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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - content


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin ~us, from past participle of continere to hold in, containmore at contain  Date: 15th century ~ed, satisfied was ~ with her life as it was  II. transitive verb  Date: 15th century  1. to appease the desires of  2. to limit (oneself) in requirements, desires, or actions  III. noun  Date: 1579 ~ment ate to his heart's ~  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us, past participle of continere to contain  Date: 15th century  1.  a. something containedusually used in plural the jar's ~s the drawer's ~s  b. the topics or matter treated in a written work table of ~s  c. the principal substance (as written matter, illustrations, or music) offered by a World Wide Web site Internet users have evolved an ethos of free ~ in the Internet — Ben Gerson  2.  a. substance, gist  b. meaning, significance  c. the events, physical detail, and information in a work of artcompare form 10b  3.  a. the matter dealt with in a field of study  b. a part, element, or complex of parts  4. the amount of specified material contained ; proportion
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См. в других словарях

  1. adj., v., & n. --predic.adj. 1 satisfied; adequately happy; in agreement. 2 (foll. by to + infin.) willing. --v.tr. make content; satisfy. --n. a contented state; satisfaction. Phrases and idioms to one's heart's content to the full extent of one's desires. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L contentus satisfied, past part. of continere (as contain) 2. n. 1 (usu. in pl.) what is contained in something, esp. in a vessel, book, or house. 2 the amount of a constituent contained (low sodium content). 3 the substance or material dealt with (in a speech, work of art, etc.) as distinct from its form or style. 4 the capacity or volume of a thing. Etymology: ME f. med.L contentum (as contain) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) содержание 2) мн. ч. содержимое 3) объём (издания) 4) оглавление (книги) - air content - alcoholic content - ash content - asphalt content - caloric content - data content - dirt content - dislocation content - dry-ash-free content - dust content - equilibrium vacancy content - exhaust soot content - extract content - feed surface moisture content - fines content - firedamp content - flour content - flux content - free moisture content - frequency contents - frequency content - gas content - gasoline content of a natural gas - gluten content - grade-size content - harmonic content - heat content - husk content - hydrocarbon type content - ice content - inclusion content - inerts content - information content - interstitial content - liquid-water content - methane content - mineral content - moisture content - noise content - oil content - paraffin content - petrol content - residual carbon content - salt content - sensible heat content - solids content - starch content - steam content - storage contents - substitutional content - sugar content - sulfur content - total work content - transinformation content - vapor content - void content - volatile-matter content - volume content - water content - weight content ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  содержание acid content air content air void content cement content of fresh concrete cement content of the mix cubic content cubical contents of excavation dust content equilibrium moisture content free water content heat content ice content labor content mineral content minimum cementitious content minimum practicable sand content moisture content mortar content natural moisture content natural water content optimum moisture content optimum water content organic content paste content placement water content salt content sand content silt content unit water content void content volume content water content weight content CONTIGUOUS BORED PILE секущая свая ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) содержание; содержать 2) содержимое (ЗУ) 3) уровень 4) степень – crosspolarization content – dynamic content – information content – memory content – synthetic content ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) доля, процент, содержание ( чего-л. в чём-л.) 2) объём, величина, вместимость, ёмкость 3) содержание, смысл 4) информационное наполнение, контент table of contents — содержание, оглавление - absolute moisture content - available moisture content - concept content - content of polynomial - content of set of points - cubic content - energy content - exterior content - free content - frequency content - gas content - heat content - information content - inner content - interior content - linear content - mass content - moisture content - mutual information content - outer content - qualitative content - reduced moisture content - regular content - scientific content - specific metal content - transinformation content - truth content ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) содержание; содержимое 2) объём; вместимость 3) (имеющаяся) информация; информационное наполнение 4) суть; сущность 5) оглавление ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) вместимость, емкость, объем 2) содержание CONTENT 1) содержание 2) оглавление 3) суть 4) объем, емкость – content of patent – contents of specification – information content – meaning content – trademark content ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) содержание 2) объём, вместимость, ёмкость 3) pl содержимое – ash content – caloric content – fat content – gluten content – minimum oxygen content – moisture content – oil content – protein content – sugar content – water content ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. содержимое the contents of a bag —- содержимое сумки 2. содержание the contents of a book —- содержание книги table of contents —- оглавление 3. суть, основное содержание the content of a proposition —- суть предложения form and content —- форма и содержание 