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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - instruction


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 noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. precept prevailing cultural ~s  b. a direction calling for compliance ; orderusually used in plural had ~s not to admit strangers  c. plural an outline or manual of technical procedure ; directions  d. a code that tells a computer to perform a particular operation  2. the action, practice, or profession of teaching  • ~al adjective
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  n. 1 (often in pl.) a direction; an order (gave him his instructions). 2 teaching; education (took a course of instruction). 3 Law (in pl.) directions to a solicitor or counsel. 4 Computing a direction in a computer program defining and effecting an operation. Derivatives instructional adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. LL instructio -onis (as INSTRUCT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) инструкция 2) команда; директива 3) обучение; инструктаж - absolute instruction - actual instruction - aircraft operating instruction - aircraft storage instruction - arithmetical instruction - arithmetic instruction - basic instruction - blank instruction - branching instruction - branch instruction - branch-on-zero instruction - breakpoint instruction - call instruction - centering instruction - clearing instruction - computer instruction - computer-aided instruction - conditional instruction - conflicting flight instruction - consumer instruction - control instruction - current instruction - data transfer instruction - decision instruction - depth measuring instruction - diameter measuring instruction - direct instruction - disk instruction - display instruction - do-nothing instruction - double-address instruction - dummy instruction - edit instruction - engineering instruction - entry instruction - executive instruction - exit instruction - extracode instruction - format instruction - halt instruction - idle instruction - ignore instruction - illegal instruction - immediate address instruction - immediate instruction - indirect instruction - input/output instruction - interpretive instruction - interrupt instruction - invoking instruction - jump instruction - keyboard instruction - logical instruction - logic instruction - look-up instruction - machine instruction - machine setup instruction - machine-specific instruction - macro instruction - maintenance instruction - manual control instruction - menu-driven instruction - micro instruction - misinterpreted flight instructions - mnemonic instruction - move instruction - multiaddress instruction - native instruction - no-address instruction - no-op instruction - numerical-controlled instruction - object instruction - one-address instruction - pause instruction - positioning instruction - privileged instruction - producer instruction - pseudo instruction - quasi instruction - reading instruction - read instruction - relative instruction -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  указание, инструкция instructions to bidders detailed field instructions erection instructions installation instructions operating instructions ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  инструкция; команда – call instruction – joint instruction – machine instruction – multiple-address instruction – service instruction – start instruction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) инструкционный 2) инструкция 3) компьют. команда 4) наставление 5) обучение 6) преподавание 7) программа 8) распоряжение 9) указание "jump if not" instruction — команда условного перехода address part of instruction — адресная часть команды conditional transfer instruction — команда условного перехода fixed instruction mix — статическая смесь indexing part of instruction — модифицируемая часть команды memory reference instruction — команда обращения к памяти register reference instruction — команда обращения к регистру specify an instruction by — задавать команду с помощью - branch instruction - breakpoint instruction - compare instruction - computer instruction - current instruction - delay instruction - exchange instruction - exit instruction - fetch an instruction - follow the instruction - ignore instruction - illegal instruction - instruction address - instruction code - instruction cycle - instruction file - instruction format - instruction line - instruction register - instruction set - macro instruction - manufacturer's instruction - modify an instruction - multiaddress instruction - operating instruction - overflow instruction - programmed instruction - recognize an instruction - return instruction - shift instruction - single-address instruction - skip an instruction - skip instruction - sort instruction - standard instruction - transfer instruction - unco instruction - zero-address instruction ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) инструкция; программа действий 2) команда 3) обучение – instruction to applicants INSTRUCTION сущ. 1) указание, инструкция, предписание cautionary instruction — предупредительная инструкция (говорящая о том, что никакой внешний фактор не должен влиять на беспристрастность решения судей) 2) обучение - carry out instructions - carrying out of instruction - comply with instructions - disregard instructions - instruction card - instructions to the contrary Syn: set of rules, order, specification, briefing aid, manual INSTRUCTION сущ. 1) общ., упр. указание, инструкция, предписание (обычно: в ед. ч. — в значении документ или отдельное указание; во мн. ч. — в значении рекомендаций, указаний по выполнению каких-л. действий) detailed instructions — подробные указания execution of instructions — соблюдение инструкции authority to issue instructions — право утверждать инструкции, власть устанавливать правила instruction to applicants — инструкция по составлению заявок to carry out comply with instructions — выполнять указания инструкции to follow instructions — следовать инструкции указаниям to contravene instructions — действовать против инструкции to disregard instructions — пренебрегать не считаться с инструкциями All the arrangement for your shipment will be done in conformity with your instructions. — Подготовка к отгрузке будет проведена в соответствии с вашими указаниями. Syn: order,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. обучение, преподавание driving instruction —- обучение вождению автомобиля to give instruction in English —- обучать английскому языку 2. инструктаж, инструктирование 3. ам. наказ (депутату) 4. полит. императивный мандат; директива (депутату) голосовать за кандидата или мероприятие 5. образование, образованность, знания high-school instruction —- ам. среднее образование 6. обыкн. pl. инструкции, указания, директивы; приказания, распоряжения on the instructions of smb. —- по поручению кого-л. 7. юр. наказ (судьи) присяжным 8. тех. руководство (по техническому обслуживанию); техническая инструкция 9. комп. команда, инструкция, программа instruction code —- система команд instruction time —- время выполнения (машинной) команды ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) обучение (in)  2) инструктаж  3) директива; pl. наставления, предписания, указания, инструкции  4) pl.; leg. поручение (адвокату) ведения дела; наказ (судьи) присяжным under the instruction - по поручению  5) amer. наказ (делегатам) голосовать за определенного кандидата Syn: see command ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (instructions) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An instruction is something that someone tells you to do. Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given. N-COUNT 2. If someone gives you instruction in a subject or skill, they teach it to you. (FORMAL) Each candidate is given instruction in safety... N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 3. Instructions are clear and detailed information on how to do something. Always read the instructions before you start taking the medicine. N-PLURAL ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 instructions the printed information that tells you how to use a piece of equipment etc  (We forgot to read the instructions. | follow the instructions)  (Follow the instructions on the back of the box.) 2 (countable, usually plural a statement telling someone what they must do  (instructions to do sth)  (He had explicit instructions to check everyone's identity card at the door. | instructions that)  (Mrs Edwards left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed. | on sb's instructions (=because you have been officially told to do it))  (On his instructions, the luggage had been sent on. | my instructions are (=used to tell someone what you have been officially told to do))  (My instructions are to give the package to him personally.) 3 formal teaching that you are given in a particular skill or subject  (religious instruction | driving instruction) + in  (You will receive basic instruction in navigation.) under (sb's) instruction (=while being taught by someone)  (Under Stewart's instruction, I slowly mastered the art of glass blowing.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1400, from O.Fr. instruction, from L. instructionem (nom. instructio), from instruere "arrange, inform, teach," from in- "on" + struere "to pile, build." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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