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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - operation


Связанные словари


 noun  Etymology: Middle English operacioun, from Middle French ~, from Latin ~-, operatio, from operari  Date: 14th century  1. performance of a practical work or of something involving the practical application of principles or processes  2.  a. an exertion of power or influence the ~ of a drug  b. the quality or state of being functional or operative the plant is now in ~  c. a method or manner of functioning a machine of very simple ~  3. efficacy, potencyarchaic except in legal usage  4. a procedure performed on a living body usually with instruments especially for the repair of damage or the restoration of health  5. any of various mathematical or logical processes (as addition) of deriving one entity from others according to a rule  6.  a. a usually military action, mission, or maneuver including its planning and execution  b. plural the office on the flight line of an airfield where pilots file clearance for flights and where flying from the field is controlled  c. plural the agency of an organization charged with carrying on the principal planning and operating functions of a headquarters and its subordinate units  7. a business transaction especially when speculative  8. a single step performed by a computer in the execution of a program  9. a usually small business or establishment ran a struggling ~
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См. в других словарях

  n. 1 a the action or process or method of working or operating. b the state of being active or functioning (not yet in operation). c the scope or range of effectiveness of a thing's activity. 2 an active process; a discharge of a function (the operation of breathing). 3 a piece of work, esp. one in a series (often in pl.: begin operations). 4 an act of surgery performed on a patient. 5 a a strategic movement of troops, ships, etc. for military action. b preceding a code-name (Operation Overlord). 6 a financial transaction. 7 Math. the subjection of a number or quantity or function to a process affecting its value or form, e.g. multiplication, differentiation. Phrases and idioms operations research = operational research. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L operatio -onis (as OPERATE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) работа; функционирование 2) матем. действие 3) эксплуатация 4) (технологическая) операция; процесс; цикл (обработки) 5) режим (работы) 6) управление 7) вчт. операция; команда 8) предприятие - abnormal operation - acquisition operation - aerial operation - aerial survey operation - aerial work operation - aerobatics operation - aerospace operations - air-bumped-and-rinse operation - aircraft operations - air-lift well operation - airport facilities operation - alignment operation - all-weather operations - AND operation - approach operation - arithmetic operation - artificial-lift well operation - associated fire control operation - asynchronous operation - attached operation - attempted operation - attended operation - authorized operation - automated operation - automatic block operation - averaging operation - background operation - batch operation - bidirectional operation - bilevel operation - binary operation - bistable operation - bitwise operation - bit operation - blanking operation - blasting operation - blocking-off operation - bookkeeping operations - Boolean operation - both-way operation - brake test operation - braking operation - branch operation - breaking operation - bytewise operation - byte operation - cable operation - Carnot operation - carrier-recovery operation - cation-anion operation - caving operations - cavitation-free operation - centralized operation - channel operation - check operation - chipping-and-hauling operation - class A operation - class B operation - class C operation - climb to cruise operation - closing operation - CNC operation - cocurrent operation - coded operation - co-frequency operation - cold end operation - commercial operation - comparison operation - complete operation - concurrent operation - conjunction operation - continual harvesting operations - continuous operation - continuous-wave operation - control operation - counter-current operation -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  работа, функционирование, управление; эксплуатация операция in operation automatic operation building operation calculation operation concreting operations continuous operation earthwork operations field operations finishing operations full load operation fully automatic operation gate operation hand operation hazardous construction operations intermittent operation jacking operation loading operations manual operation manufacturing operations mechanical operation meticulously planned construction operations no-load operation planning operation running-off operation slinging operations stressing operations survey operations synchronized jacking operations tensioning operations testing operations time-consuming operation traffic operation unloading operations vibrationless operation working operations under way ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) работа; функционирование 