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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - graduate


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a holder of an academic degree or diploma  2. a ~d cup, cylinder, or flask  II. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. holding an academic degree or diploma  2. of, relating to, or engaged in studies beyond the first or bachelor's degree ~ school a ~ student  III. verb  (-ated; -ating)  Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin graduatus, past participle of graduare, from Latin gradus step, degree  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to grant an academic degree or diploma to  b. to be ~d from  2.  a. to mark with degrees of measurement  b. to divide into grades or intervals  3. to admit to a particular standing or grade  intransitive verb  1. to receive an academic degree or diploma  2. to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher one  3. to change gradually  • graduator noun Usage:  In the 19th century the transitive sense (1a) was prescribed; the intransitive I ~d from college was condemned. The intransitive prevailed nonetheless, and today it is the sense likely to be prescribed and the newer transitive sense (1b) she ~d high school the one condemned. All three are standard. The intransitive is currently the most common, the new transitive the least common.
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a person who has been awarded an academic degree (also attrib.: graduate student). 2 US a person who has completed a school course. --v. 1 a intr. take an academic degree. b tr. US admit to an academic degree or a certificate of completion of School Studies. 2 intr. a (foll. by from) be a graduate of a specified university. b (foll. by in) be a graduate in a specified subject. 3 tr. US send out as a graduate from a university etc. 4 intr. a (foll. by to) move up to (a higher grade of activity etc.). b (foll. by as, in) gain specified qualifications. 5 tr. mark out in degrees or parts. 6 tr. arrange in gradations; apportion (e.g. tax) according to a scale. 7 intr. (foll. by into, away) pass by degrees. Phrases and idioms graduated pension (in the UK) a system of pension contributions by employees in proportion to their wages or salary. graduate school a department of a university for advanced work by graduates. Derivatives graduator n. Etymology: med.L graduari take a degree f. L gradus step ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) цилиндрическая мензурка; мерный сосуд 2) градуировать 3) калибровать 4) испарять жидкость (без подвода теплоты) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) градировать 2) градуировать 3) дипломированный 4) мензурка 5) наносить деления 6) окончить университет с ученой степенью 7) окончить учебное заведение 8) располагать последовательно - graduate employee - graduate student ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) обр. выпускник (обычно высшего учебного заведения; в США любого учебного заведения) high school graduate — выпускник средней школы university graduate — выпускник университета a Harvard Business School graduate — выпускник Гарвардской школы бизнеса See: graduate recruitment 2) общ. мерный стакан, мензурка 2. гл. 1) обр. оканчивать, заканчивать (высшее учебное заведение; в США - любое учебное заведение) to graduate in arts — окончить отделение гуманитарных наук He graduated from the university last year. — Он закончил университет в прошлом году. 2) общ. изменяться; прогрессировать, продвигаться From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows. — Она быстро продвинулась от рекламных роликов до телешоу. He graduated to chef at the Hotel. — Он поднялся до шеф-повара отеля. 3) общ. градуировать, калибровать, дифференцировать, наносить деления Is this ruler graduated in centimetres? — Эта линейка в сантиметрах? See: Graduated Pension Scheme, graduated wage 4) общ. располагать последовательно в определённом порядке 3. прил. 1) обр. аспирантский; магистерский (имеющий отношение к получению второй степени (после степени бакалавра или специалиста)) graduate school — аспирантура, магистратура graduate student — аспирант; студент магистратуры graduate business school — школа бизнеса...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) мензурка 2) градуировать, калибровать 3) постепенно изменяться 4) сгущать жидкость (выпариванием) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  выпускник Любого учебного заведения См. тж. alumni association ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. выпускник учебного заведения he is an Oxford graduate —- он окончил Оксфордский университет 2. ам. выпускник или аспирант учебного заведения 3. мензурка 4. мерный сосуд 5. окончивший высшее учебное заведение graduate members of the University —- профессора и преподаватели университета 6. ам. относящийся к аспирантуре; аспирантский graduate center (school, courses) —- аспирантура graduate student —- аспирант graduate studies in Slavonic languages —- курс аспирантуры по славянским языкам (по славистике) 7. окончить высшее учебное заведение и получить степень бакалавра he graduated from Oxford —- он окончил Оксфордский университет 8. ам. окончить любое учебное заведение to graduate from Harvard —- окончить Гарвардский университет 9. разг. переходить he just graduated from marijuana to heroin —- он перешел с марихуаны на героин 10. преим. ам. давать диплом; присуждать степень the University graduated 350 students last year —- в прошлом году университет выпустил 350 студентов 11. располагать в определенном порядке, по определенному принципу to graduate a tax according to the taxpayer's income —- облагать налогоплательщиков прогрессивным налогом 12. градуировать, наносить деления; калибровать a ruler graduated in inches —- линейка, градуированная в дюймах 13. (into) биол. геол. постепенно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  student noun amer. аспирант GRADUATE school noun amer. аспирантура GRADUATE  1. noun  1) имеющий ученую степень; чаще amer. окончивший учебное заведение; выпускник; абитуриент  2) мензурка  2. v.  1) кончать университет с ученой степенью (at); преим. amer. окончить (любое) учебное заведение (from или без предлога) My daughter did so well in her studies that she graduated from high school at the age of 16.  2) располагать в последовательном порядке  3) градуировать, наносить деления, калибровать (in) Is this ruler graduated in centimetres?  4) biol. постепенно изменяться, переходя во что-л. другое  5) chem. сгущать жидкость (выпариванием) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (graduated) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. In Britain, a graduate is a person who has successfully completed a degree at a university or college and has received a certificate that shows this. In 1973, the first Open University graduates received their degrees. ...graduates in engineering. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N in/from/of n 2. In the United States, a graduate is a student who has successfully completed a course at a high school, college, or university. The top one-third of all high school graduates are entitled to an education at the California State University. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. In Britain, when a student graduates from university, they have successfully completed a degree course. She graduated in English and Drama from Manchester University. VERB: V prep, also V 4. In the United States, when a student graduates, they complete their studies successfully and leave their school or university. You can also say that a school or university graduates a student or students. When the boys graduated from high school, Ann moved to a small town in Vermont... In 1986, American universities graduated a record number of students with degrees in computer science. VERB: V prep, V n, also V 5. If you graduate from one thing to another, you go from a less important job or position to a more important one. From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows. = progress VERB: V to/from n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who has completed a university degree course, especially for a first degree  (a history graduate) + of  (a graduate of Birmingham University)  (- compare undergraduate) 2 AmE someone who has completed a course at a college, school etc  (a high-school graduate) ~2 adj 1 only before noun AmE a graduate student is studying for a master's or a doctorate degree after receiving their first degree; postgraduate2 (1) BrE 2 graduate studies or courses are done after receiving your first degree ~3 v 1 to obtain a degree, especially a first degree, from a college or university + from  (Mitch graduated from Stanford with a degree in Law.) 2 AmE to complete your education at high school + from  (Jerry graduated from high school last year.) 3 graduate (from sth) to to start doing something that is bigger, better or more important  (Bob played college baseball but never graduated to the Majors.) 4 especially AmE to give a degree or diploma to someone who has completed a course ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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