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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - case


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English cas, from Anglo-French, from Latin casus fall, chance, from cadere to fall — more at chance  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a set of circumstances or conditions is the statement true in all three ~s  b.  (1) a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police)  (2) the object of investigation or consideration  2. condition; specifically condition of body or mind  3. Middle English cas, from Anglo-French, from Latin casus, translation of Greek ptosis, literally, fall  a. an inflectional form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective indicating its grammatical relation to other words  b. such a relation whether indicated by inflection or not  4. what actually exists or happens ; fact thought he had failed, but that wasn't the ~  5.  a. a suit or action in law or equity  b.  (1) the evidence supporting a conclusion or judgment  (2) argument; especially a convincing argument makes a good ~ for adopting the proposal  6.  a. an instance of disease or injury a ~ of pneumonia; also patient  b. an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action ; example  c. a peculiar person ; character  7. oneself considered as an object of harassment or criticism get off my ~  Synonyms: see instance  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English cas, from Anglo-French ~, chase, from Latin capsa chest, ~, probably from capere to take — more at heave  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a box or receptacle for holding something  b. a box together with its contents  c. set; specifically pair  2.  a. an outer covering or housing a pastry ~  b. a tube into which the components of a round of ammunition are loaded  3. a divided tray for holding printing type  4. the frame of a door or window ; casing  III. transitive verb  (~d; casing)  Date: 1575  1. to enclose in or cover with or as if with a ~ ; en~  2. to line (as a well) with supporting material (as metal pipe)  3. to inspect or study especially with intent to rob
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. 1 an instance of something occurring. 2 a state of affairs, hypothetical or actual. 3 a an instance of a person receiving professional guidance, e.g. from a doctor or social worker. b this person or the circumstances involved. 4 a matter under official investigation, esp. by the police. 5 Law a a cause or suit for trial. b a statement of the facts in a cause sub judice, drawn up for a higher court's consideration (judge states a case). c a cause that has been decided and may be cited (leading case). 6 a the sum of the arguments on one side, esp. in a lawsuit (that is our case). b a set of arguments, esp. in relation to persuasiveness (have a good case; have a weak case). c a valid set of arguments (have no case). 7 Gram. a the relation of a word to other words in a sentence. b a form of a noun, adjective, or pronoun expressing this. 8 colloq. a comical person. 9 the position or circumstances in which one is. Phrases and idioms as the case may be according to the situation. case history information about a person for use in professional treatment, e.g. by a doctor. case-law the law as established by the outcome of former cases (cf. common law, statute law). case-load the cases with which a doctor etc. is concerned at one time. case-study 1 an attempt to understand a person, institution, etc., from collected information. 2 a record of such an attempt. 3 the use of a particular instance as an exemplar of general principles. in any case whatever the truth is; whatever may happen. in case 1 in the event that; if. 2 lest; in provision against a stated or implied possibility (take an umbrella in case it rains; took it in case). in case of in the event of. in the case of as regards. in no case under no circumstances. in that case if that is true; should that happen. is (or is not) the case is (or is not) so. Etymology: ME f. OF cas f. L casus fall f. cadere cas- to fall 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a container or covering serving to enclose or contain. 2 a container with its contents. 3 the outer protective covering of a watch, book,...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) оболочка; кожух; рубашка; чехол 2) корпус помещать в корпус 3) упрочнённый поверхностный слой (металла) 4) коробка здания 5) лицевой кирпич, лицевой камень 6) декоративный наличник (окна или двери) 7) ящик; коробка упаковывать в ящики или коробки 8) шкаф; камера 9) авто картер 10) бак (трансформатора); сосуд (аккумулятора) 11) витрина; прилавок 12) кфт. футляр 13) бокс (напр. звукозаглушающий) 14) наборная касса, шрифткасса 15) вчт. регистр (клавиатуры) 16) переплётная крышка 17) покрышка (шины) 18) барабанчик (механизм принудительной подачи нити) 19) облицовывать 20) крепить (ствол скважины) обсадными трубами 21) увлажнять (табачный лист) 22) случай; пример - acid blow case - air case - apparatus case - bare case - battened case - battened plywood case - blow case - bobbin case - buffer case - camshaft case - catalyst case - centerboard case - close-boarded case - clutch case - coaxial case - collapsible plywood case - cracking case - diaphragm case - die case - display case - drive axle case - ever-ready case - exception case - extreme case - final drive case - flush-side case - fork-lift battened case - framed wooden case - frame-end fiberboard case - gear case - glass case - handset case - hardened case - heavy case - hooped case - lock case - lower case - low-high transfer case - magazine carrying case - merchant case - metal case - metal-edged plywood case - metal-lined case - molded case - nailed wooden case - nozzle case - outer case - particle board case - pill case - plywood case - plywood-sheathed case - radiator case - refrigerated case - relay...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  чехол, кожух pump case scroll case ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) кожух, корпус 2) кассета, футляр – brace case – carrying case – coolpack case – diaphragm case – earphone case – figures case – mini-Pack case – mini-SIP case – telephone case ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) оболочка; кожух, чехол; обшивка; оправа 2) корпус помещать в корпус 3) ящик; коробка упаковывать в коробки или ящики 4) шкаф; камера 5) авто картер 6) случай; пример 7) обстоятельство, дело 8) представитель множества, экземпляр 9) чемодан, дипломат, кейс 10) полигр. наборная касса, шрифткасса 11) полигр. переплётная крышка 12) строит. коробка здания 13) строит. штукатурить, облицовывать 14) регистр клавиатуры 15) геол. корковая цементация 16) геол. водоносная трещина 17) крепить (скважину) обсадными трубами if we go over to the general case — переходя к общему случаю it is just the case — это как раз и имеет место, это именно так it is not the case — это не так - abnormal case - ambiguous case - cartridge case - case of degeneracy - complex case - conservative case - degenerate case - determinate case - deterministic case - engine case - exceptional case - excluded case - extreme case - fan case - field case - figures case - finite case - finite-dimensional case - general case - generalized case - gyro case - handset case - hypothetical case - ideal case - indeterminate case - individual case - infinite-dimensional case - instrument case - irreducible case - isolated case - job case - lead-and-slug case - letter case - limit point case - limiting case - local case - marginal case - mathematical sign case - multiconstraint case - multidimensional case - multiple-roots case - multivariate case - music type case - non-Archimedean case - one-dimensional case - ordinary case - principal case - protective case - real case - restricted case - rocket motor case - rule case - signal case - simplified case...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) дело (судебное); прецедент; судебное решение 2) оболочка (см. encase) – as the case may be – case at bar – case in dispute – the contrary is the case – case of abuse – case of actual controversy – cartel case – ex parte case – patent case – patent infringement case – priority case CASE сокр. от Council of American States in Europe CASE сущ. 1) случай, обстоятельство 2) судебное дело 3) доводы, аргументы • - appeal case - arbitration case - argue a case - as the case may be - as the case stands - be the case - borderline case - bring a case before a court - call on a case - case administration - case at bar - case dismissed - case documents - case files - case for - case for the defendant - case for wage claims - case in dispute - case in point - case law - case list - case management - case method - case of doubt - case of first impression - case officer - case on appeal - case stated - case study - case submitted - case to answer - case to counsel - circumstances of the case under claim - close a case - close-down case - conduct of case - court case - criminal case - decided case - defend the case - delay a case - dismiss a case - dismiss case - documents of the case - in any case - in case - in case of - in case of need - in no case - in the case of - in this case - leading case - loss-minimizing case - meet the case - moot case - particular case - prima facie case - profit maximizing case - state one's case - such being the case - test case - that is not the case Syn: factor, circumstance, factor, chance, opportunity, instance, occurrence, occasion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) коробка 2) капсула, оболочка; чехол 3) энт. домик – brood case – egg case – spore case – wing case ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. случай; обстоятельство; положение, обстоятельства the case in point —- данный случай; случай, относящийся к делу; подходящий пример in any case —- во всяком случае; при любых обстоятельствах we shall speak to him in any case —- мы в любом случае поговорим с ним in that case —- в таком случае in no case —- ни в коем случае in the case of —- в отношении, что касается in the case of children under 14 —- в отношении детей до 14 лет I cannot make an exception in your case —- я не могу сделать исключение для вас if I were in your case —- разг. на вашем месте я бы that's the case —- да, это так it is not the case —- это не так; дело не в этом, ничего подобного is it the case that he has lost his job? —- правда ли, что он лишился работы? this is especially the case —- это особенно верно if that's the case —- в таком случае, если дело обстоит так, если это верно as was formerly the case —- как это бывало раньше such being the case —- в таком случае, если дело обстоит так; поскольку это так such is the case with us —- вот в каком мы положении, вот как обстоит дело с нами as the case may be —- в зависимости от обстоятельств; смотря по обстоятельствам should this be the case —- если выйдет так as the case stands —- при данном положении дел; в настоящих условиях to meet the case —- быть достаточным; подходить, отвечать требованиям; разрешить вопрос as the case...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  computer-aided software engineering noun автоматизированное проектирование и создание программ CASE I noun  1) случай; обстоятельство; положение; дело as the case stands - при данном положении дел it is not the case - это не так to put the case that - предположим, что... - in case - just in case - in any case - in that case  2) leg. судебное дело; случай в судебной практике, прецедент; pl. судебная практика the case for the defendant - факты в пользу ответчика, подсудимого  3) факты, доказательства, доводы to state ones case - изложить свои доводы to make out ones case - доказать свою правоту  4) med. заболевание, случай; история болезни  5) med. больной, пациент; раненый  6) gram. падеж  7) jargon тип, чудак Syn: see sample II  1. noun  1) коробка, ларец; ящик; контейнер - cigarette case  2) сумка; чемодан  3) футляр, чехол  4) крышка (переплета); корпус (часов)  5) кассета  6) tech. кожух  7) typ. наборная касса - lower case - upper case  8) витрина (в музеях), застекленный стенд  9) constr. коробка (оконная, дверная)  2. v.  1) класть, упаковывать в ящик  2) вставлять в оправу  3) обшивать, покрывать cased in armour - одетый в броню CASE study noun конкретное социологическое исследование ...
Англо-русский словарь
  I. [c red]INSTANCES AND OTHER ABSTRACT MEANINGS (cases) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A particular case is a particular situation or incident, especially one that you are using as an individual example or instance of something. Surgical training takes at least nine years, or 11 in the case of obstetrics... One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail... The Honduran press published reports of eighteen cases of alleged baby snatching. N-COUNT: oft in N, N of n 2. A case is a person or their particular problem that a doctor, social worker, or other professional is dealing with. ...the case of a 57-year-old man who had suffered a stroke... Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet... Child protection workers were meeting to discuss her case. N-COUNT 3. If you say that someone is a sad case or a hopeless case, you mean that they are in a sad situation or a hopeless situation. I knew I was going to make it–that I wasn’t a hopeless case. N-COUNT: adj N see also basket case, nutcase 4. A case is a crime or mystery that the police are investigating. Mr. Hitchens said you have solved some very unusual cases. N-COUNT 5. The case for or against a plan or idea consists of the facts and reasons used to support it or oppose it. He sat there while I made the case for his dismissal... Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging... She argued her case. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N for/against n 6. In law, a case is a trial or other legal inquiry. It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case... The case was brought by his family, who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him. N-COUNT see also test case 7. You say in any case when you are adding something which is more important than what you have just said, but which supports or corrects it. The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »EXAMPLE« an example of a particular situation, problem etc  (In some cases, it is necessary to operate.) + of  (an extreme case of anorexia) case in point (=a clear example of a situation, problem etc that you are discussing or explaining)  (This latest policy is a case in point. | classic case of (=a typical example of a situation, problem etc))  (a classic case of food poisoning) 2 »SITUATION« C usually singular a situation that exists, especially as it affects a particular person or group  (be the case)  (This was found to be the case in many third-world countries. | it is the case (that))  (It is simply not the case that standards have fallen. | in sb's case)  (In Sandra's case, the reasons are less easy to pinpoint. | I'm not supposed to let anyone in without a card, but I'll make an exception in your case. | understate/overstate the case (=make a situation seem less or more serious than it really is)) 3 in that case spoken used to describe what you will do, or what will happen, as a result of a particular situation or event  ("I'm afraid I can't come after all." "Well, in that case I'm not going either.") 4 in any case spoken used to say that a fact or part of a situation stays the same even if other things change  (We have to go past your house in any case, so we'll take you home.) 5 (just) in case especially spoken a) as a way of being safe from something that might happen or might be true  (Take an umbrella, in case it rains. | I'm sure Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring just in case?) b) AmE if  (In case I'm late, start without me.) 6 it's a case of spoken used before describing a situation, especially the one you are now in  (We don't want to sell the car, but it's a case of having to. | It's a case of too many people and not enough jobs.) 7 in case of used to describe what you should do in a particular situation, especially on official notices  (In case of fire, break the glass.) 8 »BOX/CONTAINER« a) a large box or container in which things can be stored or moved  (a packing case...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Continuing Automotive Service Education mil. abbr. Computer Aided System Engineering mil. abbr. Corps and Subordinate Echelons mil. abbr. Common Application Service Elements mil. abbr. Corps Area Support Element mil. abbr. Combined Arms Synthetic Experiment ocean sc. abbr. Coordinated Air- Sea Experiment univ. abbr. Computer Aided Software Engineering electron. abbr. Computer- Aided Systems Engineering electron. abbr. Computer Aided Software Engineering toastm. abbr. Clarkston Area Speak Easy Toastmasters Club gen. comp. abbr. Computer Aided Software Engineering gen. comp. abbr. Common Application Service Elements educ. abbr. Chicago Academic Standards Examinations gen. bus. abbr. Confidence Accessibility Safety And Efficiency gen. bus. abbr. Confidence, Accessibility, Soundness, And Efficiency ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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