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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - battery


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 noun  (plural -teries)  Etymology: Anglo-French baterie, from batre to beat, from Latin battuere  Date: 1531  1.  a. the act of battering or beating  b. an offensive touching or use of force on a person without the person's consentcompare assault 2a  2. Middle French batterie, from battre to beat  a. a grouping of artillery pieces for tactical purposes  b. the guns of a warship  3. an artillery unit in the army equivalent to a company  4.  a. a combination of apparatus for producing a single electrical effect  b. a group of two or more cells connected together to furnish electric current; also a single cell that furnishes electric current a flashlight ~  c. plural level of energy or enthusiasm needs a vacation to recharge her batteries  5.  a. a number of similar articles, items, or devices arranged, connected, or used together ; set, series a ~ of tests  b. a usually impressive or imposing group ; array  6. the position of readiness of a gun for firing  7. the pitcher and catcher of a baseball team
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См. в других словарях

  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a usu. portable container of a cell or cells carrying an electric charge, as a source of current. 2 (often attrib.) esp. Brit. a series of cages for the intensive breeding and rearing of poultry or cattle. 3 a set of similar units of equipment, esp. connected. 4 a series of tests, esp. psychological. 5 a a fortified emplacement for heavy guns. b an artillery unit of guns, men, and vehicles. 6 Law an act inflicting unlawful personal violence on another (see ASSAULT). 7 Baseball the pitcher and the catcher. Etymology: F batterie f. batre, battre strike f. L battuere ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) аккумулятор; (аккумуляторная) батарея 2) группа или совокупность (одинаковых) устройств; комплект; батарея 3) строит. подмости; полок 4) взрывная машинка - A battery - accumulator battery - acid storage battery - acid battery - aircraft storage battery - air-depolarized battery - alkaline storage battery - alkaline battery - anode battery - atomic battery - B battery - baby battery - balancing battery - banked battery - biasing battery - booster battery - bottle battery - buffer battery - buttonbattery - bypass battery - C battery - cadmium-nickel battery - cell battery - coke battery - dead battery - dirfusion battery - disk battery - drum storage battery - dry battery - dry-charged battery - Edison storage battery - electric battery - electrochemical battery - emergency battery - filament battery - flash light battery - flat battery - floated storage battery - fuel-cell battery - fuel battery - fully charged battery - gaging battery - galvanic battery - grid battery - ground storage battery - heat battery - iron-nickel storage battery - lead-acid battery - mercury battery - mold battery - nickel-cadmium battery - nickel-iron battery - pancake battery - peaking battery - penlight battery - photocharging battery - pie battery - plate battery - plunge battery - primary battery - rail current battery - rechargeable battery - rechargeable solar battery - ringing battery - satisfactorily charged battery - sea-water-activated battery - secondary battery - separator battery - shakedown battery - shell still battery - side-fired battery - signaling battery - silver-cadmium storage battery - silver-cadmium battery - silver-zinc storage battery - silver-zinc battery - slab-oven battery - solar battery - solid-electrolyte battery - standby battery - starter battery - stationary battery - storage battery - talking battery - tank battery - test battery - thermoelectric battery - thermonuclear battery - torch battery - track battery...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  батарея группа из нескольких санитарных приборов со стоком в общую горизонтальную отводящую трубу battery of forms battery of screens battery of silos air cooler battery air heater battery cooling battery heater battery mixing battery tank battery ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  аккумулятор, батарея – A battery – ac battery – accumulator battery – acid battery – aircraft battery – alkaline dry battery – alkaline-manganese battery – alkaline-storage battery – arsenide-galium solar battery – baby battery – buffer battery – C battery – cadmium-nickel battery – capacitors battery – central battery – dead battery – external supply battery – Faure storage battery – flat-type battery – floating battery – galvanic battery – gas-activated battery – grid battery – heat-activated battery – iron-nickel battery – lead-acid battery – lead-calcium battery – line battery – lithium-ion battery – local battery – mercury battery – nickel-cadmium battery – nickel-metal hybride battery – pasted-plate storage battery – phosphide-indium battery – plate battery – plug-in battery – portable battery – power battery – primary battery – radio B battery – radio device battery – rechargeable battery – rechargeable monoblock battery – ringing battery – run-down battery – sealed battery – secondary battery – signaling battery – silver battery – silver-cadmium battery – silver-zinc battery – solar battery – solid electrolyte battery – spark-safe battery – standby battery – starter battery – station battery – stationary battery – storage battery – talking battery – thermal battery ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) батарея; аккумулятор 2) группа (одинаковых) устройств; комлект; батарея 3) аккумуляторный элемент battery has run down — аккумулятор сел battery is gassing — аккумулятор кипит to put battery back in operation — расконсервировать батарею to rejuvenate battery — регенерировать аккумулятор - aircraft-type battery - auxiliary battery - battery of sexes - brine pipe battery - buffer battery - circular diffusion battery - coke-oven battery - common battery - cyclone battery - dry B battery - floating battery - ignition battery - lay up battery - local battery - marking battery - microphone battery - nuclear battery - plate battery - portable battery - recharge battery - relay-supply battery - self-activating battery - silver battery - spacing battery - starting battery - stationary battery - storage battery - straight diffusion battery - thermal battery - vehicle-borne battery - weighted battery of tests - wet-cell battery - zinc-air battery - zinc-carbon battery ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. совокупность критериев - assault and battery - battery system ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  "батарея" В бейсболе baseball, пара питчера pitcher и кэтчера catcher ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. воен. батарея battery position —- огневая позиция батареи battery salve —- батарейный залп to bring a battery into action —- ввести орудия в бой 2. воен. канонада; артиллерийский обстрел 3. эл. (аккумуляторная) батарея, аккумулятор battery car —- электроавтомобиль, аккумуляторный автомобиль battery cell —- гальванический элемент 4. тех. группа или батарея одинаковых деталей; комплект; набор atomic (nuclear) battery —- атомная батарея battery of cards —- текст. комплект чесальных машин battery of kilns —- спец. блок сушильных камер 5. тех. магазин (ткацкого станка и т. п.) 6. с-х. батарея, группа дисков дисковой бороны или культиватора на одном валу 7. преим. юр. избиение, побои; оскорбление действием, нанесение побоев an action for battery —- иск за оскорбление действием 8. муз. ударная группа (оркестра) 9. психол. набор тестов (для определения способностей, уровня развития и т. п.; также battery of tests, test battery) 10. стат. комбинация нескольких критериев Id: in battery —- в боевом положении; на огневой позиции Id: cooking battery —- кухонная посуда, кастрюли Id: to turn smb.'s battery against himself —- редк. бить врага его же оружием Id: to mask one's batteries —- скрывать свои намерения; держать нож за пазухой ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  farm noun птицефабрика BATTERY locomotive noun электровоз BATTERY noun  1) mil. батарея; дивизион (легкой артиллерии); naut. артиллерия корабля  2) electr. батарея; гальванический элемент; аккумулятор (особ. в автомашине)  3) leg. побои, оскорбление действием - cooking battery to turn a mans battery against himself бить противника его же оружием to mask ones batteries скрывать свои намерения ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (batteries) 1. Batteries are small devices that provide the power for electrical items such as radios and children’s toys. The shavers come complete with batteries. ...a battery-operated cassette player. ...rechargeable batteries. N-COUNT 2. A car battery is a rectangular box containing acid that is found in a car engine. It provides the electricity needed to start the car. ...a car with a flat battery. N-COUNT 3. A battery of equipment such as guns, lights, or computers is a large set of it kept together in one place. They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns. ...batteries of spotlights set up on rooftops. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. A battery of people or things is a very large number of them. ...a battery of journalists and television cameras... N-COUNT: N of n 5. A battery of tests is a set of tests that is used to assess a number of different aspects of something, such as your health. We give a battery of tests to each patient. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 6. Battery farming is a system of breeding chickens and hens in which large numbers of them are kept in small cages, and used for their meat and eggs. (BRIT) ...battery hens being raised in dark, cramped conditions. ADJ: ADJ n 7. to recharge your batteries: see recharge see also assault and battery ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ELECTRICITY« an object that provides a supply of electricity for something such as a radio or a car  (I need to change the batteries in the flashlight. | dead/flat battery (=a battery that has stopped producing electricity)) 2 »HENS« a row of small cages in which chickens are kept to produce large numbers of eggs  (battery hens)  (- compare free-range) 3 »GUNS« several large guns used together  (Enemy anti-aircraft batteries immediately responded to the attack.) 4 recharge your batteries informal to rest or relax in order to get back your energy  (A week in the mountains should recharge my batteries.) 5 a battery of a group of many things of the same kind  (Mayer sat at his desk, surrounded by a battery of telephones.) 6 »CRIME« law the crime of hitting someone  (- see also assault and battery) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1531, "action of battering," from M.Fr. batterie, from O.Fr. baterie, from batre "beat," from L. bauttere "beat" (see batter (1)). Meaning shifted in M.Fr. from "bombardment" to "unit of artillery." Extension to "electrical cell" (1748, first used by Ben Franklin) is perhaps via notion of "discharges" of electricity. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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