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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - pick up


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Pick up

pick up
 transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to take hold of and lift up  b. to gather together ; collect picked up all the pieces  c. to clean up ; tidy  2. to take (passengers or freight) into a vehicle  3.  a. to acquire casually or by chance picked up a valuable antique at an auction  b. to acquire by study or experience ; learn picking up a great deal of knowledge in the process — Robert Schleicher  c. to obtain especially by payment ; buy picked up some groceries  d. to acquire (a player) especially from another team through a trade or by financial recompense  e. to accept for the purpose of paying offered to ~ the tab  f. to come down with ; catch picked up a cold  g. gain, earn picked up a few yards on the last play picked up her first victory  4.  a. to enter informally into conversation or companionship with (a previously unknown person) had a brief affair with a girl he picked up in a bar  b. to take into custody the police picked up the fugitive  5.  a. to catch sight of ; perceive picked up the harbor lights  b. to come to and follow picked up the outlaw's trail  c. to bring within range of sight or hearing ~ distant radio signals  d. understand, catch didn't ~ the hint  6.  a. revive  b. increase  7. to resume after a break ; continue ~ the discussion tomorrow  8. to assume responsibility for guarding (an opponent) in an athletic contest  intransitive verb  1. to recover or increase speed, vigor, or activity ; improve after the strike, business picked up the wind began to ~  2. to put things in order was always picking up after her  3. to pack up one's belongings couldn't just ~ and leave
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См. в других словарях

  добывать сведения ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  брать пассажира ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. поднимать; 2. подбирать; 3. разрыхлять (киркой); 4. собирать; 5. заезжать, заходить (за кем-л.,); 6. брать пассажира; 7. находить; 8. приобретать; 9. схватить (знания, информацию), быстро научиться чему-л.; 10. (снова) найти (дорогу, след и т.д.); 1 1. поймать (по радио); 1 2. выздоравливать, приходить в себя; 1 3. подбодрить, поднять настроение; 1 4. прибирать (комнату); 1 5. набрать скорость, увеличить темп, обороты; 1 6. обгонять; 1 7. критиковать, ругать; 1 8. забрать, прихватить; 1 9. арестовать; "замести" ...
Англо-русский словарь идиом
  1. поднимать, подбирать to pick up a shilling off the floor —- поднять с пола шиллинг she picked up her gloves and bag —- она взяла перчатки и сумку to pick up a child in one's arms —- взять ребенка на руки to pick up a stitch —- поднять петлю (в вязанье) she picks up her feet nicely —- у нее красивая походка to pick oneself up —- подняться после падения Tom picked himself up and settled on his bench again —- Том поднялся и снова сел на скамью 2. ам. прибирать (комнату) she had picked up after the flurry of packing and departure —- она прибрала и привела все в порядок после поспешных сборов и отъезда 3. спасать, подбирать (в море) to pick up the shipwrecked sailors —- подобрать потерпевших кораблекрушение моряков 4. услышать, узнать; собирать, добывать (сплетни, слухи) where did you pick up this news? —- где ты узнал эту новость? she is always picking up scraps of gossip —- она вечно собирает сплетни 5. заезжать, заходить (за кем-л., чем-л.) I'll pick you up at five o'clock —- я заеду за вами в пять часов I shall call and pick up the letters —- я зайду и захвачу письма 6. брать пассажира he picked up two students outside London —- по дороге из Лондона он подвез двух студентов 7. находить to pick up mistakes in a work —- находить в работе ошибки 8. ам. критиковать, ругать to pick up smb. sharply —- резко критиковать кого-л. 9. покупать (по случаю); приобретать he picked up several oriental manuscripts in Cairo —- в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) coll. случайное знакомство  2) что-л. полученное по случаю; удачная покупка  3) coll.; see pick-me-up  4) coll. улучшение; восстановление  5) mot. пикап  6) agric. пикап, подборщик (хлеба)  7) tech. захватывающее приспособление  8) phys. ускорение  9) radio подхватывание (волны, сигнала)  10) tv передающая трубка  11) radio адаптер, звукосниматель ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. When you pick something up, you lift it up. He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head... Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 2. When you pick yourself up after you have fallen or been knocked down, you stand up rather slowly. Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. PHRASAL VERB: V pron-refl P 3. When you pick up someone or something that is waiting to be collected, you go to the place where they are and take them away, often in a car. She went over to her parents’ house to pick up some clean clothes... I picked her up at Covent Garden to take her to lunch with my mother. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 4. If someone is picked up by the police, they are arrested and taken to a police station. Rawlings had been picked up by police at his office... The police picked him up within the hour. PHRASAL VERB: be V-ed P, V n P, also V P n (not pron) 5. If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you acquire it without effort over a period of time. (INFORMAL) Where did you pick up your English?... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 6. If you pick up someone you do not know, you talk to them and try to start a sexual relationship with them. (INFORMAL) He had picked her up at a nightclub on Kallari Street, where she worked as a singer. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, also V P n (not pron) 7. If you pick up an illness, you get it from somewhere or something. They’ve picked up a really nasty infection from something they’ve eaten. = catch PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 8. If a piece of equipment, for example a radio or a microphone, picks up a signal or sound, it receives it or detects it. We can pick up Italian television... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 9. If you pick up something, such as a feature or a pattern, you discover or identify it. Consumers in Europe are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 10. If...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 especially AmE a small open motor vehicle with low sides, used for carrying goods  (We used the pick-up to carry the lumber to the building site.) 2 informal a stranger that you meet in a bar, at a party etc and spend a short time with, often in order to have sex 3 AmE the rate at which a vehicle can increase its speed; acceleration  (It was a tiny car, but it had good pick-up.) 4 the part of a record player that receives and plays the sound from a record ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  {v.} 1. To take up; lift. * /During the morning Mrs. Carter picked up sticks in the yard./ 2. {informal} To pay for someone else. * /After lunch, in the restaurant, Uncle Bob picked up the check./ 3. To take on or away; receive; get. * /At the next corner the bus stopped and picked up three people./ 4. To get from different places at different times; a little at a time; collect. * /He had picked up rare coins in seaports all over the world./ 5. To get without trying; get accidentally. * /He picked up knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station./ * /Billy picked up a cold at school./ 6a. To gather together; collect. * /When the carpenter finished making the cabinet, he began picking up his tools./ 6b. To make neat and tidy; tidy up; put in order. * /Pick up your room before Mother sees it./ 6c. To gather things together; tidy a place up. * /It's almost dinner time, children. Time to pick up and get ready./ 7. To catch the sound of. * /He picked up Chicago on the radio./ 8. To get acquainted with (someone) without an introduction; make friends with (a person of the other sex). * /Mother told Mary not to walk home by herself from the party because some stranger might try to pick her up./ 9. {informal} To take to the police station or jail; arrest. * /Police picked the man up for burglary./ 10. To recognize the trail of a hunted person or animal; find. * /State police picked up the bandit's trail./ * /The dogs picked up the fox's smell./ 1 1. To make (someone) feel better; refresh. * /A little food will pick you up./ 12a. To increase (the speed); make (the speed) faster. * /The teacher told her singing class to pick up the tempo./ * /The car picked up speed./ 12b. To become faster; become livelier. * /The speed of the train began to pick up./ * /After the band practiced for a while, the music began to pick up./ 1 3. To start again after interruption; go on with. * /The class picked up the story where they had left it before the holiday./ * /They met after five years, and picked up their friendship as if there had been no...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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