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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - material


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 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English materiel, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French, from Late Latin ~is, from Latin materia mattermore at matter  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) relating to, derived from, or consisting of matter; especially physical the ~ world  (2) bodily ~ needs  b.  (1) of or relating to matter rather than form ~ cause  (2) of or relating to the subject matter of reasoning; especially empirical ~ knowledge  2. having real importance or great consequences facts ~ to the investigation  3.  a. being of a physical or worldly nature  b. relating to or concerned with physical rather than spiritual or intellectual things ~ progress  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, physical, corporeal, phenomenal, sensible, objective mean of or belonging to actuality. ~ implies formation out of tangible matter; used in contrast with spiritual or ideal it may connote the mundane, crass, or grasping ~ values. physical applies to what is perceived directly by the senses and may contrast with mental, spiritual, or imaginary the physical benefits of exercise. corporeal implies having the tangible qualities of a body such as shape, size, or resistance to force artists have portrayed angels as corporeal beings. phenomenal applies to what is known or perceived through the senses rather than by intuition or rational deduction scientists concerned with the phenomenal world. sensible stresses the capability of readily or forcibly impressing the senses the earth's rotation is not sensible to us. objective may stress ~ or independent existence apart from a subject perceiving it no objective evidence of damage.  Synonym: see in addition relevant.  II. noun  Date: 1556  1.  a.  (1) the elements, constituents, or substances of which something is composed or can be made  (2) matter that has qualities which give it individuality and by which it may be categorized sticky ~ explosive ~s  b.  (1) something (as data) that may be worked into a more finished form ~ for a biography  (2) something used for or made the object of study ~ for the next semester  (3) a performer's repertoire a comedian's ~  c. matter 3b  d. cloth  e. a person potentially suited to some pursuit varsity ~ leadership ~  2.  a. apparatus necessary for doing or making something writing ~s  b. materiel
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  n. & adj. --n. 1 the matter from which a thing is made. 2 cloth, fabric. 3 (in pl.) things needed for an activity (building materials; cleaning materials; writing materials). 4 a person or thing of a specified kind or suitable for a purpose (officer material). 5 (in sing. or pl.) information etc. to be used in writing a book etc. (experimental material; materials for a biography). 6 (in sing. or pl., often foll. by of) the elements or constituent parts of a substance. --adj. 1 of matter; corporeal. 2 concerned with bodily comfort etc. (material well-being). 3 (of conduct, points of view, etc.) not spiritual. 4 (often foll. by to) important, essential, relevant (at the material time). 5 concerned with the matter, not the form, of reasoning. Derivatives materiality n. Etymology: ME f. OF materiel, -al, f. LL materialis f. L (as MATTER) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) материал; вещество 2) ткань, материал 3) мн. ч. детали (для обработки) 4) мн. ч. производственное оборудование; производственные инструменты to calibrate a material — (точно) определять свойства материала - materials of construction - ablative material - abrasive material - absorbent material - acceptor material - acoustical material - acoustic material - active material - active laser material - adding material - advanced material - air-equivalent material - air-wall material - amorphous magnetic material - anisotropic material - anodic material - antiferroelectric material - antiferromagnetic material - antifriction material - antihalation material - antirot material - antislip material - antisun material - asbestos-cement material - atmospheric reentry material - attached foreign material - backfilling material - backfill material - backing material - barrier material - base material - basic material - batch material - bed material - bimetallic conductor material - binding material - bituminous material - black-and-white material - blanket material - bonding material - borrow material - bottoming material - bred material - breeder material - brittle material - bubble material - building material - bulk material - bulk semiconductor material - burden material - carbon electrical material - carrier material - case material - cast stone material - caved material - cementing material - ceramic material - ceramic foam material - charge material - charging material - clad material - clad dielectric material - coal-tar raw material - coating material - coherent material - cohesionless material - cohesive material - coiled material - cold-charged material - color material - combustible material - combustion materials - compact material - composite material - compounding material - concrete materials - conducting material - conductor material - constant bandgap material - constructional material - contact...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  материал, вещество грунт материальный, вещественный materials by structural properties material retained on sieve abrasion-resisting material abrasive material absorbent material acoustic material anisotropic material architectural construction materials argillaceous material artificial pozzolanic material backfilling material backing material bagged material ballast material binding material bituminous materials bonding material boxing material brittle material building materials calcareous material cellular material cement-bound granular material cementing material ceramic materials clayey materials coated material coating material combustible material combustible building materials composite material concrete materials concrete-making materials concrete repair materials constituent materials of concrete construction materials corrugated sheet material damping material dampproofing material defective material ductile material durable material engineering materials excavated material fast-setting repair material faulty material fiber reinforced material fill material filter material finishing material fire retarding material flexible sheet material fluid material foamed-in-place acoustical materials form material frost-free material graded material granular material granular subbase material gritting materials hazardous material heat insulating material high-grade materials high insulative material incombustible material industrial materials inorganic material insulating materials isotropic material jointing material joint-sealing material lagging materials laminated material lime-containing material linear-elastic material lining material load-bearing structural insulating material loose fill acoustical material loosely packed material low-tensile strength material maintenance patching material manufactured construction materials matrix material mineral fill material moisture-resistant insulating material natural mineral material near-by material noncombustible material nonconductive material...