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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - frame


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 I. verb  (~d; framing)  Etymology: Middle English, to benefit, construct, from Old English framian to benefit, make progress; akin to Old Norse fram forward, Old English fram from  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to construct by fitting and uniting the parts of the skeleton of (a structure)  2.  a. plan, contrive ~d a new method of achieving their purpose  b. shape, construct  c. to give expression to ; formulate  d. to draw up (as a document)  3.  a. to devise falsely (as a criminal charge)  b. to contrive the evidence against (an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty is assured  c. fix 7b  4. to fit or adjust especially to something or for an end ; arrange  5. obsolete produce  6. to enclose in a ~; also to enclose as if in a ~  intransitive verb  1. archaic proceed, go  2. obsolete manage  • framable or ~able adjective  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something composed of parts fitted together and united  b. the physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body ; physique, figure  2.  a. the underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)  b. a ~ dwelling  3. obsolete the act or manner of framing  4.  a. a machine built upon or within a ~work a spinning ~  b. an open case or structure made for admitting, enclosing, or supporting something a window ~  c.  (1) a part of a pair of glasses that holds one of the lenses  (2) plural that part of a pair of glasses other than the lenses  d. a structural unit in an automobile chassis supported on the axles and supporting the rest of the chassis and the body  5.  a. an enclosing border  b. the matter or area enclosed in such a border: as  (1) one of the squares in which scores for each round are recorded (as in bowling); also a round in bowling  (2) an individual drawing in a comic strip usually enclosed by a bordering line  (3) one picture of the series on a length of film  (4) a complete image for display (as on a television set)  c. an inning in baseball  d.  (1) ~work 1a  (2) context, ~ of reference  e. an event that forms the background for the action of a novel or play  6. ~-up  III. adjective  Date: 1753 having a wood ~ ~ houses
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a case or border enclosing a picture, window, door, etc. 2 the basic rigid supporting structure of anything, e.g. of a building, motor vehicle, or aircraft. 3 (in pl.) the structure of spectacles holding the lenses. 4 a human or animal body, esp. with reference to its size or structure (his frame shook with laughter). 5 a framed work or structure (the frame of heaven). 6 a an established order, plan, or system (the frame of society). b construction, constitution, build. 7 a temporary state (esp. in frame of mind). 8 a single complete image or picture on a cinema film or transmitted in a series of lines by television. 9 a a triangular structure for positioning the balls in snooker etc. b the balls positioned in this way. c a round of play in snooker etc. 10 Hort. a boxlike structure of glass etc. for protecting plants. 11 a removable box of slats for the building of a honeycomb in a beehive. 12 US sl. = frame-up. --v.tr. 1 a set in or provide with a frame. b serve as a frame for. 2 construct by a combination of parts or in accordance with a design or plan. 3 formulate or devise the essentials of (a complex thing, idea, theory, etc.). 4 (foll. by to, into) adapt or fit. 5 sl. concoct a false charge or evidence against; devise a plot with regard to. 6 articulate (words). Phrases and idioms frame-house a house constructed of a wooden skeleton covered with boards etc. frame of reference 1 a set of standards or principles governing behaviour, thought, etc. 2 Geom. a system of geometrical axes for defining position. frame-saw a saw stretched in a frame to make it rigid. frame-up colloq. a conspiracy, esp. to make an innocent person appear guilty. Derivatives framable adj. frameless adj. framer n. Etymology: OE framian be of service f. fram forward: see FROM ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) рама; станина; корпус; каркас; остов; ферма заключать в раму; обносить рамой; сооружать каркас 2) стойка; колонка; траверса 3) метал. опока 4) обойма; скоба; струбцин(к)а 5) набор корпуса судна 6) планер самолёта 7) возд., мор. шпангоут 8) границы, пределы, рамки 9) система координат; система отсчёта 10) габарит (электрической машины) 11) эл. (линейная) опора 12) лесопильная рама 13) цел.-бум. сеточный стол 14) подрамник (черпальной формы) 15) блок данных 16) фрейм (в искусственном интеллекте) 17) формат (факсимильной копии) 18) вчт., тлв кадр (изображения); конверт (в сетях передачи данных) 19) рамка (на экране дисплея) 20) цикл (временного объединения цифровых сигналов) 21) текст. машина; станок 22) швейн. пяльцы 23) сушильная форма (в производстве мыла) 24) выставочный стенд 25) создавать 26) собирать из частей, составлять 27) рамка генетического кода frame by frame — по (отдельным) кадрам; frames per second — кадров в секунду, кадр/с frame of axes — система координат frame of reference — система отсчёта frame of roof — стропильная система крыши - A-frame - activation frame - adjustable frame - all-welded frame - antialiased single frame - articulated frame - automatic quiller frame - balanced frame - balloon frame - beam frame - bearer frame - bed frame - bodyside frame - bogie frame - bogie side frame - bogie suspension...