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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - action


Связанные словари


 noun  Etymology: Middle English accioun, from Anglo-French accion, from Latin ~-, actio, from agere to do — more at agent  Date: 14th century  1. the initiating of a proceeding in a court of justice by which one demands or enforces one's right; also the proceeding itself  2. the bringing about of an alteration by force or through a natural agency  3. the manner or method of performing:  a. an actor's or speaker's deportment or expression by means of attitude, voice, and gesture  b. the style of movement of the feet and legs (as of a horse)  c. a function of the body or one of its parts  4. an act of will  5.  a. a thing done ; deed  b. the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition  c. plural behavior, conduct unscrupulous ~s  d. initiative, enterprise a man of ~  6.  a.  (1) an engagement between troops or ships  (2) combat in war gallantry in ~  b.  (1) an event or series of events forming a literary composition  (2) the unfolding of the events of a drama or work of fiction ; plot  (3) the movement of incidents in a plot  c. the combination of circumstances that constitute the subject matter of a painting or sculpture  7.  a. an operating mechanism  b. the manner in which a mechanism or instrument operates  8.  a. the price movement and trading volume of a commodity, security, or market  b. the process of betting including the offering and acceptance of a bet and determination of a winner  c. financial gain or an opportunity for financial gain a piece of the ~  9. sexual activity  10. the most vigorous, productive, or exciting activity in a particular field, area, or group they itch to go where the ~ is — D. J. Henahan
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 the fact or process of doing or acting (demanded action; put ideas into action). 2 forcefulness or energy as a characteristic (a woman of action). 3 the exertion of energy or influence (the action of acid on metal). 4 something done; a deed or act (not aware of his own actions). 5 a a series of events represented in a story, play, etc. b sl. exciting activity (arrived late and missed the action; want some action). 6 a armed conflict; fighting (killed in action). b an occurrence of this, esp. a minor military engagement. 7 a the way in which a machine, instrument, etc. works (explain the action of an air pump). b the mechanism that makes a machine, instrument, etc. (e.g. a musical instrument, a gun, etc.) work. c the mode or style of movement of an animal or human (usu. described in some way) (a runner with good action). 8 a legal process; a lawsuit (bring an action). 9 (in imper.) a word of command to begin, esp. used by a film director etc. --v.tr. bring a legal action against. Phrases and idioms action committee (or group etc.) a body formed to take active steps, esp. in politics. action-packed colloq. full of action or excitement. action painting an aspect of abstract expressionism with paint applied by the artist's random or spontaneous gestures. action point a proposal for action, esp. arising from a discussion etc. action replay a playback of part of a television broadcast, esp. a sporting event, often in slow motion. action stations positions taken up by troops etc. ready for battle. go into action start work. out of action not working. take action begin to act (esp. energetically in protest). Etymology: ME f. OF f. L actio -onis (as ACT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) действие; воздействие; влияние 2) поведение (системы) 3) принцип действия; механизм (работы) 4) работа 5) физ. фазовый интеграл to develop composite action — работать совместно (напр. на изгиб); to throw into action — пускать в ход, включать; to throw out of action — останавливать, выключать - abrasive action - actual grinding action - aggressive action - antifogging action - antirad action - arch action - atomic action - braking action - bridging action - chemical action - chipping action - clutching action - column action - combined action - compensating action - composite action - contact action - continuous action - control action - cooling action - corrosive action - crushing action - cryoprotective action - cutting action - cylinder action - damping action - delayed action - derivative control action - derivative action - direct action - donor action - double action - electrical action - electrochemical action - electrochemical sacrificial action - elementary action - energizing action - external action - fetigue action - film action - flight evasive action - floating action - gate protective action - gouging action - homing action - hunting action - hydraulic action - inhibitory action - input action - integral control action - integral action - interual action - joint action - knitting action - latching action - lead control action - live action - loading action - local action - loop forming action - lubricating action - magnetic action - maximum grinding action - memory action - mudding action - on-off action - output action - oxidizing action - parametric action - perturbation action - pilot delayed actions - plowing action - poisonous action - preflight action - preset grinding action - primitive action - proportional control action - proportional action - proportional plus derivative control action - proportional plus integral control action - proportional...