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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - gum


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English gome, from Old English goma palate; akin to Old High German guomo palate, and perhaps to Greek chaos abyss  Date: before 12th century the tissue that surrounds the necks of teeth and covers the alveolar parts of the jaws; broadly the alveolar portion of a jaw with its enveloping soft tissues  II. transitive verb  (~med; ~ming)  Date: 1777  1. to enlarge gullets of (a saw)  2. to chew with the ~s  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English gomme, from Middle French, from Latin cummi, ~mi, from Greek kommi, from Egyptian qmyt  Date: 14th century  1.  a. any of numerous colloidal polysaccharide substances of plant origin that are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying and are salts of complex organic acids — compare mucilage 1  b. any of various plant exudates (as an oleoresin or ~ resin)  2. a substance or deposit resembling a plant ~ (as in sticky or adhesive quality)  3.  a. a tree (as a black ~) that yields ~  b. Australian eucalyptus  4. the wood or lumber of a ~; especially that of the sweet ~  5. chewing ~  IV. verb  (~med; ~ming)  Date: 1597  transitive verb to clog, impede, or damage with or as if with ~ ~ up the works  intransitive verb  1. to exude or form ~  2. to become ~my  • ~mer noun
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a viscous secretion of some trees and shrubs that hardens on drying but is soluble in water (cf. RESIN). b an adhesive substance made from this. 2 US chewing gum. 3 = GUMDROP. 4 = gum arabic. 5 = gum-tree. 6 a secretion collecting in the corner of the eye. 7 US = GUMBOOT. --v. (gummed, gumming) 1 tr. smear or cover with gum. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by down, together, etc.) fasten with gum. 3 intr. exude gum. Phrases and idioms gum arabic a gum exuded by some kinds of acacia and used as glue and in incense. gum benjamin benzoin. gum dragon tragacanth. gum juniper sandarac. gum resin a vegetable secretion of resin mixed with gum, e.g. gamboge. gum-tree a tree exuding gum, esp. a eucalyptus. gum up 1 (of a mechanism etc.) become clogged or obstructed with stickiness. 2 colloq. interfere with the smooth running of (gum up the works). up a gum-tree colloq. in great difficulties. Etymology: ME f. OF gomme ult. f. L gummi, cummi f. Gk kommi f. Egypt. kemai 2. n. (usu. in pl.) the firm flesh around the roots of the teeth. Phrases and idioms gum-shield a pad protecting a boxer's teeth and gums. Etymology: OE goma rel. to OHG guomo, ON g{oacute}mr roof or floor of the mouth 3. n. colloq. (in oaths) God (by gum!). Etymology: corrupt. of God ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) камедь, гумми гуммировать 2) смола (не содержащая эфирного масла); живица 3) растительный клей; декстриновый клей, декстрин 4) становиться клейким 5) налипать 6) резин. ненаполненная резиновая смесь прорезинивать 7) осадок (в резервуарах для бензина или смазочных масел) 8) штыб; угольная мелочь (образующаяся при бурении) gum arabic — аравийская камедь - acacia gum - accelerated gums - actual gum - artificial gum - British gum - copper dish gums - dip gum - dissolved gum - edible gum - existent gum - gasoline gum - hard gum - jelly gum - porcelain dish gum - potential gum - preformed gum - soft gum - starch gum - tie gum - unstable gum - vapor-phase gum ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) аравийский 2) гумми 3) камедистый 4) камедный 5) камедь 6) каучук 7) прорезинивать 8) прорезинить 9) смола 10) смолистый 11) трагакантовой pick gum by hand — собирать камедь вручную - Manila gum - guar gum - gum accroides - gum paper - gum resin - gum swells - gum tragacanth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) эвкалипт (Eucalyptus) (см. тж. eucalyptus) 2) растительный клей, камедь, гумми, смола; выделять камедь, смолу 3) десна – apple gum – black gum – blue gum – bogong gum – brittle gum – broad-leaved sally gum – brown gum – cabbage gum – cotton gum – flooded gum – flowering red gum – forest red gum – gray gum – gulley gum – honey-scented gum – lemon gum – maculate gum – manna gum – marry red gum – monkey gum – mountain gum – Murray red gum – paniculate gum – pink gum – Queensland red gum – ribbon gum – river red gum – rose gum – salmon gum – shining gum – snow gum – southern blue gum – stringy gum – sugar gum – Sydney blue gum – swamp gum – sweet gum – Tasmanian blue gum – white-top gum – yellow gum – York gum – zebra gum ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. преим. pl. десна pale (bloodless) gums —- бледные (бескровные) десны 2. уст. разг. челюсть 3. камедь, гумми 4. смола, смолистое выделение 5. клей 6. клейкое выделение во внутреннем углу глаза 7. сокр. от gum-tree бот. эвкалипт (Eucalyptus gen.) 8. разг. резина, каучук (также gum elastic) 9. pl. галоши 10. сокр. от chewing gum 11. леденец 12. горн. штыб, угольная мелочь 13. склеивать, приклеивать to gum two sheets of paper together —- склеить два листа бумаги 14. выделять камедь, смолу 15. ам. сл. обманывать, вводить в заблуждение, сплетничать, трепаться 16. тех. заедать (вследствие загустевания смазки и т. п.) 17. диал. простореч. Бог by gum! —- Бог ты мой! good gum! what's is that? —- господи, что же это такое? 18. фрезеровать зубья пилы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  elastic noun резина, каучук GUM I noun десна II  1. noun  1) камедь, гумми  2) камедное дерево  3) смолистое выделение  4) клейкое выделение во внутреннем углу глаза  5) amer.; coll. резина; pl. галоши  6) amer.; coll. жевательная резинка  7) mining штыб, угольная мелочь  2. v.  1) склеивать(ся) (тж. gum down/on/up) This old stamp isnt sticky any more; I shall have to gum it down onto the envelope. I spent hours sticking the photographs into the family book, and my fingers got all gummed up.  2) выделять камедь, смолу Syn: see courage ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (gums, gumming, gummed) 1. Gum is a substance, usually tasting of mint, which you chew for a long time but do not swallow. N-MASS see also bubblegum, chewing gum 2. Your gums are the areas of firm, pink flesh inside your mouth, which your teeth grow out of. The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums. ...gum disease. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. Gum is a type of glue that is used to stick two pieces of paper together. (mainly BRIT) He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum. N-MASS • gummed ...gummed labels. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. If two things are gummed together, they are stuck together. (BRIT) It is a mild infection in which a baby’s eyelashes can become gummed together. = stuck ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 C usually plural one of the two areas of firm pink flesh at the top and bottom of your mouth, in which your teeth are fixed 2 chewing gum 3 a sticky substance found in the stems of some trees 4 BrE a special kind of glue used to stick light things such as paper together 5 a gum tree 6 by gum! spoken old-fashioned used to express surprise ~2 v gummed, gumming T always + adv/prep BrE to stick something to something else, using a sticky substance  (gum sth to/down etc)  (A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph.) gum sth up phr v informal to prevent something from working properly by covering it with a sticky substance  (Dirt had got inside the watch and gummed up the works.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Grip Unique Method airport code Guam Island, Guam union abbr. Gamers Union Malaysia ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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