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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - country


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 I. noun  (plural countries)  Etymology: Middle English contree, from Anglo-French cuntree, contre, from Medieval Latin contrata, from Latin contra against, on the opposite side  Date: 13th century  1. an indefinite usually extended expanse of land ; region miles of open ~  2.  a. the land of a person's birth, residence, or citizenship  b. a political state or nation or its territory  3.  a. the people of a state or district ; populace  b. jury  c. electorate 2  4. rural as distinguished from urban areas prefers the ~ to the city  5. ~ music  • ~ish adjective  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of the ~  2.  a. of or relating to a decorative style associated with life in the ~ an English ~ look; also possessing a style of rustic simplicity ~ furniture  b. prepared or processed with farm supplies and procedures ~ ham  3. of, relating to, suitable for, or featuring ~ music ~ singers
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  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the territory of a nation with its own government; a State. b a territory possessing its own language, people, culture, etc. 2 (often attrib.) rural districts as opposed to towns or the capital (a cottage in the country; a country town). 3 the land of a person's birth or citizenship; a fatherland. 4 a a territory, esp. an area of interest or knowledge. b a region associated with a particular person, esp. a writer (Hardy country). 5 Brit. a national population, esp. as voters (the country won't stand for it). Phrases and idioms across country not keeping to roads. country-and-western rural or cowboy songs originating in the US, and usu. accompanied by a guitar etc. country club a sporting and social club in a rural setting. country cousin often derog. a person with a countrified appearance or manners. country dance a traditional sort of dance, esp. English, with couples facing each other in long lines. country gentleman a gentleman with landed property. country house a usu. large house in the country, often the seat of a country gentleman. country music = country-and-western. country party a political party supporting agricultural interests. country seat a large country house belonging to an aristocratic family. country-wide extending throughout a nation. go (or appeal) to the country Brit. test public opinion by dissolving Parliament and holding a general election. in the country Cricket sl. far from the wickets; in the deep field. line of country a subject about which a person is knowledgeable. unknown country an unfamiliar place or topic. Etymology: ME f. OF cuntree, f. med.L contrata (terra) (land) lying opposite (CONTRA) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) страна 2) территория; район 3) горн. боковые породы - crooked-hole country ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  страна территория; район местность, рельеф broken country flat country highly broken country hilly country ondulating country ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) местность, территория; ландшафт 2) горн. боковая порода; толща, пересекаемая жилой - country of destination - country of origin - rough country COUNTRY OF DESTINATION страна назначения ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. деревенский; сельский - agent in a foreign country - beneficiary country - competing country - country allocations - country branch - country groups - country of export destination - country of goods' origin - country of incorporation - country of issue - country of marketing - country of origin - country of residence - country risk - exporting country - foreign country - less developed country - member country - mother country 2. сущ. 1) страна 2) народ страны 3) родина, отечество 4) деревня; сельская местность - British preference countries - Warsaw Pact countries - advanced capitalist country - back country - backward countries - country of destination - deficit country - dependent country - developing countries - donor country - economically developed country - giving country - independent country - member country - mother country - needy country - non-sterling countries - one-crop country - primary producing country - recipient country - silver standard country - surplus country - under-developed country COUNTRY – country of issue – country of licensee – country of origin – country of patentee – country of priority – absolute novelty country – Convention country – developing country – donor country – industrially advanced country – patent granting country – producer country ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. страна member country —- страна-член (какой-л. организации); страна-участница (какого-л. соглашения) giving country —- страна, предоставляющая помощь country of origin —- страна происхождения (особ. товара) 2. население, народ страны the country is opposed to war —- вся страна против войны 3. избиратели to go to the country —- распустить парламент и назначить новые выборы to put oneself on one's country —- обратиться к избирателям 4. родина, отечество this country —- наша страна, мое отечество country sickness —- тоска по родине, ностальгия 5. (тк. в ед. ч.) местность, территория wooded country —- лесистая местность broken country —- пересеченная местность level country —- равнина 6. (the country; тк. в ед. ч.) sing. деревня, сельская местность, провинция in the country —- в деревне, за городом; на даче 7. область, сфера this is unknown country to me —- это неизвестная для меня область 8. юр. присяжные заседатели; жюри присяжных заседателей 9. (the C.) спорт. бег по пересеченной местности 10. музыка "кантри" Id: every country has its customs; so many countries, so many customs —- что (ни) город, то норов, что (ни) деревня, то обычай 11. деревенский, сельский fresh country air —- свежий деревенский воздух country speech —- просторечие country manners —- грубоватые манеры country road —- проселочная дорога; дорога местного...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of consignment страна назначения (при экспорте); страна происхождения (при импорте) COUNTRY dance noun контрданс (танец) COUNTRY cousin noun  1) родственник из провинции  2) провинциал, впервые увидевший город COUNTRY town noun провинциальный город COUNTRY people деревенские жители; COUNTRY noun  1) страна  2) родина, отечество (тж. old country) to leave the country - уехать за границу  3) деревня (в противоположность городу); сельская местность in the country - за городом; в деревне; на даче; in the open country - на лоне природы  4) периферия, провинция  5) местность; территория  6) ландшафт  7) область, сфера this subject is quite unknown country to me - этот вопрос чуждая мне область  8) жители страны, население  9) attr. сельский; деревенский to appeal/go to the country - распустить парламент и назначить новые выборы COUNTRY party noun аграрная партия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (countries) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A country is one of the political units which the world is divided into, covering a particular area of land. Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world. ...that disputed boundary between the two countries... Young people do move around the country quite a bit these days. N-COUNT 2. The people who live in a particular country can be referred to as the country. Seventy per cent of this country is opposed to blood sports. N-SING: usu the N 3. The country consists of places such as farms, open fields, and villages which are away from towns and cities. ...a healthy life in the country... She was cycling along a country road near Compiegne... = countryside N-SING: the N 4. A particular kind of country is an area of land which has particular characteristics or is connected with a particular well-known person. Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa. N-UNCOUNT: supp N 5. Country music is popular music from the southern United States. ...a famous country singer named Katie Cocker. N-UNCOUNT: usu N n 6. If you travel across country, you travel through country areas, avoiding major roads and towns. From here we walked across country to Covington. PHRASE: v PHR 7. If you travel across country, you travel a long distance, from one part of a country to another. We’ve just moved all the way across country to begin a new life. PHRASE: v PHR 8. If a head of government or a government goes to the country, they hold a general election. (BRIT) The Prime Minister does not have to go to the country for another year. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an area of land that is controlled by its own government, president, king etc  (Pakistan became a fully independent country shortly after the Second World War.)  (- compare nation (1), - see also mother country, -see land1) 2 the country a) land that is outside towns and cities, including land used for farming; the countryside  (I've always wanted to live in the country.) b) all the people who live in a particular country  (The President has the support of over 50 per cent of the country.) 3 farming country/walking country etc land that is suitable for a particular activity  (The Peak District is good walking country.) 4 go to the country BrE if a Prime Minister goes to the country, they ask for a general election to be held ~2 adj only before noun belonging to or connected with the countryside  (They much preferred country life to life in the city.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 13c., from O.Fr. cuntree, from V.L. *(terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before one," from L. contra "opposite." To Eng. as "district," narrowed 1526 to rural areas, as opposed to cities. Replaced O.E. land. Countrified is from 1653. First record of country-and-western music style is from 1959. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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