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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - language


Связанные словари


 noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French langage, from lange, langue tongue, ~, from Latin linguamore at tongue  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community  b.  (1) audible, articulate, meaningful sound as produced by the action of the vocal organs  (2) a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings  (3) the suggestion by objects, actions, or conditions of associated ideas or feelings ~ in their very gestureShakespeare  (4) the means by which animals communicate  (5) a formal system of signs and symbols (as FORTRAN or a calculus in logic) including rules for the formation and transformation of admissible expressions  (6) machine ~ 1  2.  a. form or manner of verbal expression; specifically style  b. the vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or a department of knowledge  c. profanity  3. the study of ~ especially as a school subject  4. specific words especially in a law or regulation added ~ prohibiting further development along the river
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См. в других словарях

  n. 1 the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in an agreed way. 2 the language of a particular community or country etc. (speaks several languages). 3 a the faculty of speech. b a style or the faculty of expression; the use of words, etc. (his language was poetic; hasn't the language to express it). c (also bad language) coarse, crude, or abusive speech (didn't like his language). 4 a system of symbols and rules for writing computer programs or algorithms. 5 any method of expression (the language of mime; sign language). 6 a professional or specialized vocabulary. 7 literary style. Phrases and idioms language laboratory a room equipped with tape recorders etc. for learning a foreign language. language of flowers a set of symbolic meanings attached to different flowers. speak the same language have a similar outlook, manner of expression, etc. Etymology: ME f. OF langage ult. f. L lingua tongue ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  язык - absolute language - algorithmical language - algorithmic language - applicative language - artificial language - assembler language - block-structured language - Boolean algebra-based language - Boolean based language - command language - compilative language - compiler language - computer language - computer-dependent language - computer-independent language - computer-oriented language - computer-sensitive language - context-free language - control language - conversational language - core language - data language - data-base language - data-definition language - data manipulation language - data-query language - declarative language - deduction-oriented language - design language - explicit language - expression-oriented language - extensible language - FG-kernel language - finite state language - formal specification language - function language - functional language - graphics-oriented language - graphics language - hardware-based language - high-level language - host language - human language - human-oriented language - hybrid language - imperative language - input language - instruction language - interactive language - interface language - intermediate language - interpretive language - job control language - kernel language - knowledge representation language - list-processing language - low-level language - machine language - machine-dependent language - machine-independent language - machine-oriented language - macro language - meta language - mnemonic language - narrative language - native language - native-mode language - natural language - NC-AM language - network control language - nonprocedural language - nucleus language - object language - object-oriented language - original language - parallel language - plain language - privacy language - problem-oriented language - problem solving language - procedural language - program language - program development language - programming language - pseudo language - query language - real-time language - reference language - regular language - relational language - retrieval...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  вчт. язык (программирования) – assembly language – Basic language – C language – CHILL language – common business-oriented language – computer language – control language – Fortran language – hardware-description language – high-level language – intermediate-level language – machine language – open graphics language – PERL language – picture query language – PL/M language – problem defining language – procedure-oriented language – program language – SDL specification language – source language – supervisory-control language – symbolic language – target language – visual language ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  язык absolutely adequate language — абсолютно адекватный язык absolutely homogeneous language — абсолютно однородный язык absolutely inadequate language — абсолютно неадекватный язык absolutely nonhomogeneous language — абсолютно неоднородный язык absolutely nonperfect language — абсолютно несовершенный язык absolutely nonsimple language — абсолютно непростой язык absolutely perfect language — абсолютно совершенный язык absolutely simple language — абсолютно простой язык autocovariance assembly language — матем. автоковариация bidirectional categorial language — двунаправленный категориальный язык completely adequate language — полностью адекватный язык completely formalized language — полностью формализованный язык completely homogeneous language — полностью однородный язык elementary formalized language — элементарный формализованный язык, формализованный язык первого порядка hardware description language — язык описания аппаратуры indistinguishable in the language — логика неразличимый на языке, эквивалентный information retrieval language — информационно-поисковый язык inherently ambiguous language — существенно неопределенный язык interpretation of language in set — интерпретация языка на множестве inversely adequate language — зеркально адекватный язык language of first order — язык первого порядка, элементарный язык language of open formulas — язык открытых формул language of set theory — язык...