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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - father


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English fader, from Old English f?der; akin to Old High German fater ~, Latin pater, Greek pater  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a man who has begotten a child; also sire 3  b. capitalized  (1) god 1  (2) the first person of the Trinity  2. fore~  3.  a. one related to another in a way suggesting that of ~ to child  b. an old man — used as a respectful form of address  4. often capitalized a pre-Scholastic Christian writer accepted by the church as an authoritative witness to its teaching and practice — called also church ~  5.  a. one that originates or institutes the ~ of modern science  b. source the sun, the ~ of warmth and lightLena M. Whitney  c. prototype  6. a priest of the regular clergy; broadly priest — used especially as a title  7. one of the leading men (as of a city) — usually used in plural  • ~hood noun  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective or adverb  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. beget  b. to be the founder, producer, or author of ~ed the improvement plan  c. to accept responsibility for  2.  a. to fix the paternity or origin of  b. to place responsibility for the origin or cause of collected gossip and ~ed it on responsible men — J. A. Williamson  3. foist, impose  intransitive verb to care for or look after someone as a ~ might
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  n. & v. --n. 1 a a man in relation to a child or children born from his fertilization of an ovum. b (in full adoptive father) a man who has continuous care of a child, esp. by adoption. 2 any male animal in relation to its offspring. 3 (usu. in pl.) a progenitor or forefather. 4 an originator, designer, or early leader. 5 a person who deserves special respect (the father of his country). 6 (Fathers or Fathers of the Church) early Christian theologians whose writings are regarded as especially authoritative. 7 (also Father) a (often as a title or form of address) a priest, esp. of a religious order. b a religious leader. 8 (the Father) (in Christian belief) the first person of the Trinity. 9 (Father) a venerable person, esp. as a title in personifications (Father Time). 10 the oldest member or doyen (Father of the House). 11 (usu. in pl.) the leading men or elders in a city or State (city fathers). --v.tr. 1 beget; be the father of. 2 behave as a father towards. 3 originate (a scheme etc.). 4 appear as or admit that one is the father or originator of. 5 (foll. by on) assign the paternity of (a child, book) to a person. Phrases and idioms father-figure an older man who is respected like a father; a trusted leader. father-in-law (pl. fathers-in-law) the father of one's husband or wife. father of chapel see CHAPEL. Father's Day a day (usu. the third Sunday in June) established for a special tribute to fathers. Father Time see TIME. Derivatives fatherhood n. fatherless adj. fatherlessness n. fatherlike adj. & adv. fathership n. Etymology: OE f{aelig}der with many Gmc cognates: rel. to L pater, Gk pater ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. отец adoptive father —- приемный отец natural father —- отец внебрачного ребенка 2. заступник, защитник, отец (родной) to be a father to smb. —- проявлять отеческую заботу о ком-л. 3. создатель, творец the Fathers (of the Constitution) —- ам. ист. авторы (творцы) конституции США F. of the Constitution —- "отец конституции" (прозвище президента Медисона) F. of his country —- отец отечества (прозвище Дж. Вашингтона) 4. родоначальник, предок, прародитель the F. of English printing —- родоначальник книгопечатания в Англии 5. предшественник; предвестник; прототип 6. старейший член city fathers —- отцы города, члены городского управления, городские советники, олдермены father of the chapel —- ист. старшина типографских рабочих F. of the House —- парл. старейший член палаты общин; ам. "отец палаты", старейший член палаты представителей (по сроку пребывания в палате) F. of the Senate —- ам. "отец сената", старейший сенатор (по сроку непрерывного пребывания в сенате) father of the bar —- юр. старший барристер Conscript Fathers —- ист. отцы-сенаторы (обращение к римским сенаторам) 7. (F.) Бог God the F. —- Бог-отец our F. —- отче наш (молитва) 8. духовный отец; священник; епископ father confessor, ghostly father —- уст. духовник, исповедник the Holy F. —- его святейшество (титул римского...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) отец, родитель - natural father - adoptive father  2) предок, родоначальник, прародитель  3) старейший член; pl. старейшины - Father of the House  4) покровитель; заступник, отец родной  5) создатель, творец; вдохновитель  6) духовный отец, епископ - Holy Father the wish is father to the thought - желание порождает мысль; люди склонны верить тому, чему хотят верить - Father Thames - Father of lies to be gathered to ones fathers отправиться к праотцам - Father of Waters Syn: see minister  2. v.  1) быть отцом; производить, порождать, быть автором, творцом  2) усыновлять; отечески заботиться  3) приписывать отцовство; приписывать авторство; возлагать ответственность (за авторство) (on, upon - на) These well-known words have been fathered on many writers, but no one knows who really said them. FATHER Christmas дед-мороз FATHER image = father-figure FATHER of lies сатана FATHER of the House  а) старейший (по годам непрерывности депутатского звания) член палаты общин  б) amer. старейшина палаты представителей FATHER of Waters amer. река Миссисипи FATHER Thames матушка Темза ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (fathers, fathering, fathered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Your father is your male parent. You can also call someone your father if he brings you up as if he was this man. His father was a painter... He would be a good father to my children. ...Mr Stoneman, a father of five. N-FAMILY 2. When a man fathers a child, he makes a woman pregnant and their child is born. She claims Mark fathered her child... He fathered at least three children by the wives of other men. VERB: V n, V n by n 3. The man who invented or started something is sometimes referred to as the father of that thing. ...Max Dupain, regarded as the father of modern photography. N-COUNT: N of n 4. In some Christian churches, priests are addressed or referred to as Father. N-VOC; N-TITLE; N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PARENT« a male parent  (Ask your father to help you. | Andrew was very excited about becoming a father. | a father of two/three/four etc (=a man with two, three etc children))  (The driver, a father of four, escaped uninjured.) 2 »PRIEST« a priest, especially in the Roman Catholic church  (I have sinned, Father.) 3 fathers people related to you who lived a long time ago; ancestors  (We must honour the customs of our fathers.)  (- see also forefathers) 4 »GOD« Father a way of addressing or talking about God, used in the Christian religion  (our Heavenly Father) 5 father figure an older man who you trust and respect 6 the father of sth the man who was responsible for starting something  (Freud is the father of psychoanalysis.) 7 like father like son used to say that a boy behaves like his father, especially when this behaviour is bad 8 a bit of how's your father BrE informal humorous the act of having sex  (- see also city father, Pilgrim Fathers) ~2 v 1 to make a woman have a child  (It was rumoured that the bishop had fathered two children.) 2 to start an important new idea or system  (Bevan fathered the concept of the National Health Service.) father sth on sb phr v especially BrE to claim that someone is responsible for inventing or thinking of something  (theories fathered on Freud by his critics) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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