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  стержневая конструкция, каркас; рама дверная или оконная коробка frame for beating carpets A frame arched frame balloon frame braced frame bracing frame building frame chassis frame of crane mounting complex frame continuous frame conveyor belt frame door frame filter frame fir frame fixed frame grouted frame high-rise building frames hingeless frame hopper frame imperfect frame knocked-down frame lifting frame measuring frame moment-resisting space frame multiple frame multispan frame multistory frame no-hinged frame one-span frame orthogonal space frame pile frame plane frame portal frame precast concrete frame reinforced concrete tower frames rigid frame rigid portal frame rolling shutter frame semirigid frame several stories high frame single swing frame site-cast concrete frame skewed space frame space frame steel frame steel tube space frame structural frame structural steelwork frame three-dimensional frame three-hinged frame three-pinned frame tie frames timber frame window frame ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) блок данных, кадр 2) тлв. ТВ-кадр, формат 3) цикл (сигнала) 4) видеотекстный кадр (1/26 экранной страницы монитора видеотексной системы) 5) рама, стойка – all-call frame – anchor frame – B-frame – coded frame – color frame – command frame – digital audio frame – distributing frame – facsimile frame – field-structured frame – freeze frame – group-distribution frame – hold frame – hyper-frame – I frame – index frame – intra-coded frame – link frame – long-format frame – main distributing frame – P-frame – power frame – progressive frame – pyramidal frame – reconstructed frame – reference frame – response frame – short-format frame – still frame – sub-frame – super-frame – supergroup-distribution frame – supervisory frame – telemetry frame – time frame – transmission frame ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) каретка 2) каркас 3) кинокадр 4) корпус 5) радио лехеровский 6) обрамление 7) обрамлять 8) остов 9) рама 10) рамка 11) рамный 12) рамочный 13) репер 14) сетка 15) система координат 16) система отсчета 17) скелет 18) сооружать 19) станина 20) строить 21) стропила 22) ферма 23) фрейм 24) шпангоут astronomical frame of reference — система отсчета небесной механики contact printing frame — копировальная рамка cotton rib top frame — ластичная машина drawing frame machine — ленточная машина earth to the frame — замыкать на корпус fine roving frame — второй тонкий банкаброш frame ledge of door — констр. фалец дверной frame sweet unit — блок кадровой развертки intermediate roving frame — перегонная ровничная машина leather drying frame — рама для сушки кожи manhole cover frame — рама кабельного колодца method of moving frame — метод подвижного репера office link frame — штатив станционных шнуров single deal frame — однопоставная лесорама zeroing frame counter — счетчик оставшихся кадров - accompanying frame - adapted frame - affine frame - attachment frame - bed frame - belt frame - bogie frame - boss frame - bottom frame - box-type frame - bracing frame - built-up frame - calculating frame - canonical frame - cant frame - central-driven log frame - chassis frame - coordinate frame - counting frame - curvilinear frame - direct frame - distributing frame - door frame - double frame - engine frame - equidistant frame - eyeglass frame - fault to frame - field frame - finder frame - forcing frame - foundation frame - frame amplifier - frame...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) план, кадр 2) группа данных 3) круг вопросов 4) основа - frame of mind - frame of reference Syn: framework, ground, fundamental, groundwork, basis 2. гл. вырабатывать план Syn: elaborate, draw up a plan FRAME 1) блок данных; кадр 2) система отсчета, координатная система 3) стойка, корпус; рамка 4) фрейм (в искусственном интеллекте) 5) создавать 6) вырабатывать; составлять; приспосабливать 7) развиваться 8) выражать словами – to frame a claim – to frame the specification – film frame – main frame FRAME сущ. 1) общ. основа, строение, структура 2) общ. стойка, корпус; рамка; рама, каркас, остов See: framed advertisement 3) рекл. (выставочный) стенд Syn: floor stand 4) СМИ кадр 5) стат., марк. = sampling frame 6) комп. группа данных, блок данных 7) комп. фрейм (прямоугольная область экрана браузера, в которой загружается отдельная web-страница) 8) мат. система отсчета, координатная система; базис ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) остов; скелет; каркас 2) телосложение 3) рама, рамка 4) кадр – bony frame – open reading frame – reading frame ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. каркас, остов, костяк; скелет сооружения и т. п. the frame of a building —- каркас здания frame construction —- стр. каркасная конструкция the frame of a car —- остов машины the gigantic frame of a mammoth —- гигантский скелет мамонта 2. тех. корпус, станина 3. конструкиця, сооружение, строение boring frame —- буровая вышка 4. телосложение; конституция a man of iron frame —- человек железной конституции a man of huge frame —- человек гигантского телосложения a girl with (of) a slender frame —- тоненькая девушка sobs shook her frame —- рыдания сотрясали ее тело a horse with a good strong frame —- статная крепкая лошадь 5. строение, структура, система the frame of a government —- структура правительства the frame of society —- социальная система the frame of a legal system —- структура законодательства 6. склад, характер a character of noble frame —- благородный характер 7. рамка, рама; тех. ферма the frame of a window —- оконная рама the frame of a picture —- рама для картины photograph frame —- рамка для фотографии embroidery frame —- пяльцы bicycle frame —- велосипедная рама 8. обрамление (в рассказе, романе) 9. pl. оправа для очков 10. рама, парник cucumber frame —- парник для огурцов 11. ложное обвинение; подтасовка фактов; фальсификация 12. судебная инсценировка frame trial —- инсценированный процесс 13. тайный сговор, провокация...