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  язык; языковой – language prescribed – language of law – absolute language – dead language – down-to-earth language – indexing language – retrieval language – literary language – living language – machine language – spoken language ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. язык the Russian language —- русский язык finger language —- язык жестов, язык глухонемых living language —- живой язык working language —- рабочий язык (в международных организациях) the working languages of this committee are English and Russian —- рабочими языками этого комитета являются русский и английский language arts —- ам. обучение чтению, письму, литературе, словесность (школьный предмет) language shift —- переключение на другой язык (о говорящем на иностранном языке) language department —- отдел переводов (ООН) a degree in languages —- диплом об окончании филологического факультета или института иностранных языков science of language —- языкознание 2. речь spoken language —- разгговорный язык; устная речь written language —- письменость; письменный язык articulate language —- членораздельная речь literary language —- литературный язык substandard language —- просторечие he has a great command of language —- он прекрасно владеет языком, у него прекрасная речь 3. характер языка; стиль, слог fine language —- изысканный язык, цветистый стиль strong language —- сильные выражения bad language —- сквернословие language of poetry —- язык поэзии business language —- деловая речь; язык деловой переписки language of law —- юридический язык diplomatic language —- дипломатический язык the language of Shakespeare —- язык Шекспира 4. дип....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) язык; речь - finger language  2) coll. брань (тж. bad language) I wont have any language here - прошу не выражаться  3) стиль; язык писателя the language of Shakespeare - язык Шекспира Syn: see wording ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (languages) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing. ...the English language... Students are expected to master a second language... N-COUNT 2. Language is the use of a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds or written symbols. Students examined how children acquire language... N-UNCOUNT 3. You can refer to the words used in connection with a particular subject as the language of that subject. ...the language of business. N-UNCOUNT: the N of n, supp N 4. You can refer to someone’s use of rude words or swearing as bad language when you find it offensive. Television companies tend to censor bad language in feature films... There’s a girl gonna be in the club, so you guys watch your language. N-UNCOUNT: adj N, poss N 5. The language of a piece of writing or speech is the style in which it is written or spoken. ...a booklet summarising it in plain language... The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite... N-UNCOUNT: with supp 6. You can use language to refer to various means of communication involving recognizable symbols, non-verbal sounds, or actions. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication. ...the digital language of computers. N-VAR: supp N, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ENGLISH/FRENCH/ARABIC ETC« a system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country or area  (the Japanese language | How many languages do you speak? | native language (=the first language you learned))  (Andrea's native language is German. | modern language (=a language that is still spoken today) | dead language (=a language that is no longer spoken) | the language barrier (=the difficulty of communicating with people who speak a different language)) 2 »COMMUNICATION« the ability to use words to communicate  (the origins of language) 3 »COMPUTERS« technical a system of instructions and commands for operating a computer  (a programming language such as BASIC or Pascal) 4 »STYLE/TYPE OF WORDS« the kind of words and style used in one kind of writing or by people in a particular job or activity  (medical language | poetic language) 5 »SOUNDS/SIGNS/ACTIONS« a way of expressing meaning or giving information through sounds, signs, movements etc  (the language of music) 6 »SWEARING« informal words that most people think are offensive  (You never heard such language! It was disgusting. | mind/watch your language (=stop swearing)) 7 strong language a) angry words used to tell people exactly what you mean b) words that most people think are offensive; swearing 8 speak the same language if two people speak the same language, they have similar attitudes and opinions  (- see also body language, sign language) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1280, from O.Fr. langage, from V.L. *linguaticum, from L. lingua "tongue." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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