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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - fan


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~n, from Latin vannus — more at winnow  Date: before 12th century  1. any of various devices for winnowing grain  2. an instrument for producing a current of air: as  a. a device that is held in the hand and moved back and forth to cool a person and that is usually shaped like a segment of a circle and composed of material (as feathers or paper) mounted on thin rods or slats moving about a pivot so that the device may be closed compactly when not in use  b. a device that consists of a series of vanes radiating from a hub rotated on its axle by a motor  c. slang an airplane propeller  3.  a. something resembling an open ~  b. a gently sloping ~-shaped body of detritus; especially alluvial ~  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to drive away the chaff of (grain) by means of a current of air  b. to eliminate (as chaff) by winnowing  2. to move or impel (air) with a ~  3. to blow or breathe upon the breeze ~ning her hair  4.  a. to direct a current of air upon with a ~  b. to stir up to activity as if by ~ning ; stimulate ~ning the fires of nationalism  5. archaic wave  6. slang spank  7. to spread like a ~ the peacock ~ned his tail  8. to strike (a batter) out in baseball  9. to fire a series of shots from (a single-action revolver) by holding the trigger back and successively striking the hammer to the rear with the free hand  intransitive verb  1. to move like a ~ ; flutter  2. to spread like a ~ — often used with out the searchers ~ned out  3. strike out 3  • ~ner noun  III. noun  Etymology: probably short for ~atic  Date: 1682  1. an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator  2. an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit) science-fiction ~s FAN  noun see ~g
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. 1 an apparatus, usu. with rotating blades, giving a current of air for ventilation etc. 2 a device, usu. folding and forming a semicircle when spread out, for agitating the air to cool oneself. 3 anything spread out like a fan, e.g. a bird's tail or kind of ornamental vaulting (fan tracery). 4 a device for winnowing grain. 5 a fan-shaped deposit of alluvium esp. where a stream begins to descend a gentler slope. 6 a small sail for keeping the head of a windmill towards the wind. --v. (fanned, fanning) 1 tr. a blow a current of air on, with or as with a fan. b agitate (the air) with a fan. 2 tr. (of a breeze) blow gently on; cool. 3 tr. a winnow (grain). b winnow away (chaff). 4 tr. sweep away by or as by the wind from a fan. 5 intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by out) spread out in the shape of a fan. Phrases and idioms fan belt a belt that drives a fan to cool the radiator in a motor vehicle. fan dance a dance in which the dancer is (apparently) nude and partly concealed by fans. fan heater an electric heater in which a fan drives air over an element. fan-jet = TURBOFAN. fan palm a palm-tree with fan-shaped leaves. Derivatives fanlike adj. fanner n. Etymology: OE fann (in sense 4 of n.) f. L vannus winnowing-fan 2. n. a devotee of a particular activity, performer, etc. (film fan; football fan). Phrases and idioms fan club an organized group of devotees. fan mail letters from fans. Derivatives fandom n. Etymology: abbr. of FANATIC ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вентилятор; тягодутьевое устройство вентилировать; подавать воздух 2) лопасть (вентилятора) 3) метал. расширяющийся щелевой литник 4) наклонный козырёк забора (при разборке сооружений) 5) веер (напр. линий скольжения) расходиться веером 6) веерный комплект взрывных скважин to fan out — 1. разделывать (концы кабеля) 2. полигр. распускать (стопу листов) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  вентилятор защитный козырёк лесов (над проходом, тротуаром) adjustable pitch axial flow fan aerofoil fan antistall fan attic fan axial fan backward curve fan bifurcated fan booster fan ceiling fan centrifugal fan circulating fan cross flow fan dedusting fan double inlet fan double suction fan double-width fan dust fan dust arresting fan emergency exhaust fan exhaust fan explosion-proof fan extract fan forced-draft fan forward curve fan guide vane axial fan high pressure fan induced draft fan induction fan jet fan low pressure fan mixed flow fan multistage fan paddle blade fan partition fan pole-change motor fan propeller fan radial fan radial blade fan recirculating air fan return air fan reversible fan roof fan self-limiting fan single inlet fan sorting fan spark proof fan split casing fan suction fan supply fan tangential flow fan tube axial fan vane axial fan variable pitch axial flow fan wind turbine fan ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) веер 2) веерный 3) вентилировать 4) вентилятор 5) лопасть 6) провентилировать arcwise connected fan — линейно связный веер compressed air operated fan — вентилятор с пневматическим привод dust exhaust fan — пылевой вентилятор material handling fan — вентилятор пневмотранспорта mill exhauster fan — мельничный вентилятор roof cleaning fan — вентилятор для обдувки свода uniformly arcwise connected fan — равномерно линейно связный веер - attractive fan - auxiliary fan - axial-flow fan - binary fan - blow fan - ceiling fan - centrifugal fan - contractible fan - countable fan - double-suction fan - drawing fan - drying fan - ducted fan - fan antenna - fan case - fan characteristic - fan cooling - fan cut - fan layout - fan marker beacon - fan marker - fan product - fan reed - fan shutter - fan theorem - folding fan - forced-draught fan - forced-ventilation fan - gas-cleaning fan - geometrical fan - grinding fan - helical fan - hot-blast fan - induced-draught fan - lifting fan - mine fan - mixed-flow fan - multiblade fan - overfire-air fan - paddle-wheel fan - pneumatic fan - polygonal fan - positive-displacement fan - primary-air fan - propeller fan - recirculating fan - recleaner fan - repulsive fan - reversible fan - saggital fan - separator fan - smooth fan - straw-carrier fan - tangential fan - uncountable fan - wet suction fan - wet-suction fan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) провеянное зерно 2) веялка • - exhaust fan 2. гл. веять (зерно) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  веерная крона ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. веер, опахало 2. вентилятор electric fan —- электрический вентилятор fan draught —- ветерок от вентилятора 3. фен, сушилка для волос 4. крыло ветряной мельницы 5. тех. лопасть винта (воздушного или гребного) 6. крыло 7. с-х. веялка 8. с-х. провеянное зерно 9. обмахивание 10. геол. конус выноса 11. мат. веер 12. обмахивать to fan oneself —- обмахиваться веером to fan away flies —- отмахиваться от мух 13. раздувать to fan the flame —- раздувать пламя; разжигать страсти this conduct fanned his rage —- такое поведение привело его в ярость 14. обвевать, освежать (о ветерке) 15. с-х. веять (зерно) 16. развертывать веером (часто fan out) to fan out the cards —- держать карты веером 17. тех. дуть, подавать дутье 18. ам. сл. нашлепать, надавать шлепков 19. ам. сл. ощупать (человека); обыскать, обшарить 20. ам. сл. болтать, сплетничать Id: to fan the breeze —- ам. сл. нашлепать, надавать шлепков; ощупать (человека); обыскать, обшарить; болтать, сплетничать Id: to fan the air —- замахнуться, но попасть мимо; зря руками махать 21. разг. поклонник, почитатель; фанат football fan —- болельщик футбола film fan —- любитель кино Charlie Chaplin fan —- поклонник Чарли Чаплина ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  club noun клуб болельщиков FAN belt noun aeron. ремень вентилятора FAN I  1. noun  1) веер, опахало  2) вентилятор  3) веялка  4) крыло ветряной мельницы  5) лопасть (воздушного или гребного винта)  2. v.  1) веять (зерно)  2) обмахивать; to fan oneself - обмахиваться веером  3) раздувать to fan the flame fig. - разжигать страсти  5) развертывать веером (тж. fan out) The searchers fanned out to look for the missing boy. Fan out the search party, to cover the area better. Fan the cards out, holding them together at the bottom, so that you can see each one.  6) coll. обыскивать - fan out II noun coll. энтузиаст, болельщик; любитель Syn: see spectator FAN tracery noun archit. ребра (ребристого) свода; нервюра FAN out mil. развертывать(ся) веером ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (fans, fanning, fanned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you are a fan of someone or something, especially a famous person or a sport, you like them very much and are very interested in them. As a boy he was a Manchester United fan... I am a great fan of rave music. N-COUNT: usu n N, N of n 2. A fan is a flat object that you hold in your hand and wave in order to move the air and make yourself feel cooler. N-COUNT 3. If you fan yourself or your face when you are hot, you wave a fan or other flat object in order to make yourself feel cooler. She would have to wait in the truck, fanning herself with a piece of cardboard... Mo kept bringing me out refreshments and fanning me as it was that hot. VERB: V pron-refl, V n 4. A fan is a piece of electrical or mechanical equipment with blades that go round and round. It keeps a room or machine cool or gets rid of unpleasant smells. He cools himself in front of an electric fan. ...an extractor fan. N-COUNT: oft supp N 5. If you fan a fire, you wave something flat next to it in order to make it burn more strongly. If a wind fans a fire, it blows on it and makes it burn more strongly. During the afternoon, hot winds fan the flames. VERB: V n 6. If someone fans an emotion such as fear, hatred, or passion, they deliberately do things to make people feel the emotion more strongly. He said students were fanning social unrest with their violent protests. = fuel VERB: V n 7. to fan the flames: see flame the shit hit the fan: see shit ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who likes a particular sport or performing art very much, or who admires a famous person  (a football fan) + of  (She's always been a big fan of Michael Jackson. | fan club (=an organization for people who support a team, famous person etc) | fan mail/letters (=letters sent to famous people by their fans)) 2 a machine or a thing that you wave with your hand which makes the air cooler  (a ceiling fan) ~2 v fanned, fanning 1 to make air move around by waving a fan, piece of paper etc so that you feel cooler  (People in the audience were fanning themselves with their programmes.) 2 to make someone feel an emotion more strongly  (Her resistance only fanned his desire. | fan the flames)  (A provocative article in The People's Daily only served to fan the flames of rebellion.) 3 fan a fire/blaze to make a fire burn more strongly, for example by blowing on it  (The wind blew from the east, fanning the blaze.) fan out phr v 1 if a group of people fan out, they walk forwards while spreading over a wide area 2 T fan something out) to spread out a group of things that you are holding so that they make a half-circle  (Fan the cards out, then pick one.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  3-let. lang. abbr. Fang airport code Farsund, Norway chemis. abbr. Free Amino Nitrogen media abbr. Family Access Network non-prof. org. abbr. Food Allergy Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: HIT THE FAN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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