2) режим – arbitrage operation – asynchronous operation – attended operation – attenuation-limited operation – axial-mode operation – back-to-back operation – bidirectional operation – bistable operation – breaking operation – broadcast operation – close-open operation – co-channel operation – co-frequency operation – color-switching operation – continuous operation – controlled-security operation – cross-polarized operation – cut-signal branch operation operation – decentralized operation – digital voice-caller operation – diplex operation – dispersion-limited operation – distortion-limited operation – duplex operation – emergency operation – end-to-end operation – full-duplex operation – full-motion operation – grouped-frequency operation – half-duplex operation – hands-free operation – impeded-harmonic operation – independent sideband operation – large-signal operation – linear operation – lock-on operation – loop operation – low-level signal operation – multilink operation – multiplex operation – net operation – neutral operation – noise-free operation – off-frequency operation – off-line operation – on-line operation – on-off operation – polar operation – pulse operation – push-push operation – push-pull operation – push-to-talk operation – push-to-type operation – quantum-limited operation – read operation – real-time operation – remote operation – search operation – sensory operation – simplex operation – single-mode operation – single-shot operation – stable operation – suppressed carrier operation – switch-hook operation – synchronous operation – synphased operation – tandem operation – telegraph operation – telephone operation – transmitted-carrier operation – tri-mode operation – unidirectional operation – write operation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) действие 2) операция 3) оперирование 4) процесс 5) работа 6) рабочий 7) разработка 8) срабатывание 9) управление 10) функционирование 11) ход 12) эксплуатация "jump if not" operation — операция условного перехода base load operation — базисный режим blast-furnace operation practice — технология доменного производства check operation of — контролировать работа conduct welding operation — вести сварку congruence with respect to operation — логика конгруэнция по отношению к операции controlled fade-rate operation — послесвечение изображения diesel locomotive operation — тепловозная тяга disturb operation of furnace — расстроить ход печи divisibility closure operation — делимостная операция замыкания evolutionary operation cycle — цикл эволюционного планирования ( эксперимента) evolutionary operation form — схема эволюционного планирования ( эксперимента) evolutionary operation game — схема эволюционного планирования ( эксперимента) evolutionary operation scheme — схема эволюционного планирования (эксперимента) evolutionary operation technique — метод эволюционного планирования go into reverse operation — переходить в режим реверса hereditarily effective operation — наследственно эффективная операция hereditarily recursive operation — наследственно рекурсивная операция intuitionistic consequence operation — интуиционистская операция присоединения следствий...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) действие; работа; операция (тж. коммерческая) 2) разработка 3) процесс 4) управление (предприятием) 5) юридическая сила – operation of law – chemical examining operation – commercial operation – defending commercial operations – design-examining operation – electrical examining operation – foreign licensing operation – mechanical examining operation – patent examining operation – patenting operation OPERATION сущ. 1) общ. деятельность, работа, функционирование come into operation — приступить к работе, начать работу There are several reactors of the type in operation at the moment.— В данный момент функционируют (задействованы в работе) несколько реакторов данного типа. Syn: work, functioning, performance 2) действие, операция а) общ. (часто о военных действиях либо действиях с участием правоохранительных органов) peacekeeping operation — миротворческая операция large-scale operation — крупномасштабная операция rescue operation — спасательная операция б) упр. (последовательность элементарных действий, имеющая своим результатом переход к новой стадии создания продукта или оказания услуги) Syn: action, activity, agency See: elemental motion 3) общ. процесс the operations of the mind — ментальные процессы; процессы, происходящие в головном мозге operation of breathing — процесс дыхания Syn: act 4) общ. действие, воздействие operation of a medicine — действие лекарства by operation of law — в...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. действие, работа; функционирование the operation of binding a book —- переплетные работы to begin operations —- начать работу to be in operation —- быть в эксплуатации; действовать, функционировать, работать to be no longer in operation —- больше не эксплуатироваться, быть снятым с эксплуатации the plant has been in operation for several weeks —- завод работает уже несколько недель are the street cars in operation? —- трамваи ходят? 