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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - office


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 noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin officium service, duty, ~, from opus work + facere to make, do — more at operate, do  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a special duty, charge, or position conferred by an exercise of governmental authority and for a public purpose ; a position of authority to exercise a public function and to receive whatever emoluments may belong to it  b. a position of responsibility or some degree of executive authority  2. Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin officium, from Latin a prescribed form or service of worship; specifically capitalized Divine Office  3. a religious or social ceremonial observance ; rite  4.  a. something that one ought to do or must do ; an assigned or assumed duty, task, or role  b. the proper or customary action of something ; function  c. something done for another ; service  5. a place where a particular kind of business is transacted or a service is supplied: as  a. a place in which the functions of a public ~r are performed  b. the directing headquarters of an enterprise or organization  c. the place in which a professional person conducts business  6. plural, chiefly British the apartments, attached buildings, or outhouses in which the activities attached to the service of a house are carried on  7.  a. a major administrative unit in some governments British Foreign Office  b. a subdivision of some government departments Patent Office  Synonyms: see function
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См. в других словарях

  n. 1 a room or building used as a place of business, esp. for clerical or administrative work. 2 a room or department or building for a particular kind of business (ticket office; post office). 3 the local centre of a large business (our London office). 4 US the consulting-room of a professional person. 5 a position with duties attached to it; a place of authority or trust or service, esp. of a public nature. 6 tenure of an official position, esp. that of a minister of State or of the party forming the Government (hold office; out of office for 13 years). 7 (Office) the quarters or staff or collective authority of a Government department etc. (Foreign Office). 8 a duty attaching to one's position; a task or function. 9 (usu. in pl.) a piece of kindness or attention; a service (esp. through the good offices of). 10 Eccl. a an authorized form of worship (Office for the Dead). b (in full divine office) the daily service of the Roman Catholic breviary (say the office). 11 a ceremonial duty. 12 (in pl.) Brit. the parts of a house devoted to household work, storage, etc. 13 sl. a hint or signal. Phrases and idioms the last offices rites due to the dead. office-bearer an official or officer. office block a large building designed to contain business offices. office boy (or girl) a young man (or woman) employed to do minor jobs in a business office. office hours the hours during which business is normally conducted. office of arms the College of Arms, or a similar body in another country. office-worker an employee in a business office. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L officium performance of a task (in med.L also office, divine service), f. opus work + facere fic- do ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) учреждение; контора; канцелярия; бюро 2) работа (место работы) 3) англ. ведомство; управление; министерство 4) телефонная станция - office of weights and measures - aerodrome meteorological office - approach control office - automated office - automatic office - booking office - branch office - briefing office - centralized traffic control office - control office - control reporting office - crossbar office - department office - departure control office - design office - diaicentral office - diai office - dispatcher office - drawing office - editorial office - end office - foreman's office - forwarding office - government printing office - inquiry office - meteorological watch office - mobile verification office - open-plan office - originating office - printing office - private-branch office - remote control office - subscriber office - supplementary meteorological office - switching office - tandem office - ticket-issuing office - toil office - traffic control office - tributary office - unattended office - verification office ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  конторское помещение; административное помещение, канцелярия baggage registration office design office drawing office field office government office mobile field office post office printing office ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) учреждение; контора, бюро; ведомство 2) телефонная станция 3) радиостанция – automatic office – branch office – call office – central office – communication-center office – community-dial office – comprehensive electronic office – computerized office – central radio office – central telegraph office – crossbar office – dial office – electronic office – end office – forwarding office – intermediate office – local central office – mobile office – originating screening office – tandem office – telegraph office – terminating screening office – toll office – tributary office – verification office ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бюро 2) вызываемый 3) камеральный 4) канцелярский 5) контора 6) конторский 7) министерство 8) рабочее место 9) станционный 10) учреждение call office attendant — дежурный переговорного пункта common battery office — станция центральной батареи experimental design office — машиностр. бюро конструкторское опытное hydrometeorological forecast office — метео бюро гидрометеорологических