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  действие, воздействие; деятельность action at a distance aggressive action arching action atmospheric action backward and forward action boggy action bounding action cataract action centrifugal action chemical action of concrete setting climatic action combined action control action delayed action double action dynamic action earthquake action equivalent action fly ash action in mix freeze-thaw action frost action gravity action high-low action indirect action most unfavourable action of load principal action of admixture reciprocal action safety action shearing action statical action steady action temperature action two-way action vacuum breaking action wind pressure action on the structure ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) действие, срабатывание 2) влияние 3) принцип действия 4) работа – to throw into action – to throw out of action – battery local action – detection action – electrical action – holding action – illegal action – instant action – joint action – magnetic action – memory action – on-off action – output action – positive-negative action – protective action – pulse action – reset action – resultant action – sampling action – selective action – shielding action – snap action – step action – synchronizing action – thermal action – transit-time action ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сущ. 1) действие, поступок penal action — уголовно наказуемое действие 2) полит. акция, выступление 3) деятельность 4) обвинение, иск, претензия derivative action — производный иск action for possession — иск о владении 5) конъюнктура • - action at law - action for breach of contract - action for nondelivery - action in contract - action in rem - action of debt - action of rescission - action plan - action program - action to quiet title - action-demand chart - administrative action - affirmative action - antitrust action - be successful in action - bring an action before court - bring an action - civil action - class action - class action suit - compromise an action - concerted action - coordinated action - corporate action - counter action - criminal action - default action - defend an action - delay an action - derivative action - disciplinary action - equitable action - expansionary action - follow-up action - industrial action - job action - legal action - matrimonial action - military procurement action - national action - patent action - possessory action - price-fixing actions - random action - remedial action - right of action - state action - strike action Syn: consequence, decision, impact, leverage, effect, incidence, influence, reaction, suit, claim, lawsuit ACTION 1) решение, заключение (патентного ведомства по заявке) 2) действие 3) деятельность 4) акт, документ 5) обвинение, иск 6) судебное дело, судебный процесс – action at law – action competent to a patent office – action for annulment – action for damages – action for declaration of right – action for infringement – action for invalidation – action for renewal – action for revocation – action is final – action on form – to compromise an action – action of merits – antitrust action – chose...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) действие 2) воздействие; эффект 3) работа, деятельность – autorhythmic action – bacteriostatic action – control action – cumulative action – inhibitory action – psychomotor action – reflex action – specific dynamic action – sporostatic action – synergistic action – systemic action ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  "Действие" Федеральное агентство, координирующее все добровольческие программы, спонсором которых является федеральное правительство. Создано как часть программы президента Джонсона Johnson, Lyndon Baines "Великое общество" Great Society, призванной искоренить нищету, неграмотность и другие социальные проблемы общества и оказать помощь слаборазвитым странам. Включает "Добровольцев на службе Америке" Volunteers in Service to America, программы "Приемные внуки" Foster Grandparent Program, "Пенсионеры-добровольцы" Retired Senior Volunteer Program и др. Основано в 1973 по Закону о внутренней службе добровольцев Domestic Volunteer Service Act. В 1995 упразднено, полномочия переданы Корпорации национальныз и местных добровольческих программ Corporation for National and Community Service. Ср. тж. Peace Corps ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. действие in action —- на ходу, действующий; в действии action at a distance —- физ. действие на расстоянии, дальнодействие man of action —- человек дела, энергичный человек to take action —- начинать действовать; принимать меры to bring into action —- приводить в действие to put out of action —- вывести из строя time has come for action —- настало время действовать action! —- мотор! (команда начать съемку и т. п.) 2. действие, работа; деятельность physical action —- физическая деятельность action potential —- физиол. потенциал действия action of the bowels —- действие кишечника, стул 3. действие, поступок noble action —- благородный поступок to be responsible for one's actions —- отвечать за свои действия to judge smb. by his actions —- судить о ком-л. по его делам all his actions show —- все его поведение говорит о 4. акция; выступление, действие collective action —- коллективное действие joint action —- совместные действия overt action against smth., smb. —- открытое выступление против чего-л., кого-л. crisis that demands action instead of debate —- кризисная ситуация, требующая действий, а не рассуждений 5. воздействие, влияние the action of a drug —- воздействие лекарства action of wind upon a ship's sails —- принцип действия ветра на паруса 6. действие, развертывание событий, основная сюжетная линия (в романе, пьесе и т. п.)