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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - bother


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 I. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1728  transitive verb  1. to annoy especially by petty provocation ; irk  2. to intrude upon ; pester  3. to cause to be somewhat anxious or concerned my stomach is ~ing me — often used interjectionally  intransitive verb  1. to become concerned wouldn't ~ with details  2. to take pains ; take the trouble never ~ed to ask  Synonyms: see annoy  II. noun  Date: 1788  1.  a. a state of petty discomfort, annoyance, or worry  b. something that causes petty annoyance or worry  2. fuss
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  v., n., & int. --v. 1 tr. a give trouble to; worry, disturb. b refl. (often foll. by about) be anxious or concerned. 2 intr. a (often foll. by about, or to + infin.) worry or trouble oneself (don't bother about that; didn't bother to tell me). b (foll. by with) be concerned. --n. 1 a a person or thing that bothers or causes worry. b a minor nuisance. 2 trouble, worry, fuss. --int. esp. Brit. expressing annoyance or impatience. Phrases and idioms cannot be bothered will not make the effort needed. Etymology: Ir. bodhraim deafen ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. беспокойство, хлопоты; источник беспокойства we had a little bother with him at first —- вначале он причинил нам некоторое беспокойство I am giving you a lot of bother —- я причиняю вам много хлопот 2. надоедливый человек what a bother you are! —- отстань, ты мне надоел! 3. надоедать, докучать, беспокоить don't bother me with foolish questions! —- не приставай ко мне с глупыми вопросами! he bothers me to death —- он надоел мне до смерти 4. беспокоить, волновать a point, which has bothered us —- вопрос, который нас беспокоил he can't be bothered —- его нельзя тревожить his stomach has been bothering him —- его беспокоит желудок 5. трудиться, давать себе труд don't bother to make tea —- не возитесь с чаем don't bother to lock the door! —- дверь можешь не закрывать, не беспокойся! he didn't bother to be polite —- он не потрудился быть вежливым she didn't bother to lower her voice —- она даже не старалась говорить (по)тише Id: to bother one's head —- ломать голову Id: don't bother your head about me! —- не беспокойтесь за меня! Id: I'm bothered! —- черт возьми! 6. выражает раздражение или досаду тьфу ты!; да ну тебя!; черт возьми! ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun беспокойство, хлопоты; источник беспокойства  2. v.  1) надоедать; беспокоить  2) беспокоиться, волноваться (about/with) Dont bother about the letters, theyre not urgent. Dont bother about seeing me off. Dont bother yourself with the arrangements for the holiday. to bother ones head (brains) - ломать голову  3) суетиться; хлопотать dont bother! - не стоит беспокоиться oh, bother it! coll. - черт возьми! Syn: disturb, harass, pester, plague, trouble, worry Ant: comfort, console, placate, solace ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (bothers, bothering, bothered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it, consider it, or use it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy. Lots of people don’t bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days... Most of the papers didn’t even bother reporting it... Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother? ...and he does not bother with a helmet either. VERB: with brd-neg, V to-inf, V -ing, V, V with/about n 2. Bother means trouble or difficulty. You can also use bother to refer to an activity which causes this, especially when you would prefer not to do it or get involved with it. I usually buy sliced bread–it’s less bother... Most men hate the bother of shaving. = trouble N-UNCOUNT: also a N 3. If something bothers you, or if you bother about it, it worries, annoys, or upsets you. Is something bothering you?... That kind of jealousy doesn’t bother me... It bothered me that boys weren’t interested in me... Never bother about people’s opinions. VERB: V n, V n, it V n that/wh, V about n, also it V n to-inf • bothered I was bothered about the blister on my hand... I’m not bothered if he has another child. ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ about n 4. If someone bothers you, they talk to you when you want to be left alone or interrupt you when you are busy. We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me... I don’t know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish. VERB: V n, V n with/about n 5. If you say that you can’t be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy. I just can’t be bothered to look after the house... PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR to-inf 6. hot and bothered: see hot ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MAKE AN EFFORT« to make the effort to do something + about/with BrE  (I'm too busy to bother about fixing it now.)  (not) bother to do sth  (Unfortunately he didn't bother to check the exact wording of the contract before he signed it. | Nobody listens to me. I don't know why I bother. | (not) bother doing something)  (I don't know if Sally's coming to the party. I didn't bother asking. | don't/didn't/won't etc bother)  ("Do you want me to wait for you?" "No, don't bother.") 2 »WORRY« to make someone feel slightly worried or upset  (Being in a crowd really bothers me.) it bothers smb that  (It really bothered me that he'd forgotten my birthday. | not bother sb)  (Mandy hates walking home alone at night but it doesn't bother me.) 3 »ANNOY« to annoy someone by interrupting them when they are trying to do something  (Danny, stop bothering me while I'm trying to work! | bother sb about/with sth)  (He didn't want to bother her with his financial problems on their honeymoon.) 4 can't/couldn't be bothered BrE used to say that you do not want to do something because you do not have enough energy or interest  (I knew I ought to clean the car but I just couldn't be bothered. | can't/couldn't be bothered to do sth)  (My parents could never be bothered to come and see me in the school play.) 5 not bothered especially BrE if you are not bothered about something, it is not important to you  ("Which chair do you want?" "I'm not bothered.") + abou  (He's not really bothered about getting the facts right.) 6 sorry to bother you spoken used as a very polite way of telling someone you want their attention 7 »FRIGHTEN« to upset or frighten someone by repeatedly trying to hurt them, touch them sexually etc  (Is that man bothering you? Shall I call the police?) 8 hot and bothered angry and worried about something, especially unnecessarily  (What are you getting all hot and bothered about? It's not that important.) 9 not bother yourself/not bother your head to not take time or energy to do something or to think about...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1718, probably from Anglo-Irish pother, since its earliest use was by Irish writers Sheridan, Swift, Sterne. Perhaps from Ir. bodhairim "I deafen." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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