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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - point


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, partly from Anglo-French, prick, dot, moment, from Latin punctum, from neuter of punctus, past participle of pungere to prick; partly from Anglo-French ~e sharp end, from Vulgar Latin *puncta, from Latin, feminine of punctus, past participle — more at pungent  Date: 13th century  1.  a.  (1) an individual detail ; item  (2) a distinguishing detail tact is one of her strong ~s  b. the most important essential in a discussion or matter missed the whole ~ of the joke  c. cogency  2. obsolete physical condition  3. an end or object to be achieved ; purpose did not see what ~ there was in continuing the discussion  4.  a. a geometric element that has zero dimensions and a location determinable by an ordered set of coordinates  b.  (1) a narrowly localized place having a precisely indicated position walked to a ~ 50 yards north of the building  (2) a particular place ; locality have come from distant ~s  c.  (1) an exact moment at this ~ I was interrupted  (2) a time interval immediately before something indicated ; verge at the ~ of death  d.  (1) a particular step, stage, or degree in development had reached the ~ where nothing seemed to matter anymore  (2) a definite position in a scale  5.  a. the terminal usually sharp or narrowly rounded part of something ; tip  b. a weapon or tool having such a part and used for stabbing or piercing: as  (1) arrowhead  (2) spearhead  c.  (1) the contact or discharge extremity of an electric device (as a spark plug or distributor)  (2) chiefly British an electric outlet  6.  a. a projecting usually tapering piece of land or a sharp prominence  b.  (1) the tip of a projecting body part  (2) tine 2  (3) plural the extremities or markings of the extremities of an animal especially when of a color differing from the rest of the body  c. a railroad switch  d. the head of the bow of a stringed instrument  7. a short musical phrase; especially a phrase in contrapuntal music  8.  a. a very small mark  b.  (1) punctuation mark; especially period 5a (1)  (2) decimal ~  9. a lace for tying parts of a garment together used especially in the 16th and 17th centuries  10. one of usually 11 divisions of a heraldic shield that determines the position of a charge  11.  a. one of the 32 equidistant spots of a compass card for indicating direction  b. the difference of 11 1/4 degrees between two such successive ~s  c. a direction indicated by a compass ~ from all ~s of the compass  12. a small detachment ahead of an advance guard or behind a rear guard  13.  a. needle~ 1  b. lace made with a bobbin  14. one of 12 spaces marked off on each side of a backgammon board  15. a unit of measurement: as  a.  (1) a unit of counting in the scoring of a game or contest  (2) a unit used in evaluating the strength of a bridge hand  b. a unit of academic credit  c.  (1) a unit used in quoting prices (as of stocks, bonds, and commodities)  (2) plural a percentage of the face value of a loan often added as a placement fee or service charge  (3) a percentage of the profits of a business venture (as a motion-picture production)  d. a unit of about {frac1/72} inch used especially to measure the size of type  16. the action of ~ing: as  a. the rigidly intent attitude of a hunting dog marking game for a gunner  b. the action in dancing of extending one leg and arching the foot so that only the tips of the toes touch the floor  17. a position of a player in various games (as lacrosse); also the player of such a position  18. a number thrown on the first roll of the dice in craps which the player attempts to repeat before throwing a sevencompare missout, pass 13  19. credit accruing from creating a good impression scored ~s for hard work  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to furnish with a ~ ; SHARPEN ~ing a pencil with a knife  b. to give added force, emphasis, or piquancy to ~ up a remark  2. to scratch out the old mortar from the joints of (as a brick wall) and fill in with new material  3.  a.  (1) to mark the pauses or grammatical divisions in ; punctuate  (2) to separate (a decimal fraction) from an integer by a decimal ~ — usually used with off  b. to mark (as Hebrew words) with diacritics (as vowel ~s)  4.  a.  (1) to indicate the position or direction of especially by extending a finger ~ the way home  (2) to direct someone's attention to ~ the way to new knowledgeElizabeth Hall — usually used with out or up ~ out a mistake ~s up the difference  b. of a hunting dog to indicate the presence and place of (game) by a ~  5.  a. to cause to be turned in a particular direction ~ a gun ~ed the boat upstream  b. to extend (a leg) and arch (the foot) in executing a ~ in dancing  intransitive verb  1.  a. to indicate the fact or probability of something specified everything ~s to a bright future  b. to indicate the position or direction of something especially by extending a finger ~ at the map  c. to direct attention can ~ with pride to their own traditions  d. to ~ game a dog that ~s well  2.  a. to lie extended, aimed, or turned in a particular direction a directional arrow that ~ed to the north  b. to execute a ~ in dancing  3. of a ship to sail close to the wind  4. to train for a particular contest
