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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - custom


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English custume, from Anglo-French, from Latin consuetudin-, consuetudo, from consuescere to ac~, from com- + suescere to ac~; akin to suus one's ownmore at suicide  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a usage or practice common to many or to a particular place or class or habitual with an individual  b. long-established practice considered as unwritten law  c. repeated practice  d. the whole body of usages, practices, or conventions that regulate social life  2. plural  a. duties, tolls, or imposts imposed by the sovereign law of a country on imports or exports  b. usually singular in construction the agency, establishment, or procedure for collecting such ~s  3.  a. business patronage  b. usually habitual patrons ; ~ers  Synonyms: see habit  II. adjective  Date: 1830  1. made or performed according to personal order  2. specializing in ~ work or operation a ~ tailor
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  n. 1 a the usual way of behaving or acting (a slave to custom). b a particular established way of behaving (our customs seem strange to foreigners). 2 Law established usage having the force of law. 3 business patronage; regular dealings or customers (lost a lot of custom). 4 (in pl.; also treated as sing.) a a duty levied on certain imported and exported goods. b the official department that administers this. c the area at a port, frontier, etc., where customs officials deal with incoming goods, baggage, etc. Phrases and idioms custom-built (or -made etc.) made to a customer's order. custom-house the office at a port or frontier etc. at which customs duties are levied. customs union a group of States with an agreed common tariff, and usu. free trade with each other. Etymology: ME and OF custume ult. f. L consuetudo -dinis: see CONSUETUDE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  изготовленный по (особому) заказу, заказной ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  сущ. 1) обычай 2) клиентура, покупатели 3) заказы 4) закупки • - business custom - custom broker - custom clearance - custom duty - custom entry - custom house - custom in the trade - custom in trade - custom of port - custom of the port - custom of the trade - custom of trade - custom services - customs duties - customs duty - customs fees - customs formalities - customs free - custom free - draw plenty of custom - international custom - the Customs CUSTOM I сущ. 1) общ. обычай, обыкновение, привычка 2) марк. клиентура, покупатели 3) торг. заказы, закупки 4) юр. обычай 5) межд. эк., общ. фин. таможенная пошлина 6) мн., эк. таможня II прич. 1) межд. эк., общ. фин. подлежащий таможенному обложению 2) марк. заказной, на заказ, индивидуальный, личный custom woodworking - изделие из дерева на заказ; изготовление деревянных изделий на заказ, custom shoe maker - индивидуальный сапожник, custom work - работа по отдельным заказам CUSTOM 1) обычай 2) клиентура 3) pl таможенные пошлины – to pass through the customs – trade custom ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. обычай; обыкновение, привычка tribal customs —- племенные обычаи international custom —- международный обычай customs of war —- обычай войны the manners and customs of a country —- нравы и обычаи страны custom in trade —- торговый обычай custom of a port —- портовый обычай it was a custom with him to get up early —- он имел обыкновение вставать рано 2. собир. клиентура, покупатели the shop draws plenty of custom —- магазин имеет большую клиентуру, магазин бойко торгует 3. заказы, закупки в одном магазине и т. п. I shall withdraw my custom from this shop —- я не буду больше делать закупки в этом магазине 4. юр. обычное право; обычаи Id: once is no custom —- один раз не в счет Id: custom is second nature —- привычка - вторая натура Id: a custom more honoured in the breach —- вредная традиция; обычай, который не следует соблюдать 5. ам. изготовленный, сделанный на заказ custom clothes —- платье, сшитое на заказ 6. ам. делающий, производящий на заказ custom tailor —- портной, выполняющий индивидуальные заказы custom mill —- обогатительная фабрика, обслуживающая мелкие рудники ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) обычай; привычка  2) клиентура; покупатели  3) заказы  4) pl. таможенные пошлины  5) attr. - customs clearance - customs duties - customs policy - customs union Syn: see tradition  2. adj. amer. изготовленный, сделанный на заказ - custom clothes CUSTOM dues таможенные пошлины CUSTOM clothes платье, сшитое на заказ ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (customs) 1. A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries... Chung has tried to adapt to local customs. N-VAR: usu with supp, oft N of -ing 2. If it is your custom to do something, you usually do it in particular circumstances. It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously... N-SING: oft with poss 3. If a shop has your custom, you regularly buy things there. (BRIT FORMAL) You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish... N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 4. see also customs ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional  (local/tribal/ancient/Swedish etc custom)  ("Why the pile of salt?" "It's an old Japanese custom." | it is the custom (for sb) to do sth)  (It's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding. | the custom of doing sth)  (the old French custom of serving the vegetables separate from the meat | by custom/according to the custom)  (By custom we had to stop and speak to every person we met.) 2 especially literary something that you usually do every day, or in a particular situation  (He awoke early, as was his custom.)  (- see habit) 3 formal the practice of regularly using a particular shop or business 4 customs the place where your bag is checked for illegal drugs, guns etc when you go into a country  (She was stopped at customs and questioned. | clear customs (=be allowed through customs after being checked)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., from O.Fr. costume, from V.L. *consuetumen, from L. consuetudinem, acc. of consuetudo "habit or usage," from consuetus, pp. of consuescere "accustom," from com- intens. prefix + suescere "become used to, accustom oneself," related to sui, gen. of suus "oneself," from PIE *swe- "oneself." Replaced O.E. юeaw. Sense of a "regular" toll or tax on goods is 14c. Customer (14c.) meant "customs official" before meaning switched to "buyer" (first attested 1409). Customary is from 1523. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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