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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - cast


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 I. verb  (~; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse kasta; akin to Old Norse kos heap  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to move or send forth by throwing ~ a fishing lure ~ dice  b. direct ~ a glance  c.  (1) to put forth the fire ~s a warm glow ~ light on the subject  (2) to place as if by throwing ~ doubt on their reliability  d. to deposit (a ballot) formally  e.  (1) to throw off or away the horse ~ a shoe  (2) to get rid of ; discard ~ off all restraint  (3) shed, molt  (4) to bring forth; especially to give birth to prematurely  f. to throw to the ground especially in wrestling  g. to build by throwing up earth  2.  a.  (1) to perform arithmetical operations on ; add  (2) to calculate by means of astrology  b. archaic decide, intend  3.  a. to dispose or arrange into parts or into a suitable form or order  b.  (1) to assign the parts of (a dramatic production) to actors ~ a movie  (2) to assign (as an actor) to a role or part was ~ in the leading role  4.  a. to give a shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting harden without pressure ~ steel  b. to form by this process  5. turn ~ the scale slightly  6. to make (a knot or stitch) by looping or catching up  7. twist, warp a beam ~ by age  intransitive verb  1. to throw something; specifically to throw out a lure with a fishing rod  2. dialect British vomit  3. dialect England to bear fruit ; yield  4.  a. to perform addition  b. obsolete estimate, conjecture  5. warp  6. to range over land in search of a trailused of hunting dogs or trackers  7. veer  Synonyms: see discard, throw  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an act of ~ing  b. something that happens as a result of chance  c. a throw of dice  d. a throw of a line (as a fishing line) or net  2.  a. the form in which a thing is constructed  b.  (1) the set of actors in a dramatic production  (2) a set of characters or persons in both great houses there is the usual ~ of servants — Elizabeth Bowen  c. the arrangement of draperies in a painting  3. the distance to which a thing can be thrown; specifically the distance a bow can shoot  4.  a. a turning of the eye in a particular direction; also expression this freakish, elfish ~ came into the child's eye — Nathaniel Hawthorne  b. a slight strabismus  5. something that is thrown or the quantity thrown; especially British the leader of a fishing line  6.  a. something that is formed by ~ing in a mold or form: as  (1) a reproduction (as of a statue) in metal or plaster ; ~ing  (2) a fossil reproduction of the details of a natural object by mineral infiltration  b. an impression taken from an object with a liquid or plastic substance ; mold  c. a rigid casing (as of fiberglass or of gauze impregnated with plaster of paris) used for immobilizing a usually diseased or broken part  7. fore~, conjecture  8.  a. an overspread of a color or modification of the appearance of a substance by a trace of some added hue ; shade gray with a greenish ~  b. tinge, suggestion  9.  a. a ride on one's way in a vehicle ; lift  b. Scottish help, assistance  10.  a. shape, appearance the delicate ~ of her features  b. characteristic quality his father's conservative ~ of mind  11. something that is shed, ejected, or thrown out or off: as  a. the excrement of an earthworm  b. a mass of soft matter formed in cavities of diseased organs and discharged from the body  c. the skin of an insect  12. the ranging in search of a trail by a dog, hunting pack, or tracker
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См. в других словарях

  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. cast) 1 tr. throw, esp. deliberately or forcefully. 2 tr. (often foll. by on, over) a direct or cause to fall (one's eyes, a glance, light, a shadow, a spell, etc.). b express (doubts, aspersions, etc.). 3 tr. throw out (a fishing-line) into the water. 4 tr. let down (an anchor or sounding-lead). 5 tr. a throw off, get rid of. b shed (skin etc.) esp. in the process of growth. c (of a horse) lose (a shoe). 6 tr. record, register, or give (a vote). 7 tr. a shape (molten metal or plastic material) in a mould. b make (a product) in this way. 8 tr. Printing make (type). 9 tr. a (usu. foll. by as) assign (an actor) to play a particular character. b allocate roles in (a play, film, etc.). 10 tr. (foll. by in, into) arrange or formulate (facts etc.) in a specified form. 11 tr. & intr. reckon, add up, calculate (accounts or figures). 12 tr. calculate and record details of (a horoscope). --n. 1 a the throwing of a missile etc. b the distance reached by this. 2 a throw or a number thrown at dice. 3 a throw of a net, sounding-lead, or fishing-line. 4 Fishing a that which is cast, esp. the gut with hook and fly. b a place for casting (a good cast). 5 a an object of metal, clay, etc., made in a mould. b a moulded mass of solidified material, esp. plaster protecting a broken limb. 6 the actors taking part in a play, film, etc. 7 form, type, or quality (cast of features; cast of mind). 8 a tinge or shade of colour. 9 a (in full cast in the eye) a slight squint. b a twist or inclination. 10 a a mass of earth excreted by a worm. b a mass of indigestible food thrown up by a hawk, owl, etc. 11 the form into which any work is thrown or arranged. 