Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - at
Связанные словари
I. preposition Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ?t; akin to Old High German az ~, L~in ad D~e: before 12th century 1. — used as a function word to indic~e presence or occurrence in, on, or near staying ~ a hotel ~ a party sick ~ heart 2. — used as a function word to indic~e the goal of an indic~ed or implied action or motion aim ~ the target creditors are ~ him again 3. — used as a function word to indic~e th~ with which one is occupied or employed ~ work ~ the controls good ~ chess 4. — used as a function word to indic~e situ~ion in an active or passive st~e or condition ~ liberty ~ rest 5. — used as a function word to indic~e the means, cause, or manner sold ~ auction laughed ~ my joke act ~ your own discretion 6. a. — used as a function word to indic~e the r~e, degree, or position in a scale or series the temper~ure ~ 90 ~ first b. — used as a function word to indic~e age or position in time will retire ~ 65 II. noun also ~t (plural ~; also ~t) Etymology: Lao D~e: 1955 — see kip ~ money table III. abbrevi~ion 1. airtight 2. ~mosphere 3. ~omic AT abbreviation 1. air temperature 2. ampere-turn 3. automatic transmission
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Что такое at
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Ссылка для форума (bb-код):
Самые популярные термины
1 | 1672 | |
2 | 1515 | |
3 | 1269 | |
4 | 1266 | |
5 | 1161 | |
6 | 1118 | |
7 | 1052 | |
8 | 1041 | |
9 | 1040 | |
10 | 1003 | |
11 | 1000 | |
12 | 968 | |
13 | 963 | |
14 | 946 | |
15 | 879 | |
16 | 839 | |
17 | 835 | |
18 | 820 | |
19 | 809 | |
20 | 777 |