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 the sharp or tapered end of a tool, weapon, pencil, etc. 2 a tip or extreme end. 3 that which in geometry has position but not magnitude, e.g. the intersection of two lines. 4 a particular place or position (Bombay and points east; point of contact). 5 a a precise or particular moment (at the point of death). b the critical or decisive moment (when it came to the point, he refused). 6 a very small mark on a surface. 7 a a dot or other punctuation mark, esp. = full point = FULL(1). b a dot or small stroke used in Semitic languages to indicate vowels or distinguish consonants. 8 = decimal point. 9 a stage or degree in progress or increase (abrupt to the point of rudeness; at that point we gave up). 10 a level of temperature at which a change of state occurs (freezing-point). 11 a single item; a detail or particular (we differ on these points; it is a point of principle). 12 a a unit of scoring in games or of measuring value etc. b an advantage or success in less quantifiable contexts such as an argument or discussion. c a unit of weight (2 mg) for diamonds. d a unit (of varying value) in quoting the price of stocks etc. 13 a (usu. prec. by the) the significant or essential thing; what is actually intended or under discussion (that was the point of the question). b (usu. with neg. or interrog.; often foll. by in) sense or purpose; advantage or value (saw no point in staying). c (usu. prec. by the) a salient feature of a story, joke, remark, etc. (don't see the point). 14 a distinctive feature or characteristic (it has its points; tact is not his good point). 15 pungency, effectiveness (their comments lacked point). 16 a each of 32 directions marked at equal distances round a compass. b the corresponding direction towards the horizon. 17 (usu. in pl.) Brit. a junction of two railway lines, with a pair of linked tapering rails that can be moved laterally to allow a train to pass from one line to the other. 18 Brit. = power point. 19 (usu. in pl.) each of a set of electrical contacts in the distributor of a motor vehicle....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) точка 2) остриё, острый конец заострять 3) режущая кромка; вершина (сверла, резца) 4) положение; позиция; координата (рабочего органа) 5) указывать; ориентировать, наводить 6) место; пункт 7) деление (шкалы) 8) момент (времени) 9) (компасный) румб 10) контакт (прерывателя-распределителя зажигания) 11) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка; остряк, перо (стрелочного перевода) 12) запятая, точка (в дробях) 13) расшивать швы (кладки) 14) пункт (единица измерения в типографской системе мер) 15) гравировальная игла 16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент (ручки, карандаша) 17) пищ. оценочный балл point at infinity — бесконечно удалённая точка; to point off — отводить (в сторону); to pass through a point — проходить через точку - point of absolute zero - point of arrival - point of contraflexure - point of curve - point of departure - point of discontinuity - point of distance - point of engagement - point of fault - point of force application - point of graph - point of hook - point of increase - point of inflection - point of intersection - point of load application - point of looper - point of maximum - point of minimum - point of no return - point of occlusion - point of sight - point of support - point of tangency - point of tree - Abel flash point - acid dew point - actual point - acute round needle point - addressable point - adherent point - aerodrome check point - aerodrome reference point - agate arrestment point - aggregative transition point - agreed reporting point - aiming point - aircraft fire point - air supply breathing point - alternator pivot point...