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) материал; вещество 2) документ – active material – anechoing material – ferromagnetic material – honeycomb-shielding material – index-matching material – lossy material – magnetooptic material – multimedia material – paramagnetic material – photorefractive material ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вещественный 2) вещество 3) материал 4) материальный 5) складский 6) ткань alabaster binding material — вяжущий гипсовый материал breadth of rolled material — ширина прокатываемого материала charring ablative material — коксующийся уносимый материал el'bor borazon material — эльбор electrical insulating material — электроизоляционный материал geksanit borazon material — машиностр. гексанит grow laser material — выращивать активный материал hard magnetic material — магнитно-жесткий материал, физ. материал магнитнотвердый hydraulic binding material — вяжущий гидравлический материал hydraulic insulating material — гидроизоляционный материал injection molding material — литьевой материал ismit borazon material — тех. исмит kubonit borazon material — тех. кубонит magnesia binding material — вяжущий магнезиальный материал magnetically hard material — магнитно-твердое вещество material handling fan — вентилятор пневмотранспорта mineral binding material — вяжущий минеральный материал organic binding material — вяжущий органический материал roll roofing material — рулонный кровельный материал silicate concrete material — силикатобетонный материал soft magnetic material — магнитно-мягкий материал, физ. материал магнитномягкий strike off surplus material — снимать излишек threshold fissible material — пороговое делящееся вещество tire repair material — шиноремонтный материал...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) материал 2) документ; документация 3) вещество 4) существенный; материальный – material cited against an invention – material opposed to a patent – application materials – backdated patent materials – background material – component material – copyright material – patent information materials – raw material – reference material – search material – source material – teaching material MATERIAL 1. сущ. 1) материал 2) вещество 3) данные 4) факты • - advertising material - basic materials - building materials - collect material - combustible material - crude materials - defective material - direct material - material effect - materials consumption records - materials handling - materials management - materials moving methods - materials on hand - materials output ratio - non-standard materials - promotional material - raw materials - semi-processed materials - strategical materials Syn: data, evidence, scores, records 2. прил. 1) материальный 2) вещественный 3) существенный, важный - material incentive - material object - material resources ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  материал; вещество – breeding material – determination material – hormonelike material – inoculative material – living material – nonliving material – raw material – starting material ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. материал, вещество building materials —- строительные материалы fissionable materials —- расщепляющиеся материалы insulating material —- изоляционный материал raw materials —- сырье material of construction —- конструкционный материал rubber is a widely used material —- резина широко используется как сырье materials handling —- тех. обработка материалов (также material processing); погрузка-разгрузка сыпучих материалов materials science —- материаловедение 2. материал; кадры these men are good army material —- из этих людей выйдут хорошие солдаты she is good acting material —- у нее задатки хорошей актрисы the schools are not producing enough good material —- школы выпускают недостаточно подготовленных кадров 3. данные, факты, материал illustrative material —- иллюстративный материал, примеры reference material —- справочный материал, наглядные пособия to collect material for a literary work —- собирать материал для художественного произведения he is looking for material for a TV programme —- он ищет материал для телевизионной передачи we have enough material against him —- мы собрали достаточно материала на него 4. тема material for thought —- материал (тема) для размышлений to provide material for conversation —- давать тему для бесед 5. текст. ткань, материя (также dress material) a light material —- легкая ткань made of waterproof material —- сделанный из непромокаемой...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) материал; вещество  2) факты, данные, материал  3) text. материя  4) pl. принадлежности; - writing materials  2. adj.  1) материальный; вещественный; - material world  2) телесный, физический (в противоп. духовному); - material needs  3) имущественный, денежный; - material losses  4) существенный, важный; - material witness Syn: see physical MATERIAL losses финансовые потери; убытки MATERIAL needs физические потребности MATERIAL witness leg. важный свидетель MATERIAL world материальный мир ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (materials) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A material is a solid substance. ...electrons in a conducting material such as a metal. ...the design of new absorbent materials. N-VAR 2. Material is cloth. ...the thick material of her skirt... The materials are soft and comfortable to wear. N-MASS 3. Materials are the things that you need for a particular activity. The builders ran out of materials. ...sewing materials. N-PLURAL: usu supp N 4. Ideas or information that are used as a basis for a book, play, or film can be referred to as material. In my version of the story, I added some new material. N-UNCOUNT 5. Material things are related to possessions or money, rather than to more abstract things such as ideas or values. Every room must have been stuffed with material things. ...the material world. ? spiritual ADJ: usu ADJ n • materially He has tried to help this child materially and spiritually... ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj/-ed, ADV with cl 6. If you say that someone is a particular kind of material, you mean that they have the qualities or abilities to do a particular job or task. She was not university material... His message has changed little since he became presidential material. N-UNCOUNT: supp N 7. Material evidence or information is directly relevant and important in a legal or academic argument. (FORMAL) The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed... ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 cloth used for making clothes, curtains etc; fabric (1)  (curtain material) 2 a solid substance such as wood, plastic, or metal from which things can be made  (building materials) 3 also materials the things that are used for making or doing something  (Videos often make good teaching material. | artists' materials) 4 information or ideas used in books, films etc  (His act contains a lot of new material.) + for  (Anita is collecting material for her new novel.) 5 officer material/executive material etc someone who is good enough for a particular job or position  (He's a good soldier, but not really officer material.) ~2 adj usually before noun 1 connected with people's money, possessions, living conditions etc, rather than the needs of their mind or soul  (material comforts/needs/well-being etc)  (Improvements in health were linked to increasing material prosperity.) 2 connected with the real world and physical objects  (material existence) 3 law important and needing to be considered when making a decision  (material evidence)  (facts material to the investigation) 4 important and having a noticeable effect  (material changes)  (- see also materially, raw materials) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1380, from L.L. materialis (adj.) "of or belonging to matter," from L. materia "matter." The noun is from 1556. Materialism is 1748 as a philosophy (from Fr.); 1851 as "a way of life based entirely on consumer goods." Materialize "appear in bodily form" dates from 1880. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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