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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - access


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French acces, from Latin ~us approach, from accedere to approach — more at accede  Date: 14th century  1.  a. onset 2  b. a fit of intense feeling ; outburst  2.  a. permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing  b. freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something  c. a way or means of ~  d. the act or an instance of ~ing  3. an increase by addition a sudden ~ of wealth  II. transitive verb  Date: 1962 to get at ; gain ~ to ~ed the computer by phone
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 a way of approaching or reaching or entering (a building with rear access). 2 a (often foll. by to) the right or opportunity to reach or use or visit; admittance (has access to secret files; was granted access to the prisoner). b the condition of being readily approached; accessibility. 3 (often foll. by of) an attack or outburst (an access of anger). 4 (attrib.) Brit. (of broadcasting) allowed to minority or special-interest groups to undertake (access television). --v.tr. 1 Computing gain access to (data, a file, etc.). 2 accession. Phrases and idioms access road a road giving access only to the properties along it. access time Computing the time taken to retrieve data from storage. Etymology: ME f. OF acces or L accessus f. accedere (as AC-, cedere cess- go) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) авто подход; подъезд 2) вчт., связь доступ; обращение; выборка - actuator access - arbitrary access - authorized access - broadcast access - carrier-sense multiple access - code-division multiple access - current access - delayed access - demand-assignment multiple access - direct access - emergency exit access - failure access - fast access - frequency-division multiple access - illegal access - immediate access - indexed access - indirect access - instantaneous access - keyed access - key access - library access - line access - memory access - mobile subscriber access - multiple access - multiservice access - paging access - parallel access - queued access - radio access - rail access - random access - rapid access - recognizing access - remote access - sequential access - service access - shared access - simultaneous access - single access - single-stroke access - space-division multiple access - storage access - subscriber access - unauthorized access - zero access ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  подход, подъезд, проезд (к зданию) доступ вход access to the project fire-fighting access ready access ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) доступ (к данным в сети) 2) обращение, выборка (данных) – allowed access – anyplace access – anytime access – arbitrary access – authorized access – carrier-sense multiple access – code-division access – conventional access – creeping access – current access – customer access – demand-assignment multiple access – denied access – dial access – direct access – direct-intrasystem access – direct line access – distributed-access access – dual access – duplex access – equal access – failure access – fixed access – free access – frequency-divided multiple access – full double access – granted access – group line access – illegal access – immediate access – indirect access – instantaneous access – interexchange access – key access – line access – loop access – main access – markered access – memory access – menu access – message access – mobile subscriber access – multiple access – multiplexed access – multipoint access – multistation access – mutually exclusive access – nonfixed access – paging access – parallel access – queued access – random access – real-time access – remote access – restricted access – sequential access – service access – shared access – simultaneous access – single-stroke access – space-time division multiple access – spread-spectrum multiple access – storage access – subnetwork access – subscriber access – success access – synchronous access – tandem access – time-division multiple access – transmission access – unauthorized access – zero access ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) доступ; обращение 2) предоставлять доступ, допускать 3) проход; подход to gain access — получать доступ - append access - quick access - read access - slow access ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  доступ – access to markets – economic access – free access – restricted access – unobstructed access ACCESS сущ. доступ - access control - access road - access time - access to account - access to advances - access to capital market - access to credit - access to documents - access to farmland - access to market - access to service - control of access - controlled access - easy access - economic access - have access to - market access - port access - public access - unobstructed access Syn: admission, admittance ACCESS 1. сущ. 1) общ. доступ on open access — в открытом доступе to deny access — запретить доступ to gain, get access — получить доступ to have access to — иметь доступ к access to capital market — доступ на рынок капитала Syn: admission, admittance 2) общ. проход, подход, подступ access road — подъездной путь access control — ограничение въезда 3) общ., устар. приступ, припадок (гнева, болезни; книжный термин) access of grief — приступ горя access of rage — приступ ярости, гнева 4) "Аксесс" а) банк., брит. (кредитная карточка, принадлежащая британским банкам Нэшнл Вестминстер, Мидлэнд, Ллойдс и Уильямс энд Глинс; создана в 1972 г., является членом систем Мастеркард и Еврокард) б) бирж. (электронная система глобальной торговли (24 часа в сутки) сырьевыми товарами, нефтяными фьючерсами и др. энергетическими финансовыми инструментами, связанными с энергоресурсами, созданная в 1973 г. при Нью-Йоркской товарной бирже) See: futures, NYMEX...