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  точка; точка координат остриё заострять положение; позиция точка отбора (газа, электроэнергии); розетка место; пункт деление шкалы стрелка, стрелочный перевод оценочный балл; интенсивность (напр. землетрясения) момент времени расшивать швы каменной (кирпичной) кладки point for which stress is to be computed point in the plane to point the instrument point of application point of certainty point of compound curvature point of concentration point of contraflexure point of curvature point of cusp point of grade intersection point of high stress concentration point of inflection point of intersection point of lateral restraint point of support point of switch point of tangency point of the maximum bending moment point of vertical curve point of vertical intersection point of vertical tangent point of zero moment airport reference point angle point arbitrary point azeotropic point balance point bearing point bending point bent-up point blade point boiling point boom point Borros point bottom chord panel point break point catch point change point change-over point common point condensation point conflict point control point crowbar point curve-to-tangent point cut-in point cut-out point dew point draw-off point drive point driving point drop point electric point end switch point eutectic point firing point fixed point fixing point flash point focal point forced point freezing point frog point frost point fusing point gas point glazier's point guide point high stress concentration point hinged point ignition point intermediate point intersection point jib point junction point light point low point lower-chord panel point lower yield point mass point melting point movable center point neutral point nodal point Oslo point panel point pavement settlement point picture point pile point plumb point plus point principal point...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) точка; пункт 2) контакт 3) позиция – point of service – addressable point – amplifying point – central collection point – connection point – control point – coordinate point – crossover point – data reception point – editing point – entrance point – entry point – exchange point – executive point – half-amplitude point – half-power point – image point – intercept point – intermediate communication point – measuring point – mixing point – office interface point – overlimit point – receiving point – reference point – remote-access point – service-insertion point – service-switching point – service-termination point – singing point – splice point – sublimit point – subsatellite point – switching point – threshold point – train-radio point – transit network point – T-reference point – wireless-access point – zero transmission level reference point ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) машиностр. балл 2) деление 3) заострение 4) запятая 5) кегль 6) место 7) топогр. мыс 8) наконечник 9) острие 10) острый конец 11) очко 12) предмет 13) пункт 14) расшивать 15) расшить 16) ставить знаки препинания 17) точечный 18) точка 19) указывать 20) шпицевать affine invariant point — аффинно инвариантная точка almost periodic point — рекуррентная точка aposyndetic point set — апосиндетическое точечное множество associated point octet — ассоциированный точечный октет azimuth of distant point — топогр. азимут направления на отдаленную наблюдаемую biplanar double point — бипланарная двойная точка bisecting point of segment — середина отрезка check reference point — контрольный ориентир compass of base point — азимут основного направления conditionally stable point — условно устойчивая точка continuous in neighborhood of point — непрерывный в окрестности точки culminating point of trajectory — вершина траектории depress boiling point — понижать точку кипения distribution with point support — распределение обобщенная функция с точечным носителем double-angle point drill — сверло с двойной заточкой drift in point of fall — деривация полная essential isolated singular point — существенно изолированная особая точка exterior point method — метод внешней точки facing point lock — ж.-д. замок ригельный оконечный first critical point — т. игр первая...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) режущая часть (инструмента) 2) вершина губок (инструмента) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) точка, место, момент 2) острие, цель; подчеркивать; указывать; наводить; заострять 3) пункт (биржевой термин; единица измерения длины в полиграфии) см. litigious point of law – point at issue – at this point – off the point – to point out – point of contact – point of contention – point of no return – point of view – inventive point – key point – reference point – sample point – weak point POINT 1. сущ. 1) точка, пункт 2) момент 3) вопрос 4) дело 5) главное, суть дела 6) единица продовольственной или промтоварной карточки (в Англии во время второй мировой войны и в последние послевоенные годы) • - absorption point - at a point in time - at all points - at any point - basic point - basis point - basis point - be