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up coll. подстраивать что-л.; подтасовывать факты; судить на основании сфабрикованных обвинений FRAME of society социальная система FRAME of reference  а) точка зрения; критерий in a somewhat different frame of reference в несколько другом разрезе  б) компетенция, сфера деятельности FRAME of mind расположение духа, настроение FRAME  1. noun  1) сооружение, строение  2) остов, скелет, костяк, каркас; сруб  3) строение, структура; система the frame of government - структура правительства - frame of society  4) телосложение sobs shook the childs frame - рыдания сотрясали тело ребенка  5) рамка, рама; оправа (очков)  6) парниковая рама  7) tech. станина; рама  8) cin. кадр  9) attr.; radio рамочный frame antenna - рамочная антенна - frame of mind - frame of reference  2. v.  1) создавать, вырабатывать; составлять to frame a plan - составлять план  2) строить, сооружать  3) вставлять в рамку; обрамлять (in) The photographs will look nice framed in black. Her face was framed in a mass of red hair. He stood, a threatening figure, framed in the doorway.  4) приспосабливать a man framed for hardships - человек, способный бороться с трудностями  5) развиваться  6) выражать в словах; произносить to frame a sentence - построить предложение  7) coll. сфабриковать, подстроить ложное обвинение; ложно обвинять (тж. frame up) I didnt do the job, Ive been framed up  8) тех,...
Англо-русский словарь
  (frames, framing, framed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The frame of a picture or mirror is the wood, metal, or plastic that is fitted around it, especially when it is displayed or hung on a wall. Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece. ...a pair of picture frames. N-COUNT 2. The frame of an object such as a building, chair, or window is the arrangement of wooden, metal, or plastic bars between which other material is fitted, and which give the object its strength and shape. He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames... We painted our table to match the window frame in the bedroom. N-COUNT 3. The frames of a pair of glasses are all the metal or plastic parts of it, but not the lenses. He was wearing new spectacles with gold wire frames. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. You can refer to someone’s body as their frame, especially when you are describing the general shape of their body. Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames. N-COUNT: oft poss N 5. A frame of cinema film is one of the many separate photographs that it consists of. Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second. N-COUNT 6. When a picture or photograph is framed, it is put in a frame. The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed... On the wall is a large framed photograph. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 7. If an object is framed by a particular thing, it is surrounded by that thing in a way that makes the object more striking or attractive to look at. The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep 8. If someone frames an innocent person, they make other people think that that person is guilty of a crime, by lying or inventing evidence. (INFORMAL) I need to find out who tried to frame me... VERB: V n 9. If someone is in the frame for something such as a job or position, they are being considered for it. We need a win to keep us in the frame for the title. = in...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BORDER« a firm structure that holds something such as a picture or window, and provides a border for it  (Stretch the embroidery on a frame before starting to sew. | door/window/picture frame)  (He leaned against the door frame.) 2 »STRUCTURE« the structure or main supporting parts of a piece of furniture, vehicle, or other object  (a bicycle frame | There was nothing wrong with the frame of the chair, just the upholstery.) 3 »BODY« the structure formed by the bones of someone's body  (Louise's slight frame) 4 »MAIN FACTS/IDEAS« the main ideas, facts etc that something is based on  (A clear explanation of the subject provides a frame on which a deeper understanding can be built.) 5 »GLASSES« the metal or plastic part of a pair of glasses (glass1 (3)) that holds the lenses (lens1 (1)) 6 be in a ... frame of mind to have an attitude at a particular time that helps you to do something  (Philip, I don't think you're in a proper frame of mind to enter the House of God.) 7 »BOX« a large wooden box covered with glass or plastic in which young plants are grown outdoors  (cucumber frames) 8 »SPORT« a complete part in the games of snooker or bowling  (I won the next three frames.) 9 »PHOTOGRAPH« an area of a photographic film that contains one photograph, or many of these which together make a cinema or video film  (- see also climbing frame) ~2 v 1 to surround something with a border so that it looks pleasant or so that you can see it clearly  (Sarah's long, dark hair framed her face. | be framed by)  (a courtyard framed by a rectangle of tightly clipped grass) 2 to put a picture in a structure that will hold it firmly 3 to deliberately make someone seem guilty of a crime, by providing things that seem like proof  (I'm convinced Murphy's been framed. | frame sb for)  (He told the court that the police had tried to frame him for assault.) 4 to organize and develop a plan, system etc  (a theory originally framed by Marx) 5 gilt-framed/wood-framed etc having a frame or frames of a particular colour or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments electron. abbr. Failure Rate Analysis and Modeling network. abbr. Florence Recording And Music Enterprise ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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