прогнозов installed capacity of office — установленная емкость станции local central office — станция телефонная городская office link frame — штатив станционных шнуров special design office — машиностр. бюро конструкторское особое telephone central office — телефонная станция - branch office - call office - central office - common-battery office - community office - control office - design office - dial office - hydrometeorological office - information office - office cable - office call - office computation - office manager - office wire - office work - originating office - post office - receiving office - repeater office - satellite office - sending office - sub-control office - switching pad office - tandem office - telegraph office - terminal office - terminating office - toll office - tributary office ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. служба, место, должность, пост office under Government —- место на государственной службе judicial office —- судебная должность holder of an office —- должностное лицо to be in office —- занимать пост to come into office —- принять дела; приступить к исполнению служебных обязанностей to take office —- вступить в должность; приступить к исполнению служебных обязанностей to leave office —- уйти со службы he hasn't run for office for years —- он уже много лет не выставлял своей кандидатуры (на должность, пост и т. п.) he was elected twice to the office of president —- он дважды избирался на пост президента 2. нахождение у власти, на посту term of office —- срок полномочий to renew the term of office —- возобновить мандат to be in office —- быть у власти (о правительстве) 3. входить в состав правительства, иметь министерский портфель to take office —- прийти к власти to put smb. in office —- поставить кого-л. у власти to be corrupted by office —- поддаться разлагающему влиянию власти 4. контора, офис, канцелярия lawyer's office —- адвокатская контора editorial office —- редакция post office —- почтовое отделение; почта publishing office —- издательство inquiry office —- справочное бюро doctor's office —- ам. кабинет врача recruiting office —- призывной пункт office expenses —- расходы на оргтехнику office appliances —- оргтехника office hours...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (offices) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. An office is a room or a part of a building where people work sitting at desks. He had an office big enough for his desk and chair, plus his VDU... At about 4.30 p.m. Audrey arrived at the office... Telephone their head office for more details. ...an office block. N-COUNT 2. An office is a department of an organization, especially the government, where people deal with a particular kind of administrative work. Thousands have registered with unemployment offices. ...Downing Street’s press office. ...the Congressional Budget Office. N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 3. An office is a small building or room where people can go for information, tickets, or a service of some kind. The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service. ...the airline ticket offices. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. A doctor’s or dentist’s office is a place where a doctor or dentist sees their patients. (AM; in BRIT, use surgery) N-COUNT 5. If someone holds office in a government, they have an important job or position of authority. The events to mark the President’s ten years in office went ahead as planned... They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office... The president shall hold office for five years... He ran for office. N-UNCOUNT: oft in/out of N 6. see also booking office, box office, post office, register office, registry office ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »BUILDING« the building that belongs to a company or organization, with a lot of rooms where people work  (The company is moving to new offices in central London. | head office (=main office) | the office)  (Did you go to the office today? | at the office)  (I must have left my keys at the office. | work in an office)  (I'd hate to work in an office, but I could use a regular income.) 2 »ROOM« a room where you do work that involves writing, calculating, or talking to people  (the manager's office | My office gets really hot and sticky in the summer.) 3 office hours the time between about nine in the morning and five in the afternoon, when the people in offices are working  (You can contact us during office hours.) 4 information/ticket etc office a room or building where people go to ask for information  (- see also box office, post office) 5 »IMPORTANT JOB« an important job or position with power, especially in government  (the office of President | in office (=in an important position))  (His decision to resign after 30 years in office came as a great shock. | hold office)  (She had previously held office as Minister of Education. | take office (=start an important job)) 6 Office used in the names of British government departments  (the Foreign Office) 7 sb's good offices formal help given by someone who has authority or can influence people  (I managed to get a visa through the good offices of a friend in the Service.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Office For Facilitating Interdisciplinary Creative Entrepreneurialism gen. bus. abbr. On Fourteenth Floor Is Corporate Evil ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1250, from L. officium "service, duty, function, business" (in M.L., "church service"), from opus "work" + facere "do, perform." Originally in Eng. "a post, an employment," meaning "place for conducting business" first recorded c.1565. Officer is M.E., from M.L. officarius; the military sense is first recorded 1565. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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