on the point of doing smth. - billing point - break-even point - breakeven point - breaking point - bullion point - case in point - competitive point - costing point - critical point - crucial point - decimal point - delivery point - entry point - gold export point - in point of - in point of fact - make a point of - percentage point - point at issue - point of delivery - point of destination - point of detection - point of indifference - point of make-out - point of sale - point of view - point out - point reserved - points rating method - price point - saturation point - to the point - turning point Syn: issue, item, article 2. гл. 1) показывать (to) 2) указывать (at) 3) указывать, обращать внимание (out) 4) подчеркивать (up) 3. прил. главное POINT 1. сущ. 1) общ. точка, пункт, место 2) общ. момент (времени), точка 3) общ. вопрос 4) общ. дело 5) общ. главное, суть, существо дела 6) т....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) точка 2) отличительная черта, особенность 3) кончик; остриё, острый конец 4) ответвление оленьего рога 5) pl стати (животного); экстерьер 6) амер. стойка (охотничьей собаки) – anterior nodal point – apical point – beak point – branching points – breed points – choice point – compensation point – critical point – death point – dew point – disparate point – drip point – efficient point – equilibrium point – equivalence point – eutectic point – fixation point – freezing point – fusion point – growing point – ignition point – initiation point – isoelectric point – isoionic point – light compensation point – melting point – metopic point – motor point – nasal point – ovulation point – permanent wilting point – root growing point – saturation point – scale points – shoot growing point – starting point – vegetative point – watering point – wilting point – zero point ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  (the Point) см. West Point, Military Academy ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. точка (full) point —- точка (знак препинания) interrogation point —- ам. вопросительный знак decimal point —- точка, отделяющая десятичную дробь от целого числа (соответствует запятой в русском языке) five point six (5.6) —- пять целых и шесть десятых (5,6) 2. мат. точка point of tangency —- точка касания point of contact —- точка соприкосновения the point of intersection of two lines —- точка пересечения двух линий point target —- воен. точечная цель point load —- тех. сосредоточенная нагрузка point source —- физ. точечный источник (излучения) 3. физ. стадия, критическая точка; температура point of solidification —- температура затвердевания neutral point —- нейтральная (нулевая) точка freezing point —- точка (температура) замерзания 4. спец. точка, отметка; точка деления (шкалы) point of reference —- геод. репер, отметка условного ууровня the temperature has gone up two points —- температура поднялась на два деления 5. мор. румб cardinal point —- страна света; главный румб point of the compass —- компасный румб 6. точка (в рельефно-точечном шрифте Брайля для слепых) 7. след, отметина her sharp heels left points in the carpet —- от ее острых каблуков на ковре остались вмятины 8. место, пункт, точка point of destination —- место назначения point of departure —- пункт отправления; исходная точка his point of departure is not clear...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) точка; four point six (4.6) - четыре и шесть десятых (4,6) - full point - exclamation point  2) пункт, момент, вопрос; дело; - fine point - point of honour - on this point  3) главное, суть; смысл; соль (рассказа, шутки); that is just the point - в этом-то и дело; he does not see my point - он не понимает меня; to come to the point - дойти до главного, до сути дела; there is no point in doing that - не имеет смысла делать это; the point is that... - дело в том, что...  4) точка, место, пункт; amer. станция; a point of departure - пункт отправления  5) момент (времени); at this point he went out - в этот момент он вышел; at the point of death - при смерти  6) очко; to give points to - давать несколько очков вперед; fig. заткнуть за пояс  7) преимущество, достоинство; he has got points - у него есть достоинства; singing was not his strong point - он не был силен в пении  8) особенность  9) кончик; острие, острый конец; наконечник  10) ответвление оленьего рога; a buck of eight points - олень с рогами, имеющими восемь ответвлений  11) мыс, выступающая морская коса; стрелка  12) вершина горы  13) (гравировальная) игла, резец (гравера)  14) railways перо или остряк (стрелочного перевода); стрелочный перевод  15) деление шкалы  16) naut. румб  17) hist. единица продовольственной или промтоварной карточки; free from points - ненормированный  18) вид...
