when you want to compare the size, condition, or position of the two things. The money he’d been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary. PREP-PHRASE 5. If something is said or done in relation to a subject, it is said or done in connection with that subject. ...a question which has been asked many times in relation to Irish affairs... PREP-PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »FAMILY« a member of your family; relative  (We have relations in Canada and Scotland. | close/distant relation)  (Diane's a distant relation of mine - a third cousin, I think. | no relation (=not a relative))  (His name's Johnson too - no relation.)  (- see also blood relation, poor relation poor (12), -see relationship) 2 »BETWEEN PEOPLE/COUNTRIES« relations plural a) official connections between companies, countries etc  (Canada and Italy established diplomatic relations in 1970.) b) the way in which people or groups of people behave towards each other + between  (Relations between workers and management have improved recently.) 3 in relation to used to talk about something that is connected with or compared with the thing you are talking about  (Women's earnings are still very low in relation to men's.) 4 »CONNECTION« a connection between two or more things  (bear no relation to (=have no connection with and be completely different from something))  (The retail price bears no relation to the price the farmer receives.) 5 have (sexual) relations (with) old-fashioned to have sex with someone ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1378, from Anglo-Fr. relacioun, O.Fr. relacion, from L. relationem "a bringing back, restoring," from pp. stem of referre "to tell of" (see refer). Meaning "person related by blood or marriage" first attested 1502. Relationship is from 1744. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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