2. юр. вступать в силу when does that rule go into operation? —- когда это правило вступит в силу? to bring into operation —- вводить в строй; пускать в эксплуатацию to extend operations —- продлевать срок службы (машины) the operation of this machine is simple —- этой машиной легко управлять 3. процесс operation of breathing —- процесс дыхания 4. действие, воздействие the operation of alcohol on the mind —- воздействие алкоголя на умственную деятельность 5. торговая или финансовая операция; сделка operations on the stock exchange —- биржевые операции engaged in some mysterious operations —- занятый какими-то тайноответственными махинациями 6. мед. хирургическая операция abdominal operation —- полостная операция chest operation —- операция грудной полости stomach operation —- операция на желудке tonsils operation —- удаление миндалин major operation —- тяжелая операция to perform an operation for smth. —- делать операцию. по поводу чего-л...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  costs расходы по эксплуатации OPERATION noun  1) действие, операция; работа; приведение в действие; - come into operation - call into operation - in operation - in full operation  2) процесс  3) операция (хирургическая)  4) проведение опыта, эксперимента  5) math. действие  6) разработка, эксплуатация  7) управление (предприятием и т.п.)  8) attr. эксплуатационный; - operation costs Syn: see act OPERATION testing испытание в рабочих условиях, эксплуатационные испытания ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (operations) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. An operation is a highly organized activity that involves many people doing different things. The rescue operation began on Friday afternoon... The soldiers were engaged in a military operation close to the Ugandan border. ...a big operation against the drugs trade. N-COUNT: usu supp N 2. A business or company can be referred to as an operation. (BUSINESS) Thorn’s electronics operation employs around 5,000 people... The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation. N-COUNT 3. When a patient has an operation, a surgeon cuts open their body in order to remove, replace, or repair a diseased or damaged part. Charles was at the clinic recovering from an operation on his arm. N-COUNT 4. If a system is in operation, it is being used. Until the rail links are in operation, passengers can only travel through the tunnel by coach. N-UNCOUNT: in/out of N 5. If a machine or device is in operation, it is working. There are three ski lifts in operation. N-UNCOUNT: in/out of N 6. When a rule, system, or plan comes into operation or you put it into operation, you begin to use it. The Financial Services Act came into operation four years ago... Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »MEDICAL« the process of cutting into someone's body to repair or remove a part that is damaged  (a heart bypass operation | She had a bad operation, she had a hysterectomy.) + on/for  (She's going to have an operation on her knee. | perform an operation)  (an operation only the most skilled surgeon could perform) 2 »SET OF ACTIONS« a set of planned actions or activities for a particular purpose  (The whole operation should only take about ten minutes to perform. | a search and rescue operation, expertly performed) 3 »MACHINE/SYSTEM« a) the way the parts of a machine or system work together  (to maintain proper engine operation (=working) | in operation (=working))  (Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in operation.) b) the process of making a machine or system work  (Operation of the system is automatic.) 4 »BUSINESS« a) a business, company, or organization, especially one with many parts  (Their huge interstate operation reportedly brings in $20 million a year.) b) the work or activities done by a business, organization etc, or the process of doing this work  (Many small businesses fail in the first year of operation. | be in operation)  (Chris's courier service has only been in operation for two months.) 5 »PRINCIPLE/LAW/PLAN ETC« the way something such as a principle, law etc works or has an effect  (the operation of the laws of gravity | in operation)  (a clear example of Murphy's law in operation | come/go into operation (=begin to have an effect))  (The Act will come into operation later this year. | put/bring sth into operation (=make something start to work)) 6 »MILITARY/POLICE ACTION« a planned military or police action, especially one that involves a lot of people  (an espionage operation) 7 »COMPUTERS« technical an action done by a computer  (a multi-tasking machine performing millions of operations per second) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1391, from O.Fr. operacion, from L. operationem (nom. operatio), from operari "to work, labor" (in L.L. "to have effect, be active, cause"), from opera "work, effort," related to opus (gen. operis) "a work." The surgical sense is first attested 1597. Operate (as in machinery) is 1864 in Amer.Eng. Operative (1598) is from L.L. operativus "creative, formative," from pp. stem of operari; the noun meaning "worker, operator" is from c.1810; sense of "secret agent, spy" is first attested 1930s, probably from its use by the Pinkerton Detective Agency as a title for their private detectives (1905). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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