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of detinue иск о возвращении незаконно захваченного имущества ACTION noun  1) действие, поступок; polit. акция, выступление overt action against - открытое выступление против to take prompt action - принять срочные меры  2) pl. поведение  3) действие, воздействие  4) деятельность action of the heart - деятельность сердца to put out of action - выводить из строя  5) обвинение, иск; судебный процесс to bring an action against smb. - возбудить дело против кого-л.  6) бой in action - в бою to be killed (to fall) in action - пасть в бою  7) действие механизма  8) attr. action radius - радиус действия (самолета и т.п.)  9) attr. боевой action spring - боевая пружина action station - боевой пост  10) attr. action painting - форма абстрактной живописи (разбрызгивание краски по холсту) actions speak louder than words prov. - не по словам судят, a по делам Syn: see act ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (actions, actioning actioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Action is doing something for a particular purpose. The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis... N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 2. An action is something that you do on a particular occasion. Jack was the sort of man who did not like his actions questioned. N-COUNT 3. To bring a legal action against someone means to bring a case against them in a court of law. (LEGAL) Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies. = suit, case N-COUNT 4. The action is all the important and exciting things that are happening in a situation. (INFORMAL) Hollywood is where the action is now. N-SING: the N 5. The fighting which takes place in a war can be referred to as action. Leaders in America have generally supported military action... 13 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in action. N-UNCOUNT: oft in N 6. An action movie is a film in which a lot of dangerous and exciting things happen. An action hero is the main character in one of these films. ADJ: ADJ n 7. If you action something that needs to be done, you deal with it. (BUSINESS) Documents can be actioned, or filed immediately. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 8. If someone or something is out of action, they are injured or damaged and cannot work or be used. He’s been out of action for 16 months with a serious knee injury... PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 9. If someone wants to have a piece of the action or a slice of the action, they want to take part in an exciting activity or situation, usually in order to make money or become more important. PHRASE 10. If you put an idea or policy into action, you begin to use it or cause it to operate. They have learned the lessons of business management theory, and put them into action. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ S1 W1 n 1 »DOING THINGS« the process of doing in order to deal with a problem or difficult situation  (The union is urging strike action. | We need more action, and less talk!) take ~  (The police took firm action to deal with the riots.) go/spring into ~ (=immediately begin doing something with a lot of energy)  (As soon as the SOS call was received, the rescue services sprang into action.) course of ~ (=a series of actions done in order to deal with something)  (One possible course of action would be to raise taxes on alcohol and tobacco.) 2 »SOMETHING DONE« something that someone does  (The child could not be held responsible for his actions. | His prompt action probably saved my life.) 3 in ~ if you see someone or something in ~ you see them doing the job or activity that they are trained or designed to do  (exciting photos of ski jumpers in action | I'd like see the new computer system in action.) 4 put/call/bring sth into ~ to begin to use a plan or idea that you have, and to make it work 5 be out of ~ if something or someone is out of action, they are broken or injured, so that they cannot move or work  (My car's out of action at the moment, so I have to go by bus.) put sth/sb out of ~  (The torn ligaments in his knee put him out of action for the rest of the season.) 6 »COURT« the process of taking a case or a claim against someone to a court of law  (They began an action to repossess the house.) legal/civil/libel etc ~  (The European Commission is threatening legal action against Britain and France to protect the environment.) bring an ~ (against)  (They will bring an action against him if he doesn't repay the loan.) 7 »FIGHTING« fighting or a battle during a war  (When the action ended there were terrible losses on both sides.) in/into ~  (The navy was sent into action.) killed/wounded/missing in ~  (Their son was reported missing in action.) 8 »EXCITING EVENTS« informal exciting and important things that are happening  (I was looking for some action in this hick town.) where (all) the ~ is...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Advising Counseling Testing Involving Orienting And Networking ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. action, from L. actionem (nom. actio), from stem of agere "to do." Meaning "fighting" is from 1599. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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