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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - another


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  Date: 12th century  1. different or distinct from the one first considered the same scene viewed from ~ angle  2. some other do it ~ time  3. being one more in addition to one or more of the same kind have ~ piece of pie  II. pronoun  Date: 13th century  1. an additional one of the same kind ; one more  2. one that is different from the first or present one  3. one of a group of unspecified or indefinite things in one way or ~
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  adj. & pron. --adj. 1 an additional; one more (have another cake; after another six months). 2 a person like or comparable to (another Callas). 3 a different (quite another matter). 4 some or any other (will not do another man's work). --pron. 1 an additional one (have another). 2 a different one (take this book away and bring me another). 3 some or any other one (I love another). 4 Brit. an unnamed additional party to a legal action (X versus Y and another). 5 (also A. N. Other) a player unnamed or not yet selected. Phrases and idioms another place Brit. the other House of Parliament (used in the Commons to refer to the Lords, and vice versa). such another another of the same sort. Etymology: ME f. AN + OTHER ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. другой, еще won't you have another cup of coffee? —- не хотите ли еще чашку кофе? have another try! —- попытайтесь еще раз! in another ten years —- еще через десять лет another two minutes and I should have missed the train —- еще две минуты, и я бы опоздал на поезд without another word —- не говоря ни слова 2. подобный; второй; еще один похожий he may turn to be another Shakespeare —- он, может быть, станет новым Шекспиром 3. другой, иной; отличный, непохожий that is quite another matter —- это совсем другое дело I feel another man —- я чувствую себя другим человеком couldn't we do it another time? —- неужели мы не можем сделать это в другой раз? look at the difficulty another way —- взгляни на эту трудность иначе 4. другой, новый she now has another husband —- у нее теперь другой муж another day, another plan —- что ни день, то новый план Id: another place —- другая палата (члены палаты общин о палате лордов и наоборот) Id: another pair of shoes —- совсем другое дело; другой коленкор 5. другой; еще один many another has seen it —- это видели и многие другие 6. еще один, подобный such another —- еще один такой же 7. другой, иной take this cup away and bring me another —- уберите эту чашку и принесите другую I don't like this hat, show me another —- мне эта шляпа не нравится, покажите другую 8. другой one would blame him, another would excuse him —- один его обвиняет, другой оправдывает science is...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  place parl. палата лордов ANOTHER pron.; indef.  1) еще один another cup of tea? - хотите еще чашку чаю?  2) другой, отличный I dont like this bag, give me another one - мне не нравится эта сумка, дайте мне другую  3) новый, еще один похожий another Shakespare - новый, новоявленный Шекспир another world - загробный, потусторонний мир another pair of shoes - совсем другое дело taken one with another -  а) вместе взятые;  б) в среднем another place parl. - другая палата ...
Англо-русский словарь
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Another thing or person means an additional thing or person of the same type as one that already exists. Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast... We’re going to have another baby. DET: DET sing-n • Another is also a pronoun. The demand generated by one factory required the construction of another... PRON 2. You use another when you want to emphasize that an additional thing or person is different to one that already exists. I think he’s just going to deal with this problem another day... The counsellor referred her to another therapist. DET: DET sing-n • Another is also a pronoun. He didn’t really believe that any human being could read another’s mind. PRON 3. You use another at the beginning of a statement to link it to a previous statement. Another change that Sue made was to install central heating. DET: DET sing-n 4. You use another before a word referring to a distance, length of time, or other amount, to indicate an additional amount. Continue down the same road for another 2 kilometres until you reach the church of Santa Maria... He believes prices will not rise by more than another 4 per cent. DET: DET amount 5. You use one another to indicate that each member of a group does something to or for the other members. ...women learning to help themselves and one another... PRON: v PRON, prep PRON 6. If you talk about one thing after another, you are referring to a series of repeated or continuous events. They kept going, destroying one store after another. PHRASE: PHR after v 7. You use or another in expressions such as one kind or another when you do not want to be precise about which of several alternatives or possibilities you are referring to. ...family members and visiting artists of one kind or another crowding the huge kitchen... PHRASE: usu n PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ determiner, pronoun 1 used to refer to one more person or thing of the same kind  (Can you pass me another mug? | I'm going to have another beer. | When you've eaten that, you can have another one. | "I can't find that pencil you've just given me." "Don't worry, here's another.") + of  (Is this another of your schemes to make money?) yet another  (He has to go to yet another meeting. (=he has already been to several) | from one...to another)  (We seem to struggle from one crisis to another. | one after another (=used to talk about a series of similar things of events))  (Small businesses have been collapsing one after another.) 2 a different person or thing or some other kind of person or thing  (If that doesn't work, you'll have to find another way of solving the problem. | You can press enter to select this value or type another choice (such as N). | We'll talk about that another time. | another of)  (Another of the speakers suggested abandoning the project altogether. | ... or another (=used when you cannot be specific about what kind of things or people you mean))  (All the kids in this class have learning difficulties of one sort or another. | that is another matter/ thing altogether)  (You can try it, but whether it will work is another thing altogether. (=it is likely that it will not work)) 3 in addition to a particular amount, distance, period of time etc; further  (Let the soup simmer for another 10 minutes. | I let out another 50 feet of rope. | A room with a sea view will cost another $7.) 4 one another used after a verb to show that two or more people or things do the same thing to each other  (They seem to love one another very much.) 5 another Chernobyl/another Pele etc used when talking about a situation or person that reminds you of another famous situation or person, especially because they have extremely good or extremely bad qualities ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - "an other," O.E. simply had oюer. Originally "a second of two." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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