Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - maneuver
Связанные словари
I. noun Etymology: French man?uvre, from Old French maneuvre work done by hand, from Medieval Latin manuopera, from manu operare to perform manual labor — more at manure Date: 1758 1. a. a military or naval movement b. an armed forces training exercise; especially an extended and large-scale training exercise involving military and naval units separately or in combination — often used in plural 2. a procedure or method of working usually involving expert physical movement 3. a. evasive movement or shift of tactics b. an intended and controlled variation from a straight and level flight path in the operation of an airplane 4. a. an action taken to gain a tactical end b. an adroit and clever management of affairs often using trickery and deception Synonyms: see trick II. verb (~ed; ~ing) Date: 1777 intransitive verb 1. a. to perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage b. to make a series of changes in direction and position for a specific purpose 2. to use stratagems ; scheme transitive verb 1. to cause to execute tactical movements 2. to manage into or out of a position or condition ; manipulate 3. a. to guide with adroitness and design b. to bring about or secure as a result of skillful management • ~ability noun • ~able adjective • ~er noun
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Что такое maneuver
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Что означает maneuver
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Самые популярные термины
1 | 1672 | |
2 | 1515 | |
3 | 1269 | |
4 | 1266 | |
5 | 1161 | |
6 | 1118 | |
7 | 1052 | |
8 | 1041 | |
9 | 1040 | |
10 | 1003 | |
11 | 1000 | |
12 | 968 | |
13 | 963 | |
14 | 946 | |
15 | 879 | |
16 | 839 | |
17 | 835 | |
18 | 820 | |
19 | 809 | |
20 | 777 |