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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - convert


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 I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~ir, from Latin ~ere to turn around, transform, ~, from com- + vertere to turn — more at worth  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another  b. to bring about a religious conversion in  2.  a. to alter the physical or chemical nature or properties of especially in manufacturing  b.  (1) to change from one form or function to another  (2) to alter for more effective utilization  (3) to appropriate without right  c. to exchange for an equivalent ~ foreign currency into dollars ~ a bond  3. obsolete turn  4. to subject to logical conversion  5.  a. to make a goal after receiving (a pass) from a teammate  b. to score on (as a try for point or free throw)  c. to make (a spare) in bowling  intransitive verb  1. to undergo conversion  2. to succeed in an attempt for a point, field goal, or free throw  Synonyms: see transform  II. noun  Date: 1561 one that is ~ed
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  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by into) change in form, character, or function. 2 tr. cause (a person) to change beliefs, opinion, party, etc. 3 tr. change (moneys, stocks, units in which a quantity is expressed, etc.) into others of a different kind. 4 tr. make structural alterations in (a building) to serve a new purpose. 5 tr. (also absol.) a Rugby Football score extra points from (a try) by a successful kick at goal. b Amer. Football complete (a touchdown) by kicking a goal or crossing the goal-line. 6 intr. be converted or convertible (the sofa converts into a bed). 7 tr. Logic interchange the terms of (a proposition). --n. (often foll. by to) a person who has been converted to a different belief, opinion, etc. Phrases and idioms convert to one's own use wrongfully make use of (another's property). Etymology: ME f. OF convertir ult. f. L convertere convers- turn about (as COM-, vertere turn) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  преобразовывать; перерабатывать перестраивать, реконструировать (здание) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) переводить, трансформировать (из одного состояния в другое) 2) переоборудовать, перестраивать 3) переделывать, преобразовывать 4) конвертировать to convert airplane — переоборудовать самолет to convert data — преобразовывать данные ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  преобразование; преобразованная величина; модификация ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. гл. 1) общ. превращать, видоизменять, переделывать, преобразовывать; трансформировать (в нечто другое); переводить (из одного состояния в другое) to convert water into steam — превращать воду в пар 2) общ. обращать (в другую веру, на путь истины и т. п.) 3) общ. переоборудовать; перестраивать, реконструировать (здание) to convert a mansion into an apartment house — перестроить особняк в многоквартирный дом 4) общ. переводить (величины из одних единиц измерения в другие) to convert pounds to into kilograms — переводить фунты в килограммы 5) фин. конвертировать (обменивать актив на другой тип актива (напр., обменивать одну валюту на другую, обменивать облигацию на акции и т. д.)) to convert bonds into shares — конвертировать облигации в акции, обменивать облигации на акции to convert dollars into euros — конвертировать доллары в евро to convert securities into cash — обратить ценные бумаги в наличные деньги See: convertible securities 6) юр. (изменять юридический характер собственности) convert a firm into a limited company — превратить фирму в акционерное общество 2. сущ. 1) общ. новообращенный, прозелит, неофит 2) общ. переубежденный, поменявший свои убеждения CONVERT гл. превращать(ся), видоизменять(ся), конвертировать - convert at the rate - convert currency - convert into cash -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. рел. новообращенный 2. перешедший из одной партии в другую; человек, изменивший свои взгляды, убеждения 3. превращать to convert smth. to smth. else —- превращать что-л. во что-л. другое to convert swamps into parks —- превратить болота в парки to convert water into steam —- превращать воду в пар 4. эк. обращать to convert securities into cash —- обратить ценные бумаги в наличные деньги 5. обращать (в другую веру) to convert heathens —- обращать язычников (в христианство) 6. ам. обращаться (в другую веру) he has converted to Buddism —- он стал буддистом 7. рел. обращать (грешника); возвращать на путь истинный 8. фин. конвертировать 9. юр. обращать вверенное имущество в свою пользу 10. изменять юридический характер собственности 11. переоборудовать we have converted our house to gas —- мы переделали отопление в нашем доме на газовое 12. перестраивать, реконструировать to convert a mansion into an apartment house —- перестроить особняк в многоквартирный дом ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) rel. новообращенный  2) перешедший из одной партии в другую  2. v.  1) превращать; переделывать (into) A poet is one who can convert ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing. How much does it cost today to convert pounds into dollars? If two chemicals are put together and heated, they can be converted into a completely different substance.  2) обращать (на путь истины, в другую веру и т.п.) (from; to) Priests converted many people from the worship of the spirits of trees and rivers. Priests converted many people to Christianity. Many people willingly converted to Christian.  3) leg. присваивать, обращать в свою пользу (имущество)  4) fin. конвертировать Syn: see change ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (converted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If one thing is converted or converts into another, it is changed into a different form. The signal will be converted into digital code. ...naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins. ...a table that converts into an ironing board. VERB: be V-ed into/to n, V n into/to n, V into/to n 2. If someone converts a room or building, they alter it in order to use it for a different purpose. By converting the loft, they were able to have two extra bedrooms. ...the entrepreneur who wants to convert County Hall into an hotel... He is living in a converted barn. VERB: V n, V n into n, V-ed 3. If you convert a vehicle or piece of equipment, you change it so that it can use a different fuel. Save money by converting your car to unleaded... The programme to convert every gas burner in Britain took 10 years. VERB: V n to/into n, V n 4. If you convert a quantity from one system of measurement to another, you calculate what the quantity is in the second system. Converting metric measurements to U.S. equivalents is easy. VERB: V n prep, also V n 5. If someone converts you, they persuade you to change your religious or political beliefs. You can also say that someone converts to a different religion. If you try to convert him, you could find he just walks away... He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism... He converted to Catholicism in 1917. VERB: V n, V n to n, V to n 6. A convert is someone who has changed their religious or political beliefs. She, too, was a convert to Roman Catholicism. ...a Muslim convert now known as Yusuf Islam. N-COUNT: oft N to n 7. If someone converts you to something, they make you very enthusiastic about it. He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing. VERB: V n to n, also V n 8. If you describe someone as a convert to something, you mean that they have recently become very enthusiastic about it. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to change or make something change from one form, system, or purpose to a different one  (convert sth to/into sth)  (This is part of the process of converting iron into steel.)  (The whole office converted to a new computer system last year. | Our house is a converted barn.) 2 to be able to be changed from one object into another + to/into  (This sofa converts to a bed. | I can't see how this plastic sheet converts into a tent.) 3 to change or make someone change their opinion or habit  (I've converted to decaffeinated coffee.) convert sb to sth  (My daughter has finally converted me to Guns 'n' Roses.) 4 to change or make someone change from one religion or belief to another  (Anne has converted to Islam recently.) ~2 n someone who has been persuaded to change their opinion and accept a particular religion or belief  (a convert to Christianity) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. convertir, from L. convertere "turn around, transform," from com- "together" + vertere "to turn" (see verse). Convertible is from 1385; of cars, 1916, Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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