4. доля, процент, содержание (чего-л. в чем-л.) a high fat content —- высокая жирность (молока и т. п.) the silver content of a coin —- содержание серебра в монете cottage cheese has a high protein content —- в твороге много белка 5. объем, вместимость, емкость the content of a barrel —- емкость бочки 6. уст. площадь 7. удовлетворение; удовлетворенность; довольство to one's heart's content —- вволю, вдоволь, всласть, сколько душе угодно to live in peace and content —- жить в мире и довольстве 8. голос "за" not content —- голос "против" (в палате лордов) 9. член палаты лордов, голосующий за предложение Id: to cry content (with) —- выражать удовлетворение (чем-л.); восторгаться, восхищаться (чем-л.) 10. довольный, удовлетворенный content with food —- довольный питанием he is content with very little —- он довольствуется малым 11. согласный I am content to remain where I am now —- я согласен остаться на месте I should be well content to do so —- я был бы весьма рад сделать это he wasn't content to live a qiuet life in a small town —- спокойная жизнь в небольшом городе его не удовлетворяла I'm not content to accept poor...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) usu. pl. содержание the contents of a book - содержание книги table of contents - оглавление - form and content  2) usu. pl. содержимое  3) суть, сущность the content of proposition, of a statement - суть предложения, заявления  4) объем; вместимость, емкость  5) доля, содержание (вещества) II  1. noun  1) довольство; чувство удовлетворения to ones hearts content - вволю, всласть  2) член палаты лордов, голосующий за предложение/законопроект; голос за  2. adj.  1) predic. довольный (with)  2) согласный; голосующий за (в палате лордов) Syn: see contented  3. v.  1) удовлетворять  2) refl. довольствоваться чем-л. (with) There was no fresh meat in the market today, so youll have to content yourselves with something out of a tin. It was too wet to go outside, so the children had to be contented with playing indoors. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  I. [c red]NOUN USES (contents) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The contents of a container such as a bottle, box, or room are the things that are inside it. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve... Sandon Hall and its contents will be auctioned by Sotheby’s on October 6. N-PLURAL: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. If you refer to the content or contents of something such as a book, speech, or television programme, you are referring to the subject that it deals with, the story that it tells, or the ideas that it expresses. She is reluctant to discuss the content of the play... The letter’s contents were not disclosed. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl, usu N of n 3. The contents of a book are its different chapters and sections, usually shown in a list at the beginning of the book. There is no initial list of contents. N-PLURAL 4. The content of something such as an educational course or a programme of action is the elements that it consists of. Previous students have had nothing but praise for the course content and staff... N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 5. You can use content to refer to the amount or proportion of something that a substance contains. Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter... N-SING: n N II. [c red]ADJECTIVE AND VERB USES (contents, contenting, contented) Please look at category 4 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you are content with something, you are willing to accept it, rather than wanting something more or something better. I’m perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone... Not content with rescuing one theatre, Sally Green has taken on another. ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ to-inf, ADJ with n/-ing 2. If you are content, you are fairly happy or satisfied. He says his daughter is quite content. ADJ: v-link ADJ 3. If you content yourself with something, you accept it and do not try to do or have other things. He wisely contented...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 contents plural a) the things that are inside a box, bag, room etc  (The box had fallen over, and some of the contents had spilled out. | The customs official rummaged through the contents of the briefcase.) b) the things that are written in a letter, book etc  (If the contents of this letter become known to the Foreign Secretary, there would be grave consequences. | table of contents (=a list at the beginning of a book, which shows the different parts into which the book is divided) | contents page (=the page in a book on which the table of contents appears)) 2 the amount of a substance that is contained in something  (the fat content of cheese) 3 the ideas, facts, or opinions that are contained in a speech or a piece of writing  (They said they liked the content of your article, but the style wasn't quite right for the magazine.) ~2 adj 1 happy and satisfied  (Tarka lay drowsy and content in the sun. | content to do sth)  (John is quite content to watch television for hours at a stretch.)  (She is content with her job at the moment.) 2 not content with if someone is not content with doing something, they do not think that it is good enough, and so want to do more  (Not content with sentencing him to ten years in prison, the judge ordered that he leave the country on his release.) ~3 n 1 literary a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction 2 do sth to your heart's content to do something as much as you want  (We sang away to our hearts' content.) ~4 v 1 content yourself with sth to do or have something that is not what you really wanted, but is still satisfactory  (This is all I have, so you'll have to content yourself with $5 for the moment.) 2 to make someone feel happy and satisfied  (I was no longer satisfied with the life that had hitherto contented me.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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