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  ТВ (access (hour)) зрительские полчаса Время с 19: 30 до 20: 00 на телевидении, непосредственно предшествующее "лучшему эфирному времени" prime time, доступное для выступлений широкой публики access to media. В это время, например, может быть мнение телезрителя, несогласного с редакционной позицией телестанции ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. доступ access to markets —- доступ к рынкам access to shelves —- открытый доступ к полкам в библиотеке on open access —- в открытом доступе to have access to —- иметь доступ к easy of access —- доступный difficult of access —- труднодоступный, малодоступный 2. подход; проход; подступ access door —- лаз; горловина access duct —- входной канал access gully —- тех. смотровой канализационный колодец access to the island —- подход к острову 3. въезд (на дорогу); дорожный подъезд access road —- подъездной путь access control —- ограничение въезда 4. книж. приступ, припадок (гнева, болезни и т. п.) access of grief —- порыв горя 5. добавление, прирост access of tone —- нарастание звука 6. книж. приближение, наступление, приход access and recess of the sea —- морской прилив и отлив access of winter —- наступление зимы 7. комп. доступ к ЭВМ queued access —- доступ с очередями random access —- произвольный доступ sequential access —- последовательный доступ zero access —- быстрый доступ remote access —- теледоступ, дистанционный доступ direct memory access —- прямой доступ в память access right —- право доступа access address —- указатель, ссылка access control —- контроль доступа, управление доступом 8. возможность выступить по телевидению access television —- телепередача, проводимая отдельной группой населения или...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) доступ access to markets - доступ к рынкам access to shelves - открытый доступ к книгам (в библиотеке) on open access - в открытом доступе to have access to - иметь доступ к easy of access - доступный difficult of access - труднодоступный, малодоступный  2) проход; подход access duct - входной канал access road - подъездной путь access control - ограничение въезда  3) book. приступ (гнева, болезни)  4) comput. доступ queued access - доступ с очередями random access - произвольный (прямой) доступ sequential access - последовательный доступ zero access - быстрый доступ remote access - теледоступ, дистанционный доступ direct memory access - прямой доступ в память access right - право доступа access address - указатель, ссылка access control - контроль доступа, управление доступом - access course ACCESS course подготовительные курсы ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (accesses, accessing, accessed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you have access to a building or other place, you are able or allowed to go into it. The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users... Scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area... The Mortimer Hotel offers easy access to central London. N-UNCOUNT: usu N to n 2. If you have access to something such as information or equipment, you have the opportunity or right to see it or use it. ...a Code of Practice that would give patients right of access to their medical records. N-UNCOUNT: usu N to n 3. If you have access to a person, you have the opportunity or right to see them or meet them. He was not allowed access to a lawyer. N-UNCOUNT: usu N to n 4. If you access something, especially information held on a computer, you succeed in finding or obtaining it. You’ve illegally accessed and misused confidential security files. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S3 W1 n 1 the way by which you can enter a building or reach a place  (Access is by means of a small door on the right.)  (Access to the restrooms is through the foyer.) 2 how easy or difficult it is for people to enter a public building or to reach a place + for  (We're trying to improve access for disabled visitors.) have easy/good ~ to (=be able to reach another place easily)  (The house is in a central location with good access to the shops.) 3 the right to enter a place have ~ to  (The public don't have access to the site.) 4 have ~ to to have the right to see official documents, especially secret documents  (Access to the papers is restricted to Defense Department personnel only.) 5 the legal right to see and spend time with your children, a prisoner, an official etc  (My ex-husband has access to the children once a week.) 6 have ~ to a phone/a computer etc to have a telephone, computer etc near you which you can use 7 gain/get ~ (to) to succeed in entering a place or in seeing someone or something  (The police managed to gain access through an upstairs window.) ~2 v to find information, especially on a computer ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. comp. abbr. All Campus Computing Environment Support System non-prof. org. abbr. Association Of Christian Continuing Education Of Schools And Seminaries educ. abbr. Applied Certification Courses For Education Of Special Students educ. abbr. Achieving Continuing Career Education For Success And Satisfaction educ. abbr. Adult Commuter Center Evening Student Services educ. abbr. Acta Citc Canadian Educational Standards System educ. abbr. Abilene Child Centered Educational Support Services gen. bus. abbr. American-Canadian Connection for Efficient Securities Settlement st. exc. abbr. American Computerized Commodity Exchange System And Services ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1300, originally "an attack of fever," from O.Fr. acces "onslaught," from L. accessus "a coming to, an approach," pp. of accedere "approach" (see accede). As a noun, first recorded 1970. Accessory first attested 1414 as a legal term in the criminal sense; accessible first recorded 1610. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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