12 a a wide area covered by a dog or pack to find a trail. b Austral. & NZ a wide sweep made by a sheepdog in mustering sheep. Phrases and idioms cast about (or around or round) make an extensive search (actually or mentally) (cast about for a solution). cast adrift leave to drift. cast ashore (of waves etc.) throw to the shore. cast aside give up using; abandon. cast...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от capillary action shaping technique капиллярный метод выращивания профилированного монокристалла II сокр. от computer-aided storage and transportation складирование и транспортировка с помощью ЭВМ CAST 1) разливка; отливка; литьё; заливка разливать; отливать литой, отлитый 2) отливка; литьё (изделие) 3) продукт одной плавки 4) укладка витков проволоки (в бунт) 5) строит. слепок; отливка лить, отливать 6) крыловатость коробление (древесины) коробиться (о древесине) 7) опускание, бросание (лота, батометра) опускать, бросать (лот, батометр) 8) стереотип отливать стереотип 9) вчт. ядро (в языке АЛГОЛ 68) 10) вчт. приведение типа (данных) as cast — в отливке; cast from the bottom — разливка сифоном; cast from the top — разливка сверху; to be cast in concrete — быть отлитым из бетона; to cast member — бетонировать элемент; изготавливать бетонный или железобетонный элемент cast of oil — цвет масла в отражённом свете; флуоресценция масла - bathythermograph cast - drop-broken machinery cast - furnace cast - heavy-breakable cast - ladle-degassed cast - open cast - plaster cast - rough cast - type cast - vacuum-degassed cast ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  отливка; литьё форма (для отливок); слепок отливать, формовать отлитый, литой отлив (на стене) декоративная гипсовая деталь cast in concrete to cast concrete to cast in place to rough cast bell cast fibrous plaster cast plainface cast rough cast ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) разливка разливать 2) отливка лить, отливать 3) литьё 4) геол. слепок, отпечаток 5) бросок, бросание бросать 6) забрасывать to cast a die — бросать игральную кость to cast against a pattern — отливать по модели to cast a net — забрасывать сеть to cast in situ — бетонировать to cast shadow — отбрасывать тень to cast up on shore — выбрасывать на берег ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) количество производимого продукта; выход (продукции) 2) подсчет, вычисление • - cast in a state - cast up - cast vote 2. гл. 1) бросать; сбрасывать 2) отливать, лить 3) подсчитывать (up) 4) подводить итог - cast a vote - cast in a state - cast into a state ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) сбрасывание (листьев), опадание (хвои); сбрасывать, ронять (листья), опадать (о хвое) 2) pl выбросы, экскременты 3) терять (зубы) 4) менять (рога) 5) выкинуть, родить раньше времени to cast forth — метать икру to cast its coat — линять to cast off — спускать (собак); выпускать (соколов) to cast out — вымётывать икру – earthworm casts – mole cast – needle cast – pine-leaf cast ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. бросок; швырок 2. бросание, метание; забрасывание; закидка cast of the lead —- мор. бросание лота 3. расстояние броска; расстояние, пройденное брошенным предметом a stone's cast —- на расстоянии брошенного камня; библ. на вержение камня; поблизости; рукой подать 4. метание (костей в игре) 5. число выброшенных очков 6. шанс, риск the lask cast —- последний шанс 7. определенное количество; количество добываемого или производимого продукта; выход (продукции) a year's cast of lamb —- с-х. годовой окот, среднегодовой окот 8. то, что отбрасывается, выбрасывается или сбрасывается (кожа змеи) 9. рвотная масса, блевотина 10. экскременты 11. театр. кин. распределение ролей 12. театр. кин. состав исполнителей; актерский состав to choose the cast —- подбирать исполнителей 13. список действующих лиц и исполнителей 14. образец, образчик a cast of smb.'s trade —- образец чьего-л мастерства a cast of cunning —- пример коварства 15. подсчет; вычисление 16. ам. догадка, предположение 17. ам. предсказание; прогноз 18. склад (ума); тип, род cast of mind —- склад ума cast of countenance —- облик men of one cast —- люди одного склада heroines of such a cast —- героини такого типа cast of a sentence —- оборот; строй предложения 19. взгляд; выражение глазъ 20. легкое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  a damper on обескураживать кого-л., расхолаживать CAST a glance at бросить взгляд на CAST a horoscope составить гороскоп CAST a chill расхолаживать CAST  1. noun  1) бросок  2) бросание, метание; забрасывание (сети, удочки, лота)  3) расстояние, пройденное брошенным предметом  4) риск to stake/set/put on a cast - поставить на карту, рискнуть - the last cast  5) форма для отливки  6) гипсовый слепок  7) гипсовая повязка  8) подсчет  9) theatr. распределение ролей; состав исполнителей (в данном спектакле)  10) оттенок  11) образец, образчик  12) склад (ума, характера); тип a mind of philosophic cast - философский склад ума  13) выражение (лица)  14) поворот, отклонение - cast in the eye  2. v.  1) бросать, кидать, швырять; метать; отбрасывать - cast anchor - cast ashore - cast a look at - cast a glance at - cast an eye at - cast light upon - cast a net  2) терять (зубы); менять (рога); сбрасывать (кожу); ронять (листья) - cast the coat  3) выкинуть, родить раньше времени (о животных)  4) подсчитывать (обыкн. cast up.)  5) распределять (роли) to cast actors for parts - назначать актеров на определенные роли to cast parts to actors - распределять роли между актерами  6) браковать (лошадей и т.п.)  7) tech. отливать, лить (металлы)  8) leg. присуждать к уплате убытков - cast about - cast aside - cast away - cast back - cast down - cast in - cast...
