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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - native


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 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English natif, from Middle French, from Latin nativus, from natus, past participle of nasci to be bornmore at nation  Date: 14th century  1. inborn, innate ~ talents  2. belonging to a particular place by birth ~ to Wisconsin  3. archaic closely related  4. belonging to or associated with one by birth  5. natural, normal  6.  a. grown, produced, or originating in a particular place or in the vicinity ; local  b. living or growing naturally in a particular region ; indigenous  7. simple, unaffected  8.  a. constituting the original substance or source  b. found in nature especially in an unadulterated form mining ~ silver  9. chiefly Australian having a usually superficial resemblance to a specified English plant or animal  10. capitalized of, relating to, or being a member of an aboriginal people of North or South America ; Native American  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, indigenous, endemic, aboriginal mean belonging to a locality. ~ implies birth or origin in a place or region and may suggest compatibility with it ~ tribal customs. indigenous applies to species or races and adds to ~ the implication of not having been introduced from elsewhere maize is indigenous to America. endemic implies being peculiar to a region edelweiss is endemic in the Alps. aboriginal implies having no known race preceding in occupancy of the region the aboriginal peoples of Australia.  II. noun  Date: 1535  1. one born or reared in a particular place  2.  a. an original or indigenous inhabitant  b. something indigenous to a particular locality  3. a local resident; especially a person who has always lived in a place as distinguished from a visitor or a temporary resident
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  n. & adj. --n. 1 a (usu. foll. by of) a person born in a specified place, or whose parents are domiciled in that place at the time of the birth (a native of Bristol). b a local inhabitant. 2 often offens. a a member of a non-White indigenous people, as regarded by the colonial settlers. b S.Afr. a Black person. 3 (usu. foll. by of) an indigenous animal or plant. 4 an oyster reared in British waters, esp. in artificial beds (a Whitstable native). 5 Austral. a White person born in Australia. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to) belonging to a person or thing by nature; inherent; innate (spoke with the facility native to him). 2 of one's birth or birthplace (native dress; native country). 3 belonging to one by right of birth. 4 (usu. foll. by to) belonging to a specified place (the anteater is native to S. America). 5 a (esp. of a non-European) indigenous; born in a place. b of the natives of a place (native customs). 6 unadorned; simple; artless. 7 Geol. (of metal etc.) found in a pure or uncombined state. 8 Austral. & NZ resembling an animal or plant familiar elsewhere (native rabbit). Phrases and idioms go native (of a settler) adopt the local way of life, esp. in a non-European country. native bear Austral. & NZ = KOALA. native rock rock in its original place. Derivatives natively adv. nativeness n. Etymology: ME (earlier as adj.) f. OF natif -ive or L nativus f. nasci nat- be born NATIVISM n. Philos. the doctrine of innate ideas. Derivatives nativist n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) естественный 2) нативный 3) природный 4) туземный native cosmic iron — метеоритное самородное железо native oxide layer — хим. слой оксидный исходный - native arsenic - native bismuth - native copper - native fibre - native iron - native lead - native magnet - native metal - native oxygen - native plant - occur native ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) отечественный 2) подданный в силу рождения NATIVE 1. сущ. 1) гражданин/подданный в силу рождения 2) уроженец 3) туземец 2. прил. 1) родной 2) туземный; местный 3) прирожденный - native population ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) врождённый 2) природный, естественный 3) аборигенный, местный 4) нативный (напр. о препарате) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. уроженец a native of Southern France —- уроженец юга Франции 2. коренной житель he speaks English like a native —- он говорит по-английски как (настоящий) англичанин 3. часто пренебр. туземец; абориген 4. австрал. местный уроженец (о белых, родившихся в Австралии) 5. (также N.) ю-афр. туземец (официальное наименование темнокожих) 6. местное растение или животное the kangaroo is a native of Australia —- родина кенгуру - Австралия 7. человек, родившийся под определенной звездой (в астрологии) 8. устрица с искусственной устричной банки 9. ист. родившийся рабом, раб по рождению 10. родной native language —- родной язык native speaker —- носитель языка native land —- родина his native town —- город, где он родился native Bostonian —- уроженец Бостона native sons —- ам. сыны родины (коренные американцы) persons native to the region —- местные уроженцы potato is native to America —- родиной картофеля является Америка 11. родившийся (в каком-л. месте) native Frenchmen —- французы, родившиеся во Франции 12. принадлежащий по праву рождения native rights —- наследственные права 13. туземный native troops —- туземные войска native states —- ист. туземные княжества (в Индии - во время владычества англичан) native policy —- политика (метрополии) в отношении туземного населения колонии;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) родной; ones native land - отчизна, родина  2) туземный; местный; - native customs - go native  3) прирожденный, природный; his native modesty - его врожденная скромность - native liberty  4) чистый, самородный (о металлах и т.п.)  5) простой, естественный  6) biol. аборигенный  7) native soil geol. - материк, подпочва Syn: aboriginal, autochthonous, endemic, indigenous Ant: alien, foreign, immigrant  2. noun  1) уроженец (of)  2) туземец  3) местное растение/животное NATIVE customs местные обычаи; NATIVE liberty исконная свобода; NATIVE speaker noun носитель языка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (natives) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your native country or area is the country or area where you were born and brought up. It was his first visit to his native country since 1948... Mother Teresa visited her native Albania. ADJ: ADJ n 2. A native of a particular country or region is someone who was born in that country or region. Dr Aubin is a native of St Blaise. N-COUNT: N of n • Native is also an adjective. Joshua Halpern is a native Northern Californian. ...men and women native to countries such as Japan. ADJ: ADJ n, v-link ADJ to n 3. Some European people use native to refer to a person living in a non-Western country who belongs to the race or tribe that the majority of people there belong to. This use could cause offence. They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land. N-COUNT • Native is also an adjective. Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion. = indigenous ADJ: ADJ n 4. Your native language or tongue is the first language that you learned to speak when you were a child. She spoke not only her native language, Swedish, but also English and French... French is not my native tongue. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Plants or animals that are native to a particular region live or grow there naturally and were not brought there. ...a project to create a 50 acre forest of native Caledonian pines... Many of the plants are native to Brazil. = indigenous ADJ: ADJ n, v-link ADJ to n • Native is also a noun. The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia. N-COUNT: N of n 6. A native ability or quality is one that you possess naturally without having to learn it. We have our native inborn talent, yet we hardly use it. = innate ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj only before noun 1 »COUNTRY« your native country, town etc is the place where you were born  (a visit by the Pope to his native Poland | They never saw their native land again.) 2 native New Yorker/Londoner/Californian etc a person who has always lived in New York, London etc 3 native language/tongue the language you spoke when you first learned to speak  (Lara's native language is Swedish.) 4 »PLANT/ANIMAL« growing, living, produced etc in one particular place; indigenous  (The oregano plant is native to Italy. | the region's native birds) 5 »ART/CUSTOM« related to the people of a country who were the earliest people to live there  (the native art of Peru) 6 native intelligence/wit etc a quality that you have naturally from birth  (native genius) 7 go native humorous to behave, dress, or speak like the people who live in the country where you have come to stay or work  (I once knew an anthropologist who went native and married a Masai warrior.) ~2 n 1 a person who was born in a particular place + of  (a native of Texas) 2 someone who lives in a place all the time or has lived there a long time + of  (Are you a native of these parts?) 3 (often plural a word that is now considered offensive, in former times used by Europeans to mean one of the people who lived in Africa, S. Asia etc before Europeans arrived 4 a plant or animal that grows or lives naturally in a place + of  (The bear was once a native of Britain.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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