Англо-русский словарь
  (points, pointing, pointed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use point to refer to something that someone has said or written. We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes... The following tale will clearly illustrate this point. N-COUNT 2. If you say that someone has a point, or if you take their point, you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered. ‘If he’d already killed once, surely he’d have killed Sarah?’ She had a point there... N-SING: a N, poss N 3. The point of what you are saying or discussing is the most important part that provides a reason or explanation for the rest. ‘Did I ask you to talk to me?’—‘That’s not the point.’... The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this. N-SING: the N 4. If you ask what the point of something is, or say that there is no point in it, you are indicating that a particular action has no purpose or would not be useful. What was the point of thinking about him?... There was no point in staying any longer. N-SING: usu N of/in n/-ing 5. A point is a detail, aspect, or quality of something or someone. The most interesting point about the village was its religion... Science was never my strong point at school. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. A point is a particular place or position where something happens. The pain originated from a point in his right thigh. N-COUNT 7. You use point to refer to a particular time, or to a particular stage in the development of something. We’re all going to die at some point... At this point Diana arrived... It got to the point where he had to leave. N-SING: with supp, oft at N 8. The point of something such as a pin, needle, or knife is the thin, sharp end of it. N-COUNT: oft N of n 9. In spoken English, you use point to refer to the dot or mark in a decimal number that separates the whole numbers from the fractions. Inflation at nine point four percent is the worst...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »IDEA« a single fact, idea, or opinion that is part of an argument or discussion  (There was one point on which everyone agreed. | She had brought a list of points for discussion. | One important point must be borne in mind. | That's a very interesting point. | make a point (=give a fact, idea, or opinion))  (John made an interesting point about the role of the artist in society. | sb's point)  (I agree with Jane's point that we need to look more closely at the costs. | make/prove your point (=show that your idea or opinion is right))  (He brought along a handful of documents to help prove his point. | the finer points (=details that are difficult to understand))  (the finer points of political theory) 2 »MAIN MEANING/IDEA« the point the main idea in something that is said or done which gives meaning to all of it  (the point is ... (=the most important thing is))  (The point is that you should have told me where you were going. | beside the point (=not important))  (She is young, but that's beside the point. | come/get to the point (=used to tell someone to reach the most important part of what they want to say))  (I wish you would get to the point! | miss the point (=not understand the main meaning of something))  (Was I hearing him right, or had I completely missed the piont? | to the point (=saying something important about the matter being dealt with))  (The message was short and to the point.) 3 »PLACE« an exact place or position  (Line A crosses line B at point C. | a border crossing point) 4 »IN TIME/DEVELOPMENT« an exact moment, time, or stage in something's development  (at this point)  (It was at this point the surgeon realized things were going wrong. | at this point in time (=now))  (It is impossible to give a definite answer at this point in time. | starting point (=a time or stage from which something can start))  (We can use this document as a starting point for our discussions. | to the point of (=to a particular stage))  (The beams had weakened to the point of being dangerous. |...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Pursuing Our Italian Names Together non-prof. org. abbr. Paraplegics On Independent Nature Trips law abbr. Prison Officers Informing Neighborhood Teens ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., a merger of two words, both ultimately from L. pungere "prick, pierce." The neut. pp. punctum was used as a noun, meaning "small hole made by pricking," subsequently extended to anything that looked like one, hence, "dot, particle," etc., which was its meaning as O.Fr. point, borrowed in Eng. 14c. The fem. pp. of pungere was puncta, which was used in M.L. to mean "sharp tip," and became O.Fr. pointe, which also passed into English. The sense have merged in Eng., but remain distinct in Fr. Extended senses are from the notion of "minute, single, or separate items in an extended whole." The verb "to indicate with the finger" is first recorded 1470. Pointer "item of advice" first recorded 1883. Point blank (1571) is from Fr. blanc, the white center of a target, with the notion of standing close enough to aim without allowance for curve or gravity. Phrase possession is nine points of the law is out of a supposed 10. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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