Англо-русский словарь
  (casts, casting) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'cast' is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. 1. The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it. The show is very amusing and the cast are very good. N-COUNT-COLL 2. To cast an actor in a play or film means to choose them to act a particular role in it. The world premiere of Harold Pinter’s new play casts Ian Holm in the lead role... He was cast as a college professor... He had no trouble casting the movie. VERB: V n in/as n, V n in/as n, V n • casting ...the casting director of Ealing film studios. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n, N n 3. To cast someone in a particular way or as a particular thing means to describe them in that way or suggest they are that thing. Democrats have been worried about being cast as the party of the poor... Holland would never dare cast himself as a virtuoso pianist. VERB: V n as/in n, V pron-refl as/in n 4. If you cast your eyes or cast a look in a particular direction, you look quickly in that direction. (WRITTEN) He cast a stern glance at the two men... I cast my eyes down briefly... The maid, casting black looks, hurried out. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv, V n 5. If something casts a light or shadow somewhere, it causes it to appear there. (WRITTEN) The moon cast a bright light over the yard... They flew in over the beach, casting a huge shadow. VERB: V n prep, V n 6. To cast doubt on something means to cause people to be unsure about it. Last night a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory. VERB: V n on n 7. When you cast your vote in an election, you vote. About ninety-five per cent of those who cast their votes approve the new constitution... Gaviria had been widely expected to obtain well over half the votes cast. VERB: V n, V-ed 8. To cast something or someone somewhere means to throw them there. (LITERARY) Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle cast 1 cast (a) light on/onto a) to provide new information which makes something easier to understand  (research findings that cast new light on the origin of our universe) b) literary to send light onto a surface  (The candle cast a flickering light on the wall.) 2 cast a shadow literary a) if something casts a shadow over an event, period of time etc, it makes people feel less happy or hopeful because they are worried about it + over  (My father's illness cast a shadow over the wedding celebrations.) b) to make a shadow appear on a surface or area + on/over/across etc  (The oak tree casts a long shadow across the lawn in the afternoon.) 3 »LOOK« a) cast a look/glance literary to look at someone or something + at/towards/around etc  (Sandra waited, casting nervous glances over her shoulder.) b) cast an eye over to check or look at something quickly  (Could you just cast an eye over these figures before I show them to the bank?) 4 cast doubt on to make people feel less certain about something  (Preliminary results from an Anglo-French trial cast doubts on the usefulness of the drug.) 5 cast a vote also cast a ballot AmE to vote in an election  (Barely one in three voters will bother to cast a ballot on February 26th.) 6 cast a spell on/over a) to use magic words or ceremonies to change someone or something  (She's a witch! She'll cast a spell on you if she sees you in the wood!) b) to make someone feel very strongly attracted and keep their attention completely  (Within minutes Sinatra's voice had cast its spell on the audience.) 7 cast your mind back to try to remember something that happened a long time ago  (Cast your mind back to your first day at school.) 8 cast sth from your mind if you cast worries, fears, doubts etc from your mind, you stop feeling worried, afraid etc 9 cast aspersions on formal to make unfavourable remarks about someone or something  (Under the censorship rules, they could not cast aspersions on a foreign power.) 10 »METAL« to pour liquid metal, plastic etc into...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology mil. abbr. Canadian Amphibious Search Team mil. abbr. Computer Assisted Supervision Team ocean sc. abbr. China Association for Science and Technology univ. abbr. Computer Assisted Statistics Teaching univ. abbr. Campus Auxiliary Safety Team univ. abbr. Cooperative Application Of Science And Technology univ. abbr. Center For Applied Sciences Technology electron. abbr. Current Audio Signal Transmission electron. abbr. Custom Array Synthesis Technology non-prof. org. abbr. Children's Aid Society of Toronto educ. abbr. Choral Arts Society Teens educ. abbr. Computer Aids For Students And Teachers educ. abbr. Community And School Together educ. abbr. Computer Aided Self Teaching educ. abbr. Children's Acting School And Theater religion abbr. Christian Actors Sharing Truth firm name abbr. Canadian Atlantic Sea Transport ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  or shed or throw light upon {v. phr.} To explain; illuminate; clarify. * /The letters that were found suddenly cast a new light on the circumstances of Tom's disappearance./ * /Einstein's General Theory of Relativity threw light upon the enigma of our universe./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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