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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - produce


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 I. verb  (~d; producing)  Etymology: Middle English (Scots), from Latin ~re, from pro- forward + ducere to leadmore at tow  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to offer to view or notice  2. to give birth or rise to ; yield  3. to extend in length, area, or volume ~ a side of a triangle  4. to make available for public exhibition or dissemination: as  a. to provide funding for search for backers to ~ the film  b. to oversee the making of will ~ their new album  5.  a. to cause to have existence or to happen ; bring about  b. to give being, form, or shape to ; make; especially manufacture  6. to compose, create, or bring out by intellectual or physical effort  7. to cause to accrue  intransitive verb to bear, make, or yield something  • producible adjective  II. noun  Date: 1695  1.  a. something ~d  b. the amount ~d ; yield  2. agricultural products and especially fresh fruits and vegetables as distinguished from grain and other staple crops  3. the progeny usually of a female animal
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  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 bring forward for consideration, inspection, or use (will produce evidence). 2 manufacture (goods) from raw materials etc. 3 bear or yield (offspring, fruit, a harvest, etc.). 4 bring into existence. 5 cause or bring about (a reaction, sensation, etc.). 6 Geom. extend or continue (a line). 7 a bring (a play, performer, book, etc.) before the public. b supervise the production of (a film, broadcast, etc.). --n. 1 a what is produced, esp. agricultural and natural products collectively (dairy produce). b an amount of this. 2 (often foll. by of) a result (of labour, efforts, etc.). 3 a yield, esp. in the assay of ore. Derivatives producible adj. producibility n. Etymology: ME f. L producere (as PRO-(1), ducere duct- lead) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) компьют. выводить 2) выпустить 3) генерировать 4) подписывать 5) представлять 6) предъявлять 7) продукция 8) производить 9) результат 10) создавать produce a listing of data — выводить данные на листинг produce a stand of trees — образовывать древостой produce lettering freehand — подписывать чертеж от руки - produce a line - produce changes - produce in lots - produce information - produce steam ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) продукт, продукты 2) сельскохозяйственные продукты 3) амер. овощи, зелень 4) продукция 5) изделия 6) фабрикат 7) товар, товары 8) доход 9) результат • - agricultural produce - colonial produce - dairy produce - home produce - marketable produce - national produce - net produce - produce evidence - produce market - produce on the line - raw produce - surplus produce Syn: product, make, fabric, article, object, item, production 2. гл. 1) производить 2) вырабатывать 3) давать, представлять, предъявлять 4) доставать 5) вызывать, быть причиной - produce a rise in prices - produce crops - produce documents - produce proofs - produce steel Syn: make, manufacture, form, create ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  производить, продуцировать, вызывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. продукция, изделия; продукты home produce —- товары отечественного производства 2. сельскохозяйственный продукты, сельскохозяйственная продукция garden produce —- овощи и фрукты; зелень produce merchant —- торговец продуктами 3. результат, исход 4. потомок, потомство produce of a mare —- жеребенок 5. предъявлять, представлять to produce one's passport —- предъявить паспорт to produce proofs —- представить доказательства 6. ставить (пьесу, кинокартину); осуществлять постановку (на радио, телевидении) to produce Shakespearian plays —- ставить пьесы Шекспира 7. создавать to produce pictures —- создавать картины 8. производить, вырабатывать, выпускать; изготовлять to produce woollen goods —- вырабатывать шерстяные изделия 9. приносить, давать fields which produce heavy crops —- поля, которые дают богатый урожай our hens produce well —- куры у нас несутся хорошо 10. вызывать, быть причиной to produce a rise in prices —- вызвать повышение цен 11. мат. проводить (линию) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (producing, produced) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. To produce something means to cause it to happen. The drug is known to produce side-effects in women... Talks aimed at producing a new world trade treaty have been under way for six years. VERB: V n, V n 2. If you produce something, you make or create it. The company produced circuitry for communications systems... VERB: V n 3. When things or people produce something, it comes from them or slowly forms from them, especially as the result of a biological or chemical process. These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed. ...gases produced by burning coal and oil. VERB: V n, V-ed 4. If you produce evidence or an argument, you show it or explain it to people in order to make them agree with you. They challenged him to produce evidence to support his allegations... VERB: V n 5. If you produce an object from somewhere, you show it or bring it out so that it can be seen. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence... VERB: V n 6. If someone produces something such as a film, a magazine, or a CD, they organize it and decide how it should be done. He has produced his own sports magazine called Yes Sport... VERB: V n 7. Produce is food or other things that are grown in large quantities to be sold. We manage to get most of our produce in Britain... N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »NATURALLY« to grow something or make it naturally  (Canada produces high-quality wheat. | The pancreas produces insulin in the body. | More sun produces riper grapes.) 2 »RESULT« to make something happen or develop, or have a particular result or effect  (New medicines are producing remarkable results in the treatment of cancer. | a remark which produced howls of protest | courses designed to produce better teachers) 3 »SHOW« to show, bring out, or offer something so it can be seen or considered  (When challenged, he suddenly produced a gun. | She produced no evidence in support of her argument.) 4 »WITH SKILL« to make something using skill and imagination  (In this play Eliot produces some of his most expressive poetry. | Diane produced a fantastic meal.) 5 »GOODS« to make things to be sold  (The factory produces an incredible 100 cars per hour. | Gas can be produced from coal.)  (- see also mass­produced) 6 »PLAY/FILM« to control the preparation of a play, film etc and then show it to the public  (Jane's play was produced at a London theatre.)  (- see also producer (2)) 7 »BABY« to have a baby  (Anthea felt pressure from the family to produce a son.) 8 »MATHS« technical to lengthen or continue a line to a point, in geometry  (- see also production) ~2 n something that has been produced, especially by growing or farming  (agricultural produce | mangoes labelled `produce of India')  (- see production) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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