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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - many


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 I. adjective  (more; most)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English manig; akin to Old High German manag ~, Old Church Slavic munogu much  Date: before 12th century  1. consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number worked for ~ years  2. being one of a large but indefinite number ~ a man ~ another student  II. pronoun  Usage: plural in construction  Date: before 12th century a large number of persons or things ~ are called  III. noun  Usage: plural in construction  Date: 12th century  1. a large but indefinite number a good ~ of them  2. the great majority of people the ~
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  adj. & n. --adj. (more; most) great in number; numerous (many times; many people; many a person; his reasons were many). --n. (as pl.) 1 a large number (many like skiing; many went). 2 (prec. by the) the multitude of esp. working people. Phrases and idioms as many the same number of (six mistakes in as many lines). as many again the same number additionally (sixty here and as many again there). be too (or one too) many for outwit, baffle. a good (or great) many a large number. many-sided having many sides, aspects, interests, capabilities, etc. many-sidedness n. the fact or state of being many-sided. many's the time often (many's the time we saw it). many a time many times. Etymology: OE manig, ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) большинство 2) многие 3) много 4) множество 5) немало as many as possible — как можно больше equation with many unknowns — уравнение со многими переменными game with infinitely many strategies — игра с бесконечным множеством стратегий many error correcting code — код с исправлением многократных ошибок many times used — многоразовый not so many as — меньше чем process with denumerably many states — процесс со счетным множеством состояний to many significant figures — с точностью до многих значащих цифр with many roots — многокорневой - at most finitely many - denumerable many - infinitely many - nondenumerably many - not many - so many ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. множество, многие; много many of these books —- многие из этих книг a great many of the tourists were tired —- многие туристы устали you may take as many as you need —- можешь взять столько, сколько тебе надо he failed like so many before him —- он потерпел неудачу подобно многим своим предшественникам there are so many here that I can't choose —- здесь столько, что я не могу выбрать (не знаю, на чем остановиться) 2. (the many) большинство, массы, народ contempt for the many —- презрение к толпе 3. многие, многочисленные; много many people —- многие люди many people think so —- многие так считают (так думают, так полагают) like so many people —- подобно многим людям not so many —- не так много there are not so many people here —- здесь не так много народу of many kinds —- многих (различных) сортов a woman of many moods —- женщина, у которой часто меняется настроение in many instances —- во многих случаях in many ways —- многими (разнообразными) способами; во многом for many years —- много лет, долгие годы we shall see him before many weeks have passed —- мы увидим его всего через несколько недель, мы его скоро увидим how many? —- сколько? how many people are here? —- сколько здесь людей? how many questions does one have to answer? —- на сколько вопросов нужно дать ответ? not so many as —- меньше, чем many a man (a one) —- многие (люди) many a time —- много раз for many a long day —- в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj. past more; past part. most многие, многочисленные; много; how many? - сколько? are there many guests coming to dinner? - много ли гостей придет к обеду? for many a long day - в течение долгого времени; as many - столько же; as many as three years - целых три года; not so many as - меньше чем; to be one too many joc. - быть лишним; to be one too many for smb. coll. -  а) быть сильнее, искуснее кого-л.;  б) быть выше чьего-л. понимания; быть слишком трудным для кого-л.  2. noun множество, многие; - a good many - a great many - the many ...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use many to indicate that you are talking about a large number of people or things. I don’t think many people would argue with that... Not many films are made in Finland... Many holidaymakers had avoided the worst of the delays by consulting tourist offices... Acting is definitely a young person’s profession in many ways. ? few DET: DET pl-n, oft with brd-neg • Many is also a pronoun. We stood up, thinking through the possibilities. There weren’t many. ? few, some PRON • Many is also a quantifier. So, once we have cohabited, why do many of us feel the need to get married?... It seems there are not very many of them left in the sea... QUANT: QUANT of def-pl-n • Many is also an adjective. Among his many hobbies was the breeding of fine horses... The possibilities are many. ADJ: det ADJ, v-link ADJ 2. You use many in expressions such as ‘not many’, ‘not very many’, and ‘too many’ when replying to questions about numbers of things or people. ‘How many of the songs that dealt with this theme became hit songs?’—‘Not very many.’... How many years is it since we’ve seen each other? Too many, anyway. ADV: ADV as reply 3. You use many followed by ‘a’ and a noun to emphasize that there are a lot of people or things involved in something. Many a mother tries to act out her unrealized dreams through her daughter... PREDET c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use many after ‘how’ to ask questions about numbers or quantities. You use many after ‘how’ in reported clauses to talk about numbers or quantities. How many years have you been here?... No-one knows how many people have been killed since the war began. DET: how DET pl-n • Many is also a pronoun. How many do you smoke a day? PRON: how PRON 5. You use many with ‘as’ when you are comparing numbers of things or people. I’ve always entered as many photo competitions as I can... We produced ten...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ quantifier 1 (used especially in formal English, or in ordinary written or spoken English when in questions and negative sentences) a large number of people or things  (many people/things/places etc)  (Many people find this kind of movie unpleasant. | Rain has been forecast in many areas of the country. | Does she have many friends? | many of)  (Many of our staff are actually part time workers. | Thousands of soldiers were sent into battle, many of them killed outright. | for many)  (For many, the entrance exam proved too difficult. | how many...?)  (How many brothers and sisters do you have? | not many (=only a few))  (There weren't many people at the party. | the many people/things/places etc)  (The committee would like to thank the many visitors who gave money so generously. | many a person/thing/place etc)  (Through many a crisis it was his family that helped him survive.)  (- compare lot (1)) 2 as many the same number as another particular number  (Those cookies were great. I could eat as many again. (=the same number again) | as many as)  (Grandfather claimed to have as many medals as the general himself. | in as many days/weeks etc)  (A great trip! We visited five countries in as many days. | twice/three times etc as many)  (The company now employs four times as many women as men. | one/two etc too many (=one more than necessary))  (You've bought one too many. There are only three of us who need tickets.) 3 a) many a time old-fashioned often  (I've sat here many a time and wondered what became of her.) b) many's the time/day (that/when) used to say that a particular thing happens often  (Many's the time we've had to borrow money in order to get through the month.) 4 a good many a fairly large number of people or things  (Stop complaining! A good many people would be happy to have work.) 5 a great many a very large number of people or things  (Most of the young men went off to the war, and a great many never came back.) 6 have had one too many informal to be drunk  (Don't pay any attention to him - he's had...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. monig, manig, from P.Gmc. *managaz, from PIE *monogho-. Pronunciation altered by influence of any (see manifold). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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