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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - mine


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English min, from Old English min — more at my  Date: before 12th century my — used before a word beginning with a vowel or h this treasure in ~ arms — Shakespeare or sometimes as a modifier of a preceding nounarchaic except in an elevated style  II. pronoun  Usage: singular or plural in construction  Date: before 12th century that which belongs to me — used without a following noun as a pronoun equivalent in meaning to the adjective my  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *mina, probably of Celtic origin; akin to Welsh mwyn ore  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a pit or excavation in the earth from which ~ral substances are taken  b. an ore deposit  2. a subterranean passage under an enemy position  3. an encased explosive that is placed in the ground or in water and set to explode when disturbed  4. a rich source of supply  IV. verb  (~d; mining)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to dig under to gain access or cause the collapse of (an enemy position)  b. under~  2.  a. to get (as ore) from the earth  b. to extract from a source information ~d from the files  3. to burrow beneath the surface of larva that ~s leaves  4. to place military ~s in, on, or under ~ a harbor  5.  a. to dig into for ore or metal  b. to process for obtaining a natural constituent ~ the air for nitrogen  c. to seek valuable material in  intransitive verb to dig a ~  • ~r noun
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См. в других словарях

  1. poss.pron. 1 the one or ones belonging to or associated with me (it is mine; mine are over there). 2 (attrib. before a vowel) archaic = MY (mine eyes have seen; mine host). Phrases and idioms of mine of or belonging to me (a friend of mine). Etymology: OE min f. Gmc 2. n. & v. --n. 1 an excavation in the earth for extracting metal, coal, salt, etc. 2 an abundant source (of information etc.). 3 a receptacle filled with explosive and placed in the ground or in the water for destroying enemy personnel, ships, etc. 4 a a subterranean gallery in which explosive is placed to blow up fortifications. b hist. a subterranean passage under the wall of a besieged fortress. --v.tr. 1 obtain (metal, coal, etc.) from a mine. 2 (also absol., often foll. by for) dig in (the earth etc.) for ore etc. 3 a dig or burrow in (usu. the earth). b make (a hole, passage, etc.) underground. 4 lay explosive mines under or in. 5 = UNDERMINE. Phrases and idioms mine-detector an instrument for detecting the presence of mines. Derivatives mining n. Etymology: ME f. OF mine, miner, perh. f. Celt. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) шахта 2) рудник 3) разрабатывать месторождение - all-electric mine - auger mine - bauxite mine - captive mine - coal mine - conveyor mine - copper mine - deep mine - diamond mine - dormant mine - drift mine - exhausted mine - gassy coal mine - gold mine - high-technology mine - hydraulic mine - iron ore mine - lignite mine - longwall mine - manless mine - marginal mine - metal mine - multiseam coal mine - noncaptive mine - oil mine - open cast mine - open pit mine - operating mine - phosphate mine - placer mine - punch mine - research mine - robot mine - room and pillar mine - salt mine - shaft mine - shallow mine - silver mine - slope mine - spent mine - strip mine - surface mine - test mine - U-mine - underground mine - uranium mine - watersealed mine ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  шахта; рудник ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) добывать 2) копь 3) рудник 4) рудничный 5) шахта 6) шахтенный 7) шахтовый development of mine take — подготовка шахтного поля front of strip mine — фронт работ карьера inset of mine shaft — рассечка ствола шахты mine electric locomotive — рудничный электровоз mine rescue team — горноспасательная бригада mine rescue work — горноспасательное дело mine shaft equipment — армировка шахтного ствола mine technical inspection — горнотехнический надзор mine telephone apparatus — шахтный телефонный аппарат paravane wards off mine — параван отводит мину - coal mine - conveyor mine - exploring mine - flood mine - gassy mine - machine-worked mine - mine air - mine barn - mine car - mine collapses - mine diamonds - mine fan - mine fire - mine gas - mine hole - mine plan - mine precussion - mine pump - mine shock - mine timbers - mine transport - mine ventilation - mine water - mine winder - naked-flame mine - open-cut mine - operating mine - test mine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) рудник 2) шахта • - coal mine - mines-and-carries 2. гл. 1) добывать (уголь, руду и т.п.) 2) производить горные работы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  энт. мина, ход – digitate mine – leaf mine – tentiform mine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. мой, моя, мое, мои; принадлежащий мне it is mine —- это мое he's an old friend of mine —- он мой старый друг, это один из моих старых друзей it is no business of mine —- это не мое дело the game is mine —- эту игру выиграл я 2. эллиптически вместо сочетания my с существительным, часто уже употребленным в данном предложении мой, свой, моя, своя и т. п. lend me your pen, I have lost mine —- дай мне твою ручку, я потерял свою (ручку) me and mine —- я и мои (родные), я и моя семья 3. уст. (вм. my перед гласными) мой, моя и т. п. mine eyes —- мои глаза 4. уст. иногда с инверсией o mistress (lady) mine —- о моя владычица, о повелительница! 5. рудник; копь; шахта; прииск 6. подземная выработка 7. резрез, карьер 8. залежь, пласт 9. сокровищница; источник (сведений и т. п.) a regular mine of information —- подлинная сокровищница сведений, неистощимый источник информации 10. воен. мор. мина; фугас mine area —- заминированный участок; минное поле mine belt —- минное заграждение; полоса минных заграждений to lay a mine —- устанавливать (ставить) мину to hit a mine —- наскочить на мину to trip (to spring, to touch off) a mine —- наступить на мину; подорваться на мине to clear the road of mines —- разминировать дорогу 11. ист. подкоп Id: to spring a mine on smb. —- преподнести кому-л. неприятный сюрприз 12. производить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  worker = miner  1) MINE I pron.; poss. (абсолютная форма, не употр. атрибутивно; ср. my) принадлежащий мне; мой; моя; мое; this is mine - это мое, a friend of mine - мой друг II  1. noun  1) рудник; копь; шахта; прииск  2) залежь, пласт  3) mil. мина; to lay a mine for - подвести мину под  4) hist. подкоп  5) источник (сведений и т.п.)  6) заговор, интрига to spring a mine on smb. - преподнести неприятный сюрприз; подложить свинью кому-л.  2. v.  1) производить горные работы, разрабатывать рудник, добывать (руду и т.п.) (тж. mine out); The whole area has been mined out, the miners have left and the town is empty, since it depended on the mining industry.  2) подкапывать, копать под землей; вести подкоп  3) минировать; ставить мины  4) зарываться в землю, рыть норку (о животных)  5) подкапываться (под кого-л.); подрывать (репутацию и т.п.) MINE of information кладезь знаний; ходячая энциклопедия MINE foreman mining штейгер ...
Англо-русский словарь
  I. [c red]PRONOUN USE Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Mine is the first person singular possessive pronoun. A speaker or writer uses mine to refer to something that belongs or relates to himself or herself. Her right hand is inches from mine... I’m looking for a friend of mine who lives here. PRON: oft n of PRON II. [c red]NOUN AND VERB USES (mines, mining, mined) 1. A mine is a place where deep holes and tunnels are dug under the ground in order to obtain a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold. ...coal mines. N-COUNT: oft n N 2. When a mineral such as coal, diamonds, or gold is mined, it is obtained from the ground by digging deep holes and tunnels. The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 3. A mine is a bomb which is hidden in the ground or in water and which explodes when people or things touch it. N-COUNT 4. If an area of land or water is mined, mines are placed there which will explode when people or things touch them. The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined. VERB: be V-ed, also V n 5. If you say that someone is a mine of information, you mean that they know a great deal about something. PHRASE: mine inflects, usu v-link PHR 6. see also mining ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 pronoun (possessive form of 'intransitive`) the one or the ones that belong to me  ("Whose is this coat?" "It must be mine." | Can I borrow your CD player? Mine's broken. | a friend/cousin etc of mine)  (an old teacher of mine) ~2 n 1 a deep hole or series of holes under the ground that are dug in order to find coal, gold, tin etc  (coal/gold/copper mine etc)  (He works in the coal mines.)  (- compare quarry1 (1)) 2 a type of bomb that is hidden just below the ground or under water and that explodes when it is touched 3 a mine of information/gossip etc someone who knows a lot about something or a book that tells you a lot about a subject 4 a passage dug beneath the place where an enemy army is ~3 v mined, minning 1 to make holes or passages under the ground in order to take out coal, gold etc, or to take coal, gold etc from these holes + for  (mining for coal) 2 T often passive to hide bombs in the sea or under the ground  (All the roads leading to the city had been mined.) 3 to dig a passage under the ground beneath the place where an enemy army is ~4 determiner old use a way of saying 'my', before a vowel sound or 'h', or after a noun  (mine host) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  network. abbr. Management In The Network Economy chat abbr. More Is Never Enough ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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