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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - button


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English boton, from Anglo-French butun rose hip, stud, from buter to thrustmore at butt  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a small knob or disk secured to an article (as of clothing) and used as a fastener by passing it through a ~hole or loop  b. a usually circular metal or plastic badge bearing a stamped design or printed slogan campaign ~  2. something that resembles a ~: as  a. any of various parts or growths of a plant or of an animal: as  (1) bud  (2) an immature whole mushroom; especially ~ mushroom  (3) the terminal segment of a rattlesnake's rattle  b. a small globule of metal remaining after fusion (as in assaying)  c. a guard on the tip of a fencing foil  3.  a. push ~  b. something (as a push ~) that has the real or symbolic capability of initiating a catastrophe (as a nuclear attack) has his finger on the ~  c. a hidden sensitivity that can be manipulated to produce a desired response knows how to push my ~s  d. a usually box-shaped computer icon that initiates a specific software function  4. the point of the chin especially as a target for a knockout blow  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to furnish or decorate with ~s  2.  a. to pass (a ~) through a ~hole or loop  b. to close or fasten with ~s — often used with up ~ up your overcoat  3.  a. to close (the lips) to prevent speech ~ your lip  b. to close or seal tightly — usually used with up ~ up the house for winter  intransitive verb to have ~s for fastening this dress ~s at the back  • ~er noun
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a small disc or knob sewn on to a garment, either to fasten it by being pushed through a buttonhole, or as an ornament or badge. 2 a knob on a piece of esp. electronic equipment which is pressed to operate it. 3 a a small round object (chocolate buttons). b (attrib.) anything resembling a button (button nose). 4 a a bud. b a button mushroom. 5 Fencing a terminal knob on a foil making it harmless. --v. 1 tr. & intr. = button up 1. 2 tr. supply with buttons. Phrases and idioms buttonball tree (or button wood) US a plane-tree, Platanus occidentalis. button chrysanthemum a variety of chrysanthemum with small spherical flowers. buttoned up colloq. 1 formal and inhibited in manner. 2 silent. button one's lip esp. US sl. remain silent. button mushroom a young unopened mushroom. button-through (of a dress) fastened with buttons from neck to hem like a coat. button up 1 fasten with buttons. 2 colloq. complete (a task etc.) satisfactorily. 3 colloq. become silent. not worth a button worthless. on the button esp. US sl. precisely. Derivatives buttoned adj. buttonless adj. buttony adj. Etymology: ME f. OF bouton, ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) кнопка; клавиша 2) матем. палец; штифт 3) заглушка; тарелка (клапана) 4) щеколда (двери или окна) 5) анодный вывод (ЭЛТ) 6) электрод (каротажного микрозонда) 7) навеска; капля (металла после плавления или пайки) 8) пуговица - activate button - antiretraction push button - call button - control button - eject button - emergency button - emergency stopbutton - engine starter button - fast slave button - flight restart button - frozen button - function button - groove button - horn button - illuminated button - initiate button - key button - light button - load button - lossy ceramic button - pause button - press button - prong-type button - pull button - purl button - pushing button - push button - push-pull button - record button - release button - reset button - rewind button - rocker button - route button - run button - shank button - sharpener button - speed set button - start button - stop button - tack attached button - talk-fisten button - thrust button - trigger button - turn-pull button - turn-push button - wait button ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  кнопка; клавиша завёртка (оконная, форточная) прокладка, подкладка (для крепления оконной или дверной коробки) control button start button stop button stop and rest button ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  тлф. 1) кнопка возврата в исходное состояние 2) кнопка сброса линии 3) кнопка ввода специальных символов BUTTON 1) кнопка, клавиша 2) анодный вывод 3) электрод – AC button – activate button – ADAPTOR/TAPE MONITOR button – all-clear button – auto-edit button – AUTO SP/LP TIMER button – band select button – blank button – brightness button – Cal button – call button – cancel button – CARTRIDGE button – cassette-deck buttons – CD button – CD-player control buttons – CH button – check button – CH SET button – C Memory button – coded dial button – color adjustment button – color selecting button – COLOR SYSTEM button – contrast button – control button – COUNTER RESET button – C Reset button – DAILY button – DATA SYSTEM button – Delete button – DEMO button – Direct button – direct access button – direct call button – EDIT button – EJECT button – emergency button – external line buttons – Fade-in button – Fade-out button – fast forward button – first locking button – Flash button – FM MODE button – function buttons – GEC ON/OFF button – group selection button – handsfree button – HIGH button – Hook button – Horizontal Centering button – Horizontal Size button – Index Search buttons – indicator button – Intercom button – LOUD button – LOUDNESS button – MANUAL button – Message Searching button – M1 - M4 buttons – MS/CUE button – MS/REVIEW button – multifunctional button – MUTING button – NORMAL button – numberic buttons – one-touch buttons – OK button – OPEN/CLOSE button – OPERATE button – OSD button – panic ARM button – PAUSE button – PHONO button – Pincushion button – PLAY button – PLAYER button – Power button – PREVIEW button – PRGRM button – PUSH-JOG button – push-to-talk button – Q-peak-search button – random button – Recall button – Receive button – REC MUTE...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) кнопка; кнопочное устройство кнопочный 2) строит. подкладка, прокладка 3) сферическая головка 4) рельеф, выступ 5) тарелка (клапана) 6) ядро сварной точки - ball button - call button - cancel button - control button - entrance-exit interlocking button - key button - load button - locking button - maintainer's call button - microphone button - momentary-action button - nonlocking button - pendant button - pull button - push button - push-to-lock button - release button - restart button - routing button - single-unit button - spring-opened button - starter button - stay-put button - stop button - talk-listen button - trip button ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. употребляется в сочетаниях - blue buttons ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) лопух (Arctium) 2) энт. листовёртка – beggar's button – broad-barred button – cockle button – common rough-winged button – soldier's buttons – stick button – strawberry button – three-spotted button ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. пуговица to sew on buttons —- пришивать пуговицы 2. кнопка, пуговка button switch —- эл. кнопочный выключатель button torch —- воен. карманный фонарь to press the button —- нажать кнопку (звонка, механизма, машины) 3. то, что имеет форму пуговки, кнопки button nose —- нос пуговкой 4. почка (на дереве) 5. нераспустившийся бутон 6. молодой, маленький грибок и т. п. 7. спорт. шишечка на острие рапиры 8. королек 9. спорт. манжета (кожаная) на весле 10. (круглый) нагрудный значок; бляха (с эмблемой компании, портретом кандидата на выборах и т. п.) 11. завертка (род оконной задвижки) 12. подбородок (в боксе) 13. pl. разг. "орешки", овечий помет 14. pl. разг. мальчик-посыльный (в отеле) 15. мескаль (водка из сока алоэ) Id: on the button —- сл. выполненный четко Id: the timing of each action is right on the button —- все было сделано точно в срок (вовремя) Id: (to have) a button loose (missing), (to be) a button short —- винтика не хватает Id: not to have all one's buttons —- шариков не хватает Id: not worth a button —- гроша ломаного не стоит Id: to press the button —- пустить в ход связи, нажать на все кнопки Id: to touch the button —- "нажать кнопку", пустить в ход машину Id: not to care a button —- относиться с полным равнодушием; плевать Id: to take smb. by the button —- задерживать кого-л. для разговоров, долго и нудно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  switch кнопочный выключатель BUTTON up  а) застегнуть(ся) на все пуговицы Youve buttoned up your coat the wrong way.  б) mil. приводить в порядок войска  в) закрыть(ся), запереть(ся) (внутри помещения) to button up ones mouth coll. хранить молчание to button up ones purse/pockets coll. скупиться  г) подлизываться If you butter Father up, do you think hell lend us the car? He was just buttering up to the director to try to get a favour from him. BUTTON  1. noun  1) пуговица  2) кнопка to press the button - нажать кнопку; fig. нажать все кнопки, пустить в ход связи  3) sport шишечка (на острие рапиры)  4) бутон  5) молодой, неразвившийся гриб  6) attr. кнопочный - button switch not to care a (brass) button - относиться с полным равнодушием; наплевать he has not all his buttons coll. - у него винтика не хватает  2. v.  1) пришивать пуговицы  2) застегивать(ся) на пуговицы - button up - button through BUTTON through застегнуть(ся) на все пуговицы This coat is easy to take off as it buttons through. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (buttons, buttoning, buttoned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Buttons are small hard objects sewn on to shirts, coats, or other pieces of clothing. You fasten the clothing by pushing the buttons through holes called buttonholes. ...a coat with brass buttons. N-COUNT 2. If you button a shirt, coat, or other piece of clothing, you fasten it by pushing its buttons through the buttonholes. Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat. VERB: V n • Button up means the same as button. I buttoned up my coat; it was chilly... The young man slipped on the shirt and buttoned it up... It was freezing out there even in his buttoned-up overcoat. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P, V-ed P 3. A button is a small object on a machine or electrical device that you press in order to operate it. He reached for the remote control and pressed the ‘play’ button. N-COUNT 4. A button is a small piece of metal or plastic which you wear in order to show that you support a particular movement, organization, or person. You fasten a button to your clothes with a pin. (AM; in BRIT, use badge) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a small round flat object on your shirt, coat etc which you pass through a hole to fasten it  (do up/undo a button (=fasten or unfasten a button)) 2 a small round object on a machine that you press to make it work  (Press the pause button.)  (- see also push-button) 3 AmE a small metal or plastic badge (1), often with a message on it 4 button nose/eyes a nose or eyes that are small and round 5 on the button informal especially AmE exactly right, or at exactly the right time  (- see also as bright as a button bright (5)) ~2 v also button up 1 to fasten clothes with buttons or to be fastened with buttons  (I don't like pants that button at the side. | Sam, make sure Nina buttons up her jacket.) 2 button it! spoken used to tell someone impolitely to stop talking ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1265, from O.Fr. bouton, boton "a button, bud," from bouter, boter "to thrust" (see butt). A button is, etymologically